House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Third Session (51-3)
2009-03-26 Daily Xml



Final Stages

Consideration in committee of the Legislative Council’s amendments.

The Hon. I.F. EVANS: I move:

That the Legislative Council’s amendments be agreed to.

This bill refers to child sex offenders having to register internet addresses and the like. Amendments were moved in the upper house to clarify that this includes the registration of passwords and the registration of access codes. The amendments were moved by the government and they were supported by the opposition. I recommend that the house supports these amendments. I thank the government for its support of this measure.

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: I commend the member for Davenport for his enterprise in plugging this loophole in the criminal law. I think he has gone to some trouble to look for useful changes to our statute law. The government does not take the view that all legislative wisdom resides in the government and its Public Service advisers. Previously, we have supported private members' bills that we think make improvements to our law; and one that sticks in my memory is the member for Fisher's bill on hoon driving, which originated as a private member's bill and which was given government time so that it might progress. The member for Newland currently has a bill before the house which will be given government time.

Mr Pengilly: And support.

The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: And support; yes, that's right. The member for Finniss is correct in thinking that. In both houses of parliament in South Australia we have skilled legislators who, though they may be crossbenchers or members of the opposition, have made very useful contributions to our statute law during the life of the Rann government; and they include people such as Nick Xenophon and the members for Davenport and Fisher. The government appreciates the work they do. Sometimes an idea is good and it just needs some work by the policy and legislation section of the Attorney-General's Department in order for it to be improved; and so it is with this measure.

Motion carried.