House of Assembly: Thursday, September 23, 2021


Government Programs

In reply to the Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (28 July 2021). (Estimates Committee B)

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer): The following information is provided on behalf of all Ministers:

Table 1 details (for all agencies) operating carryover expenditure amounts approved by cabinet into 2021-22, and amounts not approved by cabinet as part of the 2021-22 budget.

Agency Approved into 2021-22 Approved into Future Years Not approved
Attorney-General 1,012
Child Protection 717
Courts 157
Defence SA 265 94
Education 700 780 80
Emergency Services—SAFECOM 2,300
Energy and Mining 19,725 5,220
Environment and Water 12,304 2,625
Health and Wellbeing 7,466 4,223 3,240
Human Services 3,800
Innovation and Skills 1,121 540
Infrastructure and Transport 14,170 1,022
Police 1,872
Premier and Cabinet 2,584 429
Primary Industries and Regions 53,319
Tourism 1,045 1,415
Trade and Investment 46
Treasury and Finance 2,514 250
Treasury and Finance Administered Items 88,410
Total 213,527 16,598 3,320