Estimates Committee A - Answers to Questions: Friday, November 15, 2013



In reply to Mr GARDNER (Morialta) (27 June 2013).

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Business Services and Consumers):

Deputy Premier & Attorney-General, 2012-13

Attorney-General's Department

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant $ Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
African Communities Council 15,000 African Youth Inclusion Program Y
Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society 50,000 22nd International Symposium for the Forensic Sciences Y
Australian Bureau of Statistics 20,142 2012-13 Contribution to the National Criminal Courts Statistics Unit Y
Australian Council on Children and The Media 42,918 'Know Before You Go' Program Y
Australian Institute of Criminology 15,652 Criminology Research Grants 2012-13 Y
Australian Sports Commission 10,000 'Play By The Rules' Program 2012-13 Y
Bicycle SA 44,480 Mountain Biking Challenge Project Y
Blackwood Reconciliation Group 24,503 Illumination and Crime Threat Abatement for Colebrook Reconciliation Park Project Y
Blue Light SA Inc. 24,400 Kids, Cop and Karts School Retention Program Y
Centacare 10,000 'Stop The Hurting' booklet, Ceduna area Y
Department for Correctional Services 212,000 Street Crime Initiative Y
Department for Education and Children's Services 68,812 Port Augusta Youth Support System Y
Department of Justice 37,892 2012-13 National Coronial Information System (NCIS) contribution Y
Environmental Defenders Office SA 96,434 Community Legal Services Program Y—SLA between Cwth Attorney-General's Department and Environmental Defenders Office
Flinders University 220,000 'SA Justice Chair in Forensic DNA Technology' grant Y
Football Federation SA Inc. 31,850 Youth Training Football Grant Y
Legal Services Commission of SA 35,150,000 Legal Assistance Service under Commonwealth and State Law Y—Subject to National Partnership Agreement and State Legislation
Legal Services Commission of SA 144,506 Drug Court Y
Multicultural Youth SA Inc. 49,937 City West Youth Diversion Project Y
National Judicial College of Australia 24,223 SA Contribution to National Judicial College of Australia for 2012-13 Y
Northern Community Legal Service 650,519 Community Legal Service Program Y
NSW Department of Attorney-General and Justice 58,438 Contribution to the Standing Council on Law and Justice (SCLJ) Secretariat Y
NSW Department of Attorney-General and Justice 12,756 Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse N—Agreement by Ministers from all jurisdictions at the SCLJ
Operation Flinders Foundation 447,000 Operation Flinders Program Y
Port Augusta Youth Centre 80,000 2012-13 funding for Port Augusta Youth Centre Y
Re-engage Youth Services 33,066 'Creating a Safer Healthy Community in the South through Restorative Practice and Aerosol Art' Project Y
Riverland Community Legal Service 286,979 Community Legal Services Program Y
Royal Association of Justices of SA 15,282 Grant for accommodation Y
SA Native Title Services Limited 800,000 Reimbursement of expenses for 2012-13 Y
Sammy D Foundation 200,344 Late Night Safety Project Phase 1 Y
Seniors InformationService 16,296 Silver Surfers—Meeting the Cyber Security Challenge Y
Service to Youth Council Inc. 50,000 Family Intervention Program Y
South Australia Police 32,625 National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council 2012-13 Y
South East Community Legal Service 465,064 Community Legal Services Program Y
Southern Community Justice Centre 943,172 Community Legal Services Program Y
St John's Youth Services 48,225 Next Step—Safe Living Project, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth Y
Stride Foundation 44,800 Youth Public Art Project, Coober Pedy Y
The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) Inc. 15,697 Standing Council on Law and Justice contribution (SCLJ) to AIJA funding for 2012-13 Y—SCLJ Agreement
The District Council of Mount Barker 26,300 Get Proud Graffiti Program—Crime Prevention Program Y
The University of Adelaide 25,410 Administrative support for the Law Reform Institute Y
Town of Gawler 50,000 Keeping Gawler Community Safe—Youth Crime Prevention Strategy Y
UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide 703,089 Community Legal Services Program Y
Welfare Rights Centre SA 273,294 Community Legal Services Program Y
Westside Lawyers 874,759 Community Legal Services Program Y
Women's Legal Services 830,394 Community Legal Services Program Y

Deputy Premier, Minister for Business Services and Consumers, 2012-13

Attorney-General's Department

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant $ Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
Anglicare SA 100,000 Tenants Information Advisory Service (TIAS) Financial Counselling Service Y
Australian Government—The Treasury 15,442 Contribution to Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) Expenditure Project 2012-13 Y
Australian Government—The Treasury 11,171 COAG Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs (CAF) Secretariat 2012-13 Y
Australian Government—The Treasury 12,413 COAG Legislative and Governance Forum on Consumer Affairs (CAF) Secretariat 2012-13 Y
Port Augusta City Council 21,500 Secure Taxi Rank Y
Taxi Council SA 72,001 Rank Monitor Sponsorship Y

Deputy Premier, Minister for Industrial Relations, 2012-13

Industrial Relations

Name of Grant Recipient Amount of Grant Purpose of Grant Subject to Grant Agreement (Y/N)
Nil Nil Nil Nil

There were no grant payments made by the Attorney-General's Department in relation to the Industrial Relations portfolio during 2012-13.