Estimates Committee B - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 03, 2009



In reply to Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (1 July 2009).

The Hon. K.A. MAYWALD (Chaffey—Minister for the River Murray, Minister for Water Security): In regard to the breakdown of the announcement made on page 12 of Budget Paper 1, I refer the Honourable Member to page 2.27, table 2.13 of Budget Paper 3. That Budget Paper breaks down the budgeted spending over the next four years and shows that the total value of projects that could be funded at the time of constructing the budget was $52.266 million, with $26.132 million being provided by the State and $26.134 million being sought from the Australian Government.

In response to the Australian Government's special call for Stormwater Harvesting and Reuse Projects as announced in March 2009, the State Government offered to partner with a number of proponents and was thus able to increase the total value of projects submitted for Australian Government funding. The bid put forward is valued at $145.1 million for seven stormwater projects across the metropolitan area.

In addition to the $26.1 million identified in the 2009-10 Budget, existing agency budgets will contribute in the order of $19 million, bringing the total State Government commitment to over $45 million for these projects. The State Government is seeking in the order of $64 million from the Australian Government.

The proportional breakdown of contributions is contained in the following table, although it should be noted that final distribution of costs between partners will depend on Australian Government investment decisions.

Project Total Cost ($m) State Contribution Partner Contributions(inc LG) AG Contribution Requested
Adelaide Botanic Gardens First Creek Wetland Aquifer Storage and Recovery scheme 5.8 50% 50%
Water for the Future 19.2 46.35% 3.65% 50%
Water Proofing the West 58.6 22.78% 37.63% 36.18%1
Barker Inlet 7.8 50% 50%
Water Proofing the South—Stage 2 30 25% 25% 50%
Unity Park Biofiltration 14 14.29% 35.71% 50%
Adelaide Airport Stormwater Scheme 9.7 50% 50%
Total 145.1

1 This project includes flood mitigation components which are ineligible for matching funding for this fund.