House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-12-01 Daily Xml


Goods and Services

In reply to Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (24 November 2020). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water): I have been advised that for the Department for Environment and Water:

The amounts budgeted for goods and services (including consultancies) for 2020-21, and for each of the years of the forward estimates period, are detailed below:

2020-21$'000 2021-22$'000 2022-23$'000 2023-24$'000 2024-25$'000
Goods & Services 111,603 73,978 49,126 47,365 46,924

The top 10 providers of goods and services, in 2019-20, by value and the description of the goods/services provided are detailed below:

Goods/Services Provider Description Total Value
Department for Infrastructure & Transport Accommodation, cleaning services and property repairs & maintenance $10,996,934
SA Water Corporation Service provision relating to South Australian Riverland Floodplains Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP); Opening of Reservoirs election commitment and water & sewerage charges across the Department $3,839,969
A Haros & Sons Earthmoving P/L Adelaide Living Beaches—sand replenishment services $2,647,900
Silver City Drilling Interim Great Artesian Basin Infrastructure Investment Program—bore drilling services $2,365,463
MC Dredging & Port Development Adelaide Living Beaches—dredging services $1,900,494
McConnell Dowell Construction Aus P/L Adelaide Living Beaches—sand replenishment services $1,857,123
Department of Premier & Cabinet Managed network services, telephony & data line charges $1,628,479
Crown Solicitor's Office Legal Services, land settlements and advice $1,446,341
Leaseplan Australia Ltd Fleet Management costs $1,378,319
Primary Industries & Resources SA Monitoring & scientific services—South Australian Research & Development Institute (SARDI) $1,307,560
Total $29,368,581

Of the total goods and services listed above, $23.768M were provided by South Australian suppliers.