House of Assembly: Thursday, October 29, 2015


Starclub Club Development Program

Ms COOK (Fisher) (15:02): My question is to the Minister for Recreation and Sport. Minister, could you advise us how the state government is promoting good governance within our community sporting clubs?

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL (Mawson—Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Minister for Forests, Minister for Tourism, Minister for Recreation and Sport, Minister for Racing) (15:03): I thank the member for Fisher for the question, and I acknowledge the hard work that she does with sporting groups within her electorate. I know you are held in high esteem by the those people who run clubs throughout the area and that you are a regular attendee at sporting events across so many different sports. So, thank you for the contribution that you make.

I am sure all members in this place have very good relationships with the sporting organisations in their electorates. It is a terrific way for the local community to come together in a safe and healthy sort of way. The government, in 2010, initiated the Starclub Club Development Program which aims to guide clubs along a path to success, and it has been well supported by clubs across South Australia, with more than 2,500 registrations.

The highest level of Starclub you can get is Recognition. We have had 21 regional clubs recently attain that Recognition level. I must congratulate those clubs down in the South-East, because out of the 21 across the state, 10 of them come from the South-East, including the Glencoe Netball Club. I played a bit of footy for the Glencoe Footy Club—about 10 minutes—in the Mini Colts; 1976, round 1—

Mr Williams interjecting:

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL: I was never asked back, but I do know the netball club and the footy club well. I guess they are a symbol of something that is repeated in so many communities right around this great state, where the community does come together; it is a focal point. So many great volunteer hours are done there as well. The member for MacKillop has asked me to mention his team, the Mount Burr Mozzies, in the Mid South Eastern League. They won another flag this year. They have actually won more flags than Glencoe now, so I think you are about three ahead, member for MacKillop.

Mr Williams interjecting:

The Hon. L.W.K. BIGNELL: They are green and gold. Ours are maroon and gold. Anyway, I digress. We also must congratulate the Rivoli Bay Sailing Club, Naracoorte Bowls Club and the Naracoorte and District Basketball Association, but to name a few. Other clubs around the state which have recently given recognition include Henley Sharks Water Polo. I know the member for Colton is a big fan of the Henley Sharks. I guess with a name like sharks you probably don't want to play water polo against them, so maybe they won a few forfeits. We have had the Risdon Hockey Club, Boolaroo Community Gym—the member for Stuart is a big fan of the Boolaroo team up there—and the Marion Tennis Club. Congratulations to all of those clubs.

The Starclub process has focused on continuous improvement where recreation and sport clubs meet a minimum of 15 out of 25 key criteria in five categories. They are: good management, quality coaching and officiating, valuing volunteers, providing positive and welcoming clubs, and providing safe environments for all. They are very important things that we need to have in all of our clubs. Ongoing club development is important for improving the way clubs and associations are governed and managed. It is the basis for building long-term club sustainability, developing volunteers and ensuring overall club success on and off the field.

Since 2012, the Starclub Field Officer Program has closely aligned with the Starclub development program. The Starclub Field Officer Program is a partnership between the Office for Recreation and Sport and regional councils, and is an excellent example of how state and local governments work collaboratively to achieve strong results for regional communities. Together, these complementary programs deliver significant outcomes for clubs and associations in regional communities. A number of larger sporting organisations, such as the South Australian Cricket Association and Golf SA, have integrated the Starclub program into their own state club development programs. It is terrific to work with all these sporting organisations.