Estimates Committee B - Answers to Questions: Friday, October 15, 2010



In reply to Mr GOLDSWORTHY (Kavel) (12 October 2010).

The Hon. M.J. WRIGHT (Lee—Minister for Police, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing): The South Australia Police have provided the following information, calculated on the hourly average for the 2009-10 fiscal year.

The highest hourly average for 131 444 Police Assistance calls answered within 10 seconds is recorded as follows:

Night shift (between 11pm and 7am) between 6am and 7am, 95.03 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.

Day shift (between 7am and 3pm) between 7am and 8am, 90.91 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.

Afternoon shift (between 3pm and 11pm) between 8pm and 9pm, 93.66 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.

The lowest hourly average for 131 444 Police Assistance calls answered within 10 seconds is as follows:

Night Shift between midnight and 1am, 92.98 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.

Day shift between 2pm and 3pm, 87.82 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.

Afternoon shift between 3pm and 4pm, 86.16 per cent of calls answered within 10 seconds.