House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Southern Ports Highway

Mr McBRIDE (MacKillop) (14:40): My question is to the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport. Is the minister going to upgrade the Southern Ports Highway on the Limestone Coast? With your leave, sir, and the leave of the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Mr McBRIDE: In a survey of my electorate, around 300 responses, nearly 20 per cent, said the Southern Ports was one of the roads in the poorest condition. It is one of the most complained-about roads in my electorate, and those who regularly use the road are fed up with the poor maintenance.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens—Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Minister for Energy and Mining) (14:40): Again, I thank the member for his question and for his vigilance for his local community. The house should note his ongoing advocacy not only for Southern Ports Highway but for all roads in his electorate, unlike other members.

As I outlined in the house yesterday, the South-East regional road network spans a significant area, with several key roads showing signs of deterioration, including potholes and surface wear. In 2023-24, DIT intends to resurface three sections of Southern Ports Highway totalling 8.3 kilometres between Beachport and Millicent at a value of $2.09 million. These three sections include 2.4 kilometres at Mullins Swamp, including the Southend Access Road turn-off; 3.1 kilometres between Lake Frome and Rendelsham; and 2.8 kilometres between McCall Road and Bowman Road in Millicent.

Two of the three sections—between Lake Frome and Rendelsham, and between McCall Road and Bowman Road—have been completed, including the final seal. Resurfacing works at Mullins Swamp were unable to be completed due to the need to undertake extensive preparatory work and delays as a result of inclement weather at the final 2.4-kilometre section at Mullins Swamp. A temporary seal has been applied, with final seals scheduled for late 2024. I am advised that the community has raised concerns about the quality of these works; however, these works have been mainly rectified.

I can also inform the house that the two sections of the Southern Ports Highway are now part of a road safety program, which includes $15 million worth of safety improvements such as lane widening, shoulder sealing, pavement rehabilitation of targeted sections, audio tactile markings, delineation and barrier hazard removals along Southern Ports Highway at Beachport to Southend Access Road, about 14.7 kilometres, and Southern Ports Highway at Robe to Clay Wells Road, 15.4 kilometres. These improvements will include the treatment of pavement issues along this section, including undulating rough pavement in the Mullins Swamp section.

Further, as the member would be aware, in the 2023-24 period, the intersection of Southern Ports Highway and Southend Access Road is funded for safety improvements under the regional road safety infrastructure program. The safety upgrade includes the addition of a left-turn slip lane at the T-junction. The state government will pay Wattle Range Council to deliver these works at a cost of $400,000. That project is expected to be completed by mid-2025. I want to thank the member for his advocacy and his strong work and commitment to his local community. The South Australian government is committed to making sure we do all we can to undo the damage done by those members opposite when they were in office.