Legislative Council - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2008-09-24 Daily Xml


Parliamentary Committees


The Hon. J.S.L. DAWKINS (17:24): I move:

That the interim report be noted.

The Select Committee on Proposed Sale and Redevelopment of the Glenside Hospital Site has tabled an interim report to this council calling on the government to establish a mental health research and training institute as part of its redevelopment plans for the Glenside Hospital site. The report cites evidence given to the committee by Professor Robert Goldney, head of psychiatry at the University of Adelaide, as well as evidence from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, which stresses the need for a local centre of excellence in the field of mental health. I should add that the representatives of the Royal College of Psychiatrists were Dr Marco Giardini and Dr James Hundertmark.

The situation at present in South Australia is that mental health research and training is spread over different campuses and disciplines. This results in data information and research being dissipated or duplicated. A central mental health focal point would help provide leadership in research and training, as well as improved economies of scale. The report enlarges on those points that the committee recommends.

The select committee envisages that the proposed mental health research and training institute would focus on research, training of mental health and related professionals, dissemination of health information, policy development and awareness raising. The report also indicates that the proposed centre would be there for all mental health and related professionals—nurses, social workers, researchers, psychologists and psychiatrists. The report also suggests that funding for the institute could come from multiple sources, including the private sector, state and federal government, the universities and TAFE. We did receive some evidence to indicate that a similar funding arrangement exists in other states, particularly in Victoria. We also heard that, currently, South Australia is the only mainland state without a dedicated mental health research centre.

The motion for an interim report was moved by the Hon. Sandra Kanck and supported by the committee. Her reason for doing so was that it would be pointless for the committee at its conclusion (hopefully, later this year) to recommend for such a mental health centre of excellence to be incorporated in the redevelopment of Glenside if, at that stage, the planning had reached the point where it was no longer possible for that to be incorporated. For that reason, the committee agreed to bring down the interim report. Certainly, we want to finish our final report as soon as we can, but we felt it was important that this interim report be brought down, tabled in this place and brought to the attention of the minister, which has been done both formally and in a verbal sense by me as the chairman.

I thank the members of the committee, the Hon. Sandra Kanck, the Hon. Michelle Lensink, the Hon. Bernie Finnigan and the Hon. Ian Hunter; and also the secretary of the committee, Mr Guy Dickson, and research officer, Ms Geraldine Sladden, for their work in facilitating the presentation of this interim report. I commend the motion to the council.

Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. J. Gazzola.