Estimates Committee B - Answers to Questions: Friday, October 15, 2010



In reply to Mr PISONI (Unley) (7 October 2010).

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Minister for Education, Minister for Early Childhood Development): An exemption from attendance at school for the students at the Family Unit was never issued by the Minister under the provision of section 81A. As no exemption was granted, such an exemption is not still in place.

During the time in which the department was considering governance arrangements for the Family Unit, the then Chief Executive wrote to the school community stating that the department would provide the students of the Family Unit with an exemption from attendance at Rose Park Primary School under the provisions of Section 81A (if necessary). This advice was made on the basis that the children would continue to be enrolled at Rose Park Primary School but be exempted for attendance at that school while they attended at the Family Unit. However, those arrangements did not occur and as such the use of an exemption under the section was not necessary.

During term 4, 2009 DECS entered an agreement with the Parkside Primary School for the Family Unit students to be enrolled at that school. This action was subsequently undertaken and for 2010, the Family Unit students have been enrolled at the Parkside Primary School whilst remaining physically at the Family Unit. The Parkside Primary School Principal is currently the Head Teacher under the provisions of the Education Act for the Family Unit students and for all intents and purposes, the Family Unit students are considered to be students at the Parkside Primary School attending at an outreach of that school.