Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-07-16 Daily Xml



The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA (15:10): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for the Status of Women a question about family support programs.

Leave granted.

The Hon. J.M. GAZZOLA: South Australia has a proud record for volunteering and the Women's Information Service is an excellent example of volunteer efforts having significant positive outcomes for South Australians. The Women's Information Service provides support services to women throughout South Australia, including legal advice. Will the minister inform the council on the Women's Information Service family support program?

The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for State/Local Government Relations, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Energy) (15:11): The Women's Information Service (WIS) is a free information, referral and support service for the women of South Australia. Assistance is provided either in person, over the phone, via email and the internet, and a toll-free number is available for women residing in rural and remote areas.

The rural women's telephone link-up service supports women in South Australia residing in regional areas to access services that they are unable to attend in person. Women are able to call the WIS 1800 toll-free number and will be connected free of charge to any service relating to individual women's health and well being.

In order to advance the information provided to women who do not regularly access the city-based service, 30 WIS information hubs have been established in outer metropolitan and regional areas. Several of these WIS information hubs have been set up in children's centres across South Australia as a result of close working relationships between WIS staff and community development coordinators.

The Family Court Support program was established by the Women's Information Service in 2006 to help make women's experiences in the family and federal magistrates courts safer and more tolerable—a bit more user-friendly. The program is focused on providing support and non-legal advice to women in relation to separation, with a particular focus on women who have experienced violence and abuse.

To date, the program has received 313 inquiries, with 179 court support sessions provided to the women of South Australia. The program is supported by 15 volunteers, seven of whom have recently been recruited and completed a six-week volunteer training program. The training program focuses on aspects of support such as supportive listening, provision of correct information and referral, and ensuring that volunteers understand their role, including the difference between giving advice and giving information. Trained volunteers are able to explain the layout of the court and basic legal processes (not advice) as well as provide information and referral options regarding services that may be of assistance to women.

The court support program also provides support to women in regional areas who often find they have to attend court in Adelaide on their own. It is an important community service aimed at making what can be quite a difficult and stressful situation more tolerable and friendly. While Family Court Support provides non-legal support to women, legal advice is available through WIS in conjunction with the Women's Legal Service. Women are able to contact WIS and receive free, confidential legal advice from the Women's Legal Service. This service is available to all women in South Australia. In this way, WIS is able to provide a comprehensive service to women by providing both court support and free legal advice.