Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-03-25 Daily Xml



Adjourned debate on motion of Hon. R.L. Brokenshire (resumed on motion).

(Continued from page 1743.)

The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE (21:29): I will be brief in summing up. I thank all honourable members who have made a contribution to this debate, which involves my motion to establish a select committee on the taxi industry. I thank honourable members who have indicated their support to me with respect to the taxi industry select committee. I believe that it is an important industry that needs a very serious and focused look at how we can improve the transport industry for the future of our local community and also for those from interstate and overseas.

It is also important that we actually get to the bottom of the allegations, including those that have been put in the press in recent times concerning possible corruption and other misuse and abuse regarding funding and other appropriation matters within the taxi industry. On that note, I commend the motion to establish a select committee.

Amendment carried; motion as amended carried.

The council appointed a select committee consisting of the Hons R.L. Brokenshire, J.A. Darley, J.S.L. Dawkins, B.V. Finnigan, J.M. Gazzola and R.D. Lawson; the committee to have power to send for persons, papers and records, and to adjourn from place to place; the committee to have leave to sit during the recess; and the committee to report on 17 June 2009.