Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, November 15, 2013



In reply to Mr VAN HOLST PELLEKAAN (Stuart) (28 June 2013).

The Hon. M.F. O'BRIEN (Napier—Minister for Finance, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): The Police Drug Diversion Initiative (PDDI) commenced in September 2001 and is funded by the commonwealth under the Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative (IDDI) of the Council of Australian Governments.

Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA) in SA Health receives all IDDI funding for PDDI, to operate the drug diversion referral line and to engage the service providers that undertake health assessments of diverted drug users.

The PDDI involves the diversion of individuals detected by police for simple possession drug offences (excluding cannabis for adults) to a health intervention rather than the criminal justice system.

The Office of Crime Statistics and Research in 2011 conducted an extensive analysis of the program titled 'Ten years of the South Australian Police Drug Diversion Initiative—Data Analysis Report' which can be found at

SAPOL continues to participate in the initiative which is a significant tool in front-line policing of low level illicit drug use.