Legislative Council - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-10-15 Daily Xml



The following papers were laid on the table:

By the President—

Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Office for Public Integrity and Ombudsman SA—Report, 2023-24 [Ordered to be published]

Annual Report of the Auditor-General for the year ended 30 June 2024—

Report 9 of 2024

Part A: Executive Summary

Part B: Controls Opinion

Part C: Agency Audit Reports

Report of the Auditor-General—Report 10 of 2024: Update to the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2024—Department for Infrastructure and Transport

Ombudsman SA—Report, 2023-24

By the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs (Hon. K.J. Maher)—

Reports, 2023-24—

Pastoral Board

South Australian Heritage Council

Stormwater Management Authority


The Office of the Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner

Vulkathunha-Gammon Ranges National Park Co-Management Board

Witjira National Park Co-Management Board

Yumbarra Conservation Park Co-Management Board

Regulations under Acts—

Crown Land Management Act 2009—General

Rules under Courts—

First Nations Voice Court of Disputed Returns (Reinstated) Rules 2024

SA Health's Response to the Coroner's Finding into the Death of Jennifer Ann Collins July 2024

By the Attorney-General (Hon. K.J. Maher)—

Regulations under Acts—

Freedom of Information Act 1991—General—Prescribed Body

Rules under Courts—

Environment, Resources and Development Court (Native Title) (Reinstated) Rules 2024

Environmental Resources and Development Court (Reinstated) Rules 2024

Uniform Civil (No 12) Amending Rules 2024

By the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development (Hon. C.M. Scriven)—

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development—Report, 2023-24

Regulations under Acts—

Loxton Waikerie—

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Local Government Land—No. 2

No. 3—Roads

No. 4—Moveable Signs

No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Cats

No. 7—Camping and Mooring


No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Cats

Rules under Courts—

Wardens Court (Reinstated) Rules 2024