Estimates Replies
In reply to Mrs REDMOND (Heysen) (1 July 2009).
The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN (Napier—Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Science and Information Economy): The project 'Road Safety—Reaching the Target', aimed specifically at purchases and installations associated with the red light and safety camera network, was established within the 2005-06 budget process as a $9.462 million program over 4 years. Within the 2007-08 Budget Papers, this amount was reported as the estimated total cost of the project.
Within the 2008-09 budget process, additional capital funding of $3.5 million over 4 years was provided for 'Reaching the Road Safety Target—Safety Camera Program'. This funding represented an expansion of the program established within the 2005-06 budget.
Also within the 2008-09 budget, an additional $1.750 million was provided to 'Reaching the Road Safety Target—Point to Point using Safe-T Cam'.
These three projects were consolidated within the 2008-09 Budget Papers, resulting in a reported total estimated cost of $14.712 million.
Within the 2009-10 Capital Investment Statement, the projects 'Reaching the Road Safety Target—Safety Camera Program' and the 'Road Safety—Reaching the Target' project are consolidated under a single title. The project 'Speed Enforcement Using Safe-T-Cam' is reported separately. The 'Road Safety—Reaching the Target' project has a reported estimated total cost of 'n.a.' This reflects the ongoing nature of the red light camera program, for which funding currently exists out to 2011-12 for the purchase and installation of safety cameras. The reporting of 'n.a.' as a total estimated cost is consistent with other projects of an ongoing nature, such as 'Shoulder Sealing' and 'Bus Fleet Replacement Program' and annual programs.
Expenditures across all three components of the road safety camera projects are expected to remain within original funding allocations.