Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-10-15 Daily Xml


Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan

The Hon. B.R. HOOD (15:26): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development on the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan (WAP).

Leave granted.

The Hon. B.R. HOOD: Industry groups that include the South Australian dairy association, forestry and grapegrowers fear that the outcome of the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan will result in drastic reductions in allocations. SADA chief executive Andrew Curtis believes future cuts will devastate local businesses, reduce jobs and significantly impact on families and local communities in the South-East.

It is my understanding that PIRSA is currently undertaking their own review into the economic benefit of industries that utilise water, which may inform the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan amendment process. My questions to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development are:

1. When will PIRSA's review be completed by?

2. Should PIRSA's review find detrimental outcomes for industry should their water allocations be cut, will the minister formally advocate to the Deputy Premier and water minister to ensure no cuts will be made to industry in the Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan?

The Hon. C.M. SCRIVEN (Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Minister for Forest Industries) (15:27): I thank the honourable member for his question. A couple of points to make first of all. Firstly, of course, the water allocation plan is under the remit of the Minister for Water in the other place, the member for Port Adelaide. Obviously, I am very aware of the discussions that have been happening around the review of the water allocation plan. It is something that I think is clearly on the minds of many in many different sectors.

Overall, the discussions have been around the process so far, and whilst acknowledging that I may have some of the terminology wrong, as I am not the minister directly responsible, my understanding is that the review process is now complete and the next several years will be the amendment process, which goes through looking at all of the relevant circumstances and information available to be able to consider what changes may be necessary.

I did consider it is very important for us to have a good understanding of the economic benefits of all of the various sectors in the agricultural sector, including forestry, including dairy, including livestock, including grains, etc., and therefore the report is being undertaken. I am happy to get an update of where that process is at.

The purpose of the report, though, is to have a better understanding of the industries in the Limestone Coast to better understand how they can continue to thrive, given that there may need to be changes to the water allocation plan. I will always advocate for industries to be able to continue to thrive. I will always advocate for us to look at what is sustainable for all our industries in terms of everything that might be within the remit of government. I am happy to bring back an update in terms of where the report is up to.