Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2008-10-29 Daily Xml



The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY (14:49): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking the Minister for Gambling a question about not-for-profit licensed clubs.

Leave granted.

The Hon. R.P. WORTLEY: Many members would have an ongoing connection with a club, perhaps with a community sporting club. Can the minister provide any details about how their contribution to the industry and the community is recognised?

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO (Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Gambling, Minister Assisting the Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (14:49): I thank the honourable member for his important question. On Saturday evening, 25 October, I was pleased to attend the Clubs SA 23rd Annual Awards of Excellence function at West Lakes. A number of members opposite were also in attendance, including the Hon. Michelle Lensink and her fiance, and the Hon. Terry Stephens and his good wife. I would like to place on record—

The Hon. T.J. Stephens interjecting:

The Hon. CARMEL ZOLLO: I had forgotten about him. I would like to place on record our collective thanks to the Clubs SA board, particularly Mr Cameron Taylor, the President, for the kind invitation to attend the evening.

Clubs SA has a long history in this state. It was founded in 1919 and represents and supports the licensed clubs in our state. It also supports and promotes sport and community events across the club sector. I have forgotten to mention that Dr Duncan McFetridge from the other place was also there that evening. He would get upset if I did not mention him.

I suspect that all of us have a connection with a club through community, social, sporting or ethnic interests. They are created by the community for the community and provide well established social, sports and, of course, recreational venues. They are in a unique position to be able to develop and maintain social interaction at all ages, from children to retirees.

The 2008 Awards of Excellence is an opportunity to recognise both clubs and individuals in 13 categories, including the Community Service Award, the Best Dining Facility Award, the Encouragement of Sport Award, Young Achiever and Club of the Year. The Para Hills Community Club won a number of the awards on the evening, including the Community Service Award, the Spirit of the Club Movement Award, the Natural Gas Award for Energy Efficiency, the Best Gaming Machine Venue Award and the Club of the Year Metro Award. The Clubhouse at Tanunda won the Regional Club of the Year Award, and the Encouragement of Sport Award was presented to the Marion Sports and Community Club.

Needless to say, as Minister for Gambling, I am pleased that our clubs with gaming machines take part in Club Safe, the club sector responsible gambling program. All clubs with gaming are able to access Club Safe, regardless of their membership status with Clubs SA. Club Safe staff work with venues, staff, management, counselling services and customers.

Club Safe aims to assist venues concerning compliance with the codes of practice through undertaking voluntary audits of venues. It assists venues with the identification and provision of support for problem gamblers. It facilitates programs, initiatives and policies to promote access by patrons to gambling help services, and it facilitates communication between venues and gambling help services.

I would ask members to join me in congratulating the award winners from the Clubs SA Annual Awards for Excellence, and in acknowledging the contribution of volunteers in clubs. The club industry relies heavily on the support of volunteers in a number of roles. While the club sector could not function without the support of these volunteers, I know that in turn many volunteers gain a great deal of satisfaction from their contribution to their respective club and community, and the sense of belonging that this provides.