Estimates Replies
In reply to Mrs REDMOND (Heysen) (29 June 2009).
The Hon. G.E. GAGO (Minister for State/Local Government Relations, Minister for the Status of Women, Minister for Consumer Affairs, Minister for Government Enterprises, Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Energy):
I am advised that Associations are incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985. The Associations Incorporation Act is committed to the Attorney-General and is administered by the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs. The Commissioner for Corporate Affairs is also the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs.
I am advised that on 18 December 2008 the honourable member made a freedom of information application to the Office of the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner for information about an Association held under the Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939. The Collections for Charitable Purposes Act 1939 is committed to the Minister for Gambling. I am advised that on 16 February 2009 the Office for Liquor and Gambling complied with the freedom of information application and provided the honourable member with the requested documentation.