House of Assembly - Fifty-Fifth Parliament, First Session (55-1)
2024-09-12 Daily Xml


Public Works Committee: Deeper Maintenance and Modification Facility

Mr BROWN (Florey) (11:46): I move:

That the 88th report of the committee, entitled Deeper Maintenance and Modification Facility, be noted.

The submission from Renewal SA is to build a deeper maintenance and modification facility at Penfield, adjacent to the Edinburgh RAAF base on land acquired by the agency. This major defence industry facility will be used to service military aircraft operated by the commonwealth Department of Defence and, by enabling the maintenance and upgrade work to be completed in this country, enhances our nation's sovereign capabilities.

The proposed works include: earthworks, construction of facilities, stormwater and drainage, service connections, roadworks, facility services and general landscaping. The purpose-built facility is designed to accommodate the long-term maintenance and modification requirements for the Defence Force's fleet of RAAF P-8A Poseidon maritime surveillance aircraft and the RAAF E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning and control aircraft, enabling this maintenance and upgrade work to be completed here in Australia, fuelling local economic activity and skilled jobs growth.

Renewal SA expects that the facility will be operationally ready for accreditation and testing between April and September of 2026. Once operational, the facility will create 185 new highly skilled jobs and, at the peak of construction, an additional 450 full-time equivalent jobs.

Since South Australia was nominated as the preferred location for the facility, Renewal SA and Defence SA have collaborated with the commonwealth government to progress the project, with Renewal SA managing the project through the planning and design phase and cabinet approving the schematics in March of 2023. The agency will proceed as principal for the construction contract, coordinating its progression until handover in 2026.

Environmental sustainability has been considered in the facility's design and will also be factored in the construction process. A cultural heritage assessment has discovered six isolated finds of stone artefacts in the main project area and, in accordance with the Aboriginal Heritage Act, Renewal SA has applied for approval to manage them appropriately. Further examinations have identified no local or state heritage sites of significance. The agency has consulted with stakeholders and the community throughout design and procurement and will continue to communicate with relevant stakeholders throughout construction and delivery of the project.

The committee has examined written and oral evidence in relation to the deeper maintenance and modification facility. Witnesses who appeared before the committee were: Chris Menz, the Chief Executive of Renewal SA; Michael Wood, the Executive Director, Commercial and Business Services, Renewal SA; and Tim Tape, the Development Director, Industrial and Defence, Renewal SA. I thank the witnesses for their time.

Based upon the evidence considered and pursuant to section 12C of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991, the Public Works Committee reports to parliament that it recommends the proposed public work.

Motion carried.