House of Assembly - Fifty-Fourth Parliament, Second Session (54-2)
2020-12-01 Daily Xml


Grant Programs

In reply to Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (24 November 2020). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water): In response to questions 14 and 15 I have been advised the following:

The following table provides the allocation of grant program/funds for 2019-20 and across the forward estimates for Green Industries SA—Controlled:

Grant program / fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2019-20 Actual Expenditure $000 2020-21 Estimate $000 2021-22 Estimate $000 2022-23 Estimate $000 2023-24 Estimate $000
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Funding towards the construction of new and upgraded materials recovery and processing facilities, including to assist the resource recovery sector respond to challenges and opportunities presented by international market conditions. 4,900 7,092 3,202 3,277 2,969
Kerbside Performance (Food Organics) Incentives Funding towards the implementation and maintenance of food waste recycling systems via kerbside organics bins for Local Government. 2,300 2,189 1,972 1,858 1,469
Regional Transport Subsidies Funding to provide regional councils with temporary relief to subsidise the transport of kerbside collected recyclables to recovery facilities. 783 1,089 0 0 0
Council Modernisation Grants Funding to support modernisation and innovation in the local government sector through smart bins, technology upgrades, auditing support and other measures that can assist further development of the three-bin system. 450 1,117 850 950 0
Circular Economy Market Development Grants Funding to support South Australian businesses to further their market development efforts for recycled and recyclable materials. 240 475 300 300 300
Circular Economy Business Support Program projects (CEBSP) Funding for businesses and industry associations to engage third party technical advisers to identify, prioritise and implement improvements in resource/material efficiency, and other circular economy practices. 244 366 335 335 335
Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre Funding for reducing food waste throughout the supply chain, transform unavoidable waste into innovative high-value co-products and engage with industry and consumers to deliver behavioural change. 34 26 0 0 0
Innovation in School Education Funding for investigating and trialling teaching models which offer contemporary approaches towards action learning about waste reduction and recycling education. 41 0 0 0 0
National battery stewardship project Funding to support the Battery Stewardship Project to National Environment Protection Goals. 8 0 0 0 0
Trade Waste Initiative Funding towards reducing trade waste load and volume for South Australian food and beverage businesses. 761 978 0 0 0
Innovation Commercialisation Grant Program Funding provided for a commercialisation program for waste, recycling and the circular economy. 150 0 0 500 500
Circular Economy Policy and Implementation projects Funding for identifying alternative, higher-value users for waste such as on-site bioenergy production and /or secondary product development. 18 0 0 0 0
Minor other grant payments (under $5,000 each) 20 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 9,949 13,332 6,659 7,220 5,573

The following table details the new commitment of grants in 2019-20 for Green Industries SA—Controlled:

Grant program / fund name Beneficiary / Recipient Purpose Value$ (GST exclusive) Date agreement signed Date payment(s) made*
Recycling Infrastructure Grants Downer Glass fines replacement $500,000 24/08/2020 -
Foodbank SA Mount Gambier Cool room $94,800 22/01/2020 17/18/202028/09/2020
NAWMA Pooraka Transfer Station upgrade $175,000 09/01/2020 -
Peats Group Ltd Picking station $250,000 03/05/2020 01/04/2020
Foodbank SA Food Rescue vehicle $51,695 22/01/2020 -
Recycling Plastics Aust New markets for mixed plastics $500,000 22/01/2020 24/03/202008/09/202008/09/2020
Adelaide Hills Council Polystyrene Recycling $26,966 16/01/2020 18/05/2020
Recycling Plastics Aust Paper recovery from plastic $500,000 22/01/2020 24/03/202008/09/202010/12/2020
Clare Valley Waste Telehandler, walking floor $230,331 09/01/2020 10/03/202018/05/2020
Just Skips Telehandler $145,650 20/01/2020 20/07/202020/07/2020
AAA Recycling CDL Depot expansion $36,450 15/01/2020 -
Ceduna Recyclers Shredder $37,900 15/01/2020 13/03/2020
NAWMA Polystyrene recycling $33,400 09/01/2020 30/03/2020
Transmutation Pty Ltd Plastic recycling expansion—Robe $27,540 09/01/2020 03/02/202013/03/202025/08/2020
ANZ Recycling Platform Mobile e-waste processing facility $160,800 03/05/2020 -
City of Mount Gambier Piercing baler $30,000 30/06/2020 -
VISY Recycling Paper Quality Improvement $43,140 15/01/2020 03/07/2020
Ceduna Recyclers Containers for e-waste storage and transport $9,200 15/01/2020 13/03/2020
U Pull It Plastic bumper Recycling $110,000 30/06/2020 14/07/2020
Adelaide Hills Recycling Screens, air vac separators $477,000 31/12/2019 29/01/202027/05/202002/07/2020
Circular Economy Market Development Grants The McKell Institute A Second-Life Solution for SA Jobs: Embracing a Lithium-ion Waste Management industry in SA $50,000 17/03/2020 06/04/202016/06/2020
Downer Group Reconophalt EPD $22,500 09/04/2020 30/04/202001/07/202016/10/2020
Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority Feasibility, Justification, and Market Analysis for the Establishment of a Centralised Fibre Secondary (re)Processing Plant in South Australia Project $87,388 21/04/2020 30/04/202011/08/202030/11/2020
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia (WMRR) Buy Recycled Expo $75,982 25/06/2020 08/07/202013/10/202030/10/2020
Kerbside Performance (Food Waste) Incentives Rural City of Murray Bridge New opt-in food waste system for 400 households $2,043 17/04/2020 -
City of Tea Tree Gully Reinvigorated opt-in food waste service for 8,000 households $73,588 15/06/2020 06/07/2020
Wattle Range Council Reinvigorated area-wide food waste system for 4,400 households $18,900 20/04/2020 16/07/2020
City of Port Adelaide Enfield Reinvigorated area-wide food waste system for 20,900 households $106,765.50 30/04/2020 12/5/2020
City of Mount Gambier Reinvigorated opt-in food waste system for 5,500 households $32,954 07/05/2020 19/08/2020
Port Augusta City Council New area-wide food waste system for 6,000 households $28,291 30/04/2020 18/05/2020
The Barossa Council New area-wide food waste system for 5,200 households $24,472.16 01/06/2020 02/07/2020
City of Campbelltown New area-wide food waste system for 22,300 households $256,952 30/06/2020 06/07/2020
City of Unley Area-wide food waste system for 17,000 households $202,835.50 30/06/2020 06/07/2020
City of West Torrens New opt-in food waste system $17,669.50 26/06/2020 02/07/2020
City of Tea Tree Gully Reimbursement for opt-in food waste service for 6160 households $78,130 29/06/2020 06/07/2020
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority (FRWA) Opt-in food waste system for 1,000 residents $13,382.84 03/07/2020 -
City of Charles Sturt Opt-in food waste system for 10,000 new and 5,432 existing residents $157,002 01/07/2020 02/07/2020
Adelaide City Council Opt-in food waste system for 1,000 existing and 1,000 new dwellings $21,200 30/06/2020 14/07/2020
NAWMA Opt-in food waste system for 64,427 residents (retrospective) $194,649 26/06/2020 02/07/2020
Local Government Association of SA (LGA) Opt-in food waste system for 71,058 households across Adelaide in conjunction with Woolworths supermarkets $243,176.25 29/06/2020 02/07/2020
City of Port Adelaide Enfield Reinvigoration of existing food waste systems $94,366.40 25/06/2020 02/07/2020
City of Holdfast Bay Reinvigoration of existing food waste systems $25,531 30/06/2020 02/07/2020
City of Burnside Reinvigoration of existing food waste systems $38,213.70 29/06/2020 02/07/2020
Council Modernisation Grants Fight Food Waste Limited East Waste project $90,000 17/10/2019 4/05/2020
Holdfast Bay Weekly FOGO $97,900 01/06/2020 09/06/2020
City of Port Adelaide Enfield Market research—FOGO stage 1 $24,376 12/06/2020 02/07/2020
Yorke Peninsula Council Food waste feasibility and market research $20,000 12/06/2020 03/07/2020
City of West Torrens Weekly FOGO $31,500 29/04/2020 14/08/2020
Murraylands River LGA Regional Waste Management Plan update $35,000 18/05/2020 15/10/2020
City of Unley Weekly Organics pilot $25,885 12/06/2020 17/06/2020
Legatus Group (Central Local Govt Region) Regional Waste strategy $30,000 18/05/2020 06/07/2020
AHRWMA Regional Waste Management Plan $20,000 16/06/2020 09/06/2020
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority 3 Logix waste track $80,000 12/06/2020 09/06/2020
City of Tea Tree Gully Public place recycling trial $33,306 06/07/2020 -
City of Mitcham Business Case $10,500 25/06/2020 08/07/2020
Regional Transport Subsidies Adelaide Plains Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $7431.72 07/04/2020 20/04/202021/08/2020
Berri Barmera Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $27,934.92 30/03/2020 07/04/202013/08/2020
City of Mount Gambier Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $104,400.00 01/04/2020 22/04/202021/08/2020
City of Port Lincoln Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $67,298.03 26/03/2020 07/04/202021/08/2020
Copper Coast Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $27,898.08 07/04/2020 20/04/202013/08/2020
District Council of Grant Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $21,717.00 26/03/2020 07/04/202026/08/2020
District Council of Robe Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $7,181.76 09/04/2020 30/04/202008/09/2020
Light Regional Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 12,412.32 25/03/2020 07/04/202013/08/2020
Mid Murray Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $3,705.48 31/03/2020 06/04/202012/08/2020
Mount Barker District Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $35,338.20 31/03/2020 07/04/202011/09/2020
Naracoorte Lucindale Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $23,964.00 27/03/2020 22/04/202026/08/2020
Port Augusta City Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $34,684.56 30/03/2020 07/04/202026/08/2020
Port Pirie Regional Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $38,586.96 06/04/2020 05/05/202013/08/2020
Renmark Paringa Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $21,741.12 15/04/2020 22/04/202021/08/2020
Rural City of Murray Bridge Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $18,015.84 26/03/2020 07/04/202031/08/2020
The Barossa Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $23,929.80 25/03/2020 07/04/202009/09/2020
Wattle Range Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $38,767.20 30/03/2020 07/04/202021/08/2020
Yorke Peninsula Council Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $23,431.92 27/03/2020 20/04/202021/08/2020
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority Regional Transport Subsidies Program 2019-20 $131,276.64 21/4/2020 14/05/202021/08/2020
CEBSP—LEAP Grants Christian Schools Australia Sustainability program $45,200.00 16/07/2019 06/08/201917/10/201913/03/202025/09/2020
Barossa Wine Industry Recycling Initiative Waste management in the wine industry $38,960.00 5/05/2020 16/06/202002/07/2020
Independent Brewers Assoc Sustainability Program for Independent Brewers $49,400.00 3/06/2020 23/06/202002/07/2020
CEBSP—REAP Grants Beston Pure Dairies Jervois Site Water Monitoring Project $20,000.00 22/05/2020 16/06/2020
Southern Barn Pty Ltd Resource Efficiency Assessment $11,900.00 22/07/2020 18/09/201906/01/202001/06/2020
Southern Free Range Pty Ltd Resource Efficiency Assessment $17,600.00 22/07/2020 18/09/201907/01/202001/06/2020
Chateau Yaldara Energy Efficiency Assessment $16,000.00 6/09/2019 02/10/201907/01/202007/01/2020
Murray Bridge Farms (AAMIG) Energy Efficiency Review $20,000.00 23/06/2020 03/07/2020
CEBSP—VBW Bedford Phoenix Incorporated Waste and Recycling Opportunities study $14,480.00 18/02/2020 19/05/202025/06/2020
Beyond Bank Waste Management Review and Improvement $15,000.00 19/09/2019 29/11/201916/04/202010/07/2020
Regis Aged Care Waste and Recycling Management Processes and Contracts $11,200.00 15/07/2019 23/07/20197/11/2019
Kangaroo Island Sealink Pty Ltd Sealink—Reducing Waste to Landfill $14,990.00 25/02/2020 23/06/2020
Innovation in schools Ground Swell Innovation in schools $45,000.00 2/12/2019 13/12/201905/03/2020
Waste Strategy and Policy Fight Food Waste Limited Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre $60,000 17/10/2019 29/08/201929/10/201928/01/202014/05/2020
National Battery Stewardship Program Department of Environment and Science—Queensland Government Battery Stewardship Scheme $8,339.50 1/11/2019 21/04/2020
TOTAL $6,862,116

* The sum of payments made on these dates may not amount to the total grant value where grant commitments extend beyond 30 June 2021.