Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Ministerial Statement
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Parliamentary Procedure
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Emergency Services Volunteers
Mr MURRAY (Davenport) (14:45): Thank you, Mr Speaker.
Members interjecting:
Mr MURRAY: Listen up.
The SPEAKER: Order!
Mr MURRAY: My question is to the Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services. Can the minister please inform the house what assistance South Australia's emergency services are providing to Queensland in response to their bushfire emergency?
The Hon. C.L. WINGARD (Gibson—Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing) (14:46): I thank the member for his question and say what a pleasure it was to be in his electorate last Friday night, visiting the Cherry Gardens CFS. What a great group they are. It was very, very impressive to see they way they operate. They spoke incredibly highly of their local member, who is a great advocate for them in their community.
Sadly, though, we have seen over the past few days the fires up in Queensland and New South Wales. We understand that they are facing some very, very tough times. Earlier this week, I did reach out to the ministers in both of those states. I checked on them and made sure they were going okay and also asked if they needed any help or assistance, and told them that if they did just to sing out.
Well, as it turns out, they did. New South Wales said, 'We think we're travelling okay at the minute,' but up in Queensland they did ask for some help. We notice that the bureau is predicting weather conditions 5º to 6º above average and high winds over the next few days. Of course, that results in very, very high fire dangers. The state is doing it tough but they asked for some help, and we were very happy to help them out.
I was pleased that the shadow minister accepted my invitation yesterday, and it was a pleasure to go with him to the Airport and farewell some of the staff and volunteers we have sent up there to help in this situation. Seventeen incident management personnel have gone up there, and it was great to thank them firsthand for the great work that they do.
In fact, one of the volunteers I spoke to had just been doing a very long run at the Show, as a volunteer there, with the CFS. She had packed up and was driving back to the country, to where she was from. I think she made it about as far as Balaklava when she received the message that crews were needed to go to Queensland. It was wonderful to hear that she said, 'No problems at all,' got in the car, turned around and came back to join this crew. To have our volunteers do this sort of work and contribute like they do at the drop of a hat is absolutely fantastic, and I think everyone in this place should be very, very proud of them.
Of the team that left yesterday, there were 12 CFS staff and volunteers, four from the MFS, and one from the Department for Environment and Water. They started a five-shift roster today as they have landed up in Queensland. I will run through the people: the incident management volunteers came from Region 1 Operations Brigade in the member for Kavel's electorate; Region 6 Operations Brigade in the member for Flinders' electorate; Eden Hills (member for Waite); Aldinga Beach (member for Mawson); East Torrens (member for Morialta); Booleroo Centre (member for Stuart); and Paracombe, which is in the member for Newland's electorate. Again, it is great to have those people contribute.
Also, today, 55 CFS and MFS firefighters have flown out to join as well. So, as well as incident management, we have firefighters going out today. A group of them left at 8.30 this morning, and in fact the second lot are leaving in about 10 minutes from the Adelaide Airport. Of those 55, 11 are from the MFS, eight are from CFS Region 1, 11 are from Region 2, six are from Region 3, eight from Region 4, three from Region 5 and three from Region 6.
The point I make about them coming from those different areas is it again shows how South Australia right across the board is willing to help out in these situations. Again, we thank them for that. Also, just to stress to the people out there, there is still capacity built into our CFS volunteers whilst they are away.
It is great the way these organisations work together when there is need and there is a call for it in other states. South Australia always steps up and delivers a very experienced and highly regarded volunteer capability and professional capability as it is called upon. Equally, reciprocating, that comes back.
With my last few seconds, I will take the opportunity just to remind people that this time of year is the perfect time to make sure you do prepare for the fire danger season. We know the threat is always there, but the best thing to do is be prepared, so get your fire danger action plan in place, make sure you clear up around your house and make sure you are ready for the summer ahead.