House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-08-29 Daily Xml


Mobile Phone Towers, Limestone Coast

Mr McBRIDE (MacKillop) (14:24): My question is to the Minister for Planning. Can the minister advise the rollout schedule for the 27 proposed mobile base stations for the Limestone Coast? With your leave, Mr Speaker, and the leave of the house, I will explain.

Leave granted.

Mr McBRIDE: This project is to boost connectivity. It was announced in October last year and now has investment from federal, state and local governments. However, as yet no planning applications have been lodged.

The Hon. N.D. CHAMPION (Taylor—Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Housing Infrastructure, Minister for Planning) (14:25): I think I will have to take that on notice. I haven't received any reports about it, so I will take it on notice and report back to the member about the progress of those particular applications.