House of Assembly: Thursday, October 29, 2015


South Australia Police

Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (14:30): I have a supplementary question: I refer the minister to the answer he gave two questions ago and further to the annual report of the Police Ombudsman. Given the police ombudsman's comments on page 14 paying credit, and I quote:

…to the two members of the police force who reported the behaviour which was the subject of the charge.

And further:

Without them taking that courageous step I am certain that the conduct complained of would not otherwise have been the subject of a complaint.

Will the minister now commit to reading the report and at least bringing a report back to the house given that he is taking no responsibility for this matter whatsoever?

The SPEAKER: Well, the last part is out of order, and I call the member for Morialta to order; and the minister can disregard the last part. Minister.

The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:31): Mr Speaker, I have nothing to add.