BASHAM, David Keith Bernard
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Address in Reply
Aquaculture (Tourism Development) Amendment Bill
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fruit Fly
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Granite Island Causeway
- Public Works Committee: Granite Island Causeway Project
- Public Works Committee: Victor Harbor R-7 School Redevelopment
Sittings and Business
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Questions
Abalone Industry
Agricultural Sector Employment
- Agriculture Industry
- Agtech
- Apiary Industry
- Aquaculture
- Barossa Wine Industry
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Commercial Fishing Licences
- Consultants and Contractors
- Drought Assistance
- Executive Appointments
- Family Support Services
- Forestry Industry
Forestry Industry Advisory Council
- 2021-09-23
Fruit Fly
- 2020-12-01
- 2020-12-03
- 2021-02-16
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:28)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:30)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:38)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:41)
- Question Time (14:42)
- Question Time (14:43)
- Question Time (14:44)
- Question Time (14:45)
- Answers to Questions
- 2021-03-30
- 2021-05-12
- 2021-06-23
- 2021-08-24
- 2021-08-25
Genetically Modified Crops
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
- Grain Receival Sites
Grant Programs
- Horticulture Industry
Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers
- 2021-09-08
Kangaroo Island Timber
- 2021-05-11
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- King Electorate
- Legislative Compliance Framework
- Livestock Industry
- Machinery of Government Changes
Marine Scalefish Fishery Reform
Ministerial Staff
- Mobile Phone Towers
Morgan Sawmill
- 2021-05-11
Mount Gambier Recreation Hub
- Murray Cod
- Onefortyone Plantations
- Orora Glass Processing Plant
Pastoral Lands Bill
Pastoral Leases
Primary Industries and Regional Development Department
- Primary Industries and Regions Department
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities Program
- Red Meat and Wool Growth Program
Regional Development Strategy
- Regional Economic Recovery
Regional Growth Fund
- Regional Jobs
- Regional South Australia
- Register of Members' Interests
- Riverland Quarantine Facility
- Seafood Industry
- Snapper Fishery Ban
Snapper Fishing
- 2021-03-30
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- South East Forestry Partnerships Program
- Spiritfest
Termination Payouts
Timber Industry
- Treasury Wine Estates
Water Infrastructure
Wine Industry
BEDFORD, Frances Ellen
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Aboriginal Languages in South Australia
Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Al Salam Wandana Centre
- Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
- Australian Products Shopping Guide
- Australian Society for Medical Research
- Biosecurity Management
- Calisthenics 2020
Children and Young People (Safety) (Inquiry into Foster and Kinship Care) Amendment Bill
Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus, State Government Response
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
- Development (Public Health Emergency) Variation Regulations
- Doyle, Mr J.
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Expiation and Fines Enforcement
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Florey Electorate
- Fuel Watch Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Glaucoma
- Health Care (Privatisation of Health Services) Amendment Bill
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- Hospitals, Car Parking
- Human Appeal
- Industry Skills Councils
- Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queen's Counsel) Amendment Bill
- Legislative Review Committee: Motor Vehicle Registry Petition
- Matter of Privilege
- Mcculloch, Ms D.e.j.
- Member's Remarks
- Modbury High School
- Modbury Hospital
- Muriel Matters
- Muriel Matters Awards
National Reconciliation Week
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- Plant Health (Pest Affected Plants) Amendment Bill
- Pooraka Cricket Club
- Primary Schools Music Festival
- Public Works Committee: Ardtornish Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Modbury High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Para Hills High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: the Heights School Redevelopment
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Road Safety
- Royal Automobile Association
- Scottish Radio in South Australia
- Simms, Prof. M.
Sittings and Business
- Social Housing
- South Australian Bushfires
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Speaker, Election
- Spent Convictions (Decriminalised Offences) Amendment Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Subordinate Legislation (Disallowance) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Vietnam Veterans Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- War Widows' Guild of South Australia
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Positions
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
Advertising Revenue
Age of Criminal Responsibility
- 2020-12-02
- Aged-Care Packages
Aged-Care Workers
- 2021-08-24
Antimicrobial Resistance
- 2021-09-08
- 2021-11-18
- 2021-12-02
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Arts SA
- Arts Sector
Biosecurity Fines
- Blue Book
Bus Driver Contracts
- 2020-07-21
Bus Safety
- Bus Services
Chef Employment
- Close the Gap
Community Wastewater Management System
- 2020-07-02
- 2021-10-14
Compulsory Land Acquisition
Coronavirus Restrictions
- Correctional Services
Country Fire Service
Court Delays
Court System
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
- 2021-02-04
COVID-19 Economic Response
- COVID-19 Essential Workers
- COVID-19 QR Code Security
COVID-19 QR Codes
COVID-19 Quarantine
- COVID-19 Testing Clinics
- Dolphin Protection
Driver's Licence Disqualification
- Dry Creek Linear Park
Employment Figures
- Family Support Services
Federal Budget
- Flinders University Italian Language Course
Fruit Fly
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-03-30
- 2021-05-12
- 2021-06-23
- 2021-08-24
- 2021-08-25
Fuel Price Monitoring
- 2020-04-28
- 2021-05-12
- Fuel Pricing
Gawler Line Electrification
- Golden Grove Road Upgrade
- Hampstead Hydrotherapy Pool
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
Hanlon, Mr J.
Hearing Health
- 2021-06-23
- Hope Valley Reservoir
Hotel Quarantine Fees
- Housing Property Scheme
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Investigation
Indigenous Disadvantage
- Industry Skills Councils
- International Women's Day
- Justice of the Peace Services
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- 2021-03-02
- Landscape Boards
Lot Fourteen
- Lyell McEwin Hospital, Muna Paendi Clinic
- Manufacturing Industry
- Medicare Rebate Scheme
- Mobilong Prison
Modbury Hospital
- 2020-05-14
- 2021-02-17
- 2021-09-21
Modbury Park-and-Ride
- Muna Paiendi Primary Health Care Services
- Museum of South Australian History
- Music Teachers
National Reconciliation Week
No Jab No Play
- 2020-11-11
- Older Persons Mental Health Service
Park-and-Ride Facilities
Parliamentary Code of Conduct
Partnerships Program
Pinky Flat
- Planning and Development
Planning and Development Fund
Priority Care Centres
- Public Transport Contracts
Quad Bikes
Real-Time Fuel Pricing
- Reconciliation Action Plan
Renal Dialysis Services
- Retirement Villages
Road Safety
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Ophthalmology Services
Royalty Theatre
Service SA
- Sewerage System
Sex Education
Shop Trading Hours
- SkyCity Adelaide
South Eastern Freeway
Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity
State Government Procurement
- Suicide Prevention
Switch for Solar
- 2020-03-03
- TAFE SA Scholarships
- Taskforce Protect
Tea Tree Plaza Car Parking
- Thomas Foods International
Victims of Crime Fund
Video Game Development
- Westfield Tea Tree Plaza
- Women Offenders Working Group
Women's and Children's Hospital
- 2021-02-17
- Women's Studies
- Woodleigh House
Yamba Quarantine Station
- Youth Justice
BELL, Troy Stephen
- Bueti, Mr G.
- Child Protection
- Constitution (Permissible Tolerance) Amendment Bill
Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- 2021-09-22
- Coronavirus, Travel
- Coroners (Inquests and Privilege) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Cross-Border Permits
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 3) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Deak, Ms T.
- Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Fringe Mount Gambier
- Future Mount Gambier
- Gazzard, Mr K.h.
- Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Homelessness
- Hood, Ms G.
- Lymphoedema Compression Garment Subsidy
Medical Cannabis
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Funding
- Mobility Scooters
- Mount Gambier Bowls Club
- Mount Gambier Business Community
Mount Gambier Electorate
- Mount Gambier Library
- Port MacDonnell Harbour
- Public Education Awards
- Referendum (Permissible Tolerance) Bill
- Regional Bus Services
- Regional Jobs
- Regional Media
Regional Mental Health Services
- Snapper Fishing
- Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Timber Industry
- Veterans Organisations
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Abalone Industry
- Adelaide Fringe, Regional Events
Altus Renewables
Border Checkpoints
- 2020-06-30
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Country Education Strategy
- COVID-19 Border Restrictions
COVID-19 Cross-Border Permits
- COVID-19 Public Exposure Sites
- COVID-19 Quarantine
- COVID-19 Support Payments
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
- COVID-19 Vaccination
- COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Cross-Border Commissioner
- Electricity Costs
- Emergency Management Act
ePlanning System
- Facilities Services
- Farm Firefighting Units
Forestry Industry Advisory Council
- 2021-09-23
- Glenelg River Shack Leases
- Indoor Entertainment Centres
Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers
- 2021-09-08
Kangaroo Island Timber
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Landscape Boards
- Mobile Phone Towers
Mount Gambier Gas Outage
Mount Gambier Hospital
- Mount Gambier Metropolitan Fire Service
- Mount Gambier Roads
Mount Gambier, Public Housing
- Native Bird Protection
- Onefortyone Plantations
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
Port MacDonnell Harbour
- Premier's Climate Change Council
- Public Library Funding
- Regional Policing Review
Road Maintenance
School Infrastructure Projects, Mount Gambier
- Skills Training
- Snapper Fishery Ban
Snapper Fishing
- 2021-03-30
- Taxi Industry
Timber Industry
- 2021-06-24
- Victim Support Services
- Yahl Country Fire Service Facilities
- Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
Aquaculture (Tourism Development) Amendment Bill
- Australia Day Awards
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
- Diwali Festival
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Export Economy
- Eyre Peninsula Visit
- Harmony Day
- Hazara Community
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
- Legislative Review Committee: Workload of the Legislative Review Committee
- Lennon, Mr B.
- Paralowie Community
- Port Pirie
- Public Works Committee: Paralowie R-12 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Salisbury High School Redevelopment
- Ramsay Electorate
- Ramsay Electorate Sporting Clubs
- Salisbury Country Fire Service
- Short Term Holiday Rental Accommodation Bill
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- South Australian Bushfires
South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
Superloop Adelaide 500
- Superloop Adelaide 500 Infrastructure
- Supply Bill 2021
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Tourism
Tourism and Hospitality
Tourism Industry
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Violence Against Women
- West Java and Asean Regional Trade
- Wine Exports
- World Tourism Day
Adelaide Convention Bureau
Adelaide Venue Management Corporation
- Agent General
- Assistant Minister to the Premier
- Carryover Expenditure
Consultants and Contractors
- COVID-19 QR Codes
- COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
Cruise Ship Industry
Designated Area Migration Agreements
Ecommerce Accelerator Program
- Economic Investment Fund
Events Advisory Group
- Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Export Accelerator Program
Export Fundamentals Program
Export Initiatives
- Fruit Fly
Global Expansion Program
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
- Government Grants
Grant Programs
Great Southern Bike Trail
Great State Voucher Scheme
- Growth State Priority Sectors
I Choose SA
- Innovation and Skills Department
- InterContinental Hotel
- International Student Support Package
International Trade and Investment
- JobKeeper Payment
- Legislative Compliance Framework
Leisure Events Bid Fund
Machinery of Government Changes
- Manufacturing Industry
- McCracken Country Club
- Meat and Meat Preparations Industry
Ministerial Staff
MTX Group
Multicultural Affairs
- National Tourism Icons Program
- Primary Industries and Regions Department
Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Regional Tourism
- Rewards Wonder Campaign
- Riverbank Arena
- Seafood Industry
- Sister State Agreements
South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
South Australian Tourism Commission
- South East Forestry Partnerships Program
State Budget
- Superloop Adelaide 500
- Tasting Australia
- Taxi Concierge Service
Termination Payouts
Tourism Industry Development Fund
- Tourism Marketing Budget
- Tourism Operators
Trade and Investment Department
- Trade and Investment Department Staff
- Uk Free Trade Agreement
- Veterans
- Veterans Employment Program
BIGNELL, Leon William Kennedy
- Address in Reply
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Bradshaw, Mr K.
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus, Kangaroo Island
- Coronavirus, Mental Health
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 3) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (COVID-19) (Kangaroo Island Arrivals) Amendment Bill
Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
- 2020-11-11
- Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Farm Firefighting Units
- Genetically Modified Crops
- International Firefighters' Day
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- Keneally, Hon. G.F.
Main South Road Duplication
Mawson Electorate
- Mawson Electorate Community Sport
- Olympic Games Trials
- PFAS Disposal
- Public Works Committee: Aldinga Beach B-7 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Brighton Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Granite Island Causeway Project
- Public Works Committee: Naracoorte High School Redevelopment
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
- Regional Media
- Remembrance Day
- South Australian Bushfires
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Christmas Pageant
Coronavirus, Kangaroo Island
Environment Protection Authority
- Genetically Modified Crops
- Kangaroo Island
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- 2020-03-24
- Kangaroo Island Covid Vaccinations
- Kangaroo Island Motor Vehicle Registration Fees
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Main South Road Duplication
- Train Services
- Treasury Wine Estates
BOYER, Blair Ingram
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
Community Wastewater Management System
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
- 2020-09-09
- Education and Children's Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Golden Grove Road
- International Firefighters' Day
- Legislative Review Committee: Teachers Registration Board Petition
- Local Sport and Recreation
- Munga-Thirri—simpson Desert Conservation Park
- North East Public Transport Study
- Paddy's Law
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Shopping Centre Parking) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: the Heights School Redevelopment
- Remembrance Day
- SACE Merit Ceremony
- School Infrastructure Projects
- Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
- State Government Services
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Tea Tree Plaza Car Parking
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Funding
- Valedictories
- Veterans Organisations
- Vietnam Veterans Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Wright Electorate
- Wright Electorate Schools
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- 2021-03-04
- Automotive Equipment
Building Better Schools Program
- Building What Matters Signage
Bus Services
- Capital Works Governance Committee
- Capital Works Projects
Consultants and Contractors
- COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- Early Childhood Education
Education Department
- Education Department Budget
- Education Department Staff
- Education Department, Para Hills Office
Executive Appointments
- 2021-02-03
- 2021-02-16
Family Day Care
Family Day Care and Respite Care
- Flexible Industry Pathways
Glenthorne Council
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
- Government Programs
Grant Programs
- Innovation and Skills Department
- Investing Expenditure Projects
- Kingston Early Learning Centre
- Local Government Amalgamations
- Machinery of Government Changes
Ministerial Staff
- 2021-02-03
- 2021-02-16
- NationBuilder
- Non-Government School Grants
- Non-Government School Loans Scheme
- Non-Government Schools Capital Funding
- Passive Alert Detection Dogs
- Preschool Assessments
Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Public Services Employees
- Respite Care
- SACE Completion
- SACE Psychology Exam Cancellation
- Savings Targets
- School Amalgamations Or Closures
- School Budgets
School Infrastructure Projects
- 2021-06-09
- 2021-10-14
- School Services Officers
- School Signage
- Schools Funding
Schools, Capacity Projections
- Schools, Demountable Facilities
- Schools, Modular Building Manufacturers
- Schools, Special Options Placements
- Schools, Specialist Teachers
- Schools, Teacher Transfer
- Schools, Temporary Primary School Teachers
- Schools, Truancy Officers
- Schools, Year 7 Reform
- Skills Training
- South Australian Government Financing Aunthority
- TAFE Individual Support (Disability) Certificate
- TAFE SA Enrolments
Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
Termination Payouts
- The Heights School
- The Heights School Capital Works
- Training Hours
- Veteran Welbeing Centre
- Veterans Affairs
Veterans Employment Program
- Vocational Education and Training
Year 7 Teacher Recruitment Program
BROCK, Geoffrey Graeme
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Aboriginal Languages in South Australia
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Australia-Philippines Relationship
- Autumn Garden Festival
- Balaklava Hospital
- Biosecurity Management
- Clare Valley Flying Group Incorporated
Commission of Inquiry (Land Access in the Mining and Petroleum Industries) Bill
- 2020-04-08
- 2020-06-03
- Coronavirus, Mental Health
- Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- Electricity Corporations (Restructuring and Disposal) (Rates) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- First Polish Chaplain in Australia 150th Anniversary
- Frome Electorate, Sports Awards
Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Inquiry into Palliative Care Bill
- Mental Health
- Mental Health Funding
- Mining Industry, Land Access
- Nyrstar Service Awards
- Parliamentary Sitting Program
- Pink's Mitre 10
- Port Augusta
Port Pirie
- 2021-05-27
- 2021-08-25
- 2021-10-12
- Port Pirie Bowling Club Centenary
- Port Pirie Sporting Personalities
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Public Works Committee: John Pirie Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Secondary School Redevelopment
- Regional Media
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Rocky River 'riters
- Royal Australian Air Force Centenary
Select Committee on Land Access
- Sheriff's (Appointments) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australian Junior Soccer Championships
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
Speaker, Election
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Upper Spencer Gulf
- Wakefield Regional Council
- Wandearah Uniting Church
- Watervale Bowling Club
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- World Tourism Day
Augusta Highway
- Balaklava Hospital
- Blyth Plains Road
Build to Rent Program
- Courts Administration Authority
COVID-19 Border Restrictions
- COVID-19 Essential Workers
- COVID-19 India
- COVID-19 QR Code Security
- COVID-19 QR Codes
- COVID-19 Support Payments
- COVID-19 Vaccination
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Emergency Accommodation
Facilities Maintenance Services Management
Facilities Services
- Fishing Industry
Frome Electorate, COVID-19 Vaccination
Frome Electorate, SAPOL Defibrillators
Gel Blasters
- Henschke Industries
- High-Tech Sector
Horrocks Highway
Housing SA
Joy Baluch Bridge
- Kangaroo Island Timber
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Leigh Creek Health Clinic
- Member for MacKillop
- Mental Health Beds
Morgan Sawmill
- 2021-05-11
Parliamentary Sitting Program
- Port Pirie Bakers Delight
Port Pirie Health Service
- Port Pirie Neurology Services
Port Pirie, Emergency Services
Port Pirie, Overseas General Practitioners
Private Bus Charters
- Public Trustee
Regional Health Services
- Regional Hospitals
- Regional Jobs
Regional Roads
Regional School Bus Services
- Rural Road Speed Limits
- SA Ambulance Service
- SA Ambulance Service Vehicle Replacement
- Sheriff's Officers
Shoulder Sealing
- Skills Training
Social Housing
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
Switch for Solar
- 2021-06-23
TAFE SA Port Pirie
Targeted Lead Abatement Program
- Timber Industry
- Tourism
- Transition to Adult Life Intensive Program
Virtual Power Plant
BROWN, Michael Edison
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Labour Hire Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Notice of Motion Withdrawal
- Playford Electorate
- Playford Electorate Schools
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road Intersection with Kings Road and McIntyre Road Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Para Hills High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Parafield Gardens High School Redevelopment
- Sessional Orders
Sittings and Business
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
CHAPMAN, Vickie Ann
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Aboriginal Languages in South Australia
- Address in Reply
- Adjournment
- Afghanistan
Appropriation Bill 2020
- 2020-11-11
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
Associations Incorporation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2021-10-26
- Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Child Protection
- Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Comprehensive Auto-Theft Research System
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
Coroners (Inquests and Privilege) Amendment Bill
- Coroners (Undetermined Natural Causes) Amendment Bill
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
- Courts Administration (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry and Rent) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 2) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 3) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
Criminal Law (Legal Representation) (Reimbursement of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Abusive Behaviour) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Driving at Extreme Speed) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Protection of War Memorials) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Throwing Objects at Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
Defamation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Disability Inclusion (Community Visitor Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Disability Inclusion (Restrictive Practices - NDIS) Amendment Bill
- Domestic and Family Violence Prevention
- Electoral (Ban on Corflutes) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- 2021-08-26
- 2021-09-07
- 2021-09-23
Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2020-09-24
Electoral (Regulation of Corflutes) Amendment Bill
- 2021-09-22
Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coast Protection Board and Coastal Legislation
Equal Opportunity (Parliament and Courts) Amendment Bill
- Equal Opportunity Commissioner's Independent Review of Harassment in the Parliament Workplace
Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
Exposure Draft Bill
- Exposure Draft Regulations
Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- 2020-06-18
- 2020-06-30
- Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
Fair Trading (Repeal of Part 6A - Gift Cards) Amendment Bill
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
First Home and Housing Construction Grants (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2020-09-23
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Government Privacy Principles, Contingent Notice
- Harmony Day
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Homelessness Alliances
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Investigation Powers) No 2 Amendment Bill
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers
- Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre
- Labour Hire Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queen's Counsel) Amendment Bill
Legislation Interpretation Bill
- 2021-08-26
Legislative Review Committee
- Linnett, Mr L.
Liquor Licensing (COVID-19 and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- 2021-08-24
Liquor Licensing (Liquor Production and Sales Licence) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- March 4 Justice
- Mawson Electorate
- Member's Remarks
- Members' Remarks
- Modern Slavery
- Muecke, Dr J.
- National Redress Scheme
- NationBuilder
Oaths (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Online Gambling
OPCAT Implementation Bill
- 2021-09-21
- 2021-10-14
- Parliament Workplace Culture Review
- Partnering on Homelessness Reforms
- Pearman, Prof. C.
- PFAS Disposal
- Pioneering Domestic Violence Programs
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Constitution of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Design Standards) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill
- Provocation Defence for Murder
Public Trustee (Public Trustee and Guardian) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Glenunga International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Women's Memorial Playing Fields Upgrade
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
- Radiation Protection and Control Bill
- Renewal SA
- Repatriation of Gillen Photographs
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Legal Profession
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- 2021-03-18
- Safeguarding Taskforce Interim Report
- Select Committee on Land Access
- Select Committee on the Conduct of the Hon. Vickie Chapman MP Regarding Kangaroo Island Port Application
- Sentencing (Hate Crimes) Amendment Bill
Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
Sentencing (Serious Repeat Offenders) Amendment Bill
Sittings and Business
- Small Amount Credit Contracts
- Smith, Ms A.M.
- South Australian Bushfires
South Australian Employment Tribunal (Costs) Amendment Bill
- 2021-02-02
South Australian Multicultural Bill
- South Australian Parliament Workplace
- South Australian Public Health (Early Childhood Services and Immunisation) Amendment Bill
- Southern Adelaide Infrastructure Investments
- Speaker
- Speaker, Election
Spent Convictions (Decriminalised Offences) Amendment Bill
- 2020-11-17
Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
- Standing Orders Committee: 125th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Planning Commission
State Procurement Repeal Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Defence of Provocation and Related Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio and Other Justice Measures) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Civil Enforcement) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Community and Strata Titles) Bill
Statutes Amendment (COVID-19 Permanent Measures) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Fund Selection and Other Superannuation Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Identity Theft) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Intervention Orders and Penalties) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Licence Disqualification) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Recommendations of Independent Inquiry into Child Protection) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Spit Hood Prohibition) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Stealthing and Consent) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Strata Schemes) Bill
- Succession Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- 2021-02-18
The Wyatt Benevolent Institution Incorporated (Objects) Amendment Bill
- 2020-03-25
Unexplained Wealth (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Western Suburbs Development
- Questions
Affordable Homes Program
Affordable Housing
- 2020-10-13
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
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- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Age of Criminal Responsibility
Aged-Care Workers
- Ambulance Ramping
Attorney-General’s Department
Auditor-General's Report
Build to Rent Program
Bushfire Recovery Support
- 2020-05-14
Capital Works Projects
Child Protection
- 2021-02-16
- 2021-02-17
- 2021-05-13
- 2021-06-24
Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
- Coast Park
- Commissioner for Victims' Rights
Community Benefit Fund
- Community Visitor Scheme
Consumer and Business Services
- Cost of Living Concession
- Council Levy
Court Delays
- Court System
Courts Administration Authority
COVID-19 Contact Tracing
- 2021-02-04
- COVID-19 Courts Administration Authority
- COVID-19 Emergency Management Powers
COVID-19 QR Code Security
COVID-19 Support Payments
- Crime Prevention and Community Safety Grants
- Crown Solicitor's Office
Data Harvesting
- Director of Public Prosecutions
Disability Accommodation, Staff Training
Disability SA
Disability Services
Disability Services Staff
Domestic and Family Violence
- Domiciliary Equipment
- Early Intervention Research Directorate
Emergency Accommodation
- Emergency Relief Payments
ePlanning System
Executive Appointments
- Forensic Science SA
- Freedom of Information
Fuel Price Monitoring
- 2020-04-28
- 2020-11-17
- 2021-05-12
Fuel Pricing
- Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund
- Gambling Regulation
Gibson Electorate Office
Glenthorne Council
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
- Grants SA
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
Hanlon, Mr J.
- Heritage Protection
- Highgate Park
Homelessness Services
- 2021-10-12
Housing Authority
- 2020-10-13
- 2021-03-18
- 2021-05-04
- 2021-06-23
- Housing Infrastructure Facility Scheme
- Housing Property Scheme
Housing SA
- 2020-04-07
- 2020-09-10
- 2021-05-05
- 2021-06-24
Housing Trust
Human Services Department
- Human Services Department, Chief Executive Appointment
Human Services Screening Unit
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Investigation
Indigenous Community Municipal Services
- Infrastructure Projects
Integrity Care SA
- Intervention Programs
- Justice of the Peace Services
- Justice System
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Kids Under Cover
Land Valuation
- Legal Assistance Funding
- Legal Funding
Legal Services Commission
- Liberal Party Candidates
Liquor Licensing Applications
- Liquor Licensing Fees
- Local Government Amalgamations
Member for Waite
- Members, Accommodation Allowances
Members, Travel Allowances
- Ministerial Accountability
Ministerial Staff
Mount Gambier, Public Housing
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Legal Funding Agreement
- NationBuilder
- Online Family Dispute Resolution Tool
- Outback Communities
Parliament House Staffers
Parliamentary Code of Conduct
Payday Loan Industry
Pearce, Ms D.A.
Personal Alert Systems Rebate Scheme
- Pinky Flat
Planning and Design Code
- Planning and Development
- Premier and Cabinet Department
Public and Community Housing
Public Housing
- 2020-09-08
- 2020-10-14
Public Library Funding
Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
Public Trustee
Quad Bikes
Raethel, Ms H.
Real-Time Fuel Pricing
Renewal SA
Residential Tenancy Bonds
- Return to Country Program
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- SA Housing
- SA Housing Authority
- SA Transport Subsidy Scheme
- Safe City Grant
Safeguarding Taskforce
Seaside Estate, Moana
- Security of Payment Act Claims
Sheriff's Officers
- SkyCity Adelaide
- Small Business
- Small Business Commissioner
- Small Business Grants
Smith, Ms A.M.
Social Housing
- Solar Energy
- South Australian Housing Waiting List
- State Budget
- State Liberal Party
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Declarations
- Superloop Adelaide 500
- Swimming Pool Safety
- Taxi Concierge Service
- Taxi Subsidy Scheme
Termination Payouts
Terminations Payouts
Victim Support Service
Victim Support Services
Victims of Crime Fund
- Victims of Crime Levy
- Virtual Power Plant
Volunteer Screening
- Volunteer Screening Checks
- Waste Management
Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
Women's Leadership and Economic Security Strategy
- Youth Action Plan
- Youth Justice
- Youth Services
Youth Training Centres
- Zou, Ms S.
CLOSE, Susan Elizabeth
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
- Coast Protection (Significant Works) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Ebert, Mr R.F.
- Education System
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
Environmental Decisions
- Environmental Protection
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Heritage Places (Protection of Heritage Places) Amendment Bill
- Junction Community Centre
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks, Sanctuary Zones
- Martindale Hall (Protection and Management) Bill
- Member for Bragg
- Ministerial Accountability
Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
- Mount Lofty Ranges Woodland Birds
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission
- National Landcare Week
- Natural Resources Committee: Use of Off-Road Vehicles
- Parnell, Hon. M.C., Retirement
- PFAS Disposal
- Public Works Committee: Golden Grove High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ocean View P-12 College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Woodville High School Redevelopment
- Radiation Protection and Control Bill
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Speaker
- Springbank Secondary College
- St Kilda Mangroves
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Teachers Registration Board
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- 2021-05-12
- 2021-05-26
- 2021-06-09
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- Abalone Industry
Adelaide Parklands
- Apiary Industry
- Ayers House
- Beetaloo Reservoir
- Buckland Dry Creek
Childcare Sector
- 2020-07-21
Climate Change
- Commercial Fishing Licences
- Community Wastewater Management System
Consultants and Contractors
- Container Deposit Scheme
Coronavirus, Employment
Coronavirus, Schools
- Educational Disadvantage Index
Electric Vehicles
Executive Appointments
- Export Economy
- Female Unemployment
- Feral Deer Aerial Shooting
Flinders Chase National Park
- Forestry Industry
- Fruit Fly
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
- History Trust
- Hove Level Crossing
Indigenous Housing
- Investment Attraction
- Landscape Administration Fund
- Landscape Priorities Fund
- Legal Services Commission
- Limestone Coast
March 4 Justice
Marine Parks, Sanctuary Zones
Member for Waite
- Question Time (17:14)
- Question Time (17:15)
- Question Time (17:15)
- Question Time (17:20)
- Question Time (17:21)
- Question Time (17:25)
- Question Time (17:26)
- Question Time (17:27)
- Question Time (17:32)
- Question Time (17:33)
- Question Time (17:39)
- Question Time (17:45)
- Question Time (17:49)
- Question Time (17:50)
- 2021-08-25
- Members' Behaviour
Minister for Environment and Water
Ministerial Staff
- Murray Cod
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
National Trust
- Native Vegetation Council
- Natural Resources Management
Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Parliament House End of Year Functions
Parliament House Staffers
- 2021-09-09
- Parliament House, Workplace Safety
Pastoral Lands
- Pastoral Lands Bill
Pastoral Leases
- Primary Industries and Regional Development Department
- Public Schools
Public Service Employees
- Regional Growth Fund
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
SA Water
School Closures
- School Grants
- School Improvement Model
- School Transport
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
Springbank Secondary College
St Kilda Mangroves
- 2021-03-17
Termination Payouts
Terminations Payouts
- Torrens Parade Ground
- Trade and Investment Offices
- Victim Support Service
Water Efficiency Program
Wombat Cull
- Women's Leadership and Economic Security Strategy
- Zero Cost Energy Future Expenditure
COOK, Natalie Fleur
Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
Ageing and Adult Safeguarding (Disapplication of Transitional Provision) Amendment Bill
- 2020-11-11
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Communication Partner Service
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus, Public Health System
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
- Disability
Disability Inclusion (Community Visitor Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Disability Inclusion (Restrictive Practices - NDIS) Amendment Bill
- Disability Support Workers
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Health Access Zones) Amendment Bill
Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- 2020-07-22
- Hospitals, Car Parking
Hurtle Vale Electorate Community Events
- Integrity Care SA
International Midwives and Nurses Days
- International Week of the Deaf
- International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife
- Joint Committee on the Social Workers Registration Bill
- Member for Hurtle Vale, Staff Member
- Member's Remarks
- Murray, Mr P.
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Neighbour Day
- Noarlunga State Emergency Service
- Nurses and Midwives
OPCAT Implementation Bill
- Paul, Mr N.
- Pearce, Ms D.A.
- Public Housing
- Public Works Committee: Aberfoyle Park High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Affordable Housing Initiative
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Asset Renewals Project
- Public Works Committee: Neighbourhood Renewal Program
- Public Works Committee: Reynella East College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Wirreanda Secondary School Redevelopment
- Recycling
- Safe Pets Safe Families
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Sittings and Business
Smith, Ms A.M.
Social Workers Registration Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Defence of Provocation and Related Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Spit Hoods) Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- 2021-02-16
- The Wyatt Benevolent Institution Incorporated (Objects) Amendment Bill
- Upper Spencer Gulf
- Vietnam Veterans Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Volunteers
- Westfield Marion Local Heroes
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Youth Unemployment
Affordable Homes Program
Affordable Housing
- Answers to Questions
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- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Carryover Expenditure
Community Benefit Fund
- Community Visitor Scheme
- Coronavirus
Cost of Living Concession
- 2021-02-02
COVID-19 Support Payments
- Crime Prevention and Community Safety Grants
Disability Accommodation, Staff Training
Disability SA
Disability Services
Disability Services Staff
- Domiciliary Equipment
Domiciliary Equipment Service
- Early Intervention Research Directorate
Emergency Accommodation
- Emergency Relief Payments
- Executive Appointments
- Gamblers Rehabilitation Fund
- Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
- Grants SA
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Highgate Park
Homelessness Services
- 2021-10-12
Housing Authority
- 2020-10-13
- 2021-03-18
- 2021-05-04
- 2021-06-23
- Housing Infrastructure Facility Scheme
Housing SA
- Housing Stimulus Modelling
- Housing Stimulus Package
Housing Trust
Human Services Department
Human Services Department, Chief Executive Appointment
Human Services Screening Unit
Integrity Care SA
- Kids Under Cover
- Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre
- Machinery of Government Changes
- Ministerial Accountability
Ministerial Staff
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Passenger Transport Act, Prosecutions
Pearce, Ms D.A.
Personal Alert Systems Rebate Scheme
- Police Check Applications
Public and Community Housing
Public Housing
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Return to Country Program
- SA Housing
- SA Housing Authority
- SA Transport Subsidy Scheme
Safeguarding Taskforce
Smith, Ms A.M.
- Solar Energy
South Australia Police
- South Australian Housing Waiting List
Starter Loans
- Storkey, Mr G.
Taxi Industry
- Taxi Subsidy Scheme
Termination Payouts
- Virtual Power Plant
Volunteer Screening
Youth Action Plan
- Youth Justice
- Youth Services
Youth Training Centres
COWDREY OAM, Matthew John
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
Colton Electorate
Colton Electorate Community Sport
- Colton Electorate Infrastructure Projects
Economic and Finance Committee
- Economic and Finance Committee: Economic Contribution of Migration to South Australia
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Service Levy 2020-21
- Economic and Finance Committee: Essential Production and Supply Chain Security in the Context of Emergency Circumstances in South Australia
- Economic and Finance Committee: Motor Vehicle Insurance and Crash Repair Industry
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Henley Square Groundwater Works
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Henley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Underdale High School Redevelopment
Publishing Committee
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
- Surf Lifesaving Clubs
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Australian Space Agency
- Better Prisons Program
Bushfire Recovery Support
- Carbon Emissions Reduction
- Central Power House
- Climate Change
- Coast Park
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Coronavirus, Education
- Coronavirus, Schools
- Cost Reductions
- Cyber Safety
- Defence Naval Shipbuilding
- Domestic and Family Violence
- Economic Recovery Projects
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Education Department
- Energy and Mining Sector
- High-Tech Sector
- Infrastructure Projects
- Job Creation
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
- Kinship Carers
- Marine Infrastructure
- Metropolitan Fire Service
- Planning and Design Code
- Project EnergyConnect
- Public Health Services, Western Suburbs
- Public Transport
- Recreational Fishing and Camping Facilities Program
Renewable Energy
- Road Maintenance
- School Maintenance Program
- Single-Use Plastics
- Skilling SA
Skills Training
- Small Business
- South Australian Olympians
- Sport and Recreation
- State Basketball Centre
- State Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Plan
- Targeted Lead Abatement Program
- Tourism
CREGAN, Daniel Roy
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Hills Ambulance Services
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Cherry Gardens Bushfire
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Evans, Mr A.L.
- Gellon, Mr L.
- Kavel Electorate
Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Information Guide
- Parliamentary Privilege
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Aberfoyle Park High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Secondary School of English Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Super-Drome Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Women's Prison Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Affordable Housing Initiative
- Public Works Committee: Aldinga Beach B-7 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Angle Vale Wastewater Augmentation Charge Works
Public Works Committee: Ardtornish Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Banksia Park International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Blackwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Brighton Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Brighton Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Charles Campbell College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Christies Beach High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Clare High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Dublin Saleyard Access Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth North Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Enfield Memorial Park
- Public Works Committee: Flagstaff Road Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Emergency Department
- Public Works Committee: Gawler and District College B-12 Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Glenunga International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Glossop High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Golden Grove High School Redevelopment
Public Works Committee: Granite Island Causeway Project
- Public Works Committee: Grant High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Greenwith Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Hallett Cove School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Hamilton Secondary College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Asset Renewals Project
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Heathfield High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Henley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Highgate School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Intersection Upgrades
- Public Works Committee: John Pirie Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Kapunda High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Loxton High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road and Nottage Terrace Intersection Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road Intersection with Kings Road and McIntyre Road Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Mitcham Girls High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Modbury High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Barker High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Barker Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Compass Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Gambier High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Murray Bridge High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Nairne Intersection Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Naracoorte High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Neighbourhood Renewal Program
- Public Works Committee: Norwood Morialta High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Nuriootpa Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ocean View P-12 College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ovingham Level Crossing Grade Separation
- Public Works Committee: Para Hills High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Parafield Gardens High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Paralowie R-12 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Playford International College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Port Lincoln High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Renmark High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Repat Health Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Reynella East College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Roxby Downs Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Salisbury High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Seaford Secondary College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Seaton High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Seaview High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: State Centre of Football
- Public Works Committee: Strathalbyn Residential Aged Care Facility Expansion
- Public Works Committee: the Heights School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Thomas Foods Facility Supporting Roadworks
- Public Works Committee: Underdale High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Unley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Urrbrae Agricultural High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Victor Harbor R-7 School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Wild South Coast Way
- Public Works Committee: Wirreanda Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Women's Memorial Playing Fields Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Woodville High School Redevelopment
- Richardson, Mr D.
- Road Safety
- South Australian Bushfires
- Speaker, Election
Standing Orders Suspension
- Suicide Prevention Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Adelaide Hills, Expanded Boundary Services
- Affordable Housing
Bushfire Recovery Support
- Bushfire Response
- Construction Industry
Country Fire Service
- COVID-19 Courts Administration Authority
- Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Headquarters
- Export Programs
- Horticulture Industry
Infrastructure Projects
- Payday Loan Industry
- Regional Economic Recovery
- Road Maintenance
- School Infrastructure Projects
- School Infrastructure Projects, Kavel Electorate
- Service SA Mount Barker
- Skills Training
- South Eastern Freeway
- Spiritfest
- Taxi Industry
DULUK, Samuel John
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry and Rent) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Cross Road
- Electoral (Ban on Corflutes) Amendment Bill
Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Heritage Places (Protection of Heritage Places) Amendment Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
- Keelty Review
- Legislative Review Committee: Motor Vehicle Registry Petition
Member for Waite
- National Reconciliation Week
- National Volunteer Week
- National Youth Week
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- PTSD Awareness Day
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Blackwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mitcham Girls High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Unley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Urrbrae Agricultural High School Redevelopment
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
Statutes Amendment (Strata Schemes) Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
- Veterans Organisations
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
Waite Electorate
Waite Gatehouse
- Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
- World Environment Day
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Adelaide Parklands
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- Automatic Vehicle Location Technology
- Belair National Park
Belair Park Golf Course and Country Club
Belair Rail Line
- 2021-03-16
Blackwood Community Recreation Centre
- Brownhill Creek
- Coronavirus
- COVID-19 Quarantine
- COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- Forensic Science SA
- Fuel Price Monitoring
- Gambling Regulation
Infrastructure Australia
- Leitech Australia
Medical Cannabis
Mitcham Hills Road Upgrade
- North-South Corridor
- Pedestrian Safety
- Public Library Funding
Repat Health Precinct
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Riverland Quarantine Facility
Road Safety
Road Upgrades
- Schools, Sanitary Products
- Scouts SA
- South Australian Primary Schools Amateur Sport Association
Sports Vouchers
Springbank Secondary College
- State Emergency Service
- Sturt State Emergency Service
- Timber Industry
- Train Station Upgrades
Waite Gatehouse
- Waite Road-Cross Road Intersection
- Wittunga Botanic Garden
ELLIS, Fraser John
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Aboriginal Languages in South Australia
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Berri Barmera Council By-Laws
- City of Marion By-Laws
- Compulsory Land Acquisition
- Cook, Mr J.
- Copper Coast Masters Games
- Copper Coast Tourism
- Cost of Living Concessions Act Regulations
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Driving at Extreme Speed) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coast Protection Board and Coastal Legislation
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fisherman Bay
Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Kernewek Lowender Copper Coast Cornish Festival
Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Motor Vehicle Registry Petition
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
Narungga Electorate
- National Farm Safety Week
- North Coast Road
- Pied Cormorants
- Public Works Committee: Dublin Saleyard Access Upgrade
- Regional Banking Services
- Regional Health Services
- Road Traffic (Work Areas and Work Sites) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on Land Access
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Sir Richard Williams Commemoration
- South Australian Bushfires
- Speaker
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Telstra Cables
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- United Firefighters Union of South Australia
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
Yorke Peninsula Field Days
- Yorketown Hospital
- Agricultural Sector Employment
- Ardrossan Community Hospital
- Ardrossan Men's Shed
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Country Health Services
- Country Road Speed Limits
- Grain Receival Sites
- Grassroots Football, Cricket, and Netball Facility Program
- Health Services
- Infrastructure Projects
- Job Creation
- Justice System
Marine Scalefish Fishery Reform
National Parks
- Parks 2025 Program
- Port Wakefield Road Speed Restrictions
- Racing Industry
- Regional Development Strategy
- Regional Jobs
Regional Landscape Levy
- 2021-08-24
- Regional South Australia
Road Safety
- 2021-10-13
- Roadworks Signs
- Rural Health Workforce Strategy
- School Infrastructure Projects
- Seafood Industry
- Solar Energy
- Sports Funding
- Answers
GARDNER, John Anthony William
Aboriginal Education Strategy
- Ageing and Adult Safeguarding (Disapplication of Transitional Provision) Amendment Bill
- ANZAC Spirit School Prize
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Attorney-General
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Central Adelaide Local Health Network
Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Confidentiality and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus, Public Health System
- Country Education Strategy
- Cudlee Creek Bushfires
- Early Childhood Education
- Early Learning Strategy
Education and Children's Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Education Policy
- Education System
Education System Reports
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Employment Opportunities
- Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy
- Entrepreneurial Specialist Schools
- Golding, Mr G.
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Harmony Day
Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Telepharmacy) Amendment Bill
- History Month
- How Are They Faring: Report Card for Children and Young People
- Inquiry into Palliative Care Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
- International Mother Language Day
- Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- KordaMentha
- Languages in Schools
Legislative Review Committee: Teachers Registration Board Petition
- Lot Fourteen
- Member for Bragg
- Member for Kaurna
- Member for West Torrens, Parliamentary Privilege
Morialta Citizenship Awards
Morialta Electorate
- Norwood Morialta High School Redevelopment
- Online Tutoring Program
- Public Education Facilities
- Public Schools
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Secondary School of English Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ardtornish Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Banksia Park International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Blackwood High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Charles Campbell College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Christies Beach High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Clare High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth North Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Glossop High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Greenwith Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Hamilton Secondary College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Henley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Highgate School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Modbury High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Barker Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Compass Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Mount Gambier High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Naracoorte High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Norwood Morialta High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Renmark High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Reynella East College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Roxby Downs Area School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Underdale High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Unley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Urrbrae Agricultural High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Wirreanda Secondary School Redevelopment
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- SACE Psychology Exam Cancellation
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- South Australian Public Health (Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Amendment Bill
- Springbank Education Review
- Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Student Diversity Advisory Council
Suicide Prevention Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- TAFE, Regional Boards
Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Vocational Education and Training
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
Aged-Care Facilities
- Aged-Care Packages
Ambulance Ramping
Antimicrobial Resistance
- Ardrossan Community Hospital
- Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Automotive Equipment
- Balaklava Hospital
Blackwood Community Recreation Centre
- Blue Book
Bowel Cancer Testing
Building Better Schools Program
- Building What Matters Signage
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Capital Works Governance Committee
Capital Works Projects
- 2021-09-07
- Chef Employment
Child and Young Person's Visitor Scheme
Childcare Sector
- 2020-07-21
- Close the Gap
- Community Visitor Scheme
- Coronavirus, Education
- Coronavirus, Employment
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine
Coronavirus, Schools
- Country Education Strategy
Country Health Services
Country Health, Palliative Care
Country Hospitals
COVID-19 Clinics
- 2021-05-04
COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine
COVID-19 QR Codes
- COVID-19 Quarantine
- COVID-19 Support Payments
- COVID-19 Testing Clinics
- COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19 Website
- Cyber Safety
- Davenport Electorate Schools
- Defence Industries
Drug and Alcohol Services
Education Department
- Education Department Budget
- Education Department Staff
- Education Department, Para Hills Office
Education System
- Educational Disadvantage Index
- Edwardstown Primary School, Road Safety
Elective Surgery
- Emergency Departments
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Family Day Care
Family Day Care and Respite Care
Federal Budget
- Flexible Industry Pathways
- Flinders University Italian Language Course
Frome Electorate, COVID-19 Vaccination
Fruit Fly
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
- Government Contractors
Government Departments
- GP Liaison Officers
- Grant Expenditure
Grant Programs
- 2021-09-09
- Hampstead Hydrotherapy Pool
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Health and Wellbeing Department
Health Budget
- 2021-03-02
Health Heroes Hotel
Health Services
Hearing Health
- History Trust
Hospital Beds
- Hospitals, Car Parking
- International Women's Day
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
- Kingston Early Learning Centre
- Le Cornu Site
Local Hospital Network Boards
- Machinery of Government Changes
Medical Cannabis
Mental Health Services
Ministerial Staff
Modbury Hospital
- 2021-04-01
- 2021-09-21
- Mount Gambier Hospital
- Music Teachers
- My Home Hospital
- National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
No Jab No Play
- 2020-11-11
- Non-Government School Grants
- Non-Government School Loans Scheme
- Non-Government Schools Capital Funding
- Nurse Redundancies
Nursing Graduates
- Older Persons Mental Health Service
- Older Persons Mental Health Unit
- Outpatient Appointments
- Passive Alert Detection Dogs
Patient Assistance Transport Scheme
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Plympton International College, Road Safety
- Port Augusta Ambulance Station
- Port Pirie Bakers Delight
Port Pirie Health Service
- Port Pirie Neurology Services
Port Pirie, Emergency Services
Port Pirie, Overseas General Practitioners
- Preschool Assessments
Priority Care Centres
- Private Hospital Contracts
- Public Health Services, Western Suburbs
- Public Hospital Nurses
Public Schools
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-21
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Car Park
Regional Health Services
Regional Hospitals
Regional School Bus Services
Repat Health Precinct
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Respite Care
- Retirement Villages
- Richmond Primary School, Staff Parking
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Ophthalmology Services
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Ward 9f
- Rural Health Workforce Strategy
SA Ambulance Service
- 2021-05-11
- 2021-08-25
SA Pathology
- SACE Completion
- SACE Psychology Exam Cancellation
- Safe and Strong Schools
- Safety Learning System Incident Review, Ambulance Delays
- School Amalgamations Or Closures
School and Preschool Maintenance Programs
- School Budgets
School Closures
School Funding
- School Grants
- School Improvement Model
School Infrastructure Projects
- School Infrastructure Projects, Kavel Electorate
School Infrastructure Projects, Mount Gambier
- School Infrastructure Projects, Schubert Electorate
School Maintenance Program
- School Services Officers
- School Signage
- School Transport
- Schools Funding
- Schools with Internet Fibre Technology Program
Schools, Capacity Projections
- Schools, Demountable Facilities
Schools, Modular Building Manufacturers
- Schools, Sanitary Products
- Schools, Special Options Placements
- Schools, Specialist Teachers
- Schools, Teacher Transfer
- Schools, Temporary Primary School Teachers
- Schools, Truancy Officers
Schools, Year 7 Reform
Seaford Secondary College
Sex Education
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Government Financing Aunthority
- South Australian Primary Schools Amateur Sport Association
- South Australian Public Health (Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Amendment Bill
Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity
Springbank Secondary College
- State Budget
Sunrise Electronic Medical Record
- TAFE SA Enrolments
TAFE SA Port Pirie
- TAFE SA Scholarships
Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Termination Payouts
- The Heights School
- The Heights School Capital Works
- Training Hours
Transition Committee
Unley High School
Vocational Education and Training
- Wakefield Hospital
- Windmill Theatre
- Women's and Children's Health Network
Women's and Children's Hospital
- Women's Studies
- Women's, Child and Youth Health Plan
Woodleigh House
Year 7 Teacher Recruitment Program
GEE, Jonathan Peter
- Speeches
- Executive Appointments
- Goods and Services
- Government Advertising
- Government Departments
Government Programs
- Government Savings Targets
Grant Programs
- Investing Expenditure Projects
- Machinery of Government Changes
- Ministerial Staff
- Operating Programs
Public Service Employees
- Public Service Employees, Retention Allowance
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Termination Payouts
HARVEY, Richard Manuel
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
- Commission of Inquiry (Land Access in the Mining and Petroleum Industries) Bill
Community Wastewater Management System
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill
Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Health Services
- Heritage Places (Protection of Heritage Places) Amendment Bill
Hope Valley Reservoir
- Joint Committee on the Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Mental Health Funding
Modbury Hospital
Newland Electorate
- Newland Electorate Schools
- Newland Electorate Sporting Clubs
- Newland Electorate Sports Facilities
- Pathway Community Centre
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Contributory Items in Development Plans) Amendment Bill
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day
- Public Works Committee: Ardtornish Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Banksia Park International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Modbury High School Redevelopment
- Radiation Protection and Control Bill
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Small Business
- Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Public Health Act Review
- Social Development Committee: Surgical Implantation of Medical Mesh
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Colonel Light Gardens Character Protection) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
- Sustainable Sewers Program
- Tea Tree Gully Primary School Science Fair
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Violence Against Women
- Adelaide Oval Hotel Development
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Border Checkpoints
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Child Protection
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Cost Reductions
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Defence and Space Sector
- Defence Industries
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Electricity Prices
- Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Equipment
- Employment Figures
- EXCITE Strategy
- Federal Budget
- Global Liveability Index
- Health Services
- Home Battery Scheme
- Hope Valley Reservoir
- Hydrogen
Job Creation
- Main North Road-Nottage Terrace Intersection
- Modbury Hospital
- Music Industry
- Newland Electorate
- Planning and Design Code
- Prison Infrastructure
Public Transport
- Reservoirs
- Safe and Strong Schools
- School Funding
- Schools, Year 7 Reform
- Small Business
- Small Business Grants
- Solar Energy
- Sporting Infrastructure
- Sports Funding
- State Budget
- Switch for Solar
- Tea Tree Plaza Park-and-Ride
- Waste Management
- Water Pricing
- Wine Industry
- Year 7 Teacher Recruitment Program
HILDYARD, Katrine Anne
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
- Child and Young Person’s Visitor Scheme
Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People) Amendment Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Inquiry into Foster and Kinship Care) Amendment Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Children in State Care
- Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Coercive Control) Amendment Bill
- Early Childhood Education
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Equal Opportunity (Domestic Violence) Amendment Bill
- Equal Opportunity (Parliament and Courts) Amendment Bill
- Grandparents for Grandchildren SA
- Grassroots Football, Cricket, and Netball Facility Program
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Application Fees) Amendment Bill
- Labour Hire Licensing (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- March 4 Justice
- Mental Health Funding
Minister for Child Protection
- Modern Slavery
- Motor Vehicles (Offensive Advertising) Amendment Bill
- National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
- Neighbour Day
- Parliament Workplace Culture Review
- Public Works Committee: Christies Beach High School Redevelopment
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Reynell Electorate
- Sentencing (Hate Crimes) Amendment Bill
- Social Workers Registration Bill
- South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Southern Women Matter
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statewide Paediatric Eating Disorder Service
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Electronic Monitoring of Domestic Violence Offenders) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Intervention Orders and Penalties) Bill
- 2021-05-05
- 2021-05-12
- Statutes Amendment (Recommendations of Independent Inquiry into Child Protection) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- 2021-02-18
- The Jam, The Mix, The Gig
- Underemployment and Insecure Work
- Violence Against Women
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- Women in Sport
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Workplace Equality and Safety
- Youth Death, Port Lincoln
- Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre
Adelaide Festival Centre
- Agency Staff
- Arts Sector
- Ask for Angela Scheme
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bass Customer Database
Brighton Oval
Child and Young Person's Visitor Scheme
- 2021-12-01
Child Protection
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:16)
- Question Time (14:17)
- Question Time (14:23)
- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:31)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:39)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (15:01)
- Question Time (15:12)
- 2021-02-16
- 2021-03-18
- 2021-06-24
Child Protection Department
- 2021-05-13
Child Protection Department, C3MS System
Child Protection Department, Port Lincoln
Child Protection Department, Port Lincoln and Ceduna
Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
- 2021-03-31
Children in Care
- 2021-12-01
Children in Care, Port Lincoln
Children in State Care
- Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry
- Community Visitor Scheme
Consultants and Contractors
- Coronavirus Restrictions
Dixon, Mr B.
- Executive Appointments
Family Support Services
- Golden Grove Tennis Club
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
Grassroots Football, Cricket, and Netball Facility Program
- Guardian for Children and Young People
- Her Majesty’s Theatre
- Hopgood Theatre
- Machinery of Government Changes
Minister for Child Protection
- 2021-03-04
Ministerial Accountability
Ministerial Staff
- Office for Women
- Public Sector Enterprise Agreements
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
Residential Care Staff
- Safe City Grant
- Sports Funding
Termination Payouts
- Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
Youth Death, Port Lincoln
HUGHES, Edward Joseph
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Annie Lockwood Court Hostel
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Australian Giant Cuttlefish
- Biosecurity Management
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coober Pedy Services
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
GFG Alliance
Giles Electorate
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Hydrogen Initiative
- Inquiry into Palliative Care Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Keneally, Hon. G.F.
- Kingfish Farming
- Mining Industry, Land Access
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
- National Farm Safety Week
- Plant Health (Pest Affected Plants) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Roxby Downs Area School Redevelopment
- Radiation Protection and Control Bill
- Regional Media
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Regional Services
- Select Committee on Land Access
- Supply Bill 2021
- TAFE SA Whyalla
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Whyalla Steelworks
Ambulance Response, Whyalla
KNOLL, Stephan Karl
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Address in Reply
- Answer Tabled, Public Transport
- Barossa Hospital
- Barossa Valley
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (COVID-19) (Assaults on Certain Workers) Amendment Bill
- Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
- Development (Public Health Emergency) Variation Regulations
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Effectiveness of the Current System of Parliamentary Committees
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme
Joint Committee on End of Life Choices
- Joint Committee on the 125th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage
- Joint Committee on the Social Workers Registration Bill
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) (Rate Relief) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) Amendment Bill
- Member for Mawson, Naming
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- 2020-02-19
- 2020-02-20
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Constitution of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Intersection Upgrades
- Public Works Committee: Nuriootpa Primary School Redevelopment
- Publishing Committee
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Rail Safety Work) Amendment Bill
Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
Schubert Electorate
- Select Committee on the Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
Sessional Orders
Sittings and Business
- South Australian Public Health (Early Childhood Services and Immunisation) Amendment Bill
- Speaker
- Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
- Standing Orders Committee
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Colonel Light Gardens Character Protection) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
Supply Bill 2020
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- 2021-02-18
- Valedictory
Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
- 2020-06-30
- World Tourism Day
- Questions
- Adelaide Oval Hotel Development
- Blyth Plains Road
- Bus Contract
Bus Driver Contracts
- 2020-07-21
Bus Services
- 2020-06-30
Bushfire Recovery Support
- Capital Works Projects
Compulsory Land Acquisition
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Cost Reductions
Economic Stimulus Package
- 2020-04-29
- EPlanning System
Facilities Services
- 2020-07-01
- Flagstaff Road Upgrade
- Horrocks Highway
Infrastructure Projects
Job Creation
- Kangaroo Island Motor Vehicle Registration Fees
- Local Government Accountability
- Local Government Reform
- Local Government Services
- Main South Road Duplication
Members, Accommodation Allowances
Members, Travel Allowances
Planning and Development Fund
Private Bus Charters
Public Transport
- Public Transport Contracts
Public Transport Privatisation
- Regional Jobs
- Regional Roads
- Register of Members' Interests
- Rent Relief
- Road Upgrades
- Rural Road Speed Limits
Service SA
Shoulder Sealing
- Strzelecki Track
TAFE SA Port Pirie
Taxi Industry
- Water Pricing
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
- Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Genocide
- Auditor-General's Report
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Data Harvesting
- Driver Training and Assessment Industry Bill
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Regulation of Corflutes) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Government Policies
Government Privacy Principles, Contingent Notice
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Hove Level Crossing
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
Matter of Privilege
- Member for Bragg
Member for Mawson, Naming
- 2020-03-05
- Member for Waite
- Member's Remarks
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- Mining Industry, Land Access
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
- NationBuilder
- Parliamentary Privilege
- Parliamentary Sitting Program
- Pearce, Ms D.A.
- Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Intersection Upgrades
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Alcohol and Drug Offence) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Rail Safety Work) Amendment Bill
- Renewable Energy
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Schwarz, Mr R.G.
- Select Committee on the Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
Sittings and Business
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- 2020-09-08
Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
- Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
Standing Orders Suspension
- 2020-03-03
- 2021-11-18
- State Budget
- State Electricity Network
- State Liberal Party
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill, Contingent Notice
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Omnibus) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Penalties and Enforcement) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Stand-Alone Power Systems) Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- Zou, Ms S.
- Aboriginal Art and Cultures Gallery
- Accelerated Discovery Program Funding
- Accommodation Allowances
Adelaide 36ers
Adelaide Convention Centre Gala Dinner
- Adelaide Railway Station Information Centre
- Adelaide Venue Management
Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Auditor-General's Report
Barossa Contemporary
- Bridge Health Index
- Bridge Maintenance Funding
- Brighton Road
Bus Services
- Carryover Expenditure
Comas, Ms T.
- Complaints and Discrimination
- COVID-19 Emergency Management Powers
- COVID-19 QR Code Security
COVID-19 Website
- Crown Land
- Crown Solicitor's Office
Data Harvesting
Deputy Premier
Economic Stimulus Package
- ElectraNet
- Electricity Prices
Electricity Prices Modelling
- Escosa Report
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Facilities Maintenance Services Management
Facilities Services
- Fare Revenue
- Ferry Berthing
- Flint, Ms N.
- Freedom of Information
- Gammie, Mr F.
- Gas Prices
Gibson Electorate Office
- Gibson Electorate Office Staff
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Contracts
Government Departments
- Grant Expenditure
Grant Programs
- 2021-09-09
- Grants and Funding
Grid Scale Storage Fund
Home Battery Scheme
Household Appliances, Demand-Response Standards
Hove Level Crossing
- Hydrogen Action Plan
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Investigation
- 2020-09-09
- Infrastructure and Transport Department
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
Keolis Downer
- Land Tax
Legislative Council President
Liberal Party Country Members Dinner
- Lobbyists
- Media Releases
Member for Chaffey
Member for Waite
- 2020-03-03
- 2020-04-07
- 2020-12-01
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- 2020-09-09
Members, Travel Allowances
- Mining Royalties
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Planning
Ministerial Staff
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-02-04
- Question Time (14:34)
- Question Time (14:35)
- Question Time (14:41)
- Question Time (14:44)
- Question Time (14:50)
- Question Time (14:51)
- Question Time (14:51)
- Question Time (14:57)
- Question Time (14:57)
- Question Time (15:00)
- Question Time (15:06)
- Question Time (15:11)
- Question Time (15:12)
- Question Time (15:14)
- Question Time (15:15)
- 2021-05-04
- Newland Electorate Office
North-South Corridor
- Nyrstar
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Point to Point Levy
- Procurement, Conflict of Interest
- Productivity Commission
Public Sector Allowances
- 2020-07-22
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-09
Public Transport
- 2020-11-10
- Public Transport Authority
- Public Transport Contracts
Public Transport Privatisation
Register of Members' Interests
Renewal SA
- Road Funding
Road Maintenance
- 2021-03-17
- Road Upgrades
- Savings Targets
- Separation of Church and State
- Service SA
- Solar Energy
Solar Panels
Specialty Foods Pty Ltd
State Liberal Party
- State Owned Generators Leasing Company
- Station Upgrades
- Supplies and Services
Targeted Lead Abatement Program
- 2021-09-09
- Taxi Industry
- Temporary Generators
- Termination Payouts
- Terminations Payouts
Traffic Management
- Train Drivers
Train Services
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-03-16
Train Services, Costs
- Train Services, Staff
Zou, Ms S.
- Answers
LUETHEN, Paula Maria
- Address in Reply
ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Australia Day Awards
- Biosecurity Management
- Bus Services
Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) (Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People) Amendment Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill
- Community Compassion
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Disability Inclusion (Restrictive Practices - NDIS) Amendment Bill
- Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Recycling Industry
- Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Family Violence
- Golden Grove Lions Club
- Golden Grove Road
- Harmony Day
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Hospitals, Car Parking
- Huntington's Disease
- Infrastructure Projects
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
King Electorate
- King Electorate Infrastructure Projects
King Electorate Kindness Awards
- King Electorate Road Upgrades
King Electorate Sporting Clubs
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Member for Bragg
- Modbury Hospital
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
- National Palliative Care Week
Natural Resources Committee
- Neighbour Day
- One Tree Hill
- Peg it Forward
- Public Works Committee: Greenwith Primary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road Intersection with Kings Road and McIntyre Road Upgrade
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Sentencing (Serious Repeat Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Single-Use Plastics
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Surgical Implantation of Medical Mesh
- South Australian Bushfires
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Sports Vouchers
Standing Orders Committee
- State Electricity Network
- Statewide Paediatric Eating Disorder Service
- Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Defence of Provocation and Related Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recommendations of Independent Inquiry into Child Protection) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- Tea Tree Gully Returned and Services League
- Tea Tree Plaza Car Parking
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- The Grove Way
- Valedictories
- Veterans Organisations
- Vietnam Veterans Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- A Day at the Drive
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Bus Contract
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Bushfire Response
Child Protection
- Children in Care, Education Pathways
Coronavirus Restrictions
- Coronavirus, Parafield Cluster
- Coronavirus, Schools
- Correctional Services
- Cost Reductions
- COVID-19 Economic Response
- COVID-19 State Government Response
- COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- Cybersecurity
- Defence Industries
- Demand Management Technology
Education System
- Electricity Prices
- Energy Prices
- FIFA Women's World Cup
- GigCity Network
- Health Services
- Infrastructure Funding
Infrastructure Projects
- Job Creation
- King Electorate
- Listening to South Australians
- Memorial Drive Redevelopment
- Metropolitan Fire Service
- Mining Industry
- Next Steps Program
- Police Staffing
- Prisoner Rehabilitation
- Project EnergyConnect
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Hydrogen
- Road Maintenance
- Road Safety Strategy to 2031
- Road Upgrades
School Infrastructure Projects
- Schools, Year 7 Reform
- Skills Training
- South Australia Police
- Sport and Recreation
- Sporting Infrastructure
- Sporting Pathways
- Sports Vouchers
- State Budget
- State Economy
- State Liberal Government
- Swimming Pool Safety
- Transport Infrastructure
- Victim Support Services
- Video Game Development
- Waste Management
- Water Pricing
- Windmill Theatre
- Women in Skills Training
- Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
- Women's, Child and Youth Health Plan
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Remand Centre
- Afghanistan, Contingent Notice
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Attorney-General
- Bradshaw, Mr K.
- Bus Services
- Community Wastewater Management System
- COVID-19
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Protection of War Memorials) Amendment Bill
- Dalaithngu, Mr David
- Defence Shipbuilding
- DOME Funding
- Ebert, Mr R.F.
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Facebook Posts
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Health Funding
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Hospital Beds
- Keneally, Hon. G.F.
- Matter of Privilege
- Mckee, Hon. C.d.t.
Member for Bragg
- Member for Waite
- Milisits, Mr Vilmos
- Minister for Child Protection
- NationBuilder
- Public Transport
- Public Transport Privatisation
- Rejman, Mr A.
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- SA Ambulance Service Resourcing
- Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Shanahan, Chief Supt Joanne and Mcneill, Ms Tania
Sittings and Business
- Skills Training
- South Australian Bushfires
- Speaker
- Speaker, Election
- Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
Standing Orders Suspension
State Economy
State Liberal Government
- State Liberal Party
- Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
Unemployment Figures
- United States Presidential Election
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- West End Brewery
- Aboriginal Affairs Action Plan
- Aboriginal Fishing and Aquaculture Program
- Aboriginal Heritage Staff
- Aboriginal Interpreter Service
- Accenture
- Adelaide Railway Station Information Centre
Adelaide Remand Centre
- Ambulance Employees Association
Ambulance Ramping
- APY Lands
APY Lands, Municipal Services Funding
- Aukus
Australian Submarine Corporation Jobs
Bus Services
- Business Investment
Child and Young Person's Visitor Scheme
Child Protection
- Child Protection Department Staffing
Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
- Christmas Pageant
- Community Transition and Learning Centre
- 2020-03-04
- 2020-04-30
- 2020-05-14
Coronavirus Restrictions
Coronavirus Testing
Coronavirus, Employment
- 2020-05-12
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine
- Coronavirus, Nurse Employment
Coronavirus, Parafield Cluster
- Coronavirus, Schools
Country Hospitals
- COVID-19
COVID-19 Hospital Response
- 2021-10-27
COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine
- COVID-19 International Students
- COVID-19 QR Codes
COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
- COVID-19 State Government Response
- COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
Covid-Ready Road Map
- Cybersecurity
Data Harvesting
Deputy Premier
- Disability Services
Doherty Institute Modelling
DOME Funding
- Economic Growth
Economic Stimulus Package
- 2020-09-09
Election Commitments
Election Debate
Electric Vehicles
Emergency Departments
Emergency Management Act
Employment Figures
Energy and Emissions Reduction Agreement
- Events Funding
- Expenditure and Investment
Facebook Posts
Flinders Medical Centre
- Foodworks
- Fruit Fly
Future Submarines Program
Gawler Line Electrification
Government Advertising
- Government Campaigns
Health Budget
- Holiday Penalty Rates
Hospital Beds
Hospitality Industry
Illuminate Adelaide
Infrastructure Projects
Integrity Care SA
- International Students
JobKeeper Payment
Jobs Growth
- JobSeeker Payment
- Joy Baluch Bridge
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
Keolis Downer
- Leisure Events Bid Fund
Liberal Party Candidates
- Local Government Accountability
- Lot Fourteen
McGregor Tan
- Media Releases
Member for MacKillop
Member for Narungga
Member for Waite
- Question Time (16:51)
- Question Time (16:52)
- Question Time (16:53)
- Question Time (16:59)
- Question Time (17:00)
- Question Time (17:00)
- Question Time (17:02)
- Question Time (17:08)
- Question Time (17:08)
- Question Time (17:09)
- Question Time (17:33)
- Question Time (17:37)
- Question Time (17:44)
- Question Time (17:45)
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- 2021-10-13
Ministerial Accountability
- Ministerial Responsibilities
- Mission Control Centre
- North-South Corridor
- Nuclear Waste
- Nurse Redundancies
- Parliament House End of Year Functions
Parliament House Staffers
- Parliament House Staffing
Premier and Cabinet Department
- Proactive Disclosure Monitoring
Project EnergyConnect
Public Transport
Public Transport Privatisation
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Rail Services
- Rail Services, EY Report
Register of Members' Interests
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Rewards Wonder Campaign
Riverbank Arena
SA Ambulance Service
Safeguarding Taskforce
- Select Committee on the Conduct of the Hon. Vickie Chapman MP Regarding Kangaroo Island Port Application
- Shop Trading Hours
- Single Touch Payroll
- South Australia-Japan Relationship
Space Industry
- Space Innovation Fund
- Speaker, Election
- Speaker, Presentation to Governor
State Budget
State Economy
State Final Demand
- State Government
State Liberal Government
State Liberal Party
- State Lockdown
- Submarine Program
- Suicide Prevention Advocate
Superloop Adelaide 500
- Tika Tirka Student Accommodation
- Tourism
Train Services
- Umuwa Multi-Agency Facility
Unemployment Figures
Unley High School
Vaccine Manufacturing Capability
- Veterans Employment Program
- Veterans Perpetual Grave Lease Program
- Veterans, Perpetual Grave Lease Program
- Water Efficiency Program
West End Brewery
Women's and Children's Hospital
- Women's and Children's Hospital Taskforce
Youth Death, Port Lincoln
- Youth Unemployment
- Answers
MARSHALL, Steven Spence
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Afghanistan
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Bradshaw, Mr K.
- Budget and Economic Update
- Budget Papers
- Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, Statement to House
- Coronavirus
- COVID-19 India
- Dalaithngu, Mr David
- Ebert, Mr R.F.
- Governor Appointment
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- International Artist Day
- Keneally, Hon. G.F.
- Leak, Mr D.R.
- Mckee, Hon. C.d.t.
- Member for Bragg
- Member's Remarks
- Milisits, Mr Vilmos
- Muecke, Dr J.
- Remembrance Day
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Riverbank Arena
- Royal Australian Air Force Centenary
- Shanahan, Chief Supt Joanne and Mcneill, Ms Tania
- South Australian Bushfires
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Speaker
- Speaker, Election
- Sport SA Chief Executive Officer Complaints
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Valedictory
- Veterans Suicide Support Services
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- Questions
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Affairs Action Plan
- Aboriginal Art and Cultures Centre
Aboriginal Art and Cultures Gallery
- Aboriginal Fishing and Aquaculture Program
- Aboriginal Heritage Staff
- Aboriginal Interpreter Service
- Aboriginal Positions
- Accenture
- Accommodation Allowances
- Adelaide 36ers
Adelaide City Deal
Adelaide Convention Bureau
Adelaide Convention Centre Gala Dinner
Adelaide Festival Centre
- Adelaide Fringe, Regional Events
- Adelaide Parklands
- Adelaide Venue Management
Adelaide Venue Management Corporation
Adelaide Venue Management, Medi-Hotels
- Adelaide Venue Management, Uniform
- Age of Criminal Responsibility
- Aged-Care Workers
Aluminium Composite Cladding
- Ambulance Employees Association
Ambulance Ramping
- 2021-05-25
- 2021-06-22
- 2021-08-24
- 2021-11-30
Ambulance Response, Whyalla
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
- APY Lands
- APY Lands Policing Model
APY Lands, Municipal Services Funding
- Arts SA
Arts Sector
- Assistant Minister to the Premier
- Aukus
- Australian Space Agency
Australian Submarine Corporation Jobs
Barossa Contemporary
- Bass Customer Database
Border Checkpoints
Bus Services
Business and Jobs Support Fund
- Business Confidence
- Business Investment
- Capital and Investing Budgets
Capital Works Projects
- Chef Employment
- Chemotherapy
Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
Christmas Pageant
- Climate Change
- Code Black Incidents
Collections Storage Facility
Comas, Ms T.
Community and Jobs Support Fund
- Community Transition and Learning Centre
- Construction Industry
- Construction Industry Training Board
Consultants and Contractors
Conveyance Duty Revenue
- 2020-03-04
- Question Time (14:03)
- Question Time (14:04)
- Question Time (14:06)
- Question Time (14:08)
- Question Time (14:09)
- Question Time (14:13)
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:23)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:31)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:38)
- Question Time (14:47)
- Question Time (14:48)
- Question Time (14:57)
- Question Time (15:02)
- 2020-04-28
- 2020-06-02
- 2020-09-09
- 2020-09-10
- 2020-09-23
Coronavirus Restrictions
Coronavirus Testing
Coronavirus, Education
Coronavirus, Employment
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine Workers
Coronavirus, Kangaroo Island
Coronavirus, Nurse Employment
- 2020-04-29
- 2020-05-12
Coronavirus, Parafield Cluster
Coronavirus, Schools
- Coronavirus, Support Payments
Coronavirus, Travel
- Cost of Living Concession
Cost Reductions
- Country Doctor Agreement
- Country Health Services
Country Hospitals
- COVID-19
COVID-19 Border Restrictions
- 2021-11-17
COVID-19 Cross-Border Permits
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
COVID-19 Economic Response
- COVID-19 Emergency Management Powers
COVID-19 Essential Workers
COVID-19 Hospital Response
- 2021-10-27
COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine
- COVID-19 India
COVID-19 International Students
- COVID-19 Outreach Projects
- COVID-19 Public Exposure Sites
COVID-19 QR Codes
COVID-19 Quarantine
- 2021-10-13
COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
- COVID-19 Restrictions
COVID-19 State Government Response
- COVID-19 Support Payments
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Testing Clinics
- COVID-19 Tourism Impact
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
COVID-19 Vaccine
- COVID-19 Website
Covid-Ready Road Map
- Cross-Border Commissioner
Cruise Ship Industry
Data Harvesting
- Defence and Space Landing Pad
- Defence and Space Sector
- Defence Industries
- Defence Naval Shipbuilding
Deputy Premier
- Disability Services
Doherty Institute Modelling
Economic and Business Growth Fund
- 2021-05-11
- Economic Growth
Economic Stimulus Package
- 2020-04-30
- 2020-06-02
- 2020-09-09
- 2020-09-10
- Education Department
- Election Commitments
Election Debate
- Electorate Offices
Electric Vehicles
Emergency Departments
Emergency Management Act
Employment Figures
- Event Postponement
Events Advisory Group
- Events Funding
Ex Gratia Payments
- 2021-11-18
Executive Appointments
- Expenditure and Investment
Facebook Posts
- Federal Budget
- Fees and Charges
- Female Unemployment
- FIFA Women's World Cup
First Home Owners Grant
Flinders Medical Centre
- Flint, Ms N.
- Foodworks
- Future Jobs Fund Program
Future Submarines Program
Gawler Line Electrification
Gibson Electorate Office
- Gibson Electorate Office Staff
- Global Liveability Index
Goods and Services
Goods and Services Tax
Government Advertising
- 2020-09-09
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-08-24
- Government Campaigns
Government Departments
- Government Grants
Government Revenue
Grant Programs
Great Southern Bike Trail
Great State Voucher Scheme
- Hahndorf Traffic Improvement Project
Health Budget
- Health Services
Hearing Health
- Her Majesty’s Theatre
Hinton, Ms L.
- Holiday Penalty Rates
- HomeBuilder Program
HomeStart Finance
- Hopgood Theatre
Hospital Beds
- Hospital Funding
Hospitality Industry
- Hospitals, Security
Hotel Quarantine Fees
Housing Stimulus Package
- Housing Trust
- Human Services Department, Chief Executive Appointment
Illuminate Adelaide
Indigenous Disadvantage
Indigenous Housing
- Indoor Entertainment Centres
Influenza Vaccinations
- Infrastructure Funding
Infrastructure Projects
Integrity Care SA
Intensive Care Unit Beds
- InterContinental Hotel
- International Students
- Investment Attraction
- Job Accelerator Grant
Job Creation
JobKeeper Payment
Jobs Growth
JobSeeker Payment
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- Kangaroo Island Covid Vaccinations
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Land Forces Conference
Land Tax
- Legislative Council President
Leisure Events Bid Fund
Liberal Party Candidates
Liberal Party Fundraising
- Listening to South Australians
- Lobbyists
Local Health Networks
Local Hospital Network Boards
Lot Fourteen
- Lyell McEwin Hospital, Muna Paendi Clinic
Machinery of Government Changes
March 4 Justice
- McCracken Country Club
McGregor Tan
- Medi-Hotels
Media Releases
Member for MacKillop
Member for Narungga
Member for Waite
- Question Time (14:18)
- Question Time (14:19)
- Question Time (14:19)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:35)
- Question Time (14:49)
- Question Time (14:49)
- Question Time (14:50)
- Question Time (14:55)
- Question Time (15:04)
- Question Time (15:05)
- Question Time (15:16)
- 2020-04-07
- 2020-12-01
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- 2021-10-13
- Members' Behaviour
Mental Health
Mental Health Beds
- Minister for Environment and Water
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Planning
Ministerial Accountability
- Ministerial Expenditure
- Ministerial Responsibilities
Ministerial Staff
- Mission Control Centre
Modbury Hospital
- Modbury Park-and-Ride
- More for Health Campaign
- Mount Gambier Hospital
MTX Group
- 2021-05-11
Multicultural Affairs
- Multicultural Affairs Funding
- Multicultural Events
- Multicultural Legislative Review
- Muna Paiendi Primary Health Care Services
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Museum of South Australian History
National Disability Insurance Scheme
National Reconciliation Week
- National Tourism Icons Program
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:16)
- Question Time (14:17)
- Question Time (14:18)
- Question Time (14:19)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:41)
- Question Time (14:45)
- Question Time (14:51)
- Question Time (14:51)
- Question Time (14:51)
- Question Time (14:57)
- Question Time (14:58)
- Question Time (15:00)
- Question Time (15:07)
- Question Time (15:10)
- Question Time (15:11)
- Question Time (15:15)
- Question Time (14:16)
- Question Time (14:17)
- Question Time (14:18)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:30)
- Question Time (14:35)
- Question Time (14:39)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:45)
- Question Time (14:45)
- Question Time (14:46)
- Question Time (14:52)
- Question Time (14:54)
- Question Time (14:56)
- Question Time (15:05)
- Question Time (15:06)
- Question Time (15:09)
- Question Time (15:16)
- 2021-05-04
- Newland Electorate Office
North-South Corridor
- Nuclear Waste
Nurse Redundancies
- 2021-05-04
O'Neill, Prof. S.
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Outpatient Appointments
- Park-and-Ride Facilities
- Parliament House End of Year Functions
Parliament House Staffers
- Parliament House Staffing
- Payroll Tax
- Pinky Flat
Premier and Cabinet Department
Premier Marshall
- Proactive Disclosure Monitoring
- Productivity Commission
Public and Community Housing
Public Health Services
Public Sector Allowances
- 2020-07-22
Public Sector Employees
Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Rail Services
- Rail Services, EY Report
- Reconciliation Action Plan
- Regional Growth Fund
- Regional Hospitals
Regional Tourism
Register of Members' Interests
Renal Dialysis Services
- Renewal SA
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Residential Property Transactions
- Respiratory Clinics
Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
Rewards Wonder Campaign
Riverbank Arena
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Rural Health
SA Ambulance Service
- 2021-03-03
- 2021-04-01
- 2021-05-11
SA Health
SA Pathology
- 2020-06-02
- SA Water
Safeguarding Taskforce
- 2020-06-17
- Select Committee on the Conduct of the Hon. Vickie Chapman MP Regarding Kangaroo Island Port Application
- Separation of Church and State
Shop Trading Hours
- 2021-08-26
- Single Touch Payroll
Small Business Grants
- South Australia-Japan Relationship
South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- South Australian Museum
South Australian Tourism Commission
Space Industry
- Space Innovation Fund
- Speaker, Presentation to Governor
- St Kilda Mangroves
Starter Loans
- State Asset Sales
State Budget
State Debt
State Economy
State Final Demand
- 2020-06-02
- State Government
State Government Procurement
State Liberal Government
- 2020-02-06
State Liberal Party
- State Lockdown
- Submarine Program
- Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention Advocate
- Sunrise Electronic Medical Record
Superloop Adelaide 500
- 2021-05-04
Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Taskforce Protect
- Tasting Australia
Termination Payouts
- Thomas Foods International
- Tika Tirka Student Accommodation
Tourism Industry Development Fund
- Tourism Marketing Budget
Tourism Operators
Treasury and Finance Department
- Treasury Portfolio
- Umuwa Multi-Agency Facility
Unemployment Figures
Vaccine Manufacturing Capability
- Veteran Welbeing Centre
- Veterans
- Veterans Affairs
Veterans Employment Program
- 2020-12-02
- 2021-10-12
- Veterans Perpetual Grave Lease Program
- Veterans, Perpetual Grave Lease Program
Viral Respiratory Disease Pandemic Response Plan
Voluntary Separation Packages
Water Efficiency Program
West End Brewery
Wombat Cull
- 2020-03-24
Women's and Children's Hospital
- Women's and Children's Hospital Taskforce
Youth Death, Port Lincoln
- Youth Unemployment
MCBRIDE, Philip Nicholas
Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
- Biosecurity Management
- Blackford Bushfire
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coast Protection Board and Coastal Legislation
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Recycling Industry
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- International Artist Day
- International Firefighters' Day
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- MacKillop Electorate
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- National Farm Safety Week
- Natural Resources Committee: Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Region
- Natural Resources Committee: Use of Off-Road Vehicles
- Public Works Committee: Naracoorte High School Redevelopment
- Regional Media
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Robe 2 Recovery
- South Australian Bushfires
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Agricultural Sector Employment
- Agriculture Industry
- Business and Export Initiatives
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Drought Assistance
- Education System
- Electricity Prices
- Emergency Services
Energy Prices
- EPlanning System
- Export Economy
Export Programs
- Global Expansion Program
High-Tech Sector
International Trade
- Job Creation
- Mining Industry
- Overseas Trade Offices
- Prisons, Drug Use
- Regional Roads
Road Safety
- Schools with Internet Fibre Technology Program
- Schools, Year 7 Reform
- Skilling South Australia
- South Australian Film Industry
- Trade and Investment
- Wine Industry Bushfire Recovery Support
Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
- Associations Incorporation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Attorney-General
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- Economic and Finance Committee: Essential Production and Supply Chain Security in the Context of Emergency Circumstances in South Australia
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Enfield Electorate
- Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
- International Women's Day
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Legislative Review Committee: Motor Vehicle Registry Petition
- National Family Business Day
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Design Standards) Amendment Bill
- 2021-09-08
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Republic of Cyprus
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
Select Committee on the Conduct of the Hon. Vickie Chapman MP Regarding Kangaroo Island Port Application
- Sittings and Business
- Small Business Week
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Strata Schemes) Bill
- Violence Against Women
- Attorney-General’s Department
Bushfire Grant Programs
Consumer and Business Services
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Fuel Pricing
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Grant Programs
- HomeStart Employees
- Innovation and Skills Department
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Legal Services Commission
Liquor Licensing Applications
- Liquor Licensing Fees
Ministerial Staff
Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
Residential Tenancy Bonds
- Security of Payment Act Claims
- Small Business Commissioner
Termination Payouts
- Waste Management
MULLIGHAN, Stephen Campbell
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
- 2021-07-20
Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Bus Services
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Construction Industry Training Board
- Coronavirus, Public Health System
- Coroners (Undetermined Natural Causes) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- COVID-19 Economic Response
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Regulation of Corflutes) Amendment Bill
Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
- First Home and Housing Construction Grants (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Government Privacy Principles, Contingent Notice
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Holidays (Christmas Day) Amendment Bill
- Hospitality Industry
- Housing Stimulus Package
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- KordaMentha
- Land Tax (Discretionary Trusts) Amendment Bill
Lee Electorate
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Production and Sales Licence) Amendment Bill
- Matter of Privilege
- Member for Bragg
- Member for Waite
Member's Remarks
Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
- Mutual Recognition (South Australia) (Further Adoption) Amendment Bill
- Online Gambling
- Public Finance and Audit (Government Advertising) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Flagstaff Road Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Seaton High School Redevelopment
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Riverbank Arena
- Schwarz, Mr R.G.
Sittings and Business
- Small Business
- Social Workers Registration Bill
- South Australian Employment Tribunal (Costs) Amendment Bill
- Standing Orders Suspension, Contingent Notice
- State Budget
- State Economy
State Liberal Government
- State Procurement Repeal Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Fund Selection and Other Superannuation Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures) Bill
- Supply Bill 2020
Supply Bill 2021
- 2021-05-06
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Unclaimed Money Bill
- Valedictories
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- West Lakes, Contamination
- Western Suburbs Development
- Westfield West Lakes Car Parking
- Accenture
Adelaide City Deal
- Adelaide Zoo
Aluminium Composite Cladding
Barossa Contemporary
- Bus Services
Business and Jobs Support Fund
- Businesses with Taxable Payrolls
- Capital and Investing Budgets
Capital Works Projects
- Cedar Apartments, West Lakes
- Chief Executive Appointments
Child Protection Department
Child Protection Department Budget
- 2021-06-10
Christmas Pageant
Community and Jobs Support Fund
- Construction Industry
Construction Industry Training Board
- Question Time (14:08)
- Question Time (14:08)
- Question Time (14:09)
- Question Time (14:09)
- Question Time (14:13)
- Question Time (14:14)
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:19)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:21)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:28)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:39)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:40)
Consultants and Contractors
Conveyance Duty Revenue
Coronavirus Restrictions
- Coronavirus, Employment
- Corporate Overhead Costs
- Cost of Living Concession
Country Fire Service
- COVID-19 Departmental Employees
- COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
- Debt Holdings
- Defence and Space Landing Pad
Economic and Business Growth Fund
- Economic Forecast
Economic Stimulus Package
- 2020-06-02
- 2020-09-10
Electric Vehicles
Employment Figures
Ex Gratia Payments
- 2021-11-18
- Executive Appointments
- Fees and Charges
- Field Services
- First Home Buyers
First Home Owners Grant
- Fleet Electric Vehicles
- Fleet SA
Fruit Fly
- Question Time (14:19)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:28)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:29)
- Question Time (14:30)
- Question Time (14:31)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:34)
- Question Time (14:36)
- Question Time (14:37)
- Question Time (14:38)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:42)
- Question Time (14:43)
- Question Time (14:45)
- Future Jobs Fund Program
- Glenthorne Farm
Goods and Services
Goods and Services Tax
Government Advertising
- Government Banking Contract
- Government Departments
Government Programs
Government Revenue
Government Savings Targets
Grant Programs
- Hahndorf Traffic Improvement Project
Hinton, Ms L.
- HomeBuilder Program
- 2021-09-23
HomeStart Finance
Housing Stimulus Package
- Housing Trust
- Infrastructure Projects
- Investing Expenditure Projects
- Investment Attraction
- Job Accelerator Grant
- Jobkeeper
- JobKeeper Payment
- JobSeeker Payment
Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Land Forces Conference
Land Tax
- Le Cornu Site, Forestville
- Lobbyists
Lot Fourteen
- 2021-12-02
- Machinery of Government Changes
- Main South Road Duplication
Member for Waite
- Member Services Improvements
Members, Accommodation Allowances
Members, Travel Allowances
- Ministerial Expenditure
- Ministerial Offices
Ministerial Staff
- 2020-06-30
- 2021-11-17
Mount Gambier Recreation Hub
- National Redress Scheme
North-South Corridor
- Pastoral Lands Bill
- Payroll Tax
- Premier and Cabinet Department
Premier Marshall
- Primary Industries and Regional Development Department
- Prospect Development Plan
- Public Non-Financial Sector
Public Sector Employees
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
Rail Funding
- Recruitment Services
Regional Growth Fund
Renewal SA
- Residential Property Transactions
Riverbank Arena
- SA Health
- SA Water
Small Business Grants
South Australian Government Financing Authority
- State Asset Sales
State Budget
State Debt
State Economy
- State Final Demand
Super SA
Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Taxi Industry
Termination Payouts
Treasury and Finance Department
- Treasury Portfolio
Unemployment Figures
- Vasilevski, Ms G.
- Victor Harbor Road Duplication
- Water Pricing
- West End Brewery
- Women's and Children's Hospital
MURRAY, Stephen Peter
- Address in Reply
- Cherry Gardens Bushfire
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Davenport Electorate Sporting Facilities
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Fatigue and Bullying in SA Health
- Public Works Committee: Aberfoyle Park High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Flagstaff Road Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Emergency Department
- Public Works Committee: Happy Valley Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
- Statewide Paediatric Eating Disorder Service
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Bizweek
- Cybersecurity
- Davenport Electorate Schools
- Emergency Services
- Flagstaff Road Upgrade
- Freight Corridors
- Glenthorne National Park
- Investment Attraction
- Mortal Kombat
- Opening Up Our Reservoirs
- Public Open Spaces
- Public Transport
- Road Upgrades
- School Infrastructure Projects
- Skills Training
- State Budget
- Vocational Education and Training
- Water Pricing
- Wine Industry
- Zero Cost Energy Future
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Offences) Amendment Bill
Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
- Criminal Law (High Risk Offenders) (Breach of Supervision Order) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (COVID-19) (Assaults on Certain Workers) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Driving at Extreme Speed) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Interference with Electronic Monitoring Device) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Throwing Objects at Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- 2021-09-08
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (COVID-19) (Electronic Monitoring) Amendment Bill
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Government Funding Rally
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Licensing) Amendment Bill
- OPCAT Implementation Bill
Passenger Transport (Transit Barring Orders) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide Women's Prison Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Playford International College Redevelopment
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Alcohol and Drug Offence) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Drug Testing) Amendment Bill
- Sentencing (Serious Repeat Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Shanahan, Chief Supt Joanne and Mcneill, Ms Tania
South Australian Bushfires
- Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intervention Orders and Penalties) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Licence Disqualification) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Spit Hood Prohibition) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Unexplained Wealth (Commonwealth Powers) Bill
- Women Offenders Support Services
Adelaide Remand Centre
- 2021-03-02
- Ag Security Group
- APY Lands
APY Lands Policing Model
- Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Aviation Services
- Bushfire Season Review
- CIB Service
- City of Playford
- Community Crime Prevention Programs Manual
Community Forums
- 2021-03-04
- 2020-03-04
- Correctional Services Department, Staffing
Counter Terrorism Action Plan
- Country Fire Service
Country Policing Review
- COVID-19 Lockdown Arrests
- COVID-19 Prison Testing
- COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
Declared Public Precinct
- Drug Detection Dogs
Duggan Review
Electronic Monitoring
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Gel Blasters
- Goods and Services
Government Advertising
- Government Departments
Grant Programs
Hindley Street Police Station
- Investing Expenditure Projects
- John Rice Avenue-Haydown Road Intersection
Kalangadoo Police Station
- 2021-12-01
Keelty Review
- Main North Road-Hogarth Road Intersection
- Main North Road-Shandon Court Intersection
- Members' Correspondence
Metropolitan Fire Service
- 2020-03-24
- 2020-04-30
Ministerial Staff
- Multi-Agency Protection Service
- New Foundations Program
- Office for Public Integrity
- Polair
- Police Staffing
- Police, Body-Worn Cameras
- Police, Legal Costs Reimbursement
- Police, Pandemic Leave
- Police, Quarantined Sworn Officers
- Prison Escapees
Prisoner Numbers
Prisons, Drug Use
- Prisons, Mobile Phone Jamming Technology
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-22
Regional Policing Review
- Repay SA
- Road Regulation
Road Safety Funding
Roma Mitchell House
- Schools, Drug Detection Operations
Security Response Section
- SES Recruitment
Smith, Ms A.M.
South Australia Police
- State Emergency Service
- Surf Lifesaving Clubs
- Termination Payouts
- Yatala Labour Prison
- Yorktown Road-Adams Road Intersection
- Yorktown Road-Campbell Road Intersection
PATTERSON, Stephen John Rayden
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Coastal Environment
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Economic Contribution of Migration to South Australia
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Get Home Safe Foundation
- Grassroots Football, Cricket, and Netball Facility Program
- Groom, Mr T.R.
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
Morphett Electorate
- Morphett Electorate, Glenelg North
- Morphett Electorate, Road Safety
- National Volunteer Week
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Fatigue and Bullying in SA Health
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Brighton Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: John Pirie Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road Intersection with Kings Road and McIntyre Road Upgrade
- Radiation Protection and Control Bill
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Effectiveness of the Current System of Parliamentary Committees
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- St Andrew's by the Sea
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Penalties and Enforcement) Bill
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictory
- Veterans Organisations
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- World Environment Day
- World Teachers' Day
- Questions
- Agent General
Altus Renewables
Antimicrobial Resistance
- Business and Export Initiatives
- COVID-19 Economic Response
- COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
- Defence Industries
Ecommerce Accelerator Program
- Economic Investment Fund
- Executive Appointments
Export Accelerator Program
Export Economy
Export Fundamentals Program
Export Initiatives
Export Programs
Global Expansion Program
- 2020-12-03
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
- Growth State Priority Sectors
High-Tech Sector
I Choose SA
- International Student Support Package
International Trade
International Trade and Investment
Investment Attraction
- Job Creation
- Leitech Australia
- Machinery of Government Changes
Manufacturing Industry
- Meat and Meat Preparations Industry
Ministerial Staff
- MTX Group
- Overseas Trade Offices
- Premier's Export Awards
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Renewable Energy
- Seafood Industry
- Sister State Agreements
- State Budget
Termination Payouts
Trade and Investment
Trade and Investment Department
- Trade and Investment Department Staff
- Trade and Investment Offices
- Uk Free Trade Agreement
Wine Industry
Zou, Ms S.
PEDERICK, Adrian Stephen
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Aquaculture (Tourism Development) Amendment Bill
- Big River Pork
- Biosecurity Management
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Coorong District Council
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coast Protection Board and Coastal Legislation
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Recycling Industry
Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Motor Vehicle Insurers and Repairers) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Repeal of Part 6A - Gift Cards) Amendment Bill
Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fuel Watch Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Hammond Electorate
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queen's Counsel) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Production and Sales Licence) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) Amendment Bill
- Martindale Hall (Protection and Management) Bill
- Mining Industry, Land Access
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Constitution of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Public Works Committee: Angle Vale Wastewater Augmentation Charge Works
- Public Works Committee: Strathalbyn Residential Aged Care Facility Expansion
- Public Works Committee: Urrbrae Agricultural High School Redevelopment
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Alcohol and Drug Offence) Amendment Bill
- Regional Media
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- State Electricity Network
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
- Supply Bill 2021
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictory
- Veterans Organisations
- Veterans Suicide Support Services
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
- Weatherill, Hon. G.
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Yumali-Netherton Fire
- Accelerated Discovery Initiative
- Agricultural Sector Employment
- Construction Industry
- Correctional Services
- Electricity Interconnector
- Essential Services
- Export Economy
- Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies
- Fruit Fly
- Hammond Electorate
- Hydrogen
- Livestock Industry
- Member for Kavel
- Mining Industry
- Mobile Black Spot Program
- National Parks
- Native Vegetation
- Orora Glass Processing Plant
- Petroleum Exploration
- Project EnergyConnect
- Red Meat and Wool Growth Program
Regional Growth Fund
- Regional Jobs
- Regional South Australia
- Rent Relief
- SA Pathology
School Infrastructure Projects
- Skilling South Australia
Speaker, Election
- State Budget
- State Economy
- Timber Industry
- Volunteer Screening Checks
Water Infrastructure
PICCOLO, Antonio
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
Appropriation Bill 2020
Appropriation Bill 2021
Australia Day Awards
- Barnet, Mr J.
- Barossa Valley
- Bus Services
- Carers Week
- China Trade Tariffs
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus, Mental Health
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Empathy
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
- Facilities Maintenance Services Management
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Foundation Barossa
- Gawler-Angaston Train Line
- General Motors Holden
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Health Services
- Homelessness
- Inquiry into Palliative Care Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
Joint Committee on End of Life Choices
Light Electorate
- Light Electorate, Coronavirus
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) (Rate Relief) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) Amendment Bill
- Men's Health Week
- Mental Health Funding
- Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
- Nakba Day
- National Volunteer Week
- Palestinian Declaration of Independence
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Carparking Requirements) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Constitution of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Contributory Items in Development Plans) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill
- 2021-02-03
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Transparency) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Regulations
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Regional Bus Services
- Regional Media
- Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- Shadow Country Cabinet
- South Australian Bushfires
- Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- 2021-05-12
- Statutes Amendment (Colonel Light Gardens Character Protection) Bill
Supply Bill 2021
- TAFE, Regional Boards
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Thom, Mr B.g.
- Valedictories
- Veterans Organisations
- Veterans Suicide Support Services
- Victory in the Pacific Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Youth Advisory Panel
- Questions
PICTON, Christopher James
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
Ambulance Ramping
Answers to Questions
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Burial and Cremation (Interment Rights) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Confidentiality and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
- Coronavirus, Mental Health
- Coronavirus, Public Health System
- Coroners (Inquests and Privilege) Amendment Bill
- Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry and Rent) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 2) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) (No 3) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Expiry) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response Bill
- COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
- Covid-Ready Road Map
- Criminal Law (Legal Representation) (Reimbursement of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Throwing Objects at Vehicles) Amendment Bill
- Defamation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Regulation of Corflutes) Amendment Bill
Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Repeal of Part 6A - Gift Cards) Amendment Bill
Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- 2021-05-12
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Telepharmacy) Amendment Bill
- Health System
Hospitals, Car Parking
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Inquiry into Palliative Care Bill
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- International Nurses Day
- Kaurna Electorate
- Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queen's Counsel) Amendment Bill
- Legislation Interpretation Bill
- Mental Health Funding
- Minister for Education
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
- Mount Bold Dam
- Muecke, Dr J.
- Oaths (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- OPCAT Implementation Bill
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Fatigue and Bullying in SA Health
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Public Health Services
- Public Trustee (Public Trustee and Guardian) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Christies Beach High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Seaford Secondary College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Unley High School Redevelopment
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Return to Work (COVID-19 Injury) Amendment Bill
- SA Ambulance Service
- Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Social Development Committee: Surgical Implantation of Medical Mesh
- South Australian Public Health (Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Public Health (Early Childhood Services and Immunisation) Amendment Bill
- South Australian Public Health (Immunisation and Early Childhood Services) Amendment Bill
- Spent Convictions (Decriminalised Offences) Amendment Bill
- Standing Orders Committee: 125th Anniversary of Women's Suffrage
- Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Statewide Paediatric Eating Disorder Service
- Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Defence of Provocation and Related Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (COVID-19 Permanent Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Penalties and Enforcement) Bill
Suicide Prevention Bill
- 2021-12-01
- Sunrise Electronic Medical Record
- Supply Bill 2021
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Unanswered Questions
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Western Suburbs Development
Women's and Children's Hospital
- 2020-02-20
Adelaide Venue Management, Medi-Hotels
- Adelaide Venue Management, Uniform
Ag Security Group
Aged-Care Facilities
Ambulance Ramping
- 2021-05-11
- 2021-08-24
- 2021-08-25
- 2021-11-30
- Attorney-General’s Department
Auditor-General's Report
Bowel Cancer Testing
- Brighton Day Clinic
- CCTV Cameras
- Central Adelaide Local Health Network, Mental Health Services
- Chemotherapy
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Code Black Incidents
- 2020-03-24
- 2020-04-07
- 2020-04-30
- 2020-06-02
- 2020-07-22
- 2020-09-10
- Coronavirus Restrictions
Coronavirus Testing
Coronavirus, Education
- Coronavirus, Employment
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine
Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine Workers
Coronavirus, Nurse Employment
- 2020-04-29
- 2020-05-12
Coronavirus, Parafield Cluster
- Coronavirus, Support Payments
Coronavirus, Travel
- Coronial Inquests
- Country Doctor Agreement
Country Health Services
Country Health, Palliative Care
Country Hospitals
- Country Hospitals Departments
Courts Administration Authority
- COVID-19 Emergency Management Powers
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill
COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine
- 2021-02-03
- 2021-02-18
- 2021-03-02
- 2021-06-08
- COVID-19 Parafield Cluster
COVID-19 QR Codes
COVID-19 Quarantine Facilities
- COVID-19 Restrictions
- COVID-19 State Government Response
COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 Testing Clinics
- COVID-19 Tourism Impact
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 Vaccination Rollout
- 2021-05-04
- 2021-05-25
- 2021-06-22
- Director of Public Prosecutions
Drug and Alcohol Services
Elective Surgery
Emergency Departments
Emergency Management Act
- Event Postponement
- Executive Appointments
Flinders Medical Centre
- Glenside Health Services
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
- Government Contractors
Government Departments
- GP Liaison Officers
Grant Programs
- Halton Review
- Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
Hanlon, Mr J.
- Health and Wellbeing Department
Health Budget
- 2021-03-02
Health Heroes Hotel
- Health Services
Hospital Beds
- Hospital Funding
Hospitals, Car Parking
- Hospitals, Security
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Investigation
- Individual Psychosocial Rehabilitation
Influenza Vaccinations
Intensive Care Unit Beds
- Intervention Programs
- Legal Funding
- Legal Services Commission
Liberal Party Fundraising
Local Health Networks
Local Hospital Network Boards
- Machinery of Government Changes
Main South Road Duplication
- 2020-12-03
- 2021-11-18
Mental Health
Mental Health Beds
- Mental Health Care Centre
Mental Health Funding
- Mental Health Patients
Mental Health Services
- 2021-11-16
- Ministerial Office Staff
- Ministerial Staff
- Modbury Hospital
- More for Health Campaign
Mss Security
- Multicultural Events
- My Home Hospital
Nurse Redundancies
Nursing Graduates
O'Neill, Prof. S.
- Older Persons Mental Health Unit
Outpatient Appointments
- Personal Protective Equipment
PFAS Disposal
- Police, Hotel Quarantine
- Port Augusta Ambulance Station
- Premier Marshall
Priority Care Centres
- Private Hospital Contracts
Public Health Services
- Public Hospital Nurses
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- Public Trustee
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Car Park
Raethel, Ms H.
Regional Hospitals
- Respiratory Clinics
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital, Ward 9f
- Rural Health
SA Ambulance Service
- SA Ambulance Service Funding
SA Health
SA Pathology
- Safety Learning System Incident Review, Ambulance Delays
Seaford Secondary College
Seaside Estate, Moana
- Sheriff's Officers
Smith, Ms A.M.
- South Australian Public Health (Controlled Notifiable Conditions) Amendment Bill
South Australian Tourism Commission
- State Budget
- Statewide Eating Disorder Service
- Statewide Patient Reported Measurement System
Sunrise Electronic Medical Record
- Talk Out Loud Funding
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
Termination Payouts
- Tobacco Control Act
- Tourism Operators
- Transfer of Care
Transition Committee
- Victim Support Service
Victims of Crime Fund
- Victims of Crime Levy
Viral Respiratory Disease Pandemic Response Plan
Voluntary Separation Packages
- Wakefield Hospital
- Women's and Children's Health Network
Women's and Children's Hospital
- Woodleigh House
PISONI, David Gregory
- Address in Reply
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Elder Abuse Awareness Day
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Harmony Day
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Mental Health Funding
- Mortal Kombat
- Personal Explanation
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Glenunga International High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Unley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Women's Memorial Playing Fields Upgrade
- Question Time
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
Sittings and Business
- Skilling Australians Fund
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- South Australian Skills Commissioner Appointment
- Statewide Paediatric Eating Disorder Service
- Statutes Amendment (Abolition of Defence of Provocation and Related Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
- TAFE, Regional Boards
Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2020-09-08
- 2020-09-09
- Violence Against Women
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- World Refugee Week
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
- Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre
- Bizweek
- BLKMPIRE Music Program
Bushfire Grant Programs
Bushfire Recovery Support
- Business Entrepreneurial Programs
- Capital Works Projects
Construction Industry
Construction Industry Training Board
- Question Time (14:08)
- Question Time (14:08)
- Question Time (14:09)
- Question Time (14:09)
- Question Time (14:14)
- Question Time (14:14)
- Question Time (14:15)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:20)
- Question Time (14:21)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:27)
- Question Time (14:28)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:39)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:41)
- Consultants and Contractors
- Coronavirus
Designated Area Migration Agreements
DOME Funding
- Early Childhood Education
- Economic Recovery Projects
- Employment Figures
- Employment Opportunities, Women
- EXCITE Strategy
- Executive Appointments
- Film and Screen Industry
- GigCity Network
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
- Government Programs
Grant Programs
- 2021-02-02
- 2021-02-16
- Hammond Electorate
Industry Skills Councils
Innovation and Skills Department
- 2021-02-02
- Innovation Policies
- Investing Expenditure Projects
Job Creation
- Machinery of Government Changes
Ministerial Staff
- 2021-02-16
- Mortal Kombat
Music Industry
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- 2021-02-04
- Public Services Employees
- Regional Jobs
- Savings Targets
- Skilling SA
Skilling South Australia
Skills Training
- Small Business
- Small Business Grants
- South Australian Film Industry
- TAFE Individual Support (Disability) Certificate
Termination Payouts
- Training and Skills Funding
Video Game Development
- 2021-05-26
- Women in Skills Training
POWER, Carolyn Laura
- Address in Reply
- Ageing and Adult Safeguarding (Disapplication of Transitional Provision) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Colonel Light Gardens
- Domestic and Family Violence
Elder Electorate
- Elder Electorate Businesses
- Elder Electorate Cafes
- Elder Electorate Sporting Clubs
- Elder Electorate, Elderly Residents' Birthday Celebration
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Hospitals, Car Parking
- International Artist Day
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Mortal Kombat
- Muecke, Dr J.
- National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day
Neighbour Day
- 2021-05-12
- Nemer, Mr E.
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Women's Memorial Playing Fields Upgrade
- Repat Health Precinct
Repatriation General Hospital
- Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Speaker, Election
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intervention Orders and Penalties) Bill
- Violence Against Women
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Business Entrepreneurial Programs
- Child Protection Department
- Climate Change
- Commissioner for Victims' Rights
Construction Industry
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- Defence Industries
Domestic and Family Violence
- Employment Opportunities, Women
- Fleurieu Connections Project
- Flinders Tonsley Rail Line
- Goodwood/springbank/daws Roads Intersection
- Heritage Protection
- Hybrid Buses
- Hydrogen Industry
- Infrastructure Funding
Infrastructure Projects
- Innovation Policies
- Job Creation
- Local Government Reform
- Local Government Services
- Music Industry
- National Literacy and Numeracy Tests
- National Parks and Wildlife Service
- North-South Corridor
- North-South Corridor Tunnel
- Online Family Dispute Resolution Tool
- Payday Loan Industry
- Prisoner Support
- Public Housing
- Repatriation General Hospital
Road Upgrades
School Infrastructure Projects
- Single-Use Plastics
- Sport and Recreation
- Sport Infrastructure
State Budget
- Tonsley Railway Station
- Tourism
- Train Station Upgrades
- Transport and Infrastructure Funding
- Water Pricing
- Women's Leadership and Economic Security Strategy
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Electorate
- Adelaide Electorate, Infrastructure Projects
- Adelaide High School
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Safety) (Inquiry into Foster and Kinship Care) Amendment Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Climate Change
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Foster and Kinship Carer Week
- Inner North East Adelaide YMCA
Joint Committee on the Social Workers Registration Bill
- National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
- National Child Protection Week and Foster and Kinship Carer Week
- National Reconciliation Week
- Neighbour Day
- North Adelaide Society Planning Forum
Online Predatory Behaviour
- Public Works Committee: Adelaide High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Main North Road and Nottage Terrace Intersection Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Ovingham Level Crossing Grade Separation
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
Social Workers Registration Bill
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Veterans Organisations
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Women's Leadership and Economic Security Strategy
- World Social Work Day
- Agency Staff
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bushfire Response
- Capital Works Projects
Child and Young Person's Visitor Scheme
- 2021-12-01
Child Protection
- 2020-06-04
- 2020-09-09
- Question Time (14:16)
- Question Time (14:16)
- Question Time (14:17)
- Question Time (14:17)
- Question Time (14:18)
- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:24)
- Question Time (14:25)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:26)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:32)
- Question Time (14:33)
- Question Time (14:39)
- Question Time (14:40)
- Question Time (14:44)
- Question Time (15:01)
- Question Time (15:01)
- Question Time (15:02)
- Question Time (15:12)
- 2021-03-18
- 2021-05-13
- 2021-10-28
Child Protection Department
- 2021-05-13
- 2021-09-23
Child Protection Department Budget
- 2021-06-10
- Child Protection Department Staffing
Child Protection Department, C3MS System
Child Protection Department, Port Lincoln
Child Protection Department, Port Lincoln and Ceduna
Child Protection, Rice Inquiry
- 2021-03-04
- 2021-03-18
- 2021-03-31
Children in Care
- Children in Care, Education Pathways
Children in Care, Port Lincoln
Children in State Care
- Children in State Care Commission of Inquiry
- Consultants and Contractors
- Coronavirus
- Executive Appointments
Family Support Services
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
- Guardian for Children and Young People
- Kinship Carers
- Machinery of Government Changes
Minister for Child Protection
- Ministerial Accountability
Ministerial Staff
- Next Steps Program
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
Residential Care Staff
Residential Care Workers, Psychological Testing
Termination Payouts
- Transition to Adult Life Intensive Program
Youth Death, Port Lincoln
SPEIRS, David James
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Black Electorate
- Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club
- Cleland Conservation Park
- Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction (Targets) Amendment Bill
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Deep Creek Conservation Park
- Ediacara Conservation Park
- Electoral (Ban on Corflutes) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection Authority
- Glenthorne National Park
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Justham, Mr L.i.t.
- Lake Frome Regional Reserve
Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Levitzke, Mr V.
Martindale Hall (Protection and Management) Bill
- Munga-Thirri—simpson Desert Conservation Park
- National Landcare Week
- Paul, Mr N.
PFAS Disposal
- Phillips, Mr J.
- Public Service
- Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
Radiation Protection and Control Bill
Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Southern Flinders Ranges National Park
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Valedictory
- Witjira National Park
Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
Adelaide Parklands
- Ardrossan Men's Shed
- Ayers House
- Beetaloo Reservoir
- Belair National Park
Belair Park Golf Course and Country Club
- Brownhill Creek
- Buckland Dry Creek
- Capital Works Projects
- Carbon Emissions Reduction
- Carryover Expenditure
Climate Change
Community Wastewater Management System
Consultants and Contractors
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Coronavirus
- Crown Land
- Dolphin Protection
- Dry Creek Linear Park
- Election Commitments
Environment Protection Authority
- Environmental Initiatives
- Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
- Feral Deer Aerial Shooting
Flinders Chase National Park
- Glenelg River Shack Leases
- Glenthorne Farm
- Glenthorne National Park
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
Hope Valley Reservoir
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- Landscape Administration Fund
Landscape Boards
- Landscape Priorities Fund
- Limestone Coast
Marine Parks, Sanctuary Zones
Minister for Environment and Water
Ministerial Staff
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
National Parks
- National Parks and Wildlife Service
National Trust
- Native Bird Protection
- Native Vegetation
- Native Vegetation Council
Natural Resources Management
- Nature-Based Tourism
Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Opening Up Our Reservoirs
Parks 2025 Program
Pastoral Lands
PFAS Disposal
- Premier's Climate Change Council
- Public Open Spaces
Public Service Employees
- Regional Economies
Regional Landscape Levy
- 2021-08-24
- Reservoirs
SA Water
Seaside Estate, Moana
- Sewerage System
Single-Use Plastics
Specialty Foods Pty Ltd
St Kilda Mangroves
Terminations Payouts
- Torrens Parade Ground
Waste Management
Water Efficiency Program
Water Pricing
- Wittunga Botanic Garden
- Wombat Cull
- Zero Cost Energy Future
- Zero Cost Energy Future Expenditure
STINSON, Jayne Marion
- Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
- ANZAC Day Commemoration Services
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict
- Arts Sector
Badcoe Electorate
- Bus Services
- Child Protection
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Edwardstown Oval
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Errington Special Education Centre
- Glandore Character Zone
- Harmony Day
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- International Artist Day
- Library Funding
- Mortal Kombat
- North-South Corridor
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Commencement of Code) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Women's Memorial Playing Fields Upgrade
- South Road
- South Road Upgrade
- Springbank Secondary College
Statutes Amendment (Local Government Review) Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- The Wyatt Benevolent Institution Incorporated (Objects) Amendment Bill
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- World Social Work Day
- Aboriginal Art and Cultures Gallery
- Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Capital Works Projects
Child Protection
Children in Care
Collections Storage Facility
- Council Levy
- COVID-19 International Students
- Edwardstown Primary School, Road Safety
- ePlanning System
- Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Goods and Services
- Goodwood Railway Station
Government Advertising
Government Departments
- Grant Expenditure
Grant Programs
- 2021-09-09
Indigenous Community Municipal Services
Land Valuation
- Le Cornu Site
Machinery of Government Changes
- Marion Road Planning Study
Ministerial Staff
- Multicultural Affairs Funding
- Planning and Design Code
- Plympton International College, Road Safety
- Public Sector Executives
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-21
Residential Care Workers, Psychological Testing
- Richmond Primary School, Staff Parking
- Schools, Modular Building Manufacturers
- South Australian Museum
South Road Upgrade
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Station Refresh Program
- Termination Payouts
Torrens to Darlington Project
- Woodlands Park Railway Station
SZAKACS, Joseph Karl
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 India
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- English Language Proficiency
- Harmony Day
- Hazara Community
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Port Pirie
- Public Works Committee: Queen Elizabeth Hospital Redevelopment
- Refugee Week
- SA Power Networks
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- World Refugee Week
COVID-19 Clinics
- 2021-05-04
- COVID-19 Outreach Projects
- Designated Area Migration Agreements
Executive Appointments
- Fraud Referrals
- Full-Time Vacancies Unfilled
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Departments
Grant Programs
Impairment Assessment Guidelines
- Mansfield Review
Ministerial Staff
- Multicultural Legislative Review
Public Service Employees
- ReturnToWorkSA Claims
- ReturnToWorkSA Disputes
- ReturnToWorkSA Investigations
- ReturnToWorkSA Prosecutions
- Returntoworksa, COVID-19 Claims
- Returntoworksa, Formal Complaints
- Returntoworksa, Regulated Costs
- Returntoworksa, Section 18 Disputes
Terminations Payouts
- Work Health and Safety Legislation
TARZIA, Vincent Anthony
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Chamber Broadcasting
Chamber Photography
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill, Speaker's Statement
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Causing Death by Use of Motor Vehicle) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Driving at Extreme Speed) Amendment Bill
Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
Firearms (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Groom, Mr T.R.
Hartley Electorate
- Hugo, Mr J.H.
Matter of Privilege, Speaker's Statement
Member for Waite, Speaker's Statement
Members, Accommodation Allowances, Speaker's Statement
- 2020-06-30
- 2020-07-01
- Morrison, Mr W.F.
Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
- OPCAT Implementation Bill
- Operation Ironside
Parliament House Safety Measures
- Public Works Committee: Charles Campbell College Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Norwood Morialta High School Redevelopment
Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- Scherer, Mr G.
- Senator, Election
Sittings and Business, Speaker's Statement
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
Adelaide Remand Centre
- Question Time (15:33)
- Question Time (15:36)
- Question Time (15:37)
- Question Time (15:38)
- Question Time (15:39)
- Question Time (15:44)
- Question Time (15:46)
- Question Time (15:47)
- Question Time (15:49)
- Question Time (15:50)
- Question Time (15:51)
- Question Time (15:58)
- Question Time (15:59)
- Question Time (16:05)
- Question Time (16:07)
- 2021-03-02
Ag Security Group
- APY Lands
APY Lands Policing Model
- Attraction and Retention Allowances
Automatic Vehicle Location Technology
- Aviation Services
- Bushfire Response
- Bushfire Season Review
- CIB Service
- City of Playford
- Community Crime Prevention Programs Manual
Community Forums
- 2021-03-04
Correctional Services
- 2021-03-31
- Correctional Services Department, Staffing
Country Fire Service
- Country Road Speed Limits
- Court System
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Lockdown Arrests
- COVID-19 Prison Testing
- COVID-19 State Government Response
COVID-19 Travel Restrictions
Declared Public Precinct
- Drug Detection Dogs
- Duggan Review
Electronic Monitoring
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Headquarters
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
- Farm Firefighting Units
Frome Electorate, SAPOL Defibrillators
Gel Blasters
- Goods and Services
Government Advertising
- Government Departments
Grant Programs
Hindley Street Police Station
- Investing Expenditure Projects
Kalangadoo Police Station
- 2021-12-01
Kangaroo Island Bushfire Response
- 2021-03-02
- Medi-Hotels
Member for Chaffey
Member for Waite
- Question Time (16:52)
- Question Time (16:52)
- Question Time (16:54)
- Question Time (17:00)
- Question Time (17:00)
- Question Time (17:00)
- Question Time (17:02)
- Question Time (17:08)
- Question Time (17:09)
- Question Time (17:14)
- Question Time (17:15)
- Question Time (17:15)
- Question Time (17:20)
- Question Time (17:21)
- Question Time (17:26)
- Question Time (17:26)
- Question Time (17:27)
- Question Time (17:32)
- Question Time (17:33)
- Question Time (17:37)
- Question Time (17:39)
- Question Time (17:44)
- Question Time (17:46)
- Question Time (17:49)
- Question Time (17:50)
- 2020-03-03
Members, Accommodation Allowances
- Members, Travel Allowances
- Members' Correspondence
Metropolitan Fire Service
- 2021-05-13
- 2021-09-08
Ministerial Staff
- Mobilong Prison
- Mount Gambier Metropolitan Fire Service
- Multi-Agency Protection Service
- New Foundations Program
- Office for Public Integrity
- Parliament House, Workplace Safety
- Polair
- Police Check Applications
- Police Staffing
- Police, Body-Worn Cameras
- Police, Hotel Quarantine
- Police, Legal Costs Reimbursement
- Police, Pandemic Leave
- Police, Quarantined Sworn Officers
- Prison Escapees
Prison Infrastructure
- Prison Offices
Prisoner Numbers
- 2021-09-22
- Prisoner Rehabilitation
Prisons, Drug Use
- 2021-10-14
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-22
Regional Policing Review
- Repay SA
- Road Regulation
Road Safety
Road Safety Funding
- Road Safety Strategy to 2031
Roma Mitchell House
- Schools, Drug Detection Operations
- SES Recruitment
South Australia Police
- State Budget
- State Emergency Service
- Sturt State Emergency Service
- Termination Payouts
- Yahl Country Fire Service Facilities
- Yatala Labour Prison
- Youth Justice
TEAGUE, Joshua Baden
- ABC Cameras
Address in Reply
- Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict, Division List
- Attorney-General
Chamber Photography
- City of Marion, Cats (Confinement) Variation By-Laws
- Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill
- Commission of Oaths
- Commissioner for Aboriginal Engagement, Statement to House
- Community Resilience
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Coroners (Undetermined Natural Causes) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Bail) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Emergency Response (Further Measures) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Legal Representation) (Reimbursement of Commission) Amendment Bill
- Development (Public Health Emergency) Variation Regulations
- Economic and Finance Committee: Economic Contribution of Migration to South Australia
- Equal Opportunity (Parliament and Courts) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Repeal of Part 6A - Gift Cards) Amendment Bill
- Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fuel Watch Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Government Programs
- Governor's Commission
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Safe Access) Amendment Bill, Division List
- Heysen Community
- Heysen Electorate
- His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
- Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, Speaker's Statement
- International Firefighters' Day
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Application Fees) Amendment Bill
- Joint Committee on the Equal Opportunity Commissioner's Report into Harassment in the Parliament Workplace
- Legal Practitioners (Senior and Queen's Counsel) Amendment Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Production and Sales Licence) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Public Health Emergency) Amendment Bill
- Matter of Privilege
Matter of Privilege, Speaker's Statement
- Member for Colton
- Member for Narungga
- Member for Waite, Speaker's Statement
- Member's Remarks
- Members, Accommodation Allowances, Speaker's Statement
- Mobile Black Spot Program
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Use of Off-Road Vehicles
- Parliament House Safety Measures
- People and Culture Unit, Parliament House
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Restricted Development) Amendment Bill
- PTSD Awareness Day
- Public Trustee (Public Trustee and Guardian) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Heathfield High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Strathalbyn Residential Aged Care Facility Expansion
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Road Traffic (Drug Driving and Careless Or Dangerous Driving) Amendment Bill
- Select Committee on the Conduct of the Hon. Vickie Chapman MP Regarding Kangaroo Island Port Application
- Select Committee on the Wyatt Benevolent Institution Incorporated (Objects) Amendment Bill
- Senate Vacancy
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Sittings and Business
- South Australian Public Health (Early Childhood Services and Immunisation) Amendment Bill
Speaker, Election
- 2021-10-13
Speaker, Presentation to Governor
- Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
- Speaker's Statement
- Standing Orders Committee
- Statutes Amendment (Bail Authorities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Sexual Abuse) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Licence Disqualification) Bill
Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2020-06-02
- The Wyatt Benevolent Institution Incorporated (Objects) Amendment Bill
- Tour Down Under
- Training and Skills Development (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
- Victory in the Pacific Day
- Waite Trust (Vesting of Land) Bill
- World Social Work Day
- World Suicide Prevention Day
- Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Courts Administration Authority
- Cybersecurity
- Energy Prices
- Legal Assistance Funding
- National Legal Funding Agreement
- Natural Resources Management
- Project EnergyConnect
- School Funding
- Seasonal Jobs
Skills Training
- Sports Vouchers
- Tourism
- Trade and Investment
- Virtual Power Plant
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Investigation
- Legislative Council President
- Liberal Party Country Members Dinner
Members, Accommodation Allowances
Speaker, Election
TRELOAR, Peter Andrew
- Address in Reply
Appropriation Bill 2020
- Aquaculture (Tourism Development) Amendment Bill
- Coronavirus
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Dangerous Substances (LPG Cylinder Labelling) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coast Protection Board and Coastal Legislation
- Eyre Peninsula Freight
- Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
Flinders Electorate
- Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Joint Committee on End of Life Choices
- Koonibba Rocket Launch
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Teachers Registration Board Petition
- Legislative Review Committee: Workload of the Legislative Review Committee
- Martindale Hall (Protection and Management) Bill
- Matter of Privilege, Deputy Speaker's Statement
- Mortlock Shield
- National Landcare Week
- Notices of Motion
- Parliament House Safety Measures
- Parliamentary Committees
- Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Port Lincoln High School Redevelopment
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Rail Safety Work) Amendment Bill
- Rejman, Mr A.
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- SALT Festival
- Sarin, Mr S.
- Select Committee on Land Access
- State Electricity Network
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Winter Cropping Season
- Aquaculture
- BLKMPIRE Music Program
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Business Confidence
- Coronavirus
- Drought Assistance
- Electricity Interconnector
- Employment Figures
- Energy Efficiency Initiatives
- Genetically Modified Crops
- Grassroots Sports Grant
- Hydrogen
- Investment Attraction
- Nature-Based Tourism
- OZ Minerals
- Parks 2025 Program
- Planning and Development Fund
- Playford Trust Resources Industry Scholarships
- Prison Infrastructure
- Regional Development Strategy
- Regional Economies
- Regional Growth Fund
- Renewable Energy
- Resources Sector
School and Preschool Maintenance Programs
- School Infrastructure Projects
School Maintenance Program
- Service SA
- State Economy
- Statutory Declarations
- Strzelecki Track
- Stuart Electorate
- Training and Skills Funding
Water Pricing
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Aboriginal Languages in South Australia
- Aboriginal Representative Body Bill
- Address in Reply
- Afghanistan
- Amos, Mr B.
Appropriation Bill 2020
- 2020-10-15
- 2020-11-25
Appropriation Bill 2021
- Attorney-General
Auditor-General's Report
- Beetaloo Reservoir
- Blessing of the Fleet
- Bushfire Preparedness
- Central Power House
- Civil Liability (Institutional Child Abuse Liability) Amendment Bill
- Copley Community
- Coronavirus Restrictions
- Coronavirus, State Government Response
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Country Roads
Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Electricity Network Stability
Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Disposal of PFAS Contaminated Substances) Amendment Bill
Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Fire and Emergency Services (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Fuel Pricing
- Government Contracts
- Government Privacy Principles, Contingent Notice
- Health Care (Governance) Amendment Bill
Holidays (Christmas Day) (No. 2) Amendment Bill
- Impairment Assessment Guidelines
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (CPIPC Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- International Firefighters' Day
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Joint Committee on the Equal Opportunity Commissioner's Report into Harassment in the Parliament Workplace
- Joint Committee on the Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Kangaroo Island Wharf Facility
- Keneally, Hon. G.F.
- Land Tax (Discretionary Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- Member for Bragg
- Member for Mawson, Naming
- Member for Mawson, Suspension
- Member's Remarks
- Mining Industry, Land Access
Motor Vehicles (Electric Vehicle Levy) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Motor Bike Driver Licensing) Amendment Bill
Mutual Recognition (South Australia) (Further Adoption) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) (Market Transparency) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Committee
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Peterborough Art Prize
- Peterborough Golf Club
- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Energy Resources) Amendment Bill
- Plant Health (Pest Affected Plants) Amendment Bill
- Port Augusta
- Port Bonython
- Port Bonython Export Precinct
- Port Pirie
- Public Finance and Audit (Government Advertising) Amendment Bill
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: John Pirie Secondary School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Kapunda High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Port Augusta Secondary School Redevelopment
- Rejman, Mr A.
- Resources Sector
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Designated Anchor Lease) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Corporation of South Australia
- Review of Harassment in the South Australian Parliament Workplace
- Select Committee on Land Access
- Sentencing (Reduction of Sentences) Amendment Bill
Sessional Orders
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
Sittings and Business
- 2020-07-02
- 2020-09-10
- 2020-09-24
- 2020-11-10
- 2020-11-25
- 2020-12-03
- 2021-02-04
- 2021-04-01
- 2021-05-11
- 2021-07-20
- 2021-08-26
- 2021-09-09
- 2021-09-23
- 2021-10-26
- 2021-10-27
- 2021-10-28
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- South Australian Parliament Workplace
Speaker, Election
- Speaker, Presentation to Governor
Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
Standing and Sessional Orders Suspension
- Standing Orders
Standing Orders Suspension
- 2020-10-14
- 2021-02-16
- 2021-08-24
- 2021-09-07
- 2021-09-21
- 2021-10-12
- 2021-10-26
- 2021-11-17
- 2021-11-30
- 2021-12-01
- 2021-12-02
- State Electricity Network
- Statutes Amendment (Barossa Rail Corridor) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Budget Measures 2021) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) (Energy Productivity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intervention Orders and Penalties) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Omnibus) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Penalties and Enforcement) Bill
- 2020-09-22
- Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Regulatory Sandboxing) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Energy Laws) (Stand-Alone Power Systems) Bill
- 2020-12-03
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget Measures) Bill
Statutory Officers Committee
Stuart Electorate
- Stuart Electorate, Infrastructure Projects
- Stuart Electorate, Producers Markets
- Suicide Prevention Bill
Supply Bill 2021
- 2021-05-06
Targeted Lead Abatement Program
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
Unclaimed Money Bill
- Valedictory
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Weeroona Island Fishing Club
- Yorkeys Crossing
Accelerated Discovery Initiative
- Accelerated Discovery Program Funding
Attraction and Retention Allowances
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Capital Works Projects
- Carryover Expenditure
- Central Power House
- Complaints and Discrimination
- Demand Management Technology
- ElectraNet
Electric Vehicles
- Electricity Costs
Electricity Interconnector
Electricity Prices
Electricity Prices Modelling
Energy and Emissions Reduction Agreement
- Energy and Mining Sector
- Energy Efficiency Initiatives
Energy Prices
- Energy Security
- Escosa Report
- Essential Services
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
- Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies
- Gas Prices
Goods and Services
Government Advertising
Government Contracts
Government Departments
- Grant Expenditure
Grant Programs
- 2021-09-09
- Grants and Funding
Grid Scale Storage Fund
- Henschke Industries
Home Battery Scheme
- 2021-03-31
Household Appliances, Demand-Response Standards
- 2021-09-23
- Hydrogen Action Plan
- Hydrogen Industry
- Job Creation
- Land Tax
- Member for Narungga
Mining Industry
- Mining Royalties
Ministerial Staff
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-02-04
Mount Gambier Gas Outage
- Nyrstar
- OZ Minerals
Parliamentary Sitting Program
- Petroleum Exploration
- Playford Trust Resources Industry Scholarships
Project EnergyConnect
Public Service Employees
- 2021-09-09
Renewable Energy
- Renewable Hydrogen
- Resources Sector
- Riverbank Arena
- Savings Targets
Solar Energy
Solar Panels
St Kilda Mangroves
- State Owned Generators Leasing Company
- Stuart Electorate
Switch for Solar
Targeted Lead Abatement Program
- 2021-03-31
- 2021-09-09
- 2021-10-13
- Temporary Generators
- Termination Payouts
- Terminations Payouts
Virtual Power Plant
WHETSTONE, Timothy John
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2020
- Appropriation Bill 2021
- Aquaculture (Tourism Development) Amendment Bill
- Biosecurity Management
Chaffey Electorate
- Chaffey Electorate Sporting Clubs
- Chaffey Electorate, Infrastructure Projects
- Chaffey Electorate, School Awards
- Coorong Environmental Trust Bill
- Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Bushfires) Amendment Bill
- Fair Trading (Fuel Pricing Information) Amendment Bill
Genetically Modified Crops Management (Designated Area) Amendment Bill
- Harmony Day
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Telepharmacy) Amendment Bill
- Hendrick, Mr H.
- International Day of Rural Women
- International Firefighters' Day
Landscape South Australia (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Production and Sales Licence) Amendment Bill
- Member for West Torrens
- Mobile Black Spot Program
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Volunteer Week
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Exceptional Tree Register) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Glossop High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Henley High School Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Renmark High School Redevelopment
- Regional Media
- Regional Mental Health Services
- Riverland and Mallee Vocational Awards
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Superloop Adelaide 500
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
- Veterans Organisations
- Vietnam Veterans Day
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- West Java and Asean Regional Trade
- World Tourism Day
- Automatic Vehicle Location Technology
- Capital Works Projects
- Child Protection Department
- Climate Change
- Electorate Offices
Electric Vehicles
- Energy Security
- Environmental Initiatives
Fruit Fly
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Outback Communities
- Premier's Export Awards
- Regional Tourism
- Renewable Energy
- School Infrastructure Projects
- Torrens to Darlington Project
Wine Industry
Biosecurity Fines
- Bushfire Recovery Support
- Capital Works Projects
- Coronavirus Restrictions
Drought Assistance
- Economic Stimulus Package
- Fishing Industry
Fruit Fly
- Kangaroo Island Bushfire Recovery Support
Member for Chaffey
- Members, Travel Allowances
- Mobile Black Spot Program
Regional Growth Fund
- Regional South Australia
- Seasonal Jobs
- Wine Industry Bushfire Recovery Support
Yamba Quarantine Station
WINGARD, Corey Luke
- Address in Reply
- Bradshaw, Mr K.
- Brighton Oval
Correctional Services (Accountability and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- 2020-07-02
- 2020-07-22
- Driver Training and Assessment Industry Bill
- Ebert, Mr R.F.
- Freeman, Mr E.W.
Gibson Electorate
Gibson Electorate Schools
- Hammond, Mr R.A.
- International Firefighters' Day
- International Midwives and Nurses Days
- Mathwin Family
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Alcohol and Drug Offence) Amendment Bill
- Sachse, Mr N.
- Shanahan, Chief Supt Joanne and Mcneill, Ms Tania
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
Sittings and Business
- South Australian Bushfires
- South Eastern Freeway
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Surf Life Saving South Australia
- Torrens to Darlington Project
- Train Services
- Veterans Organisations
- Winter Warmer Event
- A Day at the Drive
- Adelaide Hills, Expanded Boundary Services
- Adelaide International Tennis Tournament
Adelaide Railway Station Information Centre
Advertising Revenue
- Aluminium Composite Cladding
- Attraction and Retention Allowances
Augusta Highway
Belair Rail Line
- 2021-03-16
- Better Prisons Program
Border Checkpoints
- Bridge Health Index
- Bridge Maintenance Funding
Brighton Oval
- Brighton Road
- Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination
Bus Safety
- Bus Services
- Capital Works Projects
- Carryover Expenditure
Comas, Ms T.
Construction Industry
- Consultants and Contractors
Coronavirus Restrictions
Counter Terrorism Action Plan
- Country Fire Service
Country Policing Review
Dixon, Mr B.
Driver's Licence Disqualification
Duggan Review
- Emergency Services Equipment
Employment Figures
Executive Appointments
- Executive Terminations
Facilities Maintenance Services Management
Facilities Services
- Fare Revenue
- Ferry Berthing
- Fleurieu Connections Project
- Flinders Tonsley Rail Line
- Freight Corridors
- Gammie, Mr F.
Gawler Line Electrification
- Gibson Electorate Office
- Golden Grove Road Upgrade
- Goodwood Railway Station
- Goodwood/springbank/daws Roads Intersection
Government Advertising
- Government Departments
Grant Programs
- 2020-12-01
- 2020-12-02
Grassroots Football, Cricket, and Netball Facility Program
- Grassroots Sports Grant
Horrocks Highway
Hove Level Crossing
- Hybrid Buses
- Infrastructure and Transport Department
Infrastructure Australia
- Infrastructure Funding
Infrastructure Projects
- John Rice Avenue-Haydown Road Intersection
Joy Baluch Bridge
- Kangaroo Island
Keelty Review
Keolis Downer
- Lobbyists
- Main North Road-Hogarth Road Intersection
- Main North Road-Nottage Terrace Intersection
- Main North Road-Shandon Court Intersection
Main South Road Duplication
- 2020-11-11
- Marine Infrastructure
- Marion Road Planning Study
- Medicare Rebate Scheme
Member for Waite
- Memorial Drive Redevelopment
Metropolitan Fire Service
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
Ministerial Staff
Mitcham Hills Road Upgrade
- Modbury Park-and-Ride
- Mount Gambier Roads
- Newland Electorate
North-South Corridor
- North-South Corridor Tunnel
- Park-and-Ride Facilities
Partnerships Program
- Passenger Transport Act, Prosecutions
- Pedestrian Safety
- Point to Point Levy
- Police Staffing
Port MacDonnell Harbour
- Port Wakefield Road Speed Restrictions
- Prisoner Numbers
- Prisoner Support
- Prisons, Mobile Phone Jamming Technology
- Procurement, Conflict of Interest
- Public Sector Enterprise Agreements
Public Service Employees
Public Transport
- Public Transport Authority
- Public Transport Contracts
Public Transport Privatisation
- Racing Industry
Rail Funding
Regional Roads
- Road Funding
Road Maintenance
Road Safety
- 2021-05-11
- 2021-06-10
- 2021-10-13
Road Upgrades
- Roadworks Signs
Royalty Theatre
- Scouts SA
Security Response Section
Service SA
- 2021-03-16
- Service SA Mount Barker
Smith, Ms A.M.
South Australia Police
- South Australian Olympians
South Eastern Freeway
South Road Upgrade
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
- Answers to Questions
Sport and Recreation
- Sport Infrastructure
Sporting Infrastructure
- Sporting Pathways
Sports Funding
Sports Vouchers
- State Basketball Centre
- State Emergency Service
- State Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Plan
Station Refresh Program
- Station Upgrades
- Supplies and Services
- Surf Lifesaving Clubs
- Taxi Industry
Tea Tree Plaza Car Parking
- Tea Tree Plaza Park-and-Ride
- Terminations Payouts
- Tonsley Railway Station
Torrens to Darlington Project
- 2021-11-30
Traffic Management
- Train Drivers
Train Services
- 2020-12-01
- 2021-03-16
- 2021-12-01
Train Services, Costs
- Train Services, Staff
Train Station Upgrades
- Transport and Infrastructure Funding
- Transport Infrastructure
- Victor Harbor Road Duplication
Waite Gatehouse
- Waite Road-Cross Road Intersection
- Westfield Tea Tree Plaza
- Women Offenders Working Group
- Woodlands Park Railway Station
- Yorktown Road-Adams Road Intersection
- Yorktown Road-Campbell Road Intersection
WORTLEY, Dana Johanna
Address in Reply
- Bus Services
- Constitution (Independent Speaker) Amendment Bill
- COVID-19 Economic Recovery
- Electoral (Electronic Documents and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Quarantine Fees and Penalty) Amendment Bill
- Gallacher, Senator A.M.
- Hampstead Pool Closure
- Hampstead Primary School
- Heron, Mr V.S.
- International Firefighters' Day
- International Women's Day
- Lawson, Mr P.
- Mckee, Hon. C.d.t.
- National Volunteer Week
- North East Community Children's Centre
- Park-and-Ride Facilities
- Regional Media
- Single-Use and Other Plastic Products (Waste Avoidance) Bill
- Social Development Committee: Surgical Implantation of Medical Mesh
- South Australian Multicultural Bill
- Teachers Registration and Standards (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Termination of Pregnancy Bill
Torrens Electorate
- Torrens Electorate School Awards
- Veterans Organisations
- Violence Against Women
- Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill
- Water Safety
- Women Offenders Support Services
- Questions
Racist Publication, Australian Labor Party
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government) (16:22): Yesterday, I gave notice that I would move today that this house establish a select committee, and I so move:
That this house establish a select committee to inquire into and report on:
(a) the racist publication by the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in 2014 entitled, 'Can you trust Habib?';
(b) the allegations by Annabel Digance of bullying and intimidation from ALP officials regarding the publication;
(c) the statements of ALP State Secretary, Reggie Martin, regarding the publication;
(d) the circumstances and persons responsible for the publication, including the commissioning, drafting, editing, design, proofing, printing, approval and distribution of the publication; and
(e) any other matter relevant to the publication.
This is the situation: in the 2014 election campaign that was of course traversed during February-March 2014, there was a flyer distributed, entitled 'Can you trust Habib?' In fact, it was a double-sided flyer with which I know members are all too familiar. The double-sided flyer was authorised by R. Martin for the Australian Labor Party and it describes their Gilles Street address and the printer obligations pursuant to the Electoral Act.
The ALP consistently denied that this document, distributed during the campaign, was racist. Members may now know that the Human Rights Commissioner at the time issued a letter of request to the ALP and to Ms Digance, who was the candidate—indeed, the successful candidate for the ALP—subsequent to that election campaign for an apology. Neither provided an apology, and since that time the party, the ALP, has consistently refused to acknowledge the racist nature of this document.
In 2018, Carolyn Habib (now Carolyn Power) stood and won the seat of Elder. Congratulations to her and the courage it took to do so. Ms Digance was defeated and now in 2021 has made public statements, including (a) that the flyer was racist; (b) that she knew nothing of it until the document was distributed in the election campaign in 2014; (c) that she was bullied and was indeed herself a victim in respect of keeping silent about that pamphlet and her view in respect of what happened; and (d) that she was frightened.
They are all unquestionably disturbing allegations. I do not in any way purport to identify or suggest whether or not they are accurate. Certainly, it took seven years for this information to be public, and if it is true I congratulate her on coming forward, and if it is not then that is a matter that someone else can determine. I am not in a position to do that, and I do not make any assessment of her involvement or action in relation to this at all.
I note that Mr Tom Richardson, who is a noted journalist in South Australia, published his view that this is a belated apology and is not courage: it is opportunism, he suggests. In fact, he has some direct concern about the suggestion that her courage as a woman in trying to change culture should introduce this information within that envelope, but I do not want to make any judgement in that regard. That is not my job. I can have a personal view about any of these things, but we do need to respect the fact that a former member of this house, a candidate in a subsequent election, has made these allegations seven years after the event.
Perhaps even more concerning now is the fact that Mr Reggie Martin, who was the ALP state secretary at all material times during this matter, has claimed publicly that he only authorised the pamphlet. That may be the case. Again, I am not in a position to make that assessment. I do not know what the answer to that is. I know that I saw him on television on Saturday night purporting to say that he was sorry if people were offended by it.
I did not see that as any acknowledgment or apology, frankly, but nevertheless it was a statement that he made, but within that statement was that his involvement in this was confined to an authorisation. Subsequently, I read that he had apparently made some grammatical corrections to the document, but in any event his involvement was very limited. I note also that Mr Richardson, who has written prolifically all the time I have been in the parliament, on 24 March 2015 claimed, and I quote:
…the ALP was concerned enough to modify an earlier version of the leaflet, which state secretary Reggie Martin has confirmed was changed on legal advice.
Again, I do not know whether or not that is accurate. Mr Richardson has reported it as being something which Mr Martin has confirmed and which on the face of it suggests that he was very much involved in the development of this pamphlet. It had been previously in draft form, and furthermore legal advice had been obtained. It is possible that other people were involved in that decision and that he was completely excluded from it. It would be unusual, I think, in anyone's knowledge of political parties, but that may be the case.
What is very important is that, having got to that piece of information and having this seven years later, the question is: why would we then move a select committee into why and who was responsible for this? We have a document which is overtly racist, and I think absolutely disgraceful, and which should have no place in any election for anyone in office in our democratic system. I totally abhor that practice.
Even leaving aside the circumstances in which Ms Digance now raises her concern about this issue and her reason for being intimidated and bullied into silence, the issue here for me is whether this is a document that we as a parliament can accept as being able to be published in future elections. I think that is something this parliament must make a decision on.
We clearly cannot rely on the ALP in this instance to do it themselves. I have called on the Leader of the Opposition since Saturday to make absolutely clear what has happened. It seems either he has no interest in or no care for Ms Digance's allegations and the purported bullying conduct towards her, or he has no care in relation to statements being made which in this case were overtly against Lebanese people but which may be applied to other groups in our community—or both.
I do not know the answer to that either, but I think a select committee of this parliament must look at that and identify the standard we are going to have going forward into future elections, whether they are for our colleagues here in this parliament, for persons in the other place or for our future local government elections or for our representatives who go into the federal parliament. Every single one of them should be free of this type of this inquiry.
The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The member for West Torrens can yell to interject and threaten us with, 'There will be plenty more of these to come.'
The SPEAKER: The Attorney will not respond to interjections.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Well, he can threaten all he likes. I will not stand up for this type of conduct. I am very concerned personally about the allegations that have been made—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Member for West Torrens!
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: —by Ms Digance. I am very concerned that it has taken seven years for anyone in the ALP even to acknowledge that this is a racist document.
The Hon. C.L. Wingard interjecting:
The SPEAKER: The minister will cease interjecting.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Federal colleagues at the time were very clear. In fact, they were howled down by people from the other side, weighing into their view in relation to that statement, but that is a matter others can view. I think we do need to set a standard, that we do need to have a set of standards—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Playford will cease interjecting.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: —and I ask that we do. If the Leader of the Opposition is not prepared to do it in relation to his own party, let us look at this. It will be a standard that will apply to all political parties or all members who are candidates in forthcoming elections. I do not want there to be other types of conduct that sometimes can be dealt with during an election campaign in relation to misleading or inaccurate information—that is an Electoral Act responsibility—but this is seven years later.
There has been an acknowledgement now within the envelope of, I think, a very concerning allegation by Ms Digance and nobody from the ALP is stepping up to take responsibility. That in itself is abhorrent. I again call on the Leader of the Opposition to have a look at his own party and identify it. Despite the fact he was previously a president of the ALP in South Australia—and indeed, six months after that election in 2014, became president again—still he had plenty of opportunity as the leader of the ALP—
Mr Brown: Just like you were during Catch Tim.
The SPEAKER: Order, the member for Playford!
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: —to actually deal with this matter. I do not have any confidence he will. He clearly is not prepared to do it. He has been called on to do it. I think it shameful that he has not even come out to support Ms Digance in that circumstance and offer at least to investigate that matter and bring to account people in his own party who are alleged to have done this conduct. That raises a concern in itself.
In those circumstances, I think it is incumbent on this house to conduct the inquiry, to have a select committee. Obviously, I will invite members of the opposition to be part of that because it is responsible for all of us—government members, crossbenchers, opposition members, all—to have an opportunity to be a part of that. I commend the motion to the house.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (16:34): I rise to speak on the motion, and I indicate from the outset that the opposition will not be supporting the motion. Before I make any further comments about the rationale behind the position the Labor opposition takes on this motion, I think it is important that we recognise that the current member for Elder was—not to use her words but to try to accurately characterise them—grievously offended by the flyer that was distributed in the then electorate of Elder at the 2014 election.
I have to say that if anything has been obvious in the events of recent weeks and months, both around the country and here in South Australia, it is that judging whether something has given offence should not be about whether the intent was to give offence but about whether offence was received. I do not think there can be any doubt that the current member for Elder was grievously offended by that flyer. It is in that context that I think it is the bare minimum and absolutely reasonable to state that the flyer should not have gone out, given that is the impact it has had on the current member for Elder.
I would also like to say that it is curious that it is the Deputy Premier who brings this motion to the house and that it is the Deputy Premier who brings the motion to the house after seven years—as she admittedly characterises it—past the fact of the distribution of the flyer. It is also curious that the motion should be presented to the house for debate the very day after the media, the national broadcaster, begins reporting into—
The Hon. C.L. Wingard: Seven years makes it okay?
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Mr Speaker—
The SPEAKER: The minister will cease interjecting.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I sat patiently, and I listened to the Deputy Premier without interjection in the course of her contribution. This is a serious matter, and it deserves to be treated seriously by everyone in this place, including the member for Gibson.
I think the timing of this motion by the Deputy Premier is curious, to say the least—obvious, in fact. It is designed to try to draw attention away from yet another scandal that is quickly engulfing the government with regard to a paid-for data-capturing platform from the Liberal Party that has been used on official government websites to harvest information about South Australians' online habits and usage for the benefit of political campaigning. That is at the heart of the timing of this motion.
It was only brought to this place the very day after the national broadcaster reported and indeed on the same day that the local newspaper started reporting on this issue. So it is pretty clear what is informing the timing.
Mrs Power: It's in response to what your side has raised. I haven't raised this.
The SPEAKER: Order, the member for Elder!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: It is also interesting to note that the Deputy Premier, one amongst several on the Liberal side of parliamentarians, has spent seven years condemning Annabel Digance for the distribution of the flyer. Indeed, I can recall in a previous parliamentary debate the then member for Norwood, now member for Dunstan and current Premier, was ejected from this place during the course of a debate because of screaming out across the chamber that Ms Digance was racist. That is the view of the leadership of the current parliamentary Liberal Party about Ms Digance.
Now what we have is the Deputy Premier purporting to be yet again a champion of victims' rights, and the victim here is Ms Digance. The victim here is somebody who has alleged that this was an occurrence that happened completely beyond their knowledge or understanding, and in the course of that happening and after the fact of that happening she has been subject to bullying and other sorts of unsatisfactory behaviour from those involved in the Labor Party.
Curious again, is it not, that we would have seven years of condemnation and then suddenly a volte-face, to come in here and purport to be the champion of Ms Digance as a victim? I find that extraordinary. As difficult as it may be for those opposite to hear a member on this side of the chamber say this, I actually think that this behaviour has the effect of—I will not say it seeks to—denigrating the key issue here, and that is whether the current member for Elder found grievous offence in the material that was circulated at the 2014 election.
The Deputy Premier was right to draw attention to Tom Richardson's column in today's InDaily, when he posed questions as to the timing of these grievances from Ms Digance and wondered why again it had taken seven years after the fact of the distribution of this material to commence claims of the alleged treatment of Ms Digance by the Labor Party, and it is only now, seven years on from the distribution of the material, that Ms Digance is coming forward and making these claims and these grievances about the Labor Party.
Not that it may be of interest to anyone else in this place, but I have to say I was surprised to hear those concerns from Ms Digance. I am not saying that she did not suffer that. I honestly have no idea because I have been presented with absolutely no information or evidence to the contrary, let alone in support of those claims. It genuinely came as a surprise to me. But again I do find it curious that, seven years on from the distribution of this material, while the government is quickly becoming engulfed in yet another scandal, the Deputy Premier seeks to bring this motion forward.
I also raise whether the floor of the parliament is the appropriate place to be testing the appropriateness of material or other behaviour in the conduct of state election campaigns or whether there are other more appropriate fora for that to be explored. Of course, we have an Electoral Act and we have an Electoral Commissioner. By virtue of the Electoral Act, that independent statutory officer is the one charged with investigating matters that are the subject of complaints made to that officer in the course of or even immediately after the conduct of election campaigns.
It strikes me that that Deputy Premier suddenly seems to think that one of the statutory officers who, by the nature of the office the Attorney-General holds, does not believe that the Electoral Commissioner is the appropriate person to test these claims. I wonder perhaps if this is now going to be habit forming for the Deputy Premier, whether there are other matters she believes should no longer be tested in the established fora, where they should rightly be examined, but instead should be conducted on the floor.
I also notice that this move is unprecedented. Not in the 16 years of the former Labor government, including that period between 2006 and 2010, when the Australian Labor Party held 28 of the 47 seats in this place, did the Labor Party ever seek to abuse its majority in this place in order to conduct or convene some sort of kangaroo court into the behaviour of its political opponents during election campaigns—not once, never.
So it is pretty clear now, if the Deputy Premier wants to start establishing these precedents, it will not bother her. Presumably, at the end of the term of this government she may no longer be a member of this place and she may no longer be concerned. But are the remainder of people who seek election to this place expected to participate in, perhaps even be subject to, these sorts of parliamentary inquiries about the conduct of elections?
I am sure that just about every one of us can cite conduct during election campaigns in which they have participated which is at the very least outside the realms of what is appropriate, let alone outside the rules of the conduct of election. I certainly will not say that all of us have been subject to anything like the nature of the flyer that was distributed about the current member for Elder because I certainly have not had material like that distributed about me.
However, I have had material distributed about me which is clearly defamatory, which is clearly wrong and misleading, which clearly would have the effect of impugning my character or reflecting on me negatively to the extent where, had I had the time or the resources or the inclination, I would be well served seeking some sort of legal recourse against the distribution of that material.
It happened to me the first time I ran in a state election in 2014 and it certainly happened to me at the last state election in 2018. It certainly happened to me in 2018 when I had vast amounts of my campaign materials stolen—and identifiably stolen by members of the Liberal campaign team who were running the campaign against me—including more than 400 corflutes.
What do you do about it when you are fighting for a marginal seat? Do you try to prosecute that during business hours and daylight hours when you could otherwise be campaigning? No, you do not. I had no choice but to continue campaigning and turn what had been redistributed down to a 1.2 per cent margin into a margin of nearly 4 per cent—I note against that candidate of the Liberal Party who was held up by several of those members opposite as without question the hardest working Liberal candidate at the last election.
I do not know whether that is a reflection on the candidate they preselected against me or whether it was a reflection on the party leader, the member for Dunstan, or whether it was a reflection on the campaign—
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Lee has the call. The member for Lee is entitled to be heard in silence.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —or maybe it was just a reflection on the fact that people in the western suburbs do not like Liberal blow-ins from the eastern suburbs purporting to be locals and running for election. You do not need to take my word for it because that candidate, of course, has moved back to the eastern suburbs now and is pursuing a career in local politics and I think is working for the member for King.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order, the Deputy Premier!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Nonetheless, without digressing too much on the capacity of the Liberal Party to find quality candidates in the western suburbs, it is extraordinary that the Deputy Premier now tries again in vain to make herself the paragon of protecting victims here in South Australia.
Let me perhaps refresh members' memories of the behaviour of this government when it comes to the protection of victims in recent times. These matters only aired in the parliament as recently as last week: a cut of $3.7 million to the Victim Support Service in the 2019-20 state budget, a cut of $1 million a year ($4 million over four years) to the Legal Services Commission across all its services and trying to hide that cut by pre-paying a year's annual grant to the Legal Services Commission and a cut of $780,000 to the Women's Domestic Violence Court Assistance program in that same budget in 2019-20.
There was also a $250,000 cut to the safe city grant program that was designed to create safer environments in the city to prevent people becoming victims of crime or of harassment in the first place; a cut of $800,000 to the concierge service at managed taxi ranks, ostensibly to allow people to catch a taxi safely and free from harassment or other antisocial behaviour when seeking to do so; and a cut of $4 million to crime prevention grants.
These are all not the activities of a government that is placing the concerns of victims at the front of their minds. Of course, Mr Speaker, it would not escape your attention—as someone who pays close attention to such matters—that all these cuts occurred in the portfolio arrangements that the Deputy Premier has direct responsibility for.
It is extraordinary that overall $20 million over a five-year period has been cut from programs, services, resources and initiatives that are designed to support victims here in South Australia—all within the Deputy Premier's portfolio responsibilities. We do not need to look at just those programs, those resources and those initiatives that are provided to support victims outside this parliament to see whether they have been cut.
We can also look at what has occurred to try to support victims inside this parliament. Following on from the events of the Christmas party in 2019 we had a motion moved by the member for Reynell to establish an independent inquiry into sexual harassment and similar practices here in the parliament. In February 2020, that motion was placed on the Notice Paper by the member for Reynell.
What did the government, including the Deputy Premier, do? Did they get on with it? Did they get on with that inquiry, did they support that motion, did they get that underway, did they try to provide an avenue for staff who feel they have been subjected to that sort of harassment and behaviour? The answer, of course, is no.
It was not until November last year—a nine-month delay—when it became absolutely clear that despite this government's wishes, and presumably the Deputy Premier's, this motion from the member for Reynell was going to be supported and the inquiry was going to be established, that the government finally got on with it.
Of course, we know what that inquiry found: that there are substandard practices and substandard processes and substandard recourses available for people inside this place who are subject to harassment, including sexual harassment or sexual assault or worse. In fact, that report even outlined that there have been allegations made of a male member of parliament running their hand up the leg of a female person working in parliament.
Has that been investigated? No. The opposition pointed out to the government that there should be the opportunity for it to be investigated or, if not, there should at the very least be sufficient support provided to that person so that they can make decisions themselves whether or not to pursue that matter.
The response from the Deputy Premier throughout all this has been, 'My door is always open.' I want members to think about this very carefully: according to the Deputy Premier, the member for Bragg, the recourse for a victim of harassment or sexual harassment or worse in this place is to, first, in person self-identify and present to the Deputy Premier, the deputy leader of the state Liberal Party—not a private or confidential or independent way of receiving a report of harassment or sexual harassment or worse: it has to be done in person. That was the advice provided to this parliament.
The SPEAKER: The member for Lee will resume his seat. The Deputy Premier rises on a point of order.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I take offence at the member's assertion about my invitation to members of the house who have any concerns on any matters in relation to this, that my door is open. To conflate that with an assertion that I am requiring the person who has given anonymous information to the equal opportunity commissioner, I take offence at that. That is completely untrue.
The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I am not suggesting that at all. I take offence and I seek that it be withdrawn.
An honourable member interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! As is well known, the test in these circumstances is a subjective test. Should the member for Lee wish to make a contribution on the point of order, I will give him that opportunity. The member for Lee on the point of order.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I have to say I am surprised that the Deputy Premier takes offence at my recalling the very words she used in this place to explain to us what she thought the recourse should be for somebody who worked in the parliamentary workplace, a staff member or otherwise—
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —about how that could be pursued.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: If she is offended by that, I am not the person who can provide her satisfaction.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order! The Deputy Premier will cease interjecting.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: The only person who can provide her satisfaction is herself or a mirror.
The SPEAKER: The occasion to address the point of order is not an occasion for debate on the topic more broadly. The question I am asked to rule on, as I take it, is pursuant to standing order 125, which is plain in its terms in establishing a subjective test. Words are capable of carrying a variety of meanings depending upon the context in which they are spoken, and I bear that in mind also. In the circumstances, the Deputy Premier has invited the member for Lee to withdraw. I invite the member for Lee to withdraw the use of those words in the context in which they were uttered.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: If the Deputy Premier has found my recalling this to the parliament offensive, I withdraw and I apologise to her.
The SPEAKER: The member for Lee has the call.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: I think it is extraordinary—absolutely extraordinary—after I lay all of this out to the house, after I make it absolutely clear what the Deputy Premier's record is in standing up for victims, including her government's cuts to victim support services, her government's cuts to those programs designed to stop people even becoming victims in the first place and to programs and initiatives particularly around the city.
Of course, I make absolutely clear to the parliament that when the Deputy Premier and the party that she is the deputy leader of had the opportunity to get on with an independent inquiry examining all those circumstances where people in this place had been made to feel victims through unacceptable behaviour at best, or at worst sexual harassment or even sexual assault, that opportunity was squibbed by those opposite for nine months until November of last year, when finally the Liberals in this place were dragged kicking and screaming to get on with it.
That is the record of those opposite. After all that history of non-achievement and even perhaps the denigration of the capacity of victims in this state to have their voices heard or to pursue recourses against the behaviour they have now, seven years on, seven years after the distribution of this material, we have the Deputy Premier and the Liberal Party wrapping their arms around Annabel Digance saying, 'Poor you!'—seven years on after claim after claim after claim of the former member for Elder's behaviour, the allegations that she herself is a racist.
I also ask the question: what is not known in this matter of the distribution of this material from four years ago? We know it was distributed. Of course, we know that when it was distributed it caused the most grievous offence to the current member for Elder. We know who produced it. We even know who spellchecked it and we know who authorised it. What we do not seem to know most recently is whether or not the former member for Elder knew about it. I suspect that is going to be a matter that will remain unresolved by the competing claims between her campaign team and Ms Digance herself, and I make no commentary on that.
I do, however, find it curious that we have the deputy leader down here seeking to figuratively wrap her arm around the former member for Elder, Ms Digance, and we have the Liberal Party doing the same when in the other place the former leader of the Liberal Party in the other place, the Hon. David Ridgway, makes absolutely clear where he sees fault in that campaign that was conducted seven years ago.
Perhaps a bit like some of the questions that have been raised by some members in the media, he takes some of the more recent comments about the conduct of that campaign with a grain of salt, making allegations—which I think he has vented, as he said in his own words today, perhaps seven or eight times previously in the other place—about the conduct of members in that campaign against the current member for Elder. There does not seem to be a unanimity of view or purpose from all members of the parliamentary Liberal Party on this.
I also note that the member for Bragg has prioritised this motion for consideration right now, almost immediately after notice of it was given only yesterday above all the other motions which have languished on the Notice Paper, in some cases for many months, and which seek to canvass issues where people have felt themselves as victims, where they are suffering in the community and perhaps even where they see some need for recourse. Again, I only have to look at my caucus colleague the member for Reynell for the motions she has moved about modern slavery, about the efficacy of legislation about sexual consent—
The Hon. V.A. Chapman: This is government time.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —about underemployment and insecure work. Of course, we know from the most recent employment statistics how the COVID pandemic has impacted women in particular in the workforce. I could also add to that motions from the member for Florey and also a motion from the member for Frome about the mental health impact of COVID. All those are not brought to bear for debate or consideration by this place.
The interjection I received from the Deputy Premier is, 'Well, we're in government time now and this is a government priority.' That is exactly the point I am making. This motion, curiously timed to try to distract attention away from the growing data scandal over this government, is prioritised for government time over all these other motions put forward by other members in this place that seek to give voice to those people who are suffering in our community in various ways.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman: They are in private members' time.
The SPEAKER: Order!
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: The Deputy Premier makes the comment that that is members' time. That is not as important as government time to the Deputy Premier. Their concerns are not as important for this place to consider as this, which has been rushed forth to this place for consideration.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: No, it's not being made up—
The SPEAKER: The Deputy Premier will cease interjecting. The member for Lee will not respond to interjections.
The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: —it is a matter of record. It is here in the Notice Paper. All these are pushed to one side so that the Deputy Premier can do her best to distract from the current scandal this government is facing. It should be clear from that what the Deputy Premier seeks to achieve from this motion is little more than a distraction.
There are no facts to be unearthed from this. The facts of the distribution of this material and the behaviour of the campaign appear to be not only well ventilated but well understood throughout the community. All those matters, paragraphs (a) through (d), have been well ventilated—except, of course, paragraph (e) because it is not specific about what it seeks to investigate. It is clear the production, it is clear the publication, it is clear the authorisation, the distribution and the receipt of that material.
With no further facts to find, except the alleged care and concern the Deputy Premier has discovered in the past 24 hours for the concerns of Ms Digance and the conduct of the election campaign of seven years ago, there is no basis for this. There is no basis for this whatsoever. That is not to say there is no basis to the concerns of the current member for Elder.
As I said at the outset of my comments, the judgement about whether offence has been made in the course of a campaign, or indeed in other areas, is not about the intent of what was said or what was distributed or what was published, etc. As we now should all thoroughly know, it is about whether it was taken. We have seen marches around the country trying to make that point very, very clear, particularly to those members of our community who seemed somewhat stubborn in order to receive that message.
I do not denigrate the concerns of the current member for Elder, but this motion is not designed to provide any further comfort to the member for Elder, any further sense of justice through the provision of new information or facts. It is merely the most grating political manoeuvre from the Deputy Premier in order to try to wrestle attention away from the media and the public about the current scandal that is engulfing this government.
I have to say that it is true to form, the sort of tactic we have come to expect from the Deputy Premier, whether it is the issuing of press releases about ICAC investigations or the issuing of letters of demand to political opponents in an effort to silence them about comments they have made on Twitter, for example. This is just vintage Deputy Premier, vintage member for Bragg type behaviour, and I think it is very poor form that she would seek this opportunity and inveigle this most serious issue in what is nothing more than at attempt at political distraction for the media and for the community.
Mr KNOLL (Schubert) (17:06): I rise to make a contribution on this important topic for a variety of reasons and to set the record straight about a number of the comments made by the member for Lee in his contribution. This issue is one that I know has been around for a long period of time. This issue is one that has caused angst and concern to many.
This issue is one that raised its head again over the weekend because of new comments made by the then member for Elder, Annabel Digance, the former member for Elder. She made a series of allegations in the newspaper at the weekend, and then we also had comments from the current state Labor secretary, also current upper house legislative candidate for the Labor Party at the next state election, Reggie Martin. It is on that basis, and after those new revelations had been made, that we as a Liberal Party have decided to pursue this option of a select committee.
It is worth noting that at the start of the member for Lee's contribution he made comments about the fact that the standard for offence is not whether or not it was intended but whether or not offence was taken. Indeed, I think the framing of Reggie Martin's comments at the weekend was very much in the frame of 'if the member was offended', and under that presumption an apology or an apology of sorts was offered.
It is interesting that those comments stand in stark contrast to the comments that the member for West Torrens has made over the previous course of reporting of this topic and in stark contrast to former Premier Jay Weatherill's comments on this topic, but it was a progression of the issue. Certainly for me what hurts most about this conduct is that it is a form of campaigning that appeals to the worst instincts of South Australians. It was insidious and potentially subconscious in its construction. It was designed to achieve an outcome, whilst also being designed to deliver a degree of plausible deniability.
Trying to tread that fine line—a fine line the member for West Torrens and the former premier stuck to over the last four years in the last term of government—one that has not passed the pub test here in South Australia, and not one that the objective standard by which we each would consider this racist we would say it passes, but one that members opposite tried to hold to their chest as they justified what was a disgusting and racist campaign.
But the fact that it tries to appeal to our worst instincts denigrates this institution and denigrates that which we seek to achieve in this place. It was not about a contest of ideas, and it was not about who was best to deliver for an electorate, or indeed who had the best policy platform to deliver for the state. This was about finding ways to insinuate, to try to create a degree of fear or innuendo around the heritage of a prospective MP.
That is interesting, considering that in its construction I think most people would consider that it tried to create an insinuation or a connection between the now member's last name and, let's say, nefarious elements within the Middle East. That is interesting, considering the actual heritage of the member's family, and one that I know would grate hugely considering that certainly almost all of us in this chamber are migrants to this country who have come seeking an inclusive, secular and promising future. I know that certainly my family and the current member for Elder's family have come to this country wanting to seek a better life and to live in a country that values multiculturalism, that values different points of view and that values the contest of ideas as a place to live.
The reason that a select committee is the form the government and the Liberal Party are choosing to take is that for the last seven years there has been no redress and there has been no recourse. This flyer came out within the last week of the election campaign. The opportunity to seek redress from the Electoral Commissioner was limited by dint of time. It could be that that was the intended purpose. The idea was that you put this out so late in the campaign that, even if the Electoral Commissioner finds against you, there is not enough time to provide redress before people go to the polls.
In fact, I know it is a tactic the Labor Party used in relation to the Davenport by-election. I know it is a style of campaigning they used back in 2010 in the Mawson campaign, where basically you put out your disgusting and dirty campaign tactics late enough in the campaign that you can get away with it by polling day. It is cynical, and again it appeals to the worst instincts of South Australians, and it is not worthy of those of us who seek to do good in this place.
The member for Elder also tried to pursue this topic through the Human Rights Commission. An opportunity was offered at that point for those who were involved in this campaign to be able to provide redress and recourse and to show a degree of contrition so that this sorry chapter in the way our state conducts election can be put behind us. Was that opportunity taken? No.
If you think about where we sit today after these new allegations and new reporting over the weekend, what other opportunity is there? That is why a select committee is an appropriate vehicle to air these grievances—because at any stage over the past seven years members opposite could have provided the redress the member for Elder was seeking but chose not to. It is interesting that only after the revelations and the allegations of Annabel Digance at the weekend did Reggie Martin make the comments that he chose to make.
I note that in this chamber just now the member for Lee chose a degree of contrition. Interestingly, they might not be the words the member for West Torrens has chosen to use over the past period since that time, but at least it is a step forward by some members of the Labor Party, and it is why the government and the Liberal Party are seeking to use this as a method to provide redress.
Finally, and this is perhaps for me the most poignant, is the fact that to the broader public, and maybe to the Labor Party, this is just part of what you need to do to get things done—the Graham Richardson school of 'whatever it takes'. I do not think that is good enough for South Australia, and I do not think it is good enough for those who want to sit in this chamber because, at the end of the day, we are not pawns on a chessboard, we are not cardboard cut-outs: we are human beings. We deserve a degree of respect, if not for the individual, at least for the institution that we seek to serve.
This campaign more than any other, certainly in my time of political awareness, was perhaps the most disgusting, disgraceful and difficult to swallow, that there would be a group of people who seek a higher purpose and vocation in this place who would think that this kind of racist, dog-whistle politics was appropriate. It is not worthy, and it is why I will be very proud to support this select committee.
In this place and at this time, we are seeking to use this opportunity where other opportunities have failed to be able to provide redress for this incident so that we can highlight and provide a forum by which we can ensure that, if nothing else, the political cost of undertaking this kind of campaigning is felt.
It seems that, if common decency does not prevail, if a recourse to the Human Rights Commission does not prevail and if the only thing that the Labor Party genuinely believes in is political advantage, then a select committee is a way for us to be able to show the Labor Party that this is the kind of political advantage that comes with a high cost, perhaps too high a cost to undertake this kind of behaviour into the future. That is what this select committee is seeking to do, and it is why I will be very proud to support it.
In conclusion, we need to do better. We need to be better. There are many ways we can choose to be better. If any of those opportunities had been taken, we would not need to be here today, but they have not been taken. It is why they need to be taken—dragged kicking and screaming, if need be—so that we can raise ourselves up and deliver on the promise of serving in this fine institution that our forebears and those who came before us sought to achieve. We can help to make this a kinder, gentler and more productive place for South Australians.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (17:17): I rise in opposition to this motion. Our Lord says, 'He who is without sin, cast the first stone.' Obviously, it seems that there are a lot of virtuous people sitting on the government benches who have done nothing wrong ever. I have to say, I found it pretty galling to be lectured by someone who had to resign his ministry because he had claimed money he was not entitled to. It is pretty galling, quite frankly.
The Hon. D.C. van Holst Pellekaan: He was exonerated.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: He was exonerated. So why did he pay the money back?
The Hon. D.C. van Holst Pellekaan: He was found innocent.
The SPEAKER: Order! The interjections—
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: There is a new category: you are found innocent.
Mr Knoll: Mate, you are a piece of work, an absolute piece of work.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I am a piece of work. Calling me a racist is okay?
The SPEAKER: Interjections on my right will cease.
Mr Knoll: You are perhaps the worst proponent of this in this place.
The SPEAKER: The member for Schubert will cease interjecting. Interjections on my right will cease, and the member for West Torrens will not respond to interjections. The member for West Torrens has the call.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I note that no-one has been ejected for those vile remarks to me. Anyway, I will not be lectured—
The SPEAKER: The member for West Torrens—
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: —by the Liberal Party on racism.
The SPEAKER: —has available to him the opportunity to raise a point of order should he wish.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I can take it.
The SPEAKER: The member for West Torrens has the call.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I would walk out, too, if I were you. Walk out.
An honourable member: Disgraceful.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: I'm a disgrace, am I? I will not be lectured—
The SPEAKER: The member for West Torrens will not reflect upon the presence of any member in the house.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Sir, you sat quietly watching a member interject vile accusations towards me and you did nothing. Do not lecture me about not referencing members.
The SPEAKER: The member for West Torrens has the call.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Thank you, sir. I will not be lectured by the Liberal Party about racism. The racist taunts I have suffered in this place for the last 24 years at the hands of some members opposite have been appalling, with interjections like, 'Speak English.' The Attorney looks confused by it all. I will not be lectured by the Attorney or any member of the government about racism. I have suffered it from the moment I got here. They have attacked my family for the type of business that they have held, and they have attacked me for my apparent level of education. They have attacked my literacy and numeracy skills, they have attacked my intellect and they have attacked my ethnicity, yet here they are, lecturing me about racism. Really?
The Hon. V.A. Chapman: You're delusional.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Now I am delusional. There is more: it does not stop, it continues. The insults from the Attorney-General continue. Is it not fascinating when we look at what is actually on the agenda, which the government are ignoring while thinking that this event is more important than, for example, the establishment of a select committee on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health? They are delaying that. They are not interested in that; every chance they get, they adjourn it. What about the impacts of insecure work? What about the impacts of emergency management arrangements for the pandemic? What about modern slavery?
Mr Brown: The Attorney can't distract people with that one.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: That is right. Yes, we cannot possibly have a select committee on modern slavery. That would not be prudent, but an event that occurred seven years ago is worthy of government time and a select committee. I also point out to members that what the government is doing now is using its numbers as a majority to impose a select committee on the minority, something that has never been done before in this parliament's history—not once. Not once.
The precedent the government is now setting is that not only have they introduced a new precedent of voting down budget measures and budget bills—that is the first precedent they broke; the second precedent they broke was not honouring pairs—now they are going to be instituting inquiries into the opposition. What a wonderful legacy the Premier and the Attorney-General are leaving the House of Assembly. What a beautiful legacy they are leaving the people of South Australia: the idea that we can use this parliament with its awesome powers to investigate the minority.
Mr Brown: Whatever it takes.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: You talk about Graham Richardson and Whatever It Takes. There it is, in black and white: Whatever It Takes. Fancy this: an inquiry into a Labor Party candidate. That is a new precedent too. A Labor Party candidate is running; let's run a parliamentary inquiry into them. That is the new precedent, is it?
I notice that members opposite are shaking their heads, not quite sure what I am talking about. Well, let me say it again. When the majority attempts to institute an inquiry into the minority, that is an abuse of office, an abuse of power. That abuse of power has consequences, because the conventions of this place that have served us so well since Federation by and large have seen as through two world wars, depressions, recessions and political differences.
We have done the argy-bargy in here and we have got on with it, but now the government, which is on the brink of one of the biggest scandals in South Australian history, have decided that they are going to run an inquiry, as the mother of all distractions, into an event that occurred seven years ago. Fine, the precedent is set. The government think it is okay to investigate prospective Labor Party candidates. The government—the Liberal Party, that is—think it is okay to now hold investigations into the opposition and the minority. Fine, that is a wonderful precedent.
I have to ask members opposite if they fully comprehend what it is the Premier and the Attorney-General are asking them to do and what its consequences will be for future parliaments—the idea that the majority can do this. Let's take some hypotheticals. Perhaps one day the Liberal Party are no longer in government and they have the minority; perhaps they choose marginal candidates in marginal seats. What would stop the parliament from holding a select committee into that individual's business affairs or from holding an inquiry into that individual's personal life? These are dangerous, slippery slopes that have no place in this parliament, none whatsoever.
Quite frankly, the ultimate revenge for the member for Elder was that she defeated the former member for Elder and the democratic system worked. Take from that what you will; that is how democracy works. When people see the institutions of the parliament being used for personal political gain so opportunistically and so openly, it does not work.
It does not work when the government conducts investigations into its political opponents. It does not work—it never has. There is a good reason for why Tom Playford never did it, why Mr Tonkin never did it, why Dean Brown never did it, why John Olsen never did it. There are good reasons why Rob Kerin never did either: because it sets a precedent that comes back to haunt the governing party because more than often they do not remain the governing party forever.
That is why I will not be lectured about racism by members opposite. Have there been racist remarks made in pamphlets? I am sure, as the member for Lee said, the member for Elder was terribly offended by what Annabel Digance distributed in the seat of Elder, authorised by the Australian Labor Party. In 2014, she was defeated. I do not think she was defeated because of that pamphlet. I think she was defeated because the now Premier, then opposition leader, ran a poor campaign.
He ran a poor campaign because on the death knell of that election campaign he endorsed the Labor Party. I do not know what the consequences of that were throughout marginal seats across South Australia. You can focus on the pamphlet if you like, but the member for Elder took the loss, ran again and was successful and is contesting the election again, and we will see the outcome of that. That is the process. But the idea that we will then somehow put aside all the important motions that we are moving about the business of the people to hold a select committee into the Liberal Party's political opponents because the Liberal Party currently is facing serious questions about its conduct in executive government in the way it is handling data, I think is appalling. So I will not be lectured by the member for Schubert one bit—not one bit.
I have sat here and heard the taunts get up. I do not like the taunts, I will not lie. I do not want my children to suffer those taunts. I think racist taunts are awful, but parliamentary committees are not a way to deal with racism. The way you deal with racism is to educate people on diversity and accept different cultures and welcome them. Investigating your political opponents under the guise of trying to stamp out racism will be seen for what it is: a political witch-hunt, where the Labor Party will be subjected to the full force of the power of this house by the majority, and that is an awesome power, and I think this motion is an abuse of that power. This motion is clearly designed to be a distraction and a political weapon against the minority opposition.
I also point out the government has been in office since 2018. There was no inquiry in 2018. The government in 2019 could have held a select committee; it chose not to. In 2020, even before the pandemic, it could have conducted a select committee; it chose not to. Now, because the Premier is under intense pressure because of the scandal involving data theft and data harvesting, he is a massive fan of a political inquiry into his political opponents—
Mr Brown: It's a distraction.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: As a distraction. It will be seen for that. Again, like the member for Lee said, when this is all over and this government shuffles off, whenever that is, whether it is 2022 or 2026, or whenever the people decide to change the government, the precedent has been set that it is okay for the ruling party to conduct an inquiry into the minority party. That is the precedent. The three precedents we have from this government in its first three years are: block budget bills and budget measures, do not support pairs and now conduct inquiries into the minority.
That is some legacy and, when I hear lectures about cherishing the institution of parliament, it gets a bit rich when I see that kind of abuse of the parliament by this committee. The government are even telling us who is going to be on it. They have already told us we will be the minority on the committee.
Members interjecting:
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Members opposite agree: 'Yes, they should be.' We should be the minority, yes, of course. Why would you want a fair trial? Speaking of fair trials, let's see how fair the terms of reference are. Well, it is already a 'racist publication', so the committee does not need to decide whether it was a racist publication or not: the Liberal Party are telling us it is.
As to allegations of 'bullying and intimidation from ALP officials', apparently that has already occurred. In investigating 'the circumstances and persons responsible for the publication, including the commissioning, drafting, editing, design, proofing, printing, approval', obviously they want to call people in from the party office, haul them before an inquiry and start asking them questions under subpoena. Okay, that is the new precedent.
So, if the government do not submit to an independent inquiry on 'datagate' and data theft and they are unsuccessful at the election, this is the precedent. Why not? Why would the majority not then decide to hold an inquiry and call not only people involved in the theft of data but individual MPs because this house can call members of itself to select committees. Why would we not then call people who are sitting in the cabinet and demand that they reveal cabinet deliberations on 'datagate'? This new precedent is amazing in its depth and breadth.
Of course, when we get to that point, where will the current Premier be? Not here. Where will the Attorney-General be? Not here. It will be left to those brave souls who are left to pick up the pieces whenever opposition begins. It will be left to them. I say to the people who actually know what they are talking about in the Liberal Party—and that does not include the leadership group—the people who want to be here longer than just the next election: think about what it is you are being asked to do, and the precedent you are setting, and ask yourselves whether it is worth jumping off the cliff for the Deputy Premier and the Premier. Is it worth it? Well, I suspect all 22 of them will say yes. They are all going to say yes and we will lose this vote and this select committee will be established. So now the precedent has been set: members of the majority can investigate the minority at will just because it suits them politically.
As for the member for Elder, personally I have a great deal of regard for her. As a person I think she is very nice and seems very generous. I do not agree with her politics and I do not like her policies, but individually I think she is a decent person. I am sorry for the way she has felt about all of this, and I can only imagine what she went through. To be fair, I have copped it as well and I have not held select committees when I could have into members who are still in this parliament who made racist remarks about me and, in my opinion, have lied about it when asked in the parliament.
But, nevertheless, that is politics. I have to be frank: I am not sure this actually serves the purposes of the member for Elder. The member for Elder has a campaign to run—
The Hon. V.A. Chapman: It's a democracy.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: 'It's a democracy,' the Attorney-General yells outs. Yes, the majority investigating the minority is all about democracy—yes, that's right.
Members interjecting:
The SPEAKER: Order, the Deputy Premier will not interject and especially not from a place other than her seat. I remind the member for West Torrens to resist the urge to respond to interjections. The member for West Torrens has the call.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Catch Tim being an excellent idea for a future inquiry. But, rather than flag that now, it is one of the many things we can think about.
Mr Brown: We'll check your personal finances why we're at it.
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Well, yes, why not?
The SPEAKER: Member for Playford!
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Again, the Attorney-General does not realise the precedent she is setting. I assume that she is doing it to try to be a good loyal deputy to the Premier and is worried about how bad the Premier is performing on 'datagate' and how bad his contradictory answers are about redirection or harvesting and the fact that email databases are being used, probably collected by government resources.
We will get to the bottom of all this and find out who is responsible for it. It might well suit the Deputy Premier to have a vacancy at the top, who knows? I saw the Premier's face when the Deputy Premier said, 'Don't worry. The Privacy Committee responds to me.' That gave him lots of comfort I am sure—lots of comfort.
This committee is a sham. It is a political stunt by a government that has gone from majority to minority status. It is still larger than us, but we will see how the crossbench votes. My guess is that most of them will abstain because they will want no part of this dodgy arrangement. The government will establish its committee. It will investigate the Labor Party, use the awesome powers of this parliament against it, set that precedent in stone and the Labor Party will return it in spades.
The Hon. V.A. Chapman interjecting:
The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: The Attorney just said, 'Is that a threat?' No, that is the new reality, like budget measures being blocked, like pairs not being honoured. When you break down the conventions of this institution, you break down the institution. The conventions are what make it work, not standing orders—with all due respect to the table clerks. Standing orders can only do so much. In the end, it is the conventions of the parliament that make us operate, and when you trash those conventions you trash the house.
Anyone can make the parliament unworkable—anyone can. We have to work together. This will make the parliament unworkable all because the government is having a bad week. Well, short-term thinking will be returned. It is just a silly, childish, undergraduate, university-style tactic that you would expect more from the Labor Club or the Liberal Club at Adelaide University. But the Attorney-General will carry the day. She will get what she wants but, as the old saying goes: be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.
Ms LUETHEN (King) (17:36): I rise to support this motion because the attack on the member for Elder was racist, it was hurtful, it was unacceptable, and those responsible need to be held to account. I believe it is one more example of how Labor Party members treat women.
My experience has been that they will do anything to win. They lie constantly, and why do they do this? Why not rely on winning seats and debates based on good policy that could win support in the community? No, instead they choose over and over again to bully, harass, lie and mislead the people of South Australia. The bullies need to be held accountable, and that is why we need this committee.
Even though the Labor Party currently has more women in the House of Assembly, what I see is a serious problem with women, and I want to use this time to share some of my observations. I am a marginal seat holder, and everyone knows it because the media talk about this all the time. Since winning King in 2018 and entering this place, I have experienced relentless harassment in the house from Labor Party members when I speak.
Members of the Labor Party spent the first year yelling at me as I gave every one of my speeches in this place. They still do it, but not every time. My colleague the member for Newland is also a marginal seat holder, but he has not been yelled at and interrupted in the same way. Why is that? My guess is it is because he is not a woman.
My belief is that the Labor Party thought if they could yell at me, stalk me, intimidate me, put misinformation about me constantly into people's letterboxes, they could break me and drive me from this parliament, from this role representing my community. Because I am a woman, and because I am a survivor of abuse, they thought I was weak. Well, they were wrong: my adversity has made me passionate for change, passionate to stop bullies.
That is not to say that being intimidated, yelled at and stalked is acceptable or does not take its toll. It does, but I am still here because I have a great team around me on this side who support me, who tell me to keep going. I was elected to serve, and I want to fight for a safer South Australia. That is why I am still here—because I have been elected by my community. I am very sure our community would agree that the behaviour that happened in the Elder campaign and the behaviour that happens in here are not acceptable.
In what other workplace does a person get yelled at nonstop when they talk? I want to call out just one of these occasions. During one grieve I delivered in this place, some of the regulars from the Labor Party who normally would yell at me had departed the chamber. The leader of the Labor Party remained, and on this occasion the leader took up the job of constantly interrupting and yelling at me, so much so that the Deputy Speaker had to ask me to sit down while he asked the leader to stop. I shared this particular video on Facebook.
This is the culture I have seen across this chamber and it needs to stop. Labor Party, you need to treat women better. There are plenty of issues that need fixing in this state after a diabolical 16 years of Labor, and I ask the Labor Party to stop their bullying and harassment of people. I urge them to use their time to develop valuable policy to solve problems in our state so that the South Australian community has a better future.
The March 4 Justice in Adelaide called for change. It called for more respectful behaviour. It called for an end to male privilege. We are calling for change by calling for this committee. I am asking for change. Let us move forward with sound policy and debate and identify common ground that is good for South Australians. Identifying what will benefit South Australians and debating the best way to achieve this is what we have been elected for.
Today, the member for West Torrens has been interrupting and name-calling while our Attorney-General spoke and put forward her argument for this committee to examine how to put a stop to bullying, harassment and racism. Again, the Labor Party behaviour is shameful. It is shameful today. They just do not get it. But it is time for change and I ask them to listen and work with us. I believe the people who represent the community in this place should be people passionate about the best outcomes for South Australians and for South Australia.
Today, as the member for Lee made his contribution he made personal attacks on the Attorney-General throughout his debate. This is why we are pursuing this option: to call out the people who are responsible for the terrible treatment of women. I believe that people in this place should be of different genders, different cultural backgrounds and different beliefs to best represent the diversity and lived experienced there in our community today. All those people from different backgrounds need voices in decision-making.
People who are candidates and people who are members do not deserve to be bullied and harassed. There is no place for it in this place. As community leaders, we should be demonstrating tolerance and respectful behaviour. This is why I support this motion: to find ways to help this place set a better standard for behaviour and treatment of individuals who represent or attempt to represent their community. To give the community the best chance to choose the right representatives, we must create a clear, respectful place for people to speak, for people to be heard and for us to identify where the common ground is—the best outcomes for South Australians.
Parliamentary debate and campaigning should not be this brutal. On our side, we are not brutal. We do not apply the same tactics as the Labor Party. I have had a candidate running against me for a little while now and a few people in the community have asked me about her. I have not once attacked her. If people ask me what she is like, I tell them to get in contact with her and ask her what she is about.
I have been elected by my community to work hard and that is what I attempt to do every day. That is my focus, and in the end, in 2022 at the next election, it will be the community's choice to make a decision about who will work the hardest to represent them in this place. That is all it is about. Let's not let the lies of Labor continue. You did it again this week: bald lies on your social media. People in my community want to hear how you will help them achieve their ambitions, not how many lies you can tell. I support this motion and hope it will result in a way to identify and weed out those in the Labor Party who need to be held to account for their unfair racist behaviour and ongoing harassment of women.
The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson) (17:44): I rise just briefly to say that I do not support this select committee. I think it is a red herring to get away from the real problem that this state faces, which is the betrayal of the trust that people put in the Premier and the government when they go onto websites. I think that might be behind this.
I want to rise today to apologise to the member for Elder for things that happened in 2014. I did not have anything to do with the pamphlet that went out—I was busy running my own campaign in 2014—but I do have sympathy and empathy for what you went through. These things are called shit sheets and they are called shit sheets for a reason. I think both sides of parliament over the years have done them. I certainly had one out on me in the 2018 campaign in that final week, though it was nowhere near as harmful to my personality and to my person as the one to you.
As a member of the Labor Party, I want to apologise to you. I think you are a very decent person. You are the only member in this place who sent my dog Dusty a Christmas card last year and you will always be held in high esteem for doing that. I think we do need to be better. We do get a bit combative in here. I must apologise to the environment minister for some of the things that we have had a bit of a crack at each other over when we have become a bit fired up over the years. I thought we actually got some good stuff done in estimates this year.
One of the best things I think I have done in politics and the thing I got the biggest feedback from was that, 15 minutes after the polling booths closed for the 2018 election, Andy Gilfillan and I sat down at the front bar of the Alma Hotel in Willunga and had a beer together. We had been going toe to toe for 18 months, but we did not have any real blues out on the election campaign. He did not have anything to do with the shit sheet that was put out about me in that final week and I knew that. He said words to that effect the Thursday before the election and I said, 'Look, mate, no offence taken.'
I know you were offended by the publication that was put out in your electorate in 2014. I think we can all do better, but I do not think we need a select committee to work out that we need to do better. I think the events of the past few months that we have seen in federal parliament and the report that was tabled in this house just a few weeks ago are a bit of a warning to all of us that we all need to lift our game, but I do not think we need a select committee. Thank you for your time and, again, my apologies to the member for Elder for those events in 2014.
The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water) (17:47): I appreciate the opportunity to rise in support of the creation of this select committee here in the House of Assembly. I rise today not as the member for Black and not as the Minister for Environment and Water but as a long-term friend of the member for Elder. She and I met in November 2010 when we were both sworn in as councillors in the City of Marion. We have known each other now for more than a decade. Our birthdays are in the same week—she is older than me—and we take an annual birthday photograph and compare the impact that politics has had on us year on year.
The Hon. D.C. van Holst Pellekaan: She's doing better than you.
The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS: Is she, though? I don't know. She is not a minister yet. The fact is that we have walked the journey of public life together not as colleagues but as exceptionally good friends and close friends for a decade. We have supported each other through a number of difficult events in both our lives during the past decade. It is a pleasure to be able to call her a close personal friend and to have formed a similar friendship with her husband, Brad, who is in the gallery today. I saw firsthand the tremendously negative impact that the flyer distributed by the Labor Party in the 2014 state election campaign had on the member for Elder at the time. She is someone whose resilience is greater than almost anyone else I know, but I saw the trauma that this flyer caused.
The fact is that it was a direct racist attack on her heritage and culture and on the family she is so close to and is so shaped by, and the bonds with her family. I know her family, I know her mum and dad as well. I saw how this flyer was distributed with the aim of costing her votes by tying her heritage to Middle Eastern terrorism. I have no doubt about that. The opposition continually say that it was not meant to be racist—it absolutely was. If it was not meant to be racist there would be a flyer that said 'Can you trust Speirs?' distributed in the seat of Bright.
We often forget the issue that was beyond the racism in this flyer, and that was the raising of council rates, something that the member for Elder and I voted against when were on the City of Marion council. However, council rates did rise while we were on the council and that flyer was positioned to undermine trust in the member for Elder, a candidate at the time, based on her vote. Why was there not one distributed in the seat of Bright with tartan in the background and Scottish hills and sheep and things like that? That would not have had the same impact because it was not about the council rate rises: it was about trying to draw negative connotations between the member for Elder's heritage, her Lebanese heritage, her Middle Eastern heritage, and the voters' perceptions of our candidate in the seat of Elder in the 2014 state election.
What that demonstrated was a dark underbelly in the Labor Party of South Australia. Members of the Labor Party may chuckle and they may stand with their arms folded and arrogantly give a confected apology, as we saw on the weekend from Reggie Martin. There was no sincerity in that apology, in my view. I have no doubt that he was commanded by the leadership of the party to get out there and try to take the heat out of this because the former member for Elder, Annabel Digance, had gone feral on them.
That is exactly what had happened. I do not believe that the former member for Elder, Annabel Digance, was as innocent as she makes out in this but perhaps through this select committee there will be an opportunity to hear her side of the story and to question her. Perhaps she will have more to say about the fear and the intimidation and the bullying that she believes and she claims occurred to her personally at the hands of the bullyboys in Labor.
They are not my words and that is not my interpretation. I listened to the 891 interview a few days ago and I heard the words from Annabel Digance. Annabel was someone I knew in a professional sense, having a seat that was fairly close to hers and also having spent four years as a colleague in the House of Assembly with her. I have no reason to disbelieve that Annabel Digance was bullied or was fearful and was intimidated by bullies within the Labor Party. That is what Annabe Digance has put on the public record now. Perhaps in the coming weeks she will have the opportunity or she will desire to put out more information about who treated her poorly and where that came from.
Let me say that the racist attack on the current member for Elder in the 2014 state election was not the only horrendous behaviour that occurred in that campaign towards the member for Elder. It actually occurred in the 2018 election as well. I think one of the bravest things that the member for Elder did—and it is a testament to her resilience—was actually run the gauntlet again in 2018 and win that seat from the Labor Party. Because she was treated so appallingly in 2014, to front up again and to seek to represent her community again was a phenomenal exercise in strength and resilience.
The member for Elder ran again in 2018, despite what had gone before in the 2014 election. It was not just the racist attacks. She was bullied, she was followed and she was videoed by Annabel Digance's husband, Greg, on numerous occasions throughout that campaign. He creepily followed her around on election day with his iPhone held up. It was misogynistic behaviour, no doubt about that. She was harassed. She was called names.
She was threatened throughout the campaign, again by Greg Digance on numerous occasions but also by an employee within the office of Annabel Digance, a long-term employee of the South Australian Labor Party whose name sadly escapes me, but hopefully someone else will provide his name so it goes onto the public record and is recorded in Hansard. My point is that this was a racist attack. This was a calculated attack created by Mr Picton, approved by Reggie Martin and concocted by the Labor Party of South Australia with one aim: to attack the heritage and the family lines of the member for Elder. That is a cruel, disgusting, disgraceful episode in South Australia's political history.
I am so glad that the member for Elder stood in 2018. She stood up to the bullies. She endured the behaviour of Annabel and Greg Digance again. She put up with the continued creepy stalking of Labor Party members right through that 2018 campaign and she won her seat. And today she represents her community with dignity, decency, creativity and pride. The constituents of the seat of Elder should be immensely proud to have someone like the member for Elder standing up for their interests, and I hope that this select committee can get to the bottom of the cruel, dark underbelly of the South Australian Labor Party.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning and Local Government) (17:58): I thank all members for their contributions on this motion. I think there is an important matter of principle here. We do need to get to the bottom of this issue and we do need to set another standard. I thank all members for their contribution, and I thank those from the Labor Party—and there were several speakers—who acknowledged that the behaviour from the Australian Labor Party was suboptimal, not appropriate and clearly did cause personal harm and hurt to the now member for Elder. It was unforgivable treatment. I do urge members to support this motion.
The house divided on the motion:
Ayes 22
Noes 19
Majority 3
AYES | ||
Basham, D.K.B. | Chapman, V.A. | Cowdrey, M.J. |
Cregan, D. | Duluk, S. | Gardner, J.A.W. |
Harvey, R.M. (teller) | Knoll, S.K. | Luethen, P. |
Marshall, S.S. | McBride, N. | Murray, S. |
Patterson, S.J.R. | Pisoni, D.G. | Power, C. |
Sanderson, R. | Speirs, D.J. | Tarzia, V.A. |
Treloar, P.A. | van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. | Whetstone, T.J. |
Wingard, C.L. |
NOES | ||
Bedford, F.E. | Bettison, Z.L. | Bignell, L.W.K. |
Boyer, B.I. | Brown, M.E. (teller) | Close, S.E. |
Cook, N.F. | Gee, J.P. | Hildyard, K.A. |
Hughes, E.J. | Koutsantonis, A. | Malinauskas, P. |
Michaels, A. | Mullighan, S.C. | Odenwalder, L.K. |
Picton, C.J. | Stinson, J.M. | Szakacs, J.K. |
Wortley, D. |
PAIRS | ||
Pederick, A.S. | Piccolo, A. |
Motion carried.
Sitting suspended from 18:04 to 19:30.