House of Assembly: Thursday, October 29, 2015


South Australia Police

Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (14:26): Supplementary: given that the ombudsman reported that the previous police ombudsman, Sarah Bolt, identified that the officer in question was entirely unsuitable to continue as a member of the police force and the current acting ombudsman identifies that there are a number of options open to the commissioner from terminating the officer's appointment to suspending the appointment, reducing salary, transferring the officer elsewhere with a reduction in rank, reducing rank or imposing a fine, and given that the minister has admitted the comments were utterly inappropriate, why won't the minister at least seek from the commissioner an undertaking to reconsider the situation, given that there are, in fact, further cases of this nature?

The SPEAKER: You are verging on debate now.

The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Thank you, Treasurer, for your assistance. Minister.

The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:27): What I would say is a couple of things. The issue of dealing with complaints from citizens regarding police has been under review by the commissioner of ICAC. He has made a number of recommendations. Clearly, the issue of dealing with complaints is one which, by the ICAC report and recommendation, we can improve.

I would reaffirm the comment I made earlier, that I do fully support our commissioners and the judgements they make. The only comment I would make, though—the only inference I can draw from your line of questioning—is that you clearly have a problem with the commissioner's dealing with that matter and perhaps you should deal with him as well.

Mr GARDNER: Supplementary question, sir.

The SPEAKER: We cannot have a fourth supplementary.

Mr GARDNER: Can I seek a new question, then?

The SPEAKER: Good.