Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 05, 2013



In reply to Mr MARSHALL (Norwood—Leader of the Opposition) (26 June 2013).

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts): I have been advised of the following:

The income that the Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (AFCT) generates from its car park is not included in the 'Sales of goods and services' or 'Other income' in program 10 as recorded in Hansard from the Estimates Committee hearing for Arts SA.

This program, as well as programs 8 and 9, contains information about the budget and actuals of Arts SA, a division of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, including grants to arts organisations and any income received by Arts SA from arts organisations.

It does not include any financial information pertaining to the operations of the AFCT. Financial information of the AFCT is contained in the Trust's financial accounts as presented to Parliament in its Annual Report.

'Sales of goods and services', as shown in program 10, represents the income received by Arts SA from the AFCT for the rental of the Adelaide Festival Centre building assets and Her Majesty's Theatre, which are leased by the AFCT from the Minister for the Arts.

This rental income is budget neutral to both the AFCT and Arts SA. 'Other income' in program 10 comprises miscellaneous income received by Arts SA in the course of its operations.