Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, October 15, 2010



In reply to Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite) (7 October 2010).

The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Federal/State Relations, Minister for Defence Industries):

5. Please refer to the table for the Total Employment Cost (TEC) of $100,000 or more for each position abolished and created.

Between 30 June 2009 and 30 June 2010 positions with a total employment cost of $100,000 or more:

(a) Abolished

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department of Treasury and Finance Manager Business System Testing $104,333
Group Data Administrator $100,451
Senior Technical Analyst $100,451
Senior Reform Consultant $100,451
Principal Consultant ICT Services Reform $100,451
Team Leader Fiscal Strategy $104,256
Principal Consultant ICT Project Management $105,022
Project Manager $108,356
Manager Special Projects $122,522
Principal Consultant Procurement $108,356
Team Leader $108,356
Manager Financial Services $108,356
Defence SA General Manager, Commercial and Legal $119,711

(b) Created

Department/Agency Position Title TEC Cost
Department of Treasury and Finance ICT Storage and Virtualisation $102,116
ICT Solutions Architect $102,116
ICT MOE Architect $102,116
ICT IDM Architect $102,116
Coordinator Financial Accounting and Reporting $103,152
Team Leader Accounting Services $103,152
Principal Accounting Policy and Reporting $103,152
ICT Solutions Architect $102,116
Manager Financial Accounting $103,152
Procurement Coordinator $103,152
Project Manager $111,270
Manager Procure to Pay System Developer $111,270
Project Manager $111,270
Project Manager $111,270
Manager Business Management $104,643
Manager Fleet Management $100,069
Executive Officer $201,355
Director $195,458
Director Fleet $139,612
Director Strategic Programs $191,520
Defence SA Operations Manager, Technology Park $165,000