Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2025-03-06 Daily Xml


Bail Laws

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:24): I seek leave to make a brief explanation prior to addressing questions to the Attorney-General regarding legislative reviews.

Leave granted.

The Hon. H.M. GIROLAMO: The Liberal opposition has been calling for a review into bail laws for well over two years. This morning it was reported that the South Australian Law Reform Institute will, thankfully, finally undertake a bail law review at the request of this government. Given the absolute urgency, and the public expectation of this matter, my questions to the minister are:

1. When will this review into bail laws in South Australia be completed?

2. Has the government given any additional resources to the South Australian Law Reform Institute to undertake this review?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State) (14:25): I thank the honourable member for her question, and it is a perfect opportunity to talk about an announcement that the government made today in relation to community safety in South Australia. What we have had once more from the Liberal opposition is a suggestion for one tiny little thing that of and in itself will make little if no difference, so what the Liberal Party has suggested at some stage is a bail review—nothing more. No suggestions about any other reforms—

Members interjecting:


The Hon. K.J. MAHER: —no suggestions about any other way to make the community safe than a review, and the Liberal Party has form for this. We had the Liberal Party previously talking about knife crime, and what they did on that occasion is take one element of a plan from the Labor Party.

Members interjecting:


The Hon. K.J. MAHER: They took one small element from the plan from the Labor Party, which is raising the age at which you can buy knives, and had that as their complete answer to everything. That was their only solution, their single solution, their tiny, little, single solution taken from a Labor Party policy, a discussion paper. We have now had knife laws in this parliament that seek to do a whole lot more than that, so the Liberal Party once again are found to be completely and utterly wanting. We will do things in a holistic way that actually address community safety, and if the Liberal Party want to go on their half-baked batty way of doing things, they can do that.