Estimates Replies
In reply to Mr GOLDSWORTHY (Kavel) (5 July 2011).
The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland—Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing, Minister for Road Safety, Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister Assisting the Premier with South Australia's Strategic Plan, Minister Assisting the Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education): In relation to the 'Metamorphosis' campaign the following research was conducted.
1. Exploratory Research
The Motor Accident Commission (MAC) engaged the Adelaide office of social marketing research experts, Colmar Brunton to visit 13 regional towns located throughout South Australia which exhibited higher than normal crash histories.
In depth interviews were undertaken with 43 participants. Each interview was for 2 hours.
All participants were regional residents and included those who had committed a road offence in the past.
2. Proposition Testing
A total of four focus groups were conducted, all in regional locations.
Two comprised a mix of genders with all participants aged between 16-39 years.
One group comprised of younger males and females and another group comprised of older males and females over 40 years of age.
3. Final Creative
A total of six focus groups were held, all in regional locations.
Three comprised participants aged 16-39 years old.
One comprised older males and females aged over 40.
One comprised young males and females and another was a general mix of participants aged 18-58.
All MAC campaigns are thoroughly tested before going to market to ensure the best possible chance of engaging with the audience and thereby affecting a change in behaviour and attitude on the roads.