Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 05, 2013



In reply to the Hon. I.F. EVANS (Davenport) (26 June 2013).

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Treasurer, Minister for State Development, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for the Arts): I have been advised of the following:

The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) and the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) do not forecast water concession recipient numbers to estimate total water concession expenditure across the forward estimates.

Estimated actual and emerging spending on water concessions is escalated by an appropriate indexation factor (i.e. a population increase factor, generally around 1 per cent per annum, and in some instances price increase factors also). Adjustments are also made for any policy changes where appropriate.

The table below summarises the estimated water concession expenditure included in the 2013-14 Budget. DCSI record water, sewerage and council rate concession expenditure against a single expenditure line. Accordingly, some assumptions, including previous years' actual results and information on estimated water usage by eligible concession recipients, have been used to determine estimated water concession expenditure.

Water concessions budgeted expenditure 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
$m $m $m $m
Owner-occupiers 35 35 36 37
Tenants (a) 4 4 4 4
Total (b) 39 39 40 41

(a) All tenants are assumed to be on the minimum concession.

(b) Totals may not add due to rounding.

The table below outlines estimated recipient numbers for the owner-occupier and tenant water concessions:

2013-14 Budget—Estimated water concession recipients 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
000s 000s 000s 000s
Number on minimum concession 78 76 73 71
Number on maximum concession 25 27 29 31
Number in between 56 58 60 62
Tenant (a) 33 33 34 34
Total (b) 192 194 196 198

(a) All tenants are assumed to be on the minimum concession.

(b) Totals may not add due to rounding.