Legislative Council: Thursday, September 12, 2019


Goh, Dr T.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:54): A supplementary: very simply, did the Treasurer himself or anyone from his office provide details to The Australian about Dr Timothy Goh?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (14:54): I have just answered that question. I am happy to indicate that this is all public information; it is social media. If the Labor Party wants to associate itself with critics of the government's policy who happen to drive Lamborghinis and Bentleys and drink cognac at The Adelaide Club, that's fine. We make no criticism of people who work hard and are successful. Good luck to them; we celebrate their successes. I make no criticism at all. But social media posts are publicly available, and anyone can look at a social media post, particularly—

The Hon. K.J. Maher: And pass it on to the media.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: Anyone can look at a social media post. You don't have to pass on social media posts. The Leader of the Opposition perhaps has an unusual understanding of social media. Social media posts, particularly if you put yourself out there with another group of people who describe ministers and the government as liars, cheats, Dumb and Dumber, Idi Amin—I'm told I have also been described as Mr X and a variety of other things—good luck to them. I am not going to engage in that sort of personal invective.

I celebrate the successes of people who work hard. I would love to have a Bentley and a Lamborghini much more than my little Hyundai, but I celebrate the successes of those who are able to have a Lamborghini or a Bentley or to drink cognac at The Adelaide Club—terrific, that's fantastic. I will have my lunches at the Myer food court every day of the week and drive my Hyundai, but I will never be personally critical of anyone who works hard and is successful. They are entitled to their views. They are entitled to criticise the government and me. I haven't sought legal advice in relation to defamation when referred to as Idi Amin; I suspect it's probably a touch defamatory, but good luck to them as a group if they want to be critical of the government and myself.