Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (25 June 2009).
The Hon. M.D. RANN (Ramsay—Premier, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Social Inclusion, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Sustainability and Climate Change): I have been advised of the following:
Additional specific services fall into two main categories, both resourced from within the State Governor's Establishment's operational budget (annual appropriation). These include the provision of security services, and the provision of gardening and landscaping services and grounds maintenance.
The provision of a static security guard 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, and the constant monitoring of Government House's security systems are services provided by Police Security Services Branch (PSSB). PSSB also provide regular security patrols of the property, and a priority response service, in collaboration with South Australia Police, should it be required ie if Government House security systems detect an anomaly.
Cost: $348,257.00 (payments made in the 2008-09 financial year to service contract).
Gardening and Landscaping
The company UrbanVirons has been contracted to provide gardening, landscaping and general grounds maintenance services to ensure the 5.6 hectares are presented in a way that complements the public role of the House and minimises water use, in accordance with the 2003 Landscape Management Plan. These activities include, but are not limited to:
mowing and edging the lawns;
undertaking planned planting activities;
removal of leaf litter from driveways and lawns;
specialised plant and tree maintenance;
coordinating the irrigation regime of the grounds and the use of wetting agents to maximise water efficiency; and
weed management and control.
Cost: $162,046.21 (payments made in the 2008-09 financial year to service contract).