Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2023-06-01 Daily Xml



The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (14:50): My question is to the parliamentary secretary for autism. In last year's budget there was a government target that all agencies would be signed up to the autism charter. I understand there is some four weeks until that deadline. Can the parliamentary secretary reveal how many agencies have signed up to the autism charter?

The Hon. E.S. BOURKE (14:50): I thank the honourable member for her question and, as she is aware, I am not the minister looking after this area but I am very pleased that as a government—and I am happy to take that question on notice and provide it to the appropriate minister.

As the parliamentary secretary, I am always happy to talk about the incredible work we are doing in this space because it is a first for our state that we are delivering a charter here in South Australia and this has been a really important part of our consultation process that has been undertaken by the community. So when we went out—

Members interjecting:


The Hon. E.S. BOURKE: —and consulted on our strategy, it was a really important part of that strategy process that we seek feedback on what that charter should be looking like as well. I am very proud of what we are doing here in South Australia, and also I look forward to what differences that could be making in our government agencies.

As I have said before in this chamber, there is a really big knowledge gap in our community. This has been identified by the autistic community. I believe I have been advised that 84 per cent of people know the word 'autism' but only about 29 per cent have great knowledge about what autism is, and if we are going to bridge this gap and start making any change in our community we need to be looking at what we can be doing. I think this is a really good step in the right direction.