House of Assembly: Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Adelaide City Deal

1340 The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (11 September 2019). Has a formal agreement been signed between the state and commonwealth governments for the Adelaide City Deal?

(a) What is the nature of the agreement? Is it a national partnership agreement, or some other form of agreement?

(b) What are the terms of the agreement?

(c) Which projects are the subject of the agreement?

(d) Does the agreement specify how much funding the commonwealth will contribute to each project in the agreement?

(e) Does the agreement specify how much funding the state will contribute to each project in the agreement?

The Hon. S.S. MARSHALL (Dunstan—Premier): I have been advised:

The Adelaide City Deal is an intergovernmental agreement that I signed with the Prime Minister, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP, and the Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Sandy Verschoor, on 19 March 2019. The details of the deal are publicly available on the commonwealth Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities website:

The Adelaide City Deal is currently in an implementation phase. During this phase an implementation plan will be developed, agreed by City Deal partners, and finalised by the end of 2019. A formal project agreement (which is a type of National Partnership Agreement) under the Intergovernmental Agreement on Federal Financial Relations will be executed with the commonwealth by the end of 2019. It is intended that, as is the usual practice, once finalised, the project agreement will be made available on the Council on Federal Financial Relations website.

The total commonwealth contribution under the Adelaide City Deal is $174 million. As set out in the 2019-20 state budget, the commonwealth funding contribution to, or through, the state is as follows:

Projects Forward Estimates Total funding
$m $m
Aboriginal Art and Cultures Gallery at Lot Fourteen 13 85
International Centre for Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies at Lot Fourteen 27 30
Innovation Hub at Lot Fourteen 7 20
Indigenous innovation and incubation hub at Lot Fourteen 3 3
Establish a Heysen Gallery at Hahndorf 9 9
Visitor Centre at Carrick Hill House at Springfield 3 3
New trails across southern Adelaide linking major natural and cultural attractions, including improved access and digital wayfinding 2 2
Smart City infrastructure across Adelaide City* 3 10
Total 67 162

*This funding will be on-passed to the City of Adelaide who are also contributing $12.6 million to the Adelaide City Deal to deliver smart technology initiatives in the Adelaide city centre for residents, businesses and visitors

The commonwealth is also providing funding to establish the Space Discovery Centre ($6 million) and Mission Control ($6 million) facilities at Lot Fourteen. Although these form part of the City Deal, the funding for these elements will not flow through the state as they will be managed through commonwealth government entities (the Australian Space Agency and Questacon).

The state's contribution to the City Deal includes $364 million already committed for demolition, site remediation and refurbishment works at Lot Fourteen. In addition, as re-affirmed in the 2019-20 state budget, the state government has committed $65 million towards the Aboriginal Art and Cultures Gallery (total project cost to be determined) and $30 million towards the International Centre for Tourism, Hospitality and Food Studies.