House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2025-02-05 Daily Xml


Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Tissue Donation Statements) Amendment Bill

Second Reading

Mr ODENWALDER (Elizabeth) (11:10): I move:

That this order of the day be postponed.

The house divided on the motion:

Ayes 25

Noes 14

Majority 11


Andrews, S.E. Bettison, Z.L. Boyer, B.I.
Brown, M.E. Champion, N.D. Clancy, N.P.
Close, S.E. Cook, N.F. Dighton, A.E.
Fulbrook, J.P. Hildyard, K.A. Hood, L.P.
Hughes, E.J. Hutchesson, C.L. Michaels, A.
Odenwalder, L.K. (teller) O'Hanlon, C.C. Pearce, R.K.
Piccolo, A. Picton, C.J. Savvas, O.M.
Stinson, J.M. Szakacs, J.K. Thompson, E.L.
Wortley, D.J.


Basham, D.K.B. (teller) Batty, J.A. Brock, G.G.
Cowdrey, M.J. Cregan, D.R. Gardner, J.A.W.
Hurn, A.M. Patterson, S.J.R. Pederick, A.S.
Pratt, P.K. Tarzia, V.A. Teague, J.B.
Telfer, S.J. Whetstone, T.J.


Malinauskas, P.B. Pisoni, D.G.

Motion thus carried; order of the day postponed.