House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2008-09-10 Daily Xml


Parliamentary Procedure


The following papers were laid on the table:

By the Speaker—

Reports of Public Works Committee which have been received and published pursuant to section 17(7) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991:

No. 302 Seaford Fire Station

No. 303 Port Lincoln Fire Station

No. 304 Murtho Salt Interception Scheme

No. 305 Techport Australia Commercial Campus

No. 306 Christies Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

No. 307 Lower Lakes Pipelines

By the Premier (Hon. M.D. Rann)—

Government Boards and Committees Information as at 30 June 2008

Remuneration Tribunal—Report and Determination No. 3 of 2008—Ministers of the Crown and Officers and Members of Parliament

By the Treasurer (Hon. K.O. Foley)—

Variation of TAB Duty Agreement between the Treasurer of South Australia and SA TAB Pty Ltd dated 5 August 2008

Regulations under the following Act—

Taxation Administration—General

By the Minister for Transport (Hon. P.F. Conlon)—

Development Act—

City of Port Lincoln—Building Height and Design (City Centre Zone) Development Plan

New Facilities for the Local Country Fire Service and State Emergency Services—pursuant to Section 49(15)

Third Party Premiums Committee Determination—Motor Accident Commission Act 1992—Direction

Variation of Port Operating Agreement (Port Adelaide) between the Minister for Transport and Flinders Ports Pty Ltd dated 4 June 2008

Regulations under the following Acts—


Harbors and Navigation—Definition of Port Adelaide

By the Minister for Energy (Hon. P.F. Conlon)—

Regulations under the following Acts—

Electricity—Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme

Gas—Residential Energy Efficiency Scheme

By the Attorney-General (Hon. M.J. Atkinson)—

Listening and Surveillance Devices Act 1972—Report 2008

Police Complaints Authority—pursuant to Section 57 of the Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) Act 2007—Report

Summary Offences Act 1953—

Authorisations Issued to Enter Premises Return pursuant to Section 83C(1) for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008

Authorisations Issued to Enter Premises Return pursuant to Section 83C(3) for the period 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008

Dangerous Area Declarations Return pursuant to Section 83B for the period 1 April 2008 to 30 June 2008

Road Block Establishment Authorisations Return pursuant to Section 74B for the period 1 April 2008 to 30 June 2008

Regulations under the following Acts—

Associations Incorporation—General

Courts Administration—General

Crown Proceedings—General



Reproduction of Documents—Revocation

Members of Parliament (Register of Interests)—General

Serious and Organised Crime (Control)—General

Subordinate Legislation—Postponement from Expiry

Summary Procedure—Industrial Offences

Young Offenders—General

Rules of Court—

Magistrates Court—

Serious and Organised Crime

Vulnerable Witnesses

By the Minister for Health (Hon. J.D. Hill)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Public and Environmental Health—Legionella

By the Minister for Police (Hon. M.J. Wright)—

Regulations under the following Act—


By the Minister for Education (Hon. J.D. Lomax-Smith)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Teachers Registration and Standards—Fees

By the Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse (Hon. J.D. Lomax-Smith)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Mental Health—Transfer of Patients

By the Minister for Environment and Conservation (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Environment Protection—Beverage Containers

By the Minister for Early Childhood Development (Hon. J.W. Weatherill)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Children’s Services—Appeals

By the Minister Assisting the Premier in Cabinet Business and Public Sector Management (Hon.  J.W. Weatherill)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Freedom of Information—Exempt Agency

By the Minister for Families and Communities (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—

Regulations under the following Acts—

Liquor Licensing—

Ardrossan—Dry Areas

Long Term Dry Areas

Victor Harbor

Trade Measurement—

Measuring Instruments


Pre-packed Articles


Trade Measurement Administration—Fee Schedules

Trade Standards—Commonwealth Consumer Product Safety Standards

Local Council By-Laws—

City of Marion

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Moveable Signs

No. 3—Local Government Land

No. 4—Dogs

No. 5—Streets and Roads

No. 6—Cats

City of Playford—No. 6—Bird Scaring Devices

City of Port Adelaide Enfield

No. 1—Permits, Offences, Penalties and Repeal

No. 2—Moveable Signs

No. 3—Local Government Land

No. 4—Roads

No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Lodging Houses

City of Onkaparinga—No. 7—Dogs

City of Salisbury

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Moveable Signs

No. 3—Roads

No. 4—Local Government Land

No. 5—Dogs

No. 6—Waste Management

City of Tea Tree Gully

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Roads

No. 3—Local Government Land

No. 5—Moveable Signs

No. 6—Waste Management

City of Unley

No. 1—Permits and Penalties

No. 2—Roads

No. 3—Local Government Land

No. 4—Dogs

No. 5—Moveable Signs

No. 6—Lodging Houses

District Council of Yorke Peninsula—Nos—A-J—General

By the Minister for Housing (Hon. J.M. Rankine)—

Regulations under the following Act—

South Australian Housing Trust—Goods Left on Premises

By the Minister for Industrial Relations (Hon. P. Caica)—

Variation of Approved Licensing Agreement between the Minister for Gambling and SA TAB Pty Ltd dated 22 July 2008

Regulations under the following Acts—

Daylight Saving—General

Lottery and Gaming—Lottery Rules

Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation—Claims and Registration


Fair Work Act 1994—Referral of matters

By the Minister for Employment, Training and Further Education (Hon. P. Caica)—

Regulations under the following Act—

Training and Skills Development—General