House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2021-05-06 Daily Xml


Parliament House Matters

People and Culture Unit, Parliament House

The SPEAKER (14:02): Members, I advise the house that the presiding members have received correspondence from the Joint Parliamentary Service Committee advising that the committee has resolved to establish a centralised human resource function for and within the parliament that supports the management and staff of the two houses and the management and staff employed within the divisions under the Parliament Joint Services Act 1985, being cognisant of the independence of the parliament from the executive.

The committee proposes a people and culture unit to be established within the Joint Services Division. Pursuant to section 25 of the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, the committee has recommended to the presiding members the adoption and implementation of a model for the unit and has sought our concurrence and support for its establishment and the provision of its services to the management and staff of the two houses of parliament.

I intend, either independently or together with the President of the Legislative Council, to seek Crown law advice as to the operation and functions of the unit with regard to the management and staff employed by the two houses.