House of Assembly: Thursday, September 12, 2019


Land Tax

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (14:28): My question again is to the Premier. Does the Premier believe that landowners facing aggregation measures for the first time will pay less land tax?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier) (14:28): Every investor in South Australia will need to seek their own advice. We have laid out the details in the draft bill we have put out for consultation.

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL: That consultation is open until 2 October. We hope to introduce that legislation into this place on 15 October. We do that because we want to make sure that it gets through the parliament and that the tax cuts that we envisage, the $70 million worth of tax cuts over the next three years, come into effect on 1 July, providing much needed—much, much needed—relief to the massively high land tax bills that South Australians have been forced to pay for a very, very long period of time.