House of Assembly: Thursday, September 12, 2019


Land Tax

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (14:50): My question is to the Premier. Can the Premier advise how many landowners with ownerships currently below the tax-free threshold will now incur a land tax liability as a consequence of aggregation measures?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (14:50): Well, I don't have that detail with me and I am not sure that detail would exist, but I do have further information to provide to the house.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! We have the question.

Mr Malinauskas interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Leader!

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: It is interesting that the Leader of the Opposition has returned to the house after his unruly behaviour, which was ruled out of order previously—

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: Point of order, sir: that is grossly disorderly.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I have the point of order. Would the Premier not refer to whether members are or are not present? Please get on with it.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: It is a matter of record, sir; it is on Hansard that you actually asked the Leader of the Opposition to leave. It is not like I am drawing the house's attention to it—

The SPEAKER: Yes, I understand. Premier, can we please get on with the answer? Thank you.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: Yes, absolutely, sir, but it is interesting to note how noisy it becomes when the Leader of the Opposition, who is not even asking any questions today, comes back in to the house.

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Point of order: he is directly defying your ruling.

The SPEAKER: Yes. Premier, I ask you to please return to the substance of the question.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: I would like to provide some information to the house, sir—

The SPEAKER: Thank you; that would be greatly appreciated.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: —because only a few moments ago, the member for Lee asked a question regarding what the likely tax revenue increase or decrease was and what was taken in the 2018 budget versus the 2019 budget—

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN: Point of order: relevance. The question was about how many landowners below the tax-free threshold will now face a bill.

The SPEAKER: Yes, I have the point of order. The Premier is now speaking about land tax. I will allow him some time to come back to the question.

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: Only a few moments ago, the opposition was interested in this answer. I have now received information and I wanted to inform the parliament. I thought that would be helpful, but if those opposite are not interested, I am happy as well.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Lee.