30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-07-16
Question Time (8)
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
Motions (1)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-10-14
- 2009-10-27
- 2009-11-19
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Gathering
- Aboriginal Homelands
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report
- Abortion Statistics
Address in Reply
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-11
- 2008-09-23
- 2008-09-24
Address in Reply (2)
Adelaide 36ers
Adelaide Airport
Adelaide City Council
Question Time (2)
- Adelaide Coastal Waters Study
- Adelaide Festival
- Adelaide Hellenic Cultural Festival
Adelaide Hills Housing
- Adelaide Hills Rail Line
Adelaide Oval
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
- Adelaide Parks, Trees and Gardens
- Adelaide Plains Sporting Community
Adelaide Ship Construction International
- 2009-07-02
- 2009-09-24
Adelaide Showground
- Adelaide United Football Club
- Adelaider Liedertafel
Administration and Probate (Distribution on Intestacy) Amendment Bill
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-02-05
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
Bills (2)
- 2009-03-03
- Administrative Decisions (Effect of International Instruments) Act Repeal Bill
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2008-10-29
Matters of Interest (1)
Questions & Answers (1)
Answers to Questions (1)
Matters of Interest (1)
- 2009-11-18
Adoption (Restrictions on Publication) Amendment Bill
Adult Bookshops
- Affordable Homes Program
- Ageism
- Agribusiness
Agricultural Education
- AIDS Council
Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol Sales to Minors
- Aldinga Turkeys
- ALP State Convention
- Amy's Ride
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Mintabie) Amendment Bill
- 2009-06-02
- Anna Stewart Memorial Program
Anti-Corruption Body
- Anti-Violence Community Education
- Antiviolence Public Awareness Campaign
AP Services
Appropriation Bill
APY Lands
- 2008-11-11
- 2008-11-13
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-03
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-12-02
APY Lands Swimming Pools
- APY Lands, Road Maintenance
- Aquaculture Act
- Aquaculture Act Regulations
Architectural Practice Bill
Armenian-Australian Community
- Assault
- Attorney-General
Auditor-General's Report
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-11-27
- 2009-02-03
- 2009-07-02
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-10-28
Auditor-General's Supplementary Report
- 2009-10-28
Augusta Zadow Scholarships
- Australasian Road Safety Conference
- Australia Day
- Australia Day Honours
- Australia Donna Website
Australian Bight Abalone
- Australian Building and Construction Commission
- Australian Charter of Rights
- Australian Road Rules
Authorised Betting Operations (Trade Practices Exemption) Amendment Bill
Baha'i Community
Bail (Arson) Amendment Bill
- Bail (Discretion) Amendment Bill
Banks, American
- BankSA State Monitor
- BankSA Trends Bulletin
Barossa Rail Service
- Barrier Highway
Baseball Facilities
- Bathroom Facilities
- Bawden, Ms G.
- Berlin Wall
Beverley Four Mile Native Title Agreement
- BHP Billiton, Desalination Plant
Bicycle Lanes
- Bicycle Safety Initiatives
- Bicycle Tracks
Biocompostable Containers
- Births, Deaths and Marriages (Change of Name) Amendment Bill
Black Spot Program
- Blind Cords
Blue, Mr J.N.
Matters of Interest (1)
Personal Explanation (1)
Bradken Foundry
BreastScreen SA
- Bridgestone Australia
Broadband Access
- 2009-04-29
- 2009-06-03
- Bromley, Mr D.
Buckland Park
Questions & Answers (7)
- The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
Question Time (7)
- The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
Budget and Finance Committee
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-11-12
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-10-14
Parliamentary Committees (2)
- 2009-11-18
- Budget and Finance Committee: Operations Report
Building Advisory Committee
Questions & Answers (2)
Members (1)
Questions & Answers (2)
Personal Explanation (1)
Question Time (2)
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Bill
- 2008-09-24
- 2009-10-29
- 2009-11-19
- 2009-12-03
- Building Safety
Building Surveyor Accreditation
Building Work Contractors
- 2009-06-18
Bulk Commodity Ports
Burnside City Council
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-07-02
Personal Explanation (1)
Question Time (4)
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-10-13
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-12-02
Burnside Council Development Assessment Panel
- Burton, Mrs M.
Buses, Disability Accessible
Bushfire Bunkers
- 2009-11-17
- Bushfire Planning
Bushfire Prevention
Questions & Answers (2)
Bushfire Task Force
Business Enterprise Centres
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (2)
Cabinet Ministers
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (2)
- 2009-03-04
- Cabinet Reshuffle
- Call Direct
- Cancer Services Review
- Cannabis Crops
- Car Parking
- Caravan Parks
- Carbon Neutral Economy
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
- Carnie, Hon. J.A.
- Catherine House
- Central Violence Intervention Program
- Centrex Metals
- Chapman, Ms V.A.
- Charities
- Charles Darwin
Charles Sturt Council
Chelsea Cinema
- 2009-04-08
Cheltenham Park
- 2008-09-23
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (6)
Child Abuse
- 2009-07-15
Answers to Questions (2)
- Child Product Safety
Child Protection
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-03-05
- 2009-09-08
- Child Protection Case
Child Restraint Laws
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
Children in State Care
- Children's Centres
- Children's Protection (Harbouring) Amendment Bill
Children's Protection (Implementation of Report Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- 2009-10-15
- 2009-11-17
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-12-01
Children's Scooters
- Chinese Investment
- Chocolate
- Christ the King School
Churchill Fellowship
Citizen's Right of Reply
- City West Precinct
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- 2008-09-11
- 2008-10-14
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (R 18+ Films) Amendment Bill
Clayton Bay
- Climate Change
- Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act Review
- Clubs SA
Cockle Quotas
Cockles, Delivery
- Comfort Women
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-11
- 2008-09-23
- 2008-09-24
- 2008-09-25
- 2008-10-14
- 2008-10-15
- 2008-10-16
- 2008-10-28
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-10-30
- 2008-11-11
- 2008-11-12
- 2008-11-13
- 2008-11-25
- 2008-11-26
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-12-02
- 2009-02-03
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-02-05
- 2009-02-17
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-03-03
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-05
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-04-28
- 2009-04-29
- 2009-04-30
- 2009-05-12
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-14
- 2009-06-02
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-06-16
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-07-02
- 2009-07-14
- 2009-07-15
- 2009-07-16
- 2009-07-17
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-09-09
- 2009-09-10
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-09-23
- 2009-09-24
- 2009-10-13
- 2009-10-14
- 2009-10-15
- 2009-10-27
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-10-29
- 2009-11-17
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-11-19
- 2009-12-01
- 2009-12-02
- 2009-12-03
- Commercial Development
Committee Stage
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-12-02
Bills (3)
Commonwealth Nation Building Program
Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Bill
- Community Corrections
- Community Food SA
Community Television Funding
- Competitions
Compulsory Third Party Premiums
- Condolence Motion: Flying Officer Michael Herbert
Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (Parental Consent) Amendment Bill
Consent to Medical Treatment and Palliative Care (Voluntary Euthanasia) Amendment Bill
Constitution (Appointments) Bill
- 2009-11-17
- 2009-12-01
Constitution (Fixed Session Preceding Election) Amendment Bill
Constitution (Reform of Legislative Council and Settlement of Deadlocks on Legislation) Amendment Bill
- 2009-09-23
- 2009-10-15
- Consultants and Contractors
Consumer Compliance and Enforcement
- Consumer Credit
Consumer Credit (South Australia) (Pay Day Lending) Amendment Bill
Consumer Protection
- 2009-02-17
- 2009-09-09
Consumer Rights
- Container Deposit Legislation
Controlled Substances (Palliative Use of Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
Coober Pedy, Housing
Cooper Basin
- Cooper Creek
- Coorong
Copper Coast District Council
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-23
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-11-11
Motions (1)
Parliamentary Procedure (1)
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-06-18
- Copper Hills Station
Coroners (Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Coronial System
- Corporate Sponsorship
Correctional Services
Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Correctional Services Awards
- Correctional Services Department
Correctional Services Officers
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2009-06-17
- Correctional Services, Budget Cuts
- Cost of Living
Council Consolidation and Better Development Plan
- Counselling Services Funding
Country Hospitals
- Country Press SA Awards
- Country Taxis SA Incorporated
- Court Delays
- Court Registry Closures
- Courts
- Credit Cards
Crime Prevention Unit
- Crime Rates
- Criminal Intelligence
Criminal Investigation (Covert Operations) Bill
Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Undercover Operations) Act
Criminal Law and Mental Health
- 2009-10-13
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Aggravated Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Offences
- Criminal Trials
- Cronin, Dr S.
- Crosby, Dr R.
- Cross Border Family Violence Program
Cross-Border Justice Bill
Crown Land Management Bill
- Daylight Saving Extension
- Deaf Australia
Debt Collectors
- Defence White Paper
- DEH Fencing
- Department of Transport Inquiry Line
Departmental Employees
Answers to Questions (15)
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- Departmental Regional Boundaries
- Departmental Travel
- Deputy Clerk
Desalination Plant
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-10-14
- Desalination Plants
- Desert Spirit Cup
Development (Control of External Painting) Amendment Bill
Development (Major Developments) Amendment Bill
Development (Planning and Development Review) Amendment Bill
Development (Regulated Trees) Amendment Bill
Development (Water Harvesting) Amendment Bill
- Development Act
- Development Applications
- Development Laws
Development Plans
- Development Policy
Development Policy Advisory Committee
Development Sites
- Disability Advocacy
- Disability Funding
Disability SA
Disability Services
Disadvantaged Youth Programs
Domestic Violence
- 2009-02-03
Question Time (2)
- 2009-03-25
Question Time (2)
- 2009-07-02
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-12-01
- Domestic Violence Alert Units
- Domestic Violence Units
Domiciliary Care
- Don't Cross the Line Campaign
- Door-to-Door Traders
Down Syndrome Society of South Australia
Drag and Track Racing
- Dress Codes
Driver's Licence Renewal
- Driving Record
- Drought Reach Program
Drug Court
- Drug Policy
Drug Use Monitoring
Drugs, Detoxification
Drugs, Hydroponic Cultivation
- Dryland Salinity Management
- Easling, Mr T.
East Timor
- Easter
- Economic Development Board
Economic Stimulus Package
- 2009-02-17
Ecotourist Village
Edgington, Mr S.
- Education (Ombudsman and School Discipline) Amendment Bill
Education Department
Education Works
- Educational Software
- Eid Al-Fitr
- Electoral (Cost of By-Elections) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-07-02
- 2009-09-08
Bills (2)
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-09-24
- 2009-10-27
- Electoral Act
- Electoral Education Centres
Electricians, Licensing
Electricity (Compensation for Blackouts) Amendment Bill
Electricity (Electricity Supply Industry Planning Council) Amendment Bill
Electricity (Feed-In Rates) Amendment Bill
- Electricity Feed-In Scheme
Emissions Trading Scheme
- Employee Expenses
Encounter Youth
Personal Explanation (1)
Question Time (1)
- Energy Pipelines CRC
Energy, Star Rating
- Entertainment Industry
Environment and Heritage Department
Environment Protection (Pulp Mills) Amendment Bill
Environment Protection (Right to Farm) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Testing, Monitoring and Auditing) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection Authority
Environment, Resources and Development Committee
Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Desalination Plants
Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Natural Burial Grounds
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Port Bonython Desalination Plant
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Public Transport
Equal Opportunity (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-03
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-03-03
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-05
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-07-14
- 2009-09-08
- Evidence (Propensity Evidence) Amendment Bill
- Excellence in Mining and Exploration Conference
Executive Positions
Fair Trading (Telemarketing) Amendment Bill
Fair Work (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Fair Work (Powers of Entry and Inspection) Amendment Bill
- Fairtrade Labelling Organisation
Families SA
- 2008-10-29
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-12-01
Family Businesses
Family Day Care
- 2009-09-23
- Family Planning Guidelines
- Family Safety Framework
- Fathi Shahin
Female Genital Mutilation
Question Time (2)
Field River Valley
Answers to Questions (2)
Final Stages
- Fine Food Exhibition
- Fine Increases
Finks Motorcycle Club
Fire and Emergency Services (Review) Amendment Bill
- 2009-09-09
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-10-13
- Fire Sirens
- Firearms Amnesty
- Firearms Regulations
- Firefighting Aircraft
First Home Owner Grant
First Home Owner Grant (Special Eligible Transactions) Amendment Bill
- Fisheries Management Act
Fitzsimons, Mr D.
- Flagstaff Pines
Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps
- Flinders Chase Fire
- Flinders Medical Centre
Flood Mitigation
- Flooding, Port Adelaide
- Food Labelling
- Food Scorecard
Foreign Aid
- Forensic Pathology Report
Former Member for Hammond
- Fort Largs
Fossil Fuel Reserves
- Four Mile Mine
- Fraser, Mr G.B.
- Free-Range Eggs
Freedom of Information
- 2008-11-12
- 2009-03-25
Questions & Answers (2)
Freedom of Information (Victimisation and Interference) Amendment Bill
- Freightlink
- Frequent Flyer Points
- Friends of the Women's and Children's Hospital Auxiliaries Division Conference
- Gallipoli Underpass
Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-11-11
Answers to Questions (2)
- Gambling
- Gambling Minister
- Garbage Collection
Gawler East Development
- 2008-09-23
Gawler Racecourse Redevelopment
Gawler Rail Line
Gene Technology (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Genesee and Wyoming Australia
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Right to Damages) Amendment Bill
- Geological Awards
- Geological Experts
Geothermal Energy
Gift Cards
Question Time (2)
- Glassware, Shatterproof
- Glenelg Tram
Glenside Hospital
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Glenthorne Farm
Global Financial Crisis
- GM Crops
Government Advertising
Government Appointments
- 2008-12-02
- 2008-12-02
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-04-30
- Government Boards and Committees
Government Contracts, Probity
- 2008-11-13
- 2008-11-26
Government Procurement
Government Red Tape
- Government Services Online
- Government Spending
Governor's Speech
- Grain Exports
- Grandparents for Grandchildren Incorporated
- Greater Adelaide Region
Grocery Unit Pricing
- Guardianship
- Gun Amnesty
- Hallett Cove Conservation Park
Harbors and Navigation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health and Community Services Complaints Commission
- Health and Fitness Code of Practice
- Health Budget
Health Care (Country Health) Amendment Bill
- Health Claims
- Health Department
- 2009-02-03
Matters of Interest (1)
Ministerial Statement (1)
- Hellene and Hellene-Cypriot Women of Australia and New Zealand
Hemmerling, Dr M.
- Highbury Residential and Open Space Dpa
- HIV Rates
- Home Improvement Tradespeople
- HomeStart
Houseboat Strategy
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Developments
- Housing Indemnity Insurance
Housing SA
- 2008-10-15
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-09-23
Housing SA, Smoke Alarms
- Human Cloning
- Hydro Lord
Hydroponics Industry Control Bill
- 2009-09-24
- 2009-10-13
- 2009-10-27
- 2009-11-17
- In 2 Life
Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill
Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Independent Gambling Authority
Indigenous Consumers
- Indigenous Offenders
- Indigenous Women
- Industrial Relations Commission
Infrastructure Projects
- Innovation Development Grants
Insurance Aggregators
International Day Against Homophobia
International Women's Day
- International Workers Memorial Day
- Internet Sweep Day
Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Bill
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-12-01
Introduction and First Reading
Bills (7)
- IRIS Systems
Iron Ore, Eyre Peninsula
Irrigation Bill
Isolated Children's Parents' Association
Isolated Students Funding
Italian Consulate
Italian Liberation Day
Itinerant Traders
James Nash House
John Knox Church and Schoolhouse
- Johns, Mr K.
Julia Farr Services
- 2009-09-24
- Juvenile Diabetes
Kanck, Hon. S.M.
- Kangaroo Island
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Plan
- Kangaroos
Kapunda Hospital (Variation of Trust) Bill
King, Mr J.
- Kirby, Justice Michael
- Kleenmaid
Labor Party
Laidlaw, Hon. D.H.
- Lakes and Coorong Fishery—Pipi Quotas
- Land Agents
Land Management Corporation
Land Tax
- 2008-11-13
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-03-26
Land Valuation
- Landscape Futures Project
- Law and Order
- Law Enforcement
Le Cornu Site
- LeFevre Peninsula
- Legislation
- Legislative Council
Legislative Council Reform
Legislative Council Select Committees
- Legislative Council Vacancy
Legislative Review Committee
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-24
- 2008-10-15
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-11-12
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-04-29
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-07-15
Parliamentary Committees (2)
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-09-23
- 2009-10-14
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-12-02
- Legislative Review Committee: Aquaculture Variation Regulations
Liberal Party
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-04-29
Matters of Interest (2)
- 2009-09-09
Liquor Licensing
Liquor Licensing (Power to Bar) Amendment Bill
Liquor Licensing (Producers, Responsible Service and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing Act
Liquor Licensing Officers
- Livestock Transport Legislation
Local Government
Local Government (Accountability Framework) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Elections) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Notice of Meetings) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Stormwater Harvesting) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Waste Collection) Amendment Bill
- Local Government Accountability
- Local Government Association
Local Government Awards
Local Government Contracts
Question Time (2)
- Local Government Enforcement Powers
- Local Government Funding
- Local Government Heritage
- Local Government Land
Local Government, CEO Remuneration
Question Time (2)
Long Service Leave (Unpaid Leave) Amendment Bill
Magill Training Facility
- Magill Youth Training Facility
Magistrates Court (Special Justices) Amendment Bill
Main North Road
Main North Road, Evanston Park
Major Project Developments
Major Projects
Maltarra Road, Munno Para
- Maltese Senior Citizens Association of South Australia
- Mannum Ferry
- Manock, Dr C.
- Manuel, Dr B.
- Maralinga Lands
- Maralinga Tjarutja Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment
Maralinga Tjarutja Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Marathon Resources
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-11
- 2009-04-28
- 2009-09-09
Marine Protected Areas
- Marine Scalefish Fisheries—Pipi Quotas
Maritime Services (Access) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Marla Infrastructure
- Marshall, Ms A.
- Maternal Alienation Project
- Mccann, Mr W.
- McLaren
- McLaren Vale Police Station
Meals on Wheels
- Medvet
Melrose Park School
Member, New
- Member, Swearing in
Member's Remarks
- 2008-11-26
Parliamentary Procedure (1)
Personal Explanation (1)
- Members of Parliament
Members' Contribution
- Members' Register of Interests
- Members' Remarks
- Members' Travel Expenditure
Mental Health Bill
Mental Health Practices
- Mental Health Services, Women
- Mental Health, Rural Communities
- Mercy Ministries
- Messenger Press
- Mid North Regional Land Use Framework
- Mid-Murray Region
Mid-Year Budget Review
Answers to Questions (2)
Mineral Exploration
Mineral Exploration, Indigenous Communities
- Mining (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Mining Engineers
Mining Industry
Mining Projects
- 2008-09-25
Mining Royalties
Mining Sector
Minister's Overseas Trip
Ministerial Staff
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-05-12
- 2009-06-02
Ministerial Travel
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-10-16
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-05-12
- 2009-06-16
- 2009-07-16
- 2009-10-13
- Mitsubishi
Mitsubishi Motors
Mobile Phones
- 2008-11-12
Answers to Questions (2)
- 2009-07-17
Mobilong Correctional Facility
- Modbury Hospital Oncology Service
- Monterola, Mr V.D.
- Moomba Gas Field
- Mortgage Broking
- Motor Vehicle Security
Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous No. 2) Amendment Bill
Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Motorsport Facility
Mount Barker
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
Mount Barker Rail Service
Mount Gambier Hospital Hydrotherapy Pool Fund Bill
Multicultural Affairs
- Multicultural Aged Care
- Murray Bridge Racing Facilities
Murray River
Murray River Buyback Scheme
Questions & Answers (2)
Murray River Communities
- Murray River Ferries
- Murray River Marina Strategy
Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Murray-Darling Association
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
Murray-Darling Basin Bill
Nairne Primary School
National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Australian Energy Market Operator) Amendment Bill
National Electricity (South Australia) (Smart Meters) Amendment Bill
National Gas (South Australia) (National Gas Law—Australian Energy Market Operator) Amendment Bill
National Gas (South Australia) (Short Term Trading Market) Amendment Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Arkaroola-Mt Painter Sanctuary Mining Prohibition) Amendment Bill
National Parks and Wildlife (Ban on Hunting Protected Animals) Amendment Bill
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Native Vegetation Code of Practice
- Native Waterbirds
- Natural Burials
Natural Resources Committee
- 2008-09-11
- 2008-09-25
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-17
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-30
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-09-08
Parliamentary Committees (2)
- 2009-10-15
Parliamentary Committees (2)
Natural Resources Committee: Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report
Natural Resources Committee: Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: Deep Creek
Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: Murray-Darling Basin (Volume 1)
Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board
Natural Resources Committee: Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management Act
Natural Resources Committee: Water Resource Management in the Murray-Darling Basin
- Natural Resources Management
Natural Resources Management (Water Harvesting) Amendment Bill
- NCA Bombing
- Newport Quays
- Niarchos, Mr N.
- Noarlunga Railway Line
- Non-Alcoholic Beverages
- North Para Flood Mitigation Dam
- North Plympton Development
Northern Connections
Northern Flinders Ranges
Northern Suburbs Bus Routes
Northern Suburbs Development
Noske, Ms K.
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility
Nuclear Weapons
- Nurse Staffing Levels
Nursing and Midwifery Practice Bill
O-Bahn Extension
- Ocean Energy
- Office for the Northern Suburbs
- Office for Women
Office of Consumer and Business Affairs
- Oil and Gas Exploration
- Old Noarlunga Development
- Olson, Mr J.W.
Olympic Dam
- Olympic Dam Expansion
- 2008-09-25
- 2009-02-03
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-09-22
- Ombudsman's Report
One and All
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-03-24
- OPEL Broadband Network
Open Space
Opening of Parliament
- Operation Flinders Foundation
- Opie, Major L.M.
Outback Areas Community Development Trust
Outback Communities
- 2009-03-24
Outback Communities (Administration and Management) Bill
Outback Roads
- Oyster Growers Levy
- Palliative Care
Panter, Dr D.
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-11
- 2008-09-23
- 2008-09-24
- 2008-09-25
- 2008-10-14
- 2008-10-28
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-10-30
- 2008-11-11
- 2008-11-12
- 2008-11-13
- 2008-11-25
- 2008-11-26
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-12-02
- 2008-12-02
- 2009-02-03
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-02-05
- 2009-02-17
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-03-03
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-04-28
- 2009-04-30
- 2009-05-12
- 2009-05-14
- 2009-06-02
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-06-16
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-07-02
- 2009-07-14
- 2009-07-15
- 2009-07-16
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-09-10
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-09-24
- 2009-10-13
- 2009-10-14
- 2009-10-15
- 2009-10-27
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-10-29
- 2009-11-17
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-11-19
- 2009-12-01
- 2009-12-02
- 2009-12-03
- Para Wirra Recreation Park
Parental Rights and Child Protection
- Parking
- Parliament, Sitting Program
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
Parliamentary Debate
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Basic Salary Determinations) Amendment Bill
- Parole
Partnerships (Venture Capital) Amendment Bill
Passenger Transport (Driver Accreditation) Amendment Bill
Passenger Transport Act
Payroll Tax Bill
Penola Bypass
Penrice Mine
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
Petroleum (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Petroleum Act
Petroleum Exploration
- 2009-06-03
- Petroleum Industry
Petroleum Products Subsidy Act Repeal Bill
- Physiotherapy Board of South Australia
- Pike River Conservation Park
- Pipi Quota Management System
- Places for People Program
- Planning and Development Fund Grants
Planning and Development Report
- Planning and Local Government Department
Planning Approvals
Planning SA
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (2)
- 2009-05-12
Plant Health Bill
Plastic Shopping Bags (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Player Tracking Technology
Point Lowly
Police Bail, Children
- Police Barring Orders
- Police Commissioner
- Police Complaints Authority
Police Conduct
- Police Headquarters
Police Numbers
Police Prisons
Police Procedure
- 2009-07-16
Police Recruitment
Police Resources
- Police Response
Police Road Safety Policy
- 2009-04-08
Police Uniforms
Police, APY Lands
- Police, Indigenous Staff
- Political Conduct
- Political Donations
Population Growth
- Port Adelaide Redevelopment
Port Augusta
Port Augusta Hospital
- Port Augusta Medical Transfers
Port Augusta Prison
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (3)
Question Time (2)
- 2008-10-29
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2009-06-17
- Port Facilities
- Port Hughes Development
Port Lincoln
Port Lincoln Iron Ore Export Facility
Port Lincoln, Planning
- 2009-09-08
- Port Pirie, Future Development
Power Assisted Pedal Bikes
- Powers of Attorney
Premier's Council for Women
- Premier's Twitter Site
Premier's Women's Directory
President Barack Obama
- Price Comparator Websites
- Price Scanning
Primary Industries and Resources SA
Printing Committee
Prison Staffing
- 2008-10-15
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- Prisoner Education
- Prisoner Rehabilitation
Prisoner Rehabilitation Programs
Answers to Questions (2)
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2008-10-29
- 2009-03-04
Prisons, Beds
- Prisons, Hepatitis C
Prisons, New
Prisons, Overcrowding
- Private Certifiers
Product Safety
- Project Coordination Board
- Property Valuations
- Prospector of the Year Award
Psychological Practice Bill
- Public Employment Commissioner
- Public Infrastructure
- Public Interest Litigation
- Public Schools
Public Sector Bill
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-28
- 2009-04-30
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-14
- 2009-06-02
- 2009-06-03
Answers to Questions (1)
- Bills
Personal Explanation (1)
- 2009-07-14
- 2009-07-16
- 2009-09-08
- Public Sector Executive Contracts
Public Sector Management (Consequential) Amendment Bill
- Public Sector Reform
- Public Service Appointments
Public Service Employees
Answers to Questions (60)
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
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- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
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- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
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- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.I. LUCAS, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
Public Transport
Public Transport, Advertising
Public-Private Partnerships
- 2008-09-11
- 2009-04-08
Answers to Questions (1)
Question Time (1)
Publishing Committee
- Queama, Mr Kunmanara
- Questions on Notice
Questions Without Notice
Questions & Answers (2)
Racing Industry
- 2008-09-11
- 2009-03-25
Motions (1)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-04-29
- 2009-06-17
Rail Commissioner Bill
Rail Line, Northern Suburbs
- Rail Line, Southern Suburbs
Rail Safety
- Rail Stock
- Rankine, Mr H.
- Rau
Real Estate Industry
- Reclaim the Night
- Recreational Boating
- Recreational Services
Recreational Water Craft
- Redford, Mr A.
Referendum (Reform of Legislative Council and Settlement of Deadlocks on Legislation) Bill
Refuse Control
- Regional Airstrips
- Regional Communities
Regional Development Australia
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-10-13
Regional Development Boards
- Regional Land Use Frameworks
Regional Local Government Associations
- Regional Rail Service
Regulating Government Publicity Bill
- Remembrance Day
Renewable Energy
Renmark Irrigation Trust Bill
- Renmark/Paringa Hospital
- Rental Auctions
Repay SA
- Replies to Questions
Reproductive Technology (Clinical Practices) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Residential Development
Residential Development Code
- 2009-04-07
- 2009-04-28
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2009-06-18
- Residential Tenanc
Residential Tenancies
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
Answers to Questions (2)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-10-14
Residential Tenancies Act
- 2008-11-11
- Rest Stops
- Restorative Justice
- Retail Shopping
- Retail Traders
- Retraction and Apology
- Returning Home Project
- Right of Assembly Bill
River Torrens Linear Park (Linear Parks) Amendment Bill
- Riverside Golf Club
Road Safety
Road Safety Forum
- Road Signage
Road Traffic (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Roads
Robinson, Mr S.A.
- 2009-07-15
- Rock Lobster (Northern Zone) Fishery
- Rock Lobster Quotas
Roseworthy Campus
Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) (Olympic Dam Expansion) Amendment Bill
Roxby Downs Council
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2008-10-28
- 2009-02-19
- 2009-03-25
- 2009-04-08
Personal Explanation (2)
Question Time (3)
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-07-15
Question Time (2)
Royal Adelaide Hospital Radiation Oncology Review
Rural Solutions SA
Rural Woman of the Year
- Rural Women
SA Jockey Club
SA Lotteries
- SA Water
- SA Water Billing Procedures
Safe at Home Program
- Safe Climate Bill
- Safe Work Awards
- SafeWork SA
- Sale of Goods and Warehouse Liens Legislation
- Same Sex Marriage
- Samphire Coast
Sands Lifestyle Village
Question Time (2)
- Santos
- Saskatchewan Mining Development
School Buses
- School Closures/Mergers
Schoolies Festival
- 2008-11-12
- 2009-11-17
- Schools, Truancy
- Sea Level
- Seafood, Prepacked
- Seaford Rail Service
Seatbelt Exemptions
Second Reading
- 2008-12-02
Bills (12)
- The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD
- The Hon. M. PARNELL, The Hon. M. PARNELL
- The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY, The Hon. G.E. GAGO
- The Hon. S.G. WADE, The Hon. R.L. BROKENSHIRE
- The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. R.D. LAWSON
- The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
Bills (10)
- The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD, The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO, The Hon. J.A. DARLEY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY
- The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY, The Hon. J.A. DARLEY, The Hon. I.K. HUNTER
- The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. D.G.E. HOOD, The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY
- Second-Hand Car Dealers
- Second-Hand Vehicle Dealers
Second-Hand Vehicle Dealers (Cooling-Off Rights) Amendment Bill
- Security and Investigation Agents
- Select Committee on Allegedly Unlawful Practices Raised
Select Committee on Allegedly Unlawful Practices Raised in the Auditor-General's Report 2003-04
Select Committee on Certain Matters Relating to Horse Racing in South Australia
Parliamentary Committees (2)
Parliamentary Procedure (2)
Personal Explanation (1)
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-12-01
- 2009-12-02
Select Committee on Collection of Property Taxes by State and Local Government, Including Sewerage Charges by SA Water
Select Committee on Conduct by PIRSA in Fishing of Mud Cockles in Marine Scalefish and Lakes and Coorong Pipi Fisheries
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-09-08
- 2009-09-09
Parliamentary Committees (2)
Select Committee on Families SA
Select Committee on Impact of Peak Oil on South Australia
Select Committee on Proposed Sale and Redevelopment of the Glenside Hospital Site
Select Committee on SA Water
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-23
- 2008-11-26
- 2009-02-19
Parliamentary Committees (1)
Parliamentary Procedure (1)
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-12-01
- 2009-12-02
Select Committee on Staffing, Resourcing and Efficiency of South Australia Police
Select Committee on Tax-Payer Funded Government Advertising Campaigns
Select Committee on Taxi Industry in South Australia
Select Committee on the Atkinson/Ashbourne/Clarke Affair
Seniors Card
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) (Close Personal Associates) Amendment Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Act Review
Serious and Organised Crime (Unexplained Wealth) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime Applications
Service SA
- Sesquicentenary Publication
- Sessional Committees
Sex Offender Treatment Program
Sexual Behaviour Clinic
Sexual Offences
Shell Grit Mining
- Shepard, Mr M.
- SHine SA and the AIDS Council of SA
Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association
Significant Trees
- Silica Dust and Mining
Sittings and Business
- 2009-02-17
- Small Block Irrigators Exit Grant Scheme
Small Business
- Small Business Development Conference Awards
Small Business Month
- Small Business Office
- Small Business Statement
Smithfield Railway Station
Questions & Answers (2)
- 2008-10-29
Soccer Stadiums
Social Development Committee
Social Development Committee: Health Department Hypnosis Report
Social Development Committee: Inquiry into Bogus, Unregistered and Deregistered Health Practitioners
Solar Hot Water Rebates
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Council of Social Service
South Australian Country Arts Trust (Constitution of Trust) Amendment Bill
South Australian Economy
Matters of Interest (1)
Question Time (1)
- South Australian Innovators
- South Australian Jockey Club
- South Australian National Football League
- South Australian Scientist of the Year
South Australian Sports Institute
Matters of Interest (1)
Question Time (1)
- South East Road Safety Strategy
- South Road Superway
Southern Expressway
Southern State Superannuation Bill
- Southern Suburbs Development
- Southern Suburbs Rail Service
- Southern Theatre and Arts Group
Spent Convictions
Spent Convictions (No. 2) Bill
- Spinal Cord Injuries
Sporting Facilities
- Sporting Facilities, Audit
St Clair Land Swap
- 2009-10-27
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (4)
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (3)
- St Hilarion Aged Care Facility
Stamp Duties (Tax Reform) Amendment Bill
- Stamp Duty
Standard Time Bill
- Standing Orders
Standing Orders Committee
Standing Orders Suspension
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-09-10
- 2008-10-30
- 2008-11-13
- 2008-11-26
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-11-27
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-06-04
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-07-02
Parliamentary Procedure (2)
- 2009-09-10
- 2009-09-24
- 2009-10-15
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-11-18
- 2009-11-19
- 2009-12-02
- 2009-12-03
Stansbury Marina
- 2009-09-10
- 2009-11-19
- State Administration Centre
- State Administration Centre Car Parks
- State Aquatic Centre
- State Borrowings
- State Budget
- State Fleet
- State Government
- State Government Investments
- State of Our Environment Report
- State/Local Government Relations
- Status of Women
- Statutes Amendment (Assaults on Police) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Australian Energy Market Operator) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Betting Operations) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Bulk Goods) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Children's Protection) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Council Allowances) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas—Information Management and Retailer of Last Resort) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Energy Efficiency Shortfalls) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Location of Gaming Venues) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Industrial Relations System) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Play Tracking Technology) Amendment Bill
Statutes Amendment (Power to Bar) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and Regulation of Research Involving Human Embryos) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Property Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Public Health Incidents and Emergencies) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Consequential Amendments) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Recidivist Young Offenders and Youth Parole Board) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio—Alcohol and Drugs) Bill
- 2008-11-12
- 2009-02-03
Bills (2)
- 2009-02-17
- 2009-03-04
- 2009-03-24
Statutes Amendment (Victims of Crime) Bill
- 2009-02-04
- 2009-02-05
- 2009-03-24
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-04-28
- 2009-10-28
- 2009-10-29
- 2009-12-01
Bills (2)
Bills (3)
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Fair Trading) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Trade Measurement) Bill
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report
Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Inquiry into the Independent Gambling Authority
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Land Management Corporation
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Office of the Public Trustee
Statutory Officers Committee
Steeplechase and Hurdle Racing
- Stony Hill Vineyard
- Stormwater Harvesting
Stormwater Initiatives
- Strata and Community Title Reform
Strategy and Sustainability Director
Structural Engineering Calculations
Subordinate Legislation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Sugarloaf Pipeline
Suicide Prevention
Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Piercing and Scarification) Amendment Bill
Sundry Traders
Super Schools
Superannuation Schemes
Supply Bill
- Supreme Court Buildings
Surf Life Saving South Australia
Survey (Funding and Promotion of Surveying Qualifications) Amendment Bill
- Suspended Sentences
- Sustainability Awards
- Swimming and Aquatics Instructors
Swimming Pool Safety
- Swimming Pools
Swine Flu
- 2009-04-29
Ministerial Statement (1)
Question Time (1)
- 2009-06-02
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-16
- 2009-06-17
- 2009-07-15
Swine Flu Vaccinations
- TAFE Adelaide South
- Tamil Community
- Tarcowie and Laura Road Intersection
- Tasers
Tatiara Rail Service
- Taxation
Taxi Industry
- 2009-02-18
- 2009-02-18
- Taxi Ranks
- Taxis, Country
Teachers Registration Board
- Technical and Further Education
- Techport Australia
- Telstra Businesswoman of the Year Awards
The Great Boomerang
- The Woolshed
- Theft
Thinker in Residence
Third Reading
- 2008-12-02
Bills (2)
- Thoroughbred Racing SA
Tonsley and Belair Railway Lines
Answers to Questions (2)
Tonsley Rail Service
Torrens Aqueduct
Tour Down Under
- Tourism Statistics
Trade Measurement Inspections
Train Timetables
Questions & Answers (2)
- Training Opportunities
- Trains, Security
Tram Tickets
- Tram, Shared-Use Path
- Trams
Transit Oriented Development Tour
Transit Oriented Developments
- Transplant Patient
Transport Department
Transport Plan
- Transport Policy
Transport-Oriented Development
Travel Compensation Fund
Trevorrow, Mr B.
- Truck Stops
- Trustee Act
Tuna Industry
- Ukrainian Centre
- Union Hall
- United Water
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
University of South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- University of the Third Age
University Properties
- Unley
- Unley City Development
- Unlicensed Tradespeople
Upper South East Dryland Salinity and Flood Management (Extension of Project) Amendment Bill
- Upper Spencer Gulf Desalination Plant
Urban Development
- 2009-07-02
Urban Expansion
Urban Growth Boundary
- 2009-05-13
- 2009-05-13
- Urban Planning Program
- 2008-11-27
- 2008-11-27
Answers to Questions (2)
Valuation of Land (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Vanco, Mr G.
- Vehicle By-Laws
- Vibe Alive
Victims of Abuse in State Care (Compensation) Bill
- 2009-04-08
- 2009-07-15
- 2009-09-23
Victims of Crime
Victims of Crime (Abuse in State Care) Amendment Bill
- Victims of Crime Fund
Victorian Bushfires
Ministerial Statement (1)
Motions (1)
- Vietnamese Navy Veterans' Association
- Violence Against Women
Parliamentary Procedure (2)
Parliamentary Procedure (2)
- 2009-06-03
- 2009-06-18
- 2009-07-14
- 2009-09-22
- 2009-10-13
- 2009-10-14
Voluntary Euthanasia
- 2008-10-30
Petitions (2)
Petitions (2)
- 2009-03-26
- 2009-11-19
- Volunteering
- Walk to Cure Diabetes
- Wanganeen, Mr A.
Waste Collection
- Waste Minimisation
- Waste Sites
- Waste Strategy
Waste Water Management
- 2009-12-02
Water (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- 2008-10-16
- 2008-10-28
- 2008-10-29
- 2008-11-11
Water Action Coalition
Water Allocations
- 2009-02-04
Water Billing
- Water for Good
Water Heaters
Motions (2)
Motions (2)
- Water Licences
Water Meters
- Water Pricing
- Water Rates
Water Restrictions
Water Security
- Water Security Commissioner
Water Supply
- Water Trading
- Water Trading, High Court Challenge
Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation Department
Waterworks (Rates) Amendment Bill
- Wave Power
- West Beach Trust
- West Terrace Cemetery
- Westfield Shopping Centres
Whistleblowers Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
White Ribbon Day
- Whyalla City Council
- Whyalla Dust Exceedences
- Whyalla Health Study
Willunga Basin
Willunga Basin Protection Bill
- Willunga Hills Face Landcare Group
- Willunga Rail Corridor
- Wilson, Mrs K.
WiMAX Broadband Service
Wind Farms
Questions & Answers (2)
- Window Coverings
Wine-Grape Transport
Wire Rope Safety Barriers
Questions & Answers (2)
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Address in Reply
Adjourned debate on motion for adoption.
(Continued from 24 September 2008. Page 223.)
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business) (15:23): First, in my response to the Address in Reply, I acknowledge the contribution of members and, in particular, I acknowledge the contributions of His Excellency the Governor, Rear Admiral Kevin Scarce, and the Lieutenant-Governor, His Excellency Hieu Van Le. In relation to the Governor, it is not only his contribution in the traditional role as Governor but also, of course, as a former member of the defence forces and a former head of the Defence SA team in South Australia. I know that he retains a very keen interest in that area and is a very valuable resource for the state in terms of developing—for the benefit of the people of this state—our defence industries.
The first point I cover is the future of the Address in Reply debate. It was a little disappointing that there were several members of the other house, and indeed I think the Hon. Mr Brokenshire from this council, who went public beforehand to make comments denigrating the fact that we have this opening of parliament. Ever since the state was first established, parliament has been prorogued on an annual basis, the Governor has reopened the session, and we have had an Address in Reply.
I note that it was reported on the radio that the Hon. Mr Brokenshire had said words to the effect that 'today is a costly wasted day because we cannot get on and put our bills before the parliament'. Notwithstanding that, I note that most members of parliament have spoken to the Address in Reply. Part of the reason why we have had the Address in Reply—and the benefit is more for members in the lower house than those in the upper house—is to enable backbench members, in particular, to raise any issue they like under the broad framework of the Address in Reply.
That has been a tradition in this parliament for 150 years, and it is one that I have always supported. If members do not want the Address in Reply and for us to have one continual session of parliament over the four years, then from the government's point of view we would not find any problem with that because it would mean that more time could be given to addressing government business. As a personal view, I think it would be a pity, particularly for members in the lower house where there are many more members and they have less opportunity to raise issues of interest to their electorate, if that longstanding convention were to vanish.
A number of comments were made during the Address in Reply, and I want to talk about one of them. It has become fashionable now for members of the opposition, particularly the Hon. Rob Lucas, to try to associate the word 'arrogance' with government. They are suggesting that, if you repeat the words enough, it might happen to come true, so they just keep repeating it—'government, arrogant; government, arrogant'—in the hope that somebody eventually will believe them.
What could be more arrogant than what we witnessed last night: the Hon. Rob Lucas, while calling the government arrogant, spoke for well in excess of an hour, sprouting corridor gossip. There was no listing of the policies of this government. It is surely arrogant for any opposition to be in this parliament, expecting to win government, without giving any detailed policies let alone the cost of those policies. That is what arrogance is. Arrogance is treating the people of this state with such disrespect as telling them gossip, and it was combined today with the questions we had in question time. If they really think that is a substitute for detailed policies, particularly well-costed policies, that is what arrogance really means.
Also last night, the Leader of the Opposition gave a fascinating speech about how the state has lost its mojo. I thought it would be worth having a look on the web to find some definitions. Some definitions of mojo that are given on the web are as follows:
it is a human-sized voodoo doll who encounters Serge in the basement of one of Serge's neighbourhood houses;
it is a voodoo spell that brings bad luck;
it is a magic power or a magic spell;
mojo is a term commonly encountered in the African-American folk belief called hoodoo;
a mojo is a type of magic charm, often of red flannel cloth, tied with a drawstring containing botanical, zoological and/or mineral curios, petition papers and the like; and
mojo is a video game that came out in 2003 for Playstation 2 and X-Box where you steer a marble through a series of traps in order to break all of the coloured blocks in a level.
This is what South Australia has apparently lost. Another definition has mojo as the name or an abbreviated name of several types of hot sauce that originated in the Canary Islands. It is predominantly either a red, most commonly green, or orange sauce. So, this is what we have lost.
Mojo is also a Marvel comic super villain, an enemy of the X-men, primarily in Longshot. That is probably about what the opposition members are—longshots. Created by writer Ann Nocenti and artist Art Adams, he first appeared in Longshot No. 3 in November 1985. Mojo is a popular music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom. Mojo is an Australian advertising agency. Finally, mojo refers to mobile journalists; that is, staff or freelance reporters who write their stories from their communities thanks to technical tools such as digital cameras and camcorders. That is the definition of 'mojo'.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: To go into it a bit further, in the early 20th century the word 'mojo' meant voodoo or magical power, specifically one which gave the mojo's male possessor a sexual power over women. That is apparently what this state has lost. Of course, it began in 1957, when the word was given particular fame by Muddy Waters, whom not many in this place would remember. Muddy Waters was McKinley Morganfield, a well-known blues singer who grew up in Mississippi. His famous blues classic was 'Got my mojo working'. The Hon. Mr Ridgway spent the entire time—
The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: Yes; exactly. I hope that interjection is recorded because that was the sort of thing that we have listened to in the Address in Reply debate. As I said earlier, I believe in the Address in Reply. It has an historical use, which enables members to raise issues of concern in their electorates, particularly in the lower house. But, when we have that sort of drivel, with the Hon. Rob Lucas spending half an hour naming anybody who had any relative or friend who was connected in any way with the shoppies union, and when we have this speech that we have lost our mojo, perhaps it is a tradition that has had its day.
Many things were said in the Address in Reply debate, and it is not really my role to respond to all of them. However, the Hon. Sandra Kanck, in particular, made a number of attacks on the planning reforms. The extraordinary amount of misinformation she gave us, I think, should not go unchecked. If we are to cope with the growth that this state will inevitably face, we need to be able to house our people. One of the big challenges that we face in our society at the moment is providing affordable housing, particularly for our young people.
I find it extraordinary that I should be accused of things by the Hon. Sandra Kanck for quite base political reasons, to get some traction. She has been out there saying that the Labor Party is too close to business, and making all these allegations. Our big challenge is to provide affordable housing for the people of this state. We can do that only in two ways: we can physically accommodate that housing only if we extend the boundaries of our city or if we have higher density.
Of course, the Hon. Ms Kanck is essentially opposed to both those options. She is opposed to any urban growth at all, and she has attacked the policies of this government in relation to trying to increase the supply of land, to keep pressure down on the cost of homes, and she is also opposed to infill. She attacked the decision that we made in relation to the Le Cornu development, because she claims the building is too high.
Effectively, the Hon. Sandra Kanck represents a very selfish and greedy position. What she is saying is that the people who are fortunate enough to have homes now should have a ring fence put around them, their property value should rise, and young people in particular, who do not have homes, should be left to defend themselves with really nowhere to go. They cannot look for new homes in the outer suburbs and there cannot be any further density. That really is an untenable proposition. I resent the accusations of sleaze that are made of this government being too close to developers when, in fact, it is her position that is the very selfish one of protecting those who are fortunate enough to own their own home. Those people, of course, want the value of their property to increase by putting a ring fence around them and ensuring that there are no options.
There were many misrepresentations in the speech about planning reforms, and one in particular related to character areas. The reforms arising out of the planning review the government has put forward will in many ways provide better protection to character areas within our inner suburbs—suburbs such as Unley, Norwood, Walkerville, Mile End and the like. The reason for that is that at present the only protection houses get is if they are on a heritage list and, of course, not every house in those areas is worthy of being on a heritage list—nor should they be.
In suburbs such as Unley there are many houses that were built before the Second World War (I think something like 70 per cent were built at that time), and it is those houses that give Unley and other similar suburbs their character. Under the government reforms, if a special code is applied over those areas, the type of development built within them can be controlled. So, we can ensure that any new housing put in there—perhaps to replace some of the 1960s abominations built within those areas, or if some of those old houses are simply not sound and need to be removed—is compatible with the character of the homes being removed. So, the reforms this government hopes to bring in will, in fact, give greater protection to the character of those suburbs.
Contrary to what the Hon. Ms Kanck said yesterday, I have met with groups such as Save Our Suburbs and others on occasions in the past, and I will be meeting with them again. The position they have put to me has always been that their major concern is the construction of new houses in character areas that are totally incompatible architecturally with the character of their neighbourhood. I believe their opposition is not so much to new buildings—because we all accept that as buildings age they need replacing or refurbishment—but that it is important that, within the special character areas of the city that make it what it is, those replacements reflect that character.
It is a very difficult exercise, and the government has been working with Unley council now for at least two years. Unley council has gone through and identified, I think, at least six different character types—ranging from federation to workers' row cottages to Tudor homes and to a number of architectural characters that define that city—and I believe that it has identified that at least 45 per cent of its city fits into those pre-Second World War character types. We have been working closely with Unley council to use that area as a pilot on how we can protect that character of inner-city suburbs.
At the same time, what we need to do in our planning reforms is make housing more affordable; we need to give our young people their chance. The planning review has identified that, because of the massive delays that exist within the planning system, if we can greatly reduce the time taken in giving approvals for uncomplicated houses and uncomplicated additions, there is the potential to save hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars over the next five years.
How we will do that is by trying to reduce the number of applications in our planning system. It is interesting to note that in 2006-07 within the entire state of Victoria there were 49,587 planning permits; in the same year in South Australia the number of development applications lodged was 63,468. So, there were over 13,500 more planning permits required in this state than in the entire state of Victoria. Of course, in Victoria there were 100,930 building permits required; so in Victoria there is this difference between planning permits and building permits. Building permits, of course, are essential to ensure that structures are safe. That example shows that a state three times our size actually requires fewer planning permits than we do. So the potential is there to gain savings which we can then pass on as cheaper housing—particularly for our young people. Indeed, a number of estimates have been made of the holding costs as a result of government reforms.
If someone buys a block of land and they have to wait for six to 12 months before they get approval for a house (for example, it might be a standard off-the-shelf display home that is always going to be approved), the holding costs of that will be enormous; they would have to rent a house while they waited for those approvals to go through. If they could get approval in a month or so, as they do in, say, Victoria, those holding costs would be significantly reduced. There will be huge potential savings if we can improve our system but, as I indicated earlier, that need not be at the expense of protecting the character of particularly our inner city suburbs, which make this state so attractive.
In relation to the planning review, contrary to some of the comments that have been made in the Address in Reply, the government has consulted very widely. I can tell the council that 44 councils (and these are preliminary figures) have submitted submissions, some of which are very detailed: 16 from government agencies; 27 from industry or consultancy groups; 47 from Save our Suburbs; 193 from a particular area of Glenelg; and a petition in Burnside.
There have been six other community group consultations; and also 80 submissions from the general public. The government appreciates the input that people have made into that, and we will be looking at all of those submissions. However, I find it disappointing that the thrust of the planning review should be met, as it was last night by the Hon. Ms Kanck, with hysterical diatribe about how this government is too close to developers and so on.
Yes, the government has consulted industry and developers, if you like. But who else is going to build houses for most people? I do not believe we will get to a situation where most of the people in this state will be building their own houses. So, whether we like it or not, we have to deal with the housing construction people and the groups that represent them. If we are to make housing affordable, we need to work with those groups, and this government is prepared to do so. We need to do that not just to lower the cost of residential housing, although that in itself is essential, but we need to ensure that the cost of housing in this state is competitive if our economy is to grow and we are to have jobs for the people of this state.
It has been commented on in the planning review that, in some places such as Melbourne, where there have been significant increases in land and improvements in reducing the time taken to get approvals (and I have referred to that earlier), in fact, the cost of the house/land packages in Melbourne is moving very close to that of Adelaide. We have been going up, and Melbourne has sort of plateaued. So, it is absolutely essential to keep our cost competitiveness so that we can provide competitive housing for the people of this state, and one of the best ways we can do that is to unlock these unnecessary costs because of delays within the planning system.
I certainly do not make any apology for going ahead with this. In politics, the easy path is always to do nothing. If you do nothing, I guess you do not get into any trouble, but you do not achieve anything. From my point of view, this is an exercise worth embarking on. Yes; it is very complex and difficult if we are talking about changing our planning to the extent we are to bring in this sort of code and all the detailed changes announced in the planning review. However, we have to do it, because it is essential for the future of this state.
I know that people such as the Hon. Ms Kanck and some of her supporters out there support a situation where we have no population growth in this state. That is their solution. In fact, I read somewhere in one of her press comments that the Hon. Ms Kanck looks back fondly on those days when we were accused of being a rust belt and that she considers they were actually halcyon days.
I do not agree with that, and I do not think that most South Australians agree with it. They want to preserve the character and uniqueness of our city, but they also want it to grow and they want to get the benefits of modern development. It is that balance that the government is seeking to achieve through its planning reforms.
As I said earlier, the Address in Reply is an opportunity for members of this parliament to give their views on a wide range of subjects. We are, of course, responding to the address that His Excellency the Governor gave in outlining the program of this government. Members opposite have been scathing in relation to its content. What they do not realise is that this state has set out a State Strategic Plan with almost 100 targets in areas such as increasing road safety, increasing wellbeing and improving economic performance. This state has specific targets in social, environmental and economic areas. We will not achieve some of those targets, but we are achieving many of them. With the focus that this is given—
The Hon. S.G. Wade interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: And this is what the plan is all about. The Hon. Mr Wade does not understand it. He is the shadow minister for road safety. What has been happening in relation to road safety? The road toll has been coming down. The reason it is down is that one of our targets focuses on that. The chief executives—
The Hon. S.G. Wade: It's been coming down since 1973.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: Yes—it will go down only if you keep pressure on it. It will stabilise unless you look for new initiatives to reduce it. But so it is in a whole lot of other areas of government. In my portfolio we have targets for mineral exploration, in which we have more than succeeded. However, we have succeeded only because we had a specific program—the PACE program—designed to achieve it. And so we have with each of the other targets within our State Strategic Plan.
Contrast that with what members opposite have suggested. All they have done is criticise this government and said that there should be more money here and more money there. They have not yet come up with a single policy on anything that I have seen, other than one, and that is building a sports stadium. That is the only thing they have come up with. They have not costed a single thing. All they have done is knock and whinge. I think it is important within this debate that it be put on the record that this government, through its State Strategic Plan, has a series of specific targets, which the government is working on in great detail to achieve.
The Hon. J.S.L. Dawkins interjecting:
The PRESIDENT: Order! The Hon. Mr Dawkins is out of his seat. He will cease interjecting.
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: This government, through its State Strategic Plan, is working on achieving a wide range of targets right across government, and they are locked into the very workings of government. Instead of just knocking everything, if members opposite do not like those targets or they are not going to work to them, it is about time they started to tell us—
The Hon. J.M.A. Lensink interjecting:
The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY: They are worthless, are they—the targets? If that is the view of members opposite, they will just scrap all this and they will not have any target objectives to work away at. Yet, while this government has those targets and is making significant improvements across the board with respect to most of them, they are saying that they will scrap this, but they then have the gall to criticise us for not having plans. It just does not wash.
I conclude by again acknowledging the contribution of His Excellency the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor and their spouses. I thank them for their contribution to the state, and I particularly thank the Governor for his address outlining the program for this session of parliament.
Motion carried.