House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-10-27 Daily Xml



Final Stages

Consideration in committee of the Legislative Council's amendments.

(Continued from 14 October 2009. Page 4314.)

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: I wish to conclude my remarks. The committee might recall that I was halfway through speaking to this matter when the debate was last adjourned, so I sought leave to continue my remarks. I will not hold up the house, but I wish to finish by clarifying the position in relation to the interjection made at the time by the Attorney in relation to Mr John Easling and—

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: Madam Chair, I rise on a point of order. I am wondering what the case of Mr Thomas Easling and the member for Davenport's attempt to smear his alleged victims has to do with the clause. What is the relevance of it?

The CHAIR: I will listen carefully. The member for Davenport.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: Thank you, Madam Chair. Just before the debate was adjourned the last time this matter was before the committee, the Attorney interjected while I was speaking. It was in reference to that interjection that I wish to respond for 30 seconds and leave the committee to debate the rest of the amendments. I do not wish to hold the committee—

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: I rise on a point of order. Can I clarify? We are on amendment of section 7A.

The CHAIR: We are on amendment No. 6 which talks about the Commissioner for Victims' Rights.

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: Yes, the Commissioner for Victims' Rights.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: Yes, an exempt agency under freedom of information. What relevance does the Easling case have to this clause?

The CHAIR: I will listen attentively.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: I did not wish to regurgitate the debate. The Attorney knows that he is currently investigating the Commissioner for Victims' Rights in relation to a matter of the Easling case—

The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: No, the Crown Solicitor is.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: —so I will not venture there. The Attorney acknowledges to the committee that there is a link. I raise the issue—

The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: No, I am not acknowledging any such thing; you just made that up.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: Anyway, during the last debate I referred to the issue of not being able to gain access to documents under the FOI process. I used the Easling matter as an example because that involved people who were allegedly wards of the state under the guardianship of the minister, and I was questioning at what point you become a victim of crime.

The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: For the purpose of smearing.

The CHAIR: Order! The Attorney can answer all the points.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: As the Attorney interjects tonight, he interjected last time. I simply want to place on the record in response to the interjection a clarification. The house has a longstanding practice, and we get told every day on this side of the house, 'You interject, you give the person on their feet the opportunity to respond.' During the debate, and it is on the record, the Attorney suggested by way of interjection that Mr John Easling joined the Progressive Business Alliance fundraising arm of Labor to gain access.

The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: About this issue.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: 'About this issue' the Attorney interjects. I want to place on the record an email I have received from Mr Easling to clarify that matter. The email states:

I refer to Michael Atkinson's slandering of both my brother Tom and myself in parliament on Wednesday 14 October 2009.

It appears that Mr Atkinson has forgotten that I [that is, John Easling] co-sponsored (along with David Simmons, former chair of the SA Economic Development Board) a table of 10 at the Rann govt's first ever business fundraising dinner in (I think) August 2002.

The ALP host of our table was none other than Mr Atkinson, who spoke at length about his love for the West Torrens Woodville Football Club...[having] regularly attended Eagles matches with his mother. He also spoke of the complexities of the inner sanctum of the ALP now that it was in power.

The evening was even more notable for the fact that O'Leary Walker Wines were exclusively served, a business in which my family holds an interest. I was given the opportunity to say a few words about the wines on the microphone to all present, including the fact that the OWW 2001 shiraz was the runner-up in the Jimmy Watson Trophy that year.

About two weeks after the dinner I spoke to Ian Hunter, who I believe was then the state secretary of the ALP, who told me that he sampled the wines at the Edinburgh Hotel and had chosen them because he liked the story of the two winemakers leaving the secure corporate world to pursue their ambitions.

I also spent some time that evening talking to Steph Key, who was the minister that Tom worked for.

On the night of the fundraiser Mr Atkinson appeared very tired and spent much of the evening asleep, which explains why he can no longer recall my attendance, which of course contradicts his statements in parliament on October 12.

I would be grateful if you could raise this matter on my behalf.

I have done so. I have corrected the record. Thank you.

The committee divided on the motion:

AYES (22)
Atkinson, M.J. (teller) Bedford, F.E. Breuer, L.R.
Caica, P. Foley, K.O. Geraghty, R.K.
Hill, J.D. Kenyon, T.R. Key, S.W.
Koutsantonis, A. Lomax-Smith, J.D. Maywald, K.A.
O'Brien, M.F. Piccolo, T. Rann, M.D.
Rau, J.R. Simmons, L.A. Snelling, J.J.
Stevens, L. Weatherill, J.W. White, P.L.
Wright, M.J.
NOES (13)
Brock, G.G. Chapman, V.A. (teller) Evans, I.F.
Goldsworthy, M.R. Gunn, G.M. Hamilton-Smith, M.L.J.
Hanna, K. McFetridge, D. Pederick, A.S.
Penfold, E.M. Pisoni, D.G. Venning, I.H.
Williams, M.R.
Conlon, P.F. Pengilly, M.
Fox, C.C. Redmond, I.M.
Rankine, J.M. Griffiths, S.P.

Majority of 9 for the ayes.

Motion thus carried.

Amendment No. 7:

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendment No. 7 be agreed to.

The amendments form part of a series explained in amendment No. 2.

Ms CHAPMAN: The same.

Motion carried.