House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-04-07 Daily Xml


Answers to Questions


54 Mr HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Leader of the Opposition) (30 September 2008). Who undertook the cost estimates, as stated in the Premier's press release of 5 June 2007, that the proposed new dam infrastructure for the Mt Bold Reservoir would could cost in excess of $850 million?

The Hon. K.O. FOLEY (Port Adelaide—Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Industry and Trade, Minister for Federal/State Relations): The full text of the Premier's press release of 5 June 2007 referring to the possible costs of increasing the storage capacity of the Mt Bold Reservoir is:

'While it is still too early to put an estimated cost on what it would take to increase the size of Mt Bold ahead of further engineering and environmental studies that need to be undertaken, the scoping study has indicated it could cost in excess of $850 million and take between seven to 10 years to complete.'

SA Water undertook the scoping study estimate that indicated it could cost in excess of $850 million to increase the capacity of Mt Bold Reservoir. The Premier clearly indicated that was not a firm estimate.