Legislative Council: Thursday, September 12, 2019


Confucius Institute

The Hon. T.A. FRANKS (15:10): Supplementary: can the assistant minister advising the Premier on multicultural affairs please explain why she is described on the Confucius Institute of the University of Adelaide's website as the 'parliamentary ambassador' but the other members of parliament she has mentioned—the previous member for Taylor, the previous member for Newland, the previous member for Waite and also the previous member for Elizabeth, Lea Stevens—are not described on that website as 'parliamentary ambassadors' but as 'former members of parliament not in the current government'? Her role has been defined differently on the website as the 'parliamentary ambassador', whereas they are 'ambassadors'.

Does she understand the difference between holding a role in government, with responsibility for multicultural affairs, and being associated with the Confucius Institute, which is notoriously renowned for not necessarily representing the views of all Chinese speakers?

The Hon. J.S. LEE (15:11): The short answer to the honourable member's question is that I am still a member of parliament, and therefore, currently, I am the parliamentary ambassador. The other members are former members of parliament; they are not in parliament anymore.