Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 05, 2013



In reply to the Hon. I.F. EVANS (Davenport) (28 June 2013).

The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN (Napier—Minister for Finance, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): A comparison between the 2012-13 estimated result budget and the 2013-14 original budget does not provide a true comparison between budget and FTEs.

The FTE number represents the FTE number as at 30 June 2013, whereas the estimated result budget number represents estimated total expenditure for the 2012-13 year, which includes costs for fleet employees who did not cease employment until the month of June, and therefore expenditure was incurred for their salary and wages for the full year, but they are not included as a FTE as at 30 June.

The reduction of $2.0 million is reflective of the pro rata saving across the 2012-13 financial year.

A truer reflection of the reduction is the comparison between the 2012-13 original budget and the 2013-14 original budget, which reflects a reduction in expenditure of $3.4 million and is consistent with a reduction of 35.8 FTEs between the two budget years as at 30 June.