Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 05, 2013



In reply to the Hon. I.F. EVANS (Davenport) (1 July 2013).

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport): I am advised:

An amount of $50,000 per annum is set aside from the Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program budget for the Contingency Funding Program.

The Contingency Funding Program can provide financial assistance to eligible organisations for 'one-off' unforseen and priority projects.

In 2012-13 the Office for Recreation and Sport expended $18,350 on projects of this nature, leaving $31,650 unallocated. As the remaining $31,650 was not required for 'one-off', unforseen projects it was reallocated to commitments under the Community Recreation and Sports Facilities Program.