House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-07-01 Daily Xml


Matter of Privilege

Matter of Privilege

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (15:45): Sir, I rise on a matter of privilege. Today in question time I asked the Premier the following:

Has the Premier's Minister for Trade and Investment failed to declare on his register of member's interest his ownership of a holiday rental apartment in the seaside town of Victor Harbor over a period of several years? With your leave, sir, and that of the house, I will explain.

I went on to explain it and then the Premier replied, and I quote:

I thank the member for bringing that to my attention. I wasn't aware of that, but I am happy to look into that matter.

I then went on to ask him, and I quote:

My question is to the Premier. Has the Minister for Trade and Investment breached the Ministerial Code of Conduct by failing to declare an investment property on his register of member's interest?

The Premier then replied, and I quote:

I just refer the member to my previous answer.

On two occasions I asked the Premier a question, he referred me to his first answer and his first answer stated he was not aware. In the other place, at the same time, the Hon. Kyam Maher asked the Minister for Trade and Investment, the Hon. David Ridgway, and I quote:

Supplementary arising from the original answer: minister, when did you first inform your Premier of your oversight for the second failure to declare property that you own?

The minister replied:

I thank the honourable member for his question. As far as I know, the Premier's office was aware yesterday.

I believe the Premier has deliberately and intentionally misled the parliament and that a prima facie case exists. The Premier deliberately withheld information from the house to avoid questioning. I ask that you give a prima facie case to establish a privileges committee. I ask that you give consideration to my matter of privilege and rule if a motion to establish a privileges committee should be given precedence over other business in the House of Assembly. I will furnish you, sir, with the Hansard.

The SPEAKER: Thank you, member for West Torrens. If the member for West Torrens could produce all relevant documentation to me, I will review that and come back to the house as to whether I believe that prima facie there exists a matter of privilege to be pursued.