Estimates Committee B - Answers to Questions: Friday, July 03, 2009



In reply to Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (26 June 2009).

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Minister for Environment and Conservation, Minister for Early Childhood Development, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister Assisting the Premier in Cabinet Business and Public Sector Management): I am advised:

The APY Task Force program and funding commitments for the APY Lands expended in 2008-09 and of the programs allocated funding 2008-09, and how much funding each will receive in 2009-10, is summarised below.

The Task Force model of creating a central funding pool managed by the Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet in conjunction with other service delivery agencies, has been highly successful in delivering specific and targeted services and programs to improve the health and well being of Aboriginal people and families on the APY Lands.

As clear examples of the benefits, the quality of drinking water has improved and the prevalence of petrol sniffing has reduced considerably. The 2008 Nganampa survey of petrol sniffing on the APY Lands reported a further significant reduction of 47 per cent in the incidence of petrol sniffing across the Lands in the previous 18 months, adding to the 54 per cent reduction estimated in 2007 and the 60 per cent fall in the 2006 survey. The rate of seizure of illegal substances (including alcohol) coming on the Lands has increased dramatically since 2006, and income from sales of artwork increased by 45 per cent from 2006.

A key to this success, is the pooling of funding that provides the flexibility to direct resources, as required, to the highest and most immediate service needs on the Lands. If the full budget allocation is not required by an agency in a particular financial year, then funds can be reallocated within that year to supplement other programs, such as the DFC Family Centres Program in 2008-09, and to other priority initiatives identified on the Lands during the course of the year.

APY Lands Task Force Program Budget

Programs ResponsibleAgency 2008-09Expenditure 2009-10Budget Allocations
Rehabilitation Facility
Amata Substance Misuse Facility and Outreach Services DASSA 1,005,000 1,051,000
Swimming Pools (Mimili, Amata & Pipalyatjara)
Swimming pools maintenance DECS 399,914 481,696
Families and Communities
Community Petrol Misuse Program DFC 210,167 712,000
Community Youth Program DFC 1,022,831 551,000
DFC Program Coordinator and Support DFC 278,304 278,304
Family Support Program DFC 659,000 471,000
Positive Behaviours Unit DFC 279,000 286,000
Note 1 Sub total 2,449,302 2,298,304
Environmental Health
Environmental Health Program DH 309,335 360,000
Kuka Kanyini—Camel eradication project Note 2 DEH 100,000 210,000
Rural Transaction Centres Note 3 DTEI 74,797 265,000
Town Planning DPC/AARD Planning SA 50,000 102,000
DPC Managed projects/programs
Interpreter services DPC/AARD 94,300 68,000
Capacity Building /Governance DPC/AARD 221,379 256,000
Arts based tourism Note 4 DPC/AARD 143,000 254,000
Other APY projects:
Waste management plan (KESAB) DPC/AARD 25,000
Ernabella School—Trade Training Centre Note 5 DPC/AARD 100,000 117,000
APY Land Holding Authority (Land Management support) DPC/AARD 80,000
APY Land Holding Authority (Palya fund support) DPC/AARD 15,000
Mimili Store—operational support DPC/AARD 25,000
NPY Womens Group—Location for Safe House DPC/AARD 24,000
NPY Womens Group—Mullighan Inquiry—Child abuse consultations DPC/AARD 30,000
Report into Early Childhood Services DPC/AARD 26,450
Fregon Nganampa Health Clinic—Electrical Safety testing DPC/AARD 7,804
Amata—New electricity transformer to improve power reliability DPC/AARD 110,690
Totals 5,290,971 5,463,000

Note 1—Additional $200K made available within the 2008-09 APY Task Force program toward seven Family Centre programs.

—In 2009-10 DFC plan to restructure these programs and associated budgets delivered to the APY Lands.

Note 2—DEH contributed internal resources to this program in 2008-09.

Note 3—DTEI anticipate that the full operational costs will be incurred on services in 2009-10.

Note 4—In 2009-10, funds of $109K allocated to upgrading the Ninku Arts Centre at Kalka for local Anangu artists.

Note 5—In 2008-09 and 2009-10 funds of $217K allocated to provide a trade training centre at the Ernabella school to improve education and employment outcomes for Anangu.