Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-12-01 Daily Xml


Answers to Questions


In reply to the Hon. M. PARNELL (3 June 2009).

The Hon. P. HOLLOWAY (Minister for Mineral Resources Development, Minister for Urban Development and Planning, Minister for Small Business): I have been provided the following information:

Connor Holmes has not been engaged by the Department of Planning and Local Government (DPLG) to help prepare the Gawler Racecourse Development Plan Amendment (DPA).

On 25 September, I initiated a DPA to investigate the rezoning of approximately 4.3 hectares of surplus land at the Gawler Racecourse and to review the current policies of the Special Uses Zone (which applies to the racecourse site).

Thoroughbred Racing South Australia (TRSA) is undertaking investigations to inform the DPA and have engaged planning consultants. I am advised that those consultants are Connor Holmes. The work being undertaken is on behalf of the TRSA.

TRSA is currently in the process of implementing its overall strategy for venue enhancement and allocations of race meetings, with a view to creating a self-sufficient and sustainable racing industry. The restructuring has been underway for some time and has seen the rationalisation of venues in order to retire outstanding debt, reduce overall operating costs and attend to further upgrades of their remaining racing facilities.

The redevelopment of the Gawler Racecourse envisages a comprehensive upgrade and reconfiguration of track infrastructure and racing facilities, the incorporation of water reuse initiatives and open space opportunities, together with the construction of a new, multi-purpose function facility at a combined, estimated cost of $13 million.

When the investigations have been completed, TRSA will forward them to DPLG for consideration in the preparation of the DPA.

The DPA has been prepared by the DPLG, and a draft made available for public and agency consultation.

Being a Ministerial DPA, the Development Policy Advisory Committee (DPAC) conducts the consultation process. The DPAC is an independent statutory body, established under the Development Act. The role of the Committee is to make sure that I receive independent advice on the issues raised in the consultation phase and to make sure submissions are appropriately addressed.

All written submissions are made to the DPAC. A public consultation meeting is also conducted by the DPAC.

After the public meeting the DPAC will prepare a Report on the consultation and submit the Report to me together with the consultation submissions. I will then review the Report and submissions and consider the DPA for final determination. If approved, the DPA will then be forwarded to the Environment, Resources and Development Committee which will undertake a review of the DPA process and outcomes.