BROKENSHIRE, Robert Lawrence
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Booth, Mr D.g.
- Brown, Mr V.J.
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Budget Measures Bill 2017
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Children in State Care
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Clovercrest Baptist Church
- Commission of Inquiry on Water Pricing Bill
Commissioner of Police
- Compulsory Property Acquisitions
- Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Bill
- Country Football
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Crown Land Management (Life Lease Sites) Amendment Bill
- Dairy Industry
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Bill
- Education and Children's Services Bill
- Eggs (Display for Retail Sale) Bill
Electoral (Candidate Declarations) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Emergency Services
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Farm Debt Mediation Bill
Fire and Emergency Services (Volunteer Charters) Amendment Bill
- Firearms Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management Regulations (Postponement of Expiry) Bill
- Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Hurn, Mr B.
- Jumps Racing
- Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Review) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Elections) (Disclosure of Political Affiliation) Amendment Bill
Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Illegal Dumping on Construction Sites) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill
- Marriage Equality
- McLaren Districts Lions Club
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Motor Accident Commission
- Mount Compass Area School
- Mount Compass Lions Club
- Natural Resources Committee: Alinytjara Wilurara Regional Fact-Finding Trip
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Natural Resources Committee: Natural Resources South Australia Business Plans and Regional Levies 2016-17
- Natural Resources Committee: Pinery Fire Fact-Finding Trip
- Natural Resources Committee: Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
- Natural Resources Management (Regional NRM Levy) Amendment Bill
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Our Lady of the River School
Parliamentary Committees (Public Assets Committee) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Commission) Amendment Bill
Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Police Complaints and Discipline Bill
Police Ombudsman
- Port Elliot Show
- Power Outages
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Renewable Energy
Resource Operations Ombudsman Bill
- 2016-05-25
- Retirement Villages Bill
- Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
Right to Farm Bill
- 2016-05-25
- SA Pathology
- SA Water
Safe Schools Program
- 2017-09-27
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
Select Committee on Electoral Matters in South Australia
Select Committee on Emergency Services Reform
- Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Southern Vales Christian College
Standard Time (Alteration of Standard Time) Amendment Bill
- 2016-05-18
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
- 2016-10-19
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Possession of Firearms and Prohibited Weapons) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
Transforming Health
- Trinity South Coast
- Tyndale Christian School
Water Industry (Compensation for Loss Or Damage) Amendment Bill
- 2016-06-22
- 2016-09-21
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
Yorke Peninsula Country Times
- Adelaide Desalination Plant
- Adelaide Women's Prison, Firearms Delivery
- Assets Privatisation
- Australian Football League Assaults
Automotive Industry
- 2015-02-10
- 2015-05-14
- Automotive Workers in Transition Program
- Boeing
Bushfire Prevention
Cabinet Meetings
- Climate Change
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Correctional Services Department
- Country Cabinet
Country Fire Service
- Country Health
Country Shows Funding
- Dam Construction
- Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Duck Hunting Season
- Emergency Services Levy
- Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment
- Employment Figures
- Environment Protection Authority Air Quality Policy
- Environmental Degradation
- Extreme Weather Conditions
- Farm Finance Package
- Federal Funding
Forestry Industry
- George's Corner
Granite Island
- Health Budget
- Henley Beach Police Station
- Illicit Drugs
- Kangaroo Island
- Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
- Low Carbon Economy Experts Panel
Low-Flow Bypass Systems
- McLaren Vale Police Station
Metropolitan Fire Service
- 2016-06-07
- 2016-11-01
- Mid-Year Budget Review
- Ministerial Liaison Officers
- Mobilong Prison
Monarto Transport Hub
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Water Initiative
Natural Resources Management Levy
- 2016-11-01
Noarlunga TAFE
- Northern Adelaide Food Park
Nuclear Waste
- Pastoral Board
- Pelican Point Upgrade
Police Cadet Graduation
Police Recruitment
Police Staffing
Police Stations
- 2016-11-15
- 2017-05-17
- Political Advertising
Port Augusta Fly Ash
- 2017-05-18
Power Infrastructure
Prisoner Rehabilitation
- Privatisation
- Red-Light Cameras
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Rigney, Mr R.G.
Road Maintenance
- Road Safety
Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecological Services
SA Water
SA Water Infrastructure
Sex Industry Reform
- Shack Sites
Skills for All
South Australia Police
- South East Drainage Network Community Panel
South-East Drainage System
State Economy
State Energy Plan
- 2017-04-12
State Major Bank Levy
- 2015-03-18
Transforming Health
Unemployment Figures
- 2015-03-19
Vocational Education and Training
- Walk the Yorke Trail
Wastewater Allocations
Water Allocation
- Water and Sewerage Infrastructure
Water Levies
Water Licences
Water Pricing
- 2015-09-24
- Water Security
- Water Transportation Scheme
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
- Wild Dog Management
- Wild Dog Strategic Plan
- WorkCover
- 2015-09-23
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
- Yorke Peninsula Environment Policy
DARLEY, John Andrew
- Aback, Mr K.
- Address in Reply
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Suspension of Executive Board) Amendment Bill
- Arts Funding
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Body Supplements
- Budget Measures Bill 2017
Chemotherapy Treatment Error
- 2016-02-24
- Child Protection
- Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- City of Adelaide Clipper
Compulsory Property Acquisitions
- 2015-05-06
- Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Mandatory Treatment Orders) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
Coronial Inquest
- Country Women's Association
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Defences - Domestic Abuse Context) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Supervision Requirements) Amendment Bill
- Crown Land Management (Life Lease Sites) Amendment Bill
Cycling Regulations
- 2016-02-24
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electoral Commissioner
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill
- Firearms Bill
- Firing Range Safety
- Fisheries Management (Fish Processors) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Prohibition of EFTPOS Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management Regulations (Postponement of Expiry) Bill
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Budget Report) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Housing Improvement Bill
- Illicit Drugs
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- Industry Advocate Bill
- Ionic Industries
- Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill
Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Land Acquisition
- Land Agents (Registration of Property Managers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Latex Allergy
- Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legislative Review Committee
Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Linear Parks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Fixed Charges) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- Medical Cannabis
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Schemes
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Nuclear Waste
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
O-Bahn Tunnel
- Operation Flinders
- Palestine
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: 67 is the New 40
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2014-15
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2015-16
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Barossa Valley Visit
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Return to Work Act and Scheme
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Work Related Mental Disorders and Suicide Prevention
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Work, Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Plastic Free July
- Poker Machine Documentary
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Probate Fees
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
Public Sector (Functions and Resources Audit) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-01
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Real Property (Electronic Conveyancing) Amendment Bill
- Real Property (Priority Notices and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Rent Threshold for Application of Act) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages Bill
Return to Work (Weekly Payments Under Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill
- 2016-11-02
- Return to Work Act
Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Rio Paralympics
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Select Committee on Chemotherapy Dosing Errors
Select Committee on Compulsory Acquisition of Properties for North-South Corridor Upgrade
Select Committee on State Government's O-Bahn Access Project
- Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Sentencing Bill
- South Australian Integrated Land Information System
- Statement of Principles for Members of Parliament
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bullying) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Court Fees) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gaming Prohibitions) Bill
- 2016-10-19
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Audit) Bill
- 2017-11-01
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
- Steel Industry Protection Bill
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2017
- Tattooing Industry Control Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Torrens Title System
- Transforming Health
Valuation of Land (Separate Valuations) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Venezuela
- Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill
Victims of Crime (Victims Rights) Amendment Bill
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill
- Youth Justice Administration Bill
- Answers to Questions
- Artificial Reefs
Building Upgrade Finance
- Character Preservation Acts
Child Protection
- Child Protection Screening
- Commissioner of Police
Country Fire Service
- Cycling Laws
Cycling Regulations
- Decriminalisation of Sex Work
- Extreme Weather Conditions
Festival Plaza Redevelopment
Firearms Licences
- Free-Range Eggs
- Fur Seals
- Government Land
- Hanson Bay
- Indigenous Land Use Agreement
Land Acquisition
- Land Tax
Lands Titles Office
- Leigh Creek
Low-Flow Bypass Systems
- Mad March Late Night Public Transport
- Marine Parks
- Martindale Hall
- Medical Cannabis
- Multi-Agency Protection Service
Noarlunga Hospital
Northern Economic Plan
Nu-Rock Technology
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Planning and Development Process
Police Staffing
- Port Augusta Fly Ash
- Power Outages
- Pre-Poll Votes
- Prisoner Drug Rehabilitation
- Prisoner Support and Treatment
Private Hospital Admissions
- Public Sector Executive Salaries
- Public Service
Public Service Performance
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Reservoir Recreational Fishing
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
SA Water
SA Water Charges
SA Water Infrastructure
- Salisbury Police Station
- Seniors Housing Grant
Shack Sites
- Shared Services
- Solar Thermal Electricity Generation
- South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Spencer Gulf
- Stormwater Management
- Taxi Industry Assistance Package
- Transforming Health
- Valuation Program
- Valuer-General
- Vocational Education and Training
- Wastewater Allocations
Water and Sewerage Charges
- Water Billing
- Water Management
Water Meters
Weed Control
- Whyalla Property Values
- Woodsons Lane
DAWKINS, John Samuel Letts
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide United Football Club
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Companion Animals) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Greyhound Training) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Australia China Friendship Society
- Australian Chinese Medical Association South Australia
- Bhutanese Australian Association of South Australia
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
Budget and Finance Committee
- Campania Sports and Social Club
- Country Press SA Awards
- Country Shows
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Bill
Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-05-06
- Farm Debt Mediation Bill
- Fire and Emergency Services (Volunteer Charters) Amendment Bill
- Freebairn, Mr J.S.
- Friends of Parks Inc.
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Hurn, Mr B.
- Joint Committee on the Operation of the Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1983
- Kokoda Commemoration Service
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Gawler Park Lands) Amendment Bill
- LR&M Constructions
Member's Leave
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Alinytjara Wilurara Regional Fact-Finding Trip
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2016-17
- Natural Resources Committee: Fleurieu and Kangaroo Island Regional Fact Finding Visit
- Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Region
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2015-16
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2017-18
- Natural Resources Committee: Marine Scalefish Fishery, Summary of Evidence 2014-2017
Natural Resources Committee: Natural Resources South Australia Business Plans and Regional Levies 2016-17
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Regional Fact Finding Visit
- Natural Resources Committee: Pinery Fire Fact-Finding Trip
- Natural Resources Committee: Regional Report, March 2014-April 2016
- Natural Resources Committee: Sustainable Prawns Fisheries Management
Natural Resources Committee: Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
- Neighbourhood Watch
Nobel Prize Winners
- Para Wirra Recreation Park
- Parliament (Joint Services) (Staffing) Amendment Bill
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: 67 is the New 40
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2014-15
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2015-16
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2016-17
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Barossa Valley Visit
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Hillgrove Resource Group Mine and Kanmantoo Quarry
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Home Care of South Australians with a Disability and Elderly South Australians
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Return to Work Act and Scheme
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Work Related Mental Disorders and Suicide Prevention
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Work, Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Police (Drug Testing) Amendment Bill
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Rotary District 9500
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Select Committee on Chemotherapy Dosing Errors
- Select Committee on Emergency Services Reform
- Select Committee on Sale of State Government Owned Land at Gillman
- Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
South Australian Country Press Awards
- South Sudanese Community
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bullying) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
Suicide Prevention
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
- Surrogacy
- Two Wells Melodrama Group
- Valedictory
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
- Yamba Quarantine Station
- Aboriginal Tourism
APY Lands, Mental Health
- Automotive Industry
- Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Automotive Transformation
- Automotive Workers in Transition Program
- Blue Light
- Buffel Grass
Chief Psychiatrist
Cobbler Creek
- Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum
- Connecting Residents with Nature
Council Rate Concessions
- Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
- Domestic Violence Home Security
- Environment Protection Authority
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Fire Management
Environmental Volunteers
Fire Management Plans
- Gawler Business Development
- Gawler River Flooding
House Fires
- Indigenous Tourism
Industry Leaders Groups
- 2015-09-09
- Job Creation
- Lake Bonney
Leigh Creek
Lyell McEwin Hospital
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Metropolitan Parks
- Mobile Black Spot Program
Mount Serle Station
National Parks
Natural Resources Management Levy
- 2016-03-08
Northern Adelaide Food Park
- 2016-02-09
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
Northern Connector
- 2015-07-01
Northern Economic Plan
Northern Entrepreneur Growth Scheme
- Nurses Health and Safety Service
- Para Wirra Conservation Park
Para Wirra Recreation Park
Pastoral Board
Pinery Bushfires
Police Corporate Programs
- Police Staffing
Police Stations
Police Workplace Injury Claims
Road Maintenance
SA Water
Salisbury Police Station
- 2016-03-24
- Sampson Flat Bushfire
- Sittings and Business
South Australia Police
South Australia Police 801 Group
- 2017-03-29
South Australia Police Corporate Programs
South Para Reservoir Public Access
State Ice Taskforce
Suicide Prevention
- 2015-02-12
- 2015-03-26
- 2015-05-06
- 2015-06-03
- 2015-07-02
- 2015-09-10
- 2015-10-14
- 2016-02-10
- 2017-02-15
Suicide Prevention Strategy
- Suicide Registry
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
Virginia Irrigation Association
- 2017-07-06
- Waste Management
Wastewater Allocations
Water Allocation
Work Related Mental Disorders and Suicide Prevention Inquiry
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
Youth Mental Health
FINNIGAN, Bernard Vincent
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Transforming Health
FRANKS, Tammy Anne
Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Aboriginal Regional Communities
- Abortion
- Address in Reply
Adelaide City Skate Park
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- AFL National Women's League
- Agius, Auntie Josie
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Suspension of Executive Board) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Jumps Racing) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Animals Australia
- Appropriation Bill 2017
Arts Funding
- Arts, Education and Lifestyle Choices
- Australian Consensus Centre
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Recognition of Same Sex Marital Status) Amendment Bill
Borderline Personality Disorder
- Briggs, Prof. Freda
- Burke, Mr R.
- Carnevale Italian Festival
- Child Protection
- Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill
- 2015-12-02
- Cryptoparties
- Dailler, Ms G.
Diamond House Clubhouse
- Disability Inclusion Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Domestic Violence
- Dozynki Harvest Festival
- Eggs (Display for Retail Sale) Bill
Emergency Services
Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fire and Emergency Services (Volunteer Charters) Amendment Bill
- Firearms Bill
- Flinders University
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
- Gaming Machines (Prohibition of EFTPOS Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Governor's Speech
- Great Australian Bight
- Green Car Transformation Scheme
Greyhound Racing
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Review
- Homosexual Convictions Apology
- Human Organs Trafficking
- Immigration Detention
- Indian Australian Association of South Australia
Industrial Hemp Bill
- Industry Advocate Bill
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill
Joint Committee on the Operation of the Transplantation and Anatomy Act 1983
- Jumps Racing
- Labor Members of Parliament
Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Entertainment) Amendment Bill
Liquor Licensing (Liquor Review) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Small Venue Licence) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Stormwater Management Agreement) Amendment Bill
- Long Service Leave (Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings) Amendment Bill
- Low Carbon Investment Plan
Marriage Equality
Medical Cannabis
- Medical Treatment Consent
- Mental Health
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Schemes
- Murray River
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Newstart Allowance
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Return to Work Act and Scheme
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
Port Augusta Solar Thermal Storage
- Poverty in Australia
- President's Ruling
- Prison Administration
- Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Radio Adelaide
- Rape Culture
Reclink Australia
- Record Store Day
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Research, Development and Innovation Bill
- Return to Work (Weekly Payments Under Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill
Return to Work Act
- Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Construction Site Incidents
Safe Schools Program
SafeWork SA, Workplace Fatalities
- Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Sex Work Laws
- South Australian Employment Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat
- Southern State Superannuation (Parental Leave) Amendment Bill
- State Library of South Australia
- Statutes Amendment (Animal Welfare Reforms) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Prohibitions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Possession of Firearms and Prohibited Weapons) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Registered Relationships) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill
- Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
Surveillance Devices (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- 2016-11-02
Surveillance Devices Bill
- Tattooing Industry Control Bill
The Jam, the Mix, the Gig
The National Indigenous Times
Ticket Scalping
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Transforming Health
- United Nations Anniversary
- Valedictory
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Water Resources Management
- Women's Legal Service
- Women's Suffrage Anniversary
Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- 2015-11-18
- Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
- Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Heritage Act
- Aboriginal Language Interpreters and Translators
Aboriginal Music Studies
- Aboriginal Tourism
- Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
- Adelaide to Zero Carbon Challenge
- Adelaide Women's Prison
- Animal Welfare
APY Lands
- APY Lands Special General Meeting
APY Lands, Governance
- APY Lands, Policing
- 2017-05-30
Arts Funding
Asylum Seekers
- 2016-04-14
Body Image Campaign
- BPW Adelaide Suffragette Dinner
- Carbon Neutral Cabinet
CCTV Cameras
- Clare's Law
Climate Change
Clipsal 500 Tickets for Volunteers
Commissioner for Children and Young People
Crime Statistics
- Dog and Cat Management
Domestic Violence
- Domestic Violence Serial Offender Database
Drug Driving
Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment
- Extreme Weather Conditions
Female Genital Mutilation
- 2017-05-30
- Fire Danger Ratings
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Forrest Review
Fort Largs
- 2016-09-20
Free-Range Eggs
Fur Seals
- GM Holden Site
- Goods and Services Tax
- Granite Island Penguin Colony
Greyhound Racing
Greyhounds, Export
- Homosexual Convictions Apology
- Independent Gambling Authority
Indigenous Incarceration
Indigenous Tourism Strategies
- Indigenous Youth Incarceration
Industrial Hemp
Infant Formula Sales
- 2015-11-18
Invasive Image Distribution
- Labour Hire Practices, D'vineripe
Medical Cannabis
Medicinal Cannabis Symposium
- Metropolitan Fire Service
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Morrison, Mr W.
Municipal and Essential Services Program
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Carp Control Plan
- National Women's Soccer Team
- Northern Economic Plan
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Dump
- Parliamentary Reform
- Perfection Fresh
- Police Stations
- Port Augusta
Power Outages, Telecommunications
- Public Sector Executive Salaries
- Racism
Rainbow Flag
Return to Work Act
SA Water Reconciliation Action Plan
- Sittings and Business
Skilled Migrants
Skills for All
- South Australian Cooperatives
Spark Resource Centre
Stolen Generations Compensation
Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
- Tarnanthi Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
Tattoo Industry
Transforming Health
- Trauma Counselling Services
- Treaty Negotiations
- Uluru Statement
- Video Game Industry
Vocational Education and Training
- West Coast Aboriginal Communities
Wildlife Ethics Committee
- Women's Unemployment
Yatala Labour Prison Incident
GAGO, Gail Elizabeth
Address in Reply
- Adelaide Fashion Festival
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- AFL National Women's League
- Aged Driver Self-Assessment
- Alinta Energy
Appropriation Bill 2015
- 2015-07-01
- 2015-09-08
- Appropriation Bill 2016
- Auditor-General's Report
- Bail Accommodation Support Program
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Change of Name) Amendment Bill
- 2015-09-10
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Bolton, Ms E.
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act Review
- Bushfire Preparedness
- Centrelink Debt Recovery System
- Charities
- Child Protection
- China Trade
- Citizen's Right of Reply
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Commissioner of Police
- Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill
- Community Road Safety Fund
- Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill
- Compulsory Third-Party Insurance
Constitution (Governor's Salary) Amendment Bill
- 2015-09-24
Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- 2015-10-13
- Copper Mining
- Coronial Inquest
- Coronial Report
Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-18
- Council of Australian Governments
- Country to Canberra
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- 2015-05-13
- Criminal Organisations Legislation
- Cycling Citizens' Jury
- Cycling Regulations
- Deputy Police Commissioner
- Domestic Violence
- Economic Plan
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral Commissioner
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Energy Prices
- Evidence (Records and Documents) Amendment Bill
Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Federal Budget
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Firearms Amnesty
- Firearms Bill
- Firearms Reform
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
- Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Gender Pay Equality
Gillman Land Sale
- Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Government Invoices and Accounts
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Annual Report 2014-15
- International Day of People with Disability
Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-04
- Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill
Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill
- 2015-03-18
- Kirner, Hon. J.E.
- Labour Hire Practices
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Leaders' Retreat
- LGBTIQ Community
- Library Committee
Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises) Amendment Bill
- 2015-10-15
Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Bill
- 2015-10-15
- Lobbyists Bill
Local Government (Gawler Park Lands) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-18
- Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill
- Long Service Leave (Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings) Amendment Bill
- Malinauskas, Hon. Peter
- Marriage Equality
- Matter of Privilege
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Minister's Remarks
- Moomba Gas Supply Hub
- Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
- Murder Investigation
Natural Gas Authority (Notice of Works) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-16
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Older Women and Poverty
- Paris Terrorist Attacks
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Payne, Hon. R.G.
- Penalty Rates
Pinery Bushfires
Planning Reform
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police Technology Upgrades
- Port Pirie Racecourse Site Amendment Bill
- Printing Committee
Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-02-12
- Public Integrity
- Racism
- Rajasthan Sister-State Relationship
- Real Property (Priority Notices and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Regional Care That Matters
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Weekly Payments Under Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill
- Riverbank Precinct
- SA/NT First Ministers' Forum
Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Sampson Flat Bushfire
- School Transport Policy
- Select Committee on Chemotherapy Dosing Errors
- Select Committee on Compulsory Acquisition of Properties for North-South Corridor Upgrade
- Select Committee on Sale of State Government Owned Land at Gillman
Select Committee on Statewide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages
- Sexism and Rape Culture
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Shandong-South Australia Action Plan
Sittings and Business
- Small Business Commissioner
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Domestic and Family Violence
- Social Development Committee: Regional Health Services
Stamp Duties (Off-The-Plan Apartments) Amendment Bill
- Standing Orders Committee
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Government Concessions
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Bill
- 2015-05-13
- 2015-06-02
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Prohibitions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Audit) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Youth Court) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill
- STEM Education
- Stretton, Prof. H.
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2015
- 2015-05-12
Surveillance Devices Bill
- Tallent, Mr Jared
Tattooing Industry Control Bill
- Taxation Reform
The Uniting Church in Australia (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- 2015-05-07
- Turnbull, Hon. M.B.
- Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill
- Water Industry (Compensation for Loss Or Damage) Amendment Bill
- White Ribbon Day
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
Women in Parliament
- Women's Legal Service
- Women's March
- Women's Suffrage Anniversary
Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
- Youth Justice Administration Bill
- Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
- Aboriginal Regional Authorities
- Adelaide Pre-Release Centre
- Australian Referendum, 1967
- Australian Water Quality Centre
Automotive Industry
- Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Burra and Moonta Mines
- C.S. Hare Centre
- Cadell Training Centre
- China Trade
- Clamping and Impounding Laws
- Climate Change
- Cooperative Research Centres
- Country Cabinet
- Cubesat
- Cycling Sector
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Dob in a Litterer App
- Ediacara Conservation Park
- Emergency Services
- Emissions Reduction Targets
- Energy Market
- Firearms Legislation
- Flinders Medical Centre
- FrogWatch SA
- Global Gig City Network
- Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park
- Innovation in South Australia
- Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
- Mack, Private Miller
- Manufacturing Technology Centre
- MassChallenge
Medical Records
Member for Mount Gambier
- Metropolitan Fire Service
- Murray-Darling Basin
- National Police Remembrance Day
- Nature-Based Tourism
- Northern Economic Plan
- Pinery Bushfires
- Police Aerial Operations
- Port Augusta Country Cabinet
- Port River and Barker Inlet
- Recreational Fishing
- Red Balloon Day
- Regional 3r Forum
- Regional Capability Community Fund
- Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans
- Renewable Energy Initiatives
- Renewable Energy Summit
- Resource Recovery
- Road Awareness Program
- Road Safety
- SA Water Infrastructure
- SA Water Reconciliation Action Plan
- South-East Forest Water Licensing Program
- State Early Commercialisation Fund
Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
- Tennyson Dunes
- Tonsley Entrepreneurs
- Tonsley Park Redevelopment
- Trade Waste Initiative
- Venture Catalyst Program
- Vinnies CEO Sleepout
- Waste and Resource Recovery Sector
- Waste Management
- Waste SA Conference
Winnovation Awards
- World Environment Day
- Aboriginal Domestic Violence
Aboriginal Music Studies
- Adelaide Hilton Case
- Adelaide Women's Prison
- Adult Community Education
- Adult Learners' Week
- Amazing Ambassador Campaign
Annual Leave
- Annual Leave Liability
Apprentices and Trainees
APY Lands, Consumer Rights DVD
- Auditor-General's Report
Auslan Training
- Bob Such Memorial Scholarships
Body Image Campaign
BPW Adelaide Suffragette Dinner
- Building and Construction Industry
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Closures
- Business Confidence
- Catalyst Research Grants
- Ceduna
Child Protection
China Trade
Clare's Law
- Concordia Development
Consultants and Contractors
- 2015-06-02
Consumer and Business Services
- Consumer Education
Consumer Protection
Council Rate Concessions
Country Women's Association
- 2015-09-08
- Defence Industry Workforce Strategy
- Disability Equipment Service
- Disability Funding
- Disability Housing
Disability Sector Employment
- Dob in a Dodgy Tradie Day
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
- Domestic Violence Home Security
- Domestic Violence Serial Offender Database
- Drought Response
- Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Emergency Management
Employment Figures
- Employment Growth Forecasts
- Employment, Higher Education and Skills Minister
- Entrepreneurial Education Initiatives
- Epilepsy Centre
- Fair Trading Act
- Female Entrepreneurship
- Forced Marriage
- Forrest Review
Free-Range Eggs
- Gender Policy
- Gift Cards
Goods and Services Tax
- Government Land
Higher Education
- Highgate Park Disability Services
- Homeless Women
Hospitality Group Training
Housing Trust
Illicit Drugs
- Independent Gambling Authority
- Indigenous Land Use Agreement
Industry Leaders Groups
- 2015-09-09
Infant Formula Sales
- Innovation Voucher Program
International Education
- International Research Grant Program
International Students
Invasive Image Distribution
Job Creation
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Lend Lease
Liquor Licensing
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Long Service Leave
- Long Service Leave Liability
Macular Degeneration
- 2015-05-07
- Media Standards
Medical Cannabis
- Medical Research
Medical Students
- Mid-Year Budget Review
Mining Employment
Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Ministerial Code of Conduct
Ministerial Travel
- Murray Bridge Employment Opportunities
National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform
- 2015-06-04
- National Science Week
- National Women's Soccer Team
Noarlunga TAFE
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Nuclear Waste Dump
Office of the Training Advocate
- Office Upgrade, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Parliamentary Reform
- Pinery Bushfires
- Planning and Development Process
Planning Reform
- Police Staffing
- Political Advertising
- Powdered Alcohol
- Pre-Poll Votes
- Premier's Council for Women
- Premier's Research and Industry Fund
- Private Training Providers
- Product Safety
- Prospect Ambulance Station
Public Sector Employment
Public Sector Executive Salaries
Public Service Employees
- Public Service Leave
Pyle, Ms Jillian
Regional Development Fund
Regional Employment
- Regional Science Education
- Remote Aboriginal Communities, Electricity Infrastructure
- Riverland Career Development Centre
- Riverland Domestic Violence Services
- Riverland Education and Employment
- Science
Science Research and Innovation
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Seniors Housing Grant
Sex Industry Reform
SinoSA House
Skill Shortages
- Skills and Employment Websites
Skills for All
- 2015-02-24
- 2015-05-13
- 2015-07-29
- 2015-09-10
Skills for Jobs in Regions
- South Australia Police
- South Australia-South East Asia Engagement Strategy
South Australian Strategic Plan Audit Committee
- South Australian Training Awards
- State of the States Report
STEM Australia Website
- STEM Education
STEM Skills
- Strategic Employment Fund
Suicide Prevention
TAFE SA Leases
TAFE SA Shearing and Wool Program
- 2015-12-03
TAFE SA, Director Appointment
- Tauondi Aboriginal College
- Teacher Education
- Teen Body Image
- The Internet of Things Innovation Hub
- Trade Support Loans
Unanswered Questions
- Unemployed Migrants
Unemployment Figures
- University Enrolment, Males
- University of South Australia
- University Withdrawal Rates
- Unlicensed Car Dealers
- Veterans' Graves
Vocational Education and Training
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-03-19
- 2015-05-06
- 2015-07-29
- 2015-09-22
- 2015-10-27
- 2015-12-09
- Women Hold Up Half the Sky Awards
- Women in Parliament
- Women in Policing
Women in Sport
Women in Technology
Women in the Workforce
- Women on Boards and Committees
Women's Sporting Events
Women's Unemployment
- Work Health and Safety Management Plan
- 2015-07-02
- 2015-09-22
- 2015-10-27
- 2015-12-09
- World AIDS Day
- Worrall, Mr L.
- Yatala Labour Prison
GAZZOLA, John Mario
- Address in Reply
Adelaide Beer and BBQ Festival
- Adelaide Fringe
- Arts Funding
- Australian Services Union
- Brumley Songwriting Exchange
- Campania Sports and Social Club
- Carnevale Italian Festival
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Conservation and Hunting Alliance
- Corcoran, Mr M.
- Dailler, Ms G.
- Day, Mr David John 'daisy'
- Diamond House Clubhouse
- Elder Abuse
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Festivals Adelaide Report
- Fresh 92.7
- Gaming Machines (Prohibition of EFTPOS Facilities) Amendment Bill
- German Club
- Greyhound Racing
- Groovin the Moo
- House of Songs Project
- Hungarian Club of SA
- International Year of Pulses
- James Morrison Academy of Music
- Krix Speaker Systems
- Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- Molinara Social and Sports Club
- Motivation Australia
- Multicultural Youth SA Film Event
- Multicultural Youth SA Incorporated
Music Development Office
Music Industry
- Music Royalties
- National Disability Awards
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2016-17
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2017-18
- Natural Resources Committee: Marine Scalefish Fishery, Summary of Evidence 2014-2017
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Regional Fact Finding Visit
- Natural Resources Committee: Sustainable Prawns Fisheries Management
- Neil Sachse Foundation
- Northern Sound System
- Passengers in History
- Power Outages
Printing Committee
- Radio Adelaide
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Road Traffic (Issue of Free Tickets by Parking Ticket-Vending Machines) Amendment Bill
- Robert Stigwood Fellowship Program
- Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Sia Furler Institute for Contemporary Music and Media
- Society of Saint Hilarion
- South Australian Music Awards
- South Australian Music Industry
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Simplify) Bill
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Motor Accident Commission
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Site Contamination at Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Stretton Centre
- Surveillance Devices (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- The Jam, the Mix, the Gig
- Umbrella: Winter City Sounds
- Valedictories
- Winter Festivals
- Women in the Music Industry
- Aboriginal Art and Culture
- Aboriginal Land Rights
Aboriginal Power Cup
- Aboriginal Reconciliation
- Aboriginal Regional Authorities
- Aboriginal Regional Authority Policy
- Aboriginal Sports Training Academy
- Adelaide Gaol
- Adelaide Gig City Program
- Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
- Amazing Ambassador Campaign
- APY Lands, Food Security
- Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program
- Automotive Industry
- Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Band of SA Police
- Barossa Country Cabinet
Body Image Campaign
- BPW Adelaide Suffragette Dinner
- Business Transformation Voucher Program
- Carbon Neutral Adelaide
- Catalyst Research Grants
- China Trade
Climate Change
- Co-Management Workshop
- Community Engagement
- Consumer Education
- Correctional Services, Reoffending Reduction
- Country Cabinet
- Cyclone Relief Assistance
- Defence Shipbuilding
- Dob in a Dodgy Tradie Day
Early Commercialisation Fund
Entrepreneurs Week
- Extreme Weather Conditions
- Fur Seals
Global Warming
- Henley Beach Police Station
- Higher Education
- House Fires
- Iap2 Core Values Awards
- Indigenous Referendum Council
- Industrial Hemp
Innovation Voucher Program
- Job Creation
- Kangaroo Creek Dam Upgrade
- Late Night Trading Code of Practice
- Manufacturing Industries
- Manufacturing Sector
- Mapland
- MassChallenge
- Medical Research
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Micro Finance Fund
- Mount Gambier Ultrafast Internet
- Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Poppy Blitz
- Murray River
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2015-09-22
- Music Industry
National Parks
- National Science Week
- Nature Play SA
Northern Economic Plan
- Northern Sound System
- Oak Valley Aboriginal Community Water Supply
- Pastoralists Stewardship Program
- Police Foundation Day
- Police Recruitment
Police Technology Upgrades
- Port Augusta Country Cabinet
- Premier's Research and Industry Fund
- Prisoner Art Exhibition
Queen's Birthday Honours
- Racism
- Recreational Fishing
- Regional Business Innovation
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
- Road Safety
Road Safety Education
- SA Water Infrastructure
- SA Water, New Technologies and Systems
- SAGE Automation
- Science
- Science Alive
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Seal Bay Conservation Park
- South Australia-South East Asia Engagement Strategy
- South Australian Training Awards
- STEM Skills
- Stormwater Management
- Strategic Employment Fund
- Switched on Schools Summit
- The Internet of Things Innovation Hub
- Threatened Species
- Tourism
- Vocational Education and Training
- Volunteer Firefighters Memorial
Waste and Resource Recovery Sector
- Waste Management
- Waste Recycling
- Water Portfolio Reforms
- West Coast Aboriginal Communities
- Whale Migration
- Wild Dog Strategic Plan
- Women Hold Up Half the Sky Awards
- World Environment Day
- Yalumba Winery Solar Panel Installation
HANSON, Justin Eric
- ANZAC Day Commemoration (Veterans' Advisory Council) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Briggs, Prof. Freda
- Burke, Mr R.
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee: Inquiry into the Serious and Organised Crime (Unexplained Wealth) Act 2009
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Endometriosis
- Entrepreneurs Week
- Fire and Emergency Services (Volunteer Charters) Amendment Bill
- Hanson, Hon. J.E.
- International Astronautical Congress
- International Workers' Memorial Day
- Labour Hire Licensing Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Annual Report 2016
- Legislative Review Committee: Graffiti Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Act
- Legislative Review Committee: Review of the Report into the Partial Defence of Provocation
Local Government
- Mclafferty, Mr J.
- Oakden Mental Health Facility
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: 67 is the New 40
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Annual Report 2016-17
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Home Care of South Australians with a Disability and Elderly South Australians
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Return to Work Act and Scheme
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Regulated Trees) Amendment Bill
- Port Gawler Conservation Park
- Proclamation of South Australia Anniversary
- Road Traffic (Roadworks) Amendment Bill
- Safe Schools Program
- SafeWork SA, Workplace Fatalities
- Sittings and Business
- South Australian National Football League
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: TAFE SA
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2017
- Swaffer, Ms K.
- Victims of Crime (Victims Rights) Amendment Bill
- Women in Agriculture and Business
- Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Employment Targets
- AusBiotech Conference
- Automotive Industry
Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Barossa Valley Water Infrastructure
- Business Transformation Voucher Program
- Circular Economy
- Climate Change
- Cooperative Research Centres
- Country Cabinet
- Emergency Services, Kingdom of Tonga
- Gawler Business Development
- Industrial Hemp
- Jamie Larcombe Centre
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources
- Marine Parks
- Metropolitan Parks
- Micro-X
- Mobile Black Spot Program
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Parks
- National Road Safety Week
- Nature-Based Tourism
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Police Dog Operations Unit
Prisoner Reoffending
- Reservoirs
- School Natural Resources Management Action Grants
- Space Industry Forum
- The Boomgate
- Treaty Commissioner
- Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide Project
Housing Affordability
HOOD, Dennis Garry Edward
- Adelaide Airport
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Australian Christian Churches Welfare Programs
- Bail (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Change of Name) Amendment Bill
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Deadlocks) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee: Annual Review
- Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Protection for Assistance Animals) Amendment Bill
- Driver, Archbishop J.W.
- Drug Rehabilitation Centres
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting Thresholds) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Endometriosis
- General Motors Holden
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Hewitt, Mr Lleyton
- Housing Improvement Bill
- Ice Addiction
Illicit Drugs
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
International Christian Faith Persecution
Joint Committee on Findings of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Land Agents (Registration of Property Managers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
- LGBTIQ Community
- Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- Medical Cannabis
- Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- Palestine
Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Power Supply
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Religious Discrimination
- Residential Tenancies (Databases) Amendment Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Safe Haven Legislation
- Select Committee on Electoral Matters in South Australia
- Sentencing Bill
Statutes Amendment (Bullying) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Drug Driving Penalties) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Policing Information Systems and Services) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill
- Summary Offences (Disrespectful Conduct in Court Proceedings) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Valedictory
- Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide Lightning Women's Basketball Team
- Arrium
Automotive Industry
Barossa Valley
- Broadway, Ms R.a.
- Business Signage
- Cannabis Arrests
Child Discipline
Cost of Living
- Crime Statistics
Cycling Regulations
Disability Housing
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Drug Driving
- Drug Offender Sentencing
Drug-Related Crime
Drug-Related Sentencing
Ethan Automotive
- GM Holden
- GM Holden Workers
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Haydon, Mr M.R.
Home Detention
- Home Invasions
Illicit Drugs
- Illicit Substance Abuse
- International Students
- Kangaroo Island Airport
- Leigh Creek
- Lend Lease
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Media Standards
- Methamphetamine Harm Reduction
- Micro Finance Fund
National Emergency Access Target
- National Ice Action Strategy Funding
- National School Chaplaincy Program
- Payroll Tax
Pinery Bushfires, Council Fees
- Planning Reform
- Prison Facilities
Prospect Ambulance Station
- Road Safety
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Site Redevelopment
- Safe Schools Program
SinoSA House
- Sleep Clinic
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Speed Safety Cameras
- State Ice Taskforce
- State of the States Report
- Terrorism Screening
Unemployment Figures
Victims of Crime Fund
HUNTER, Ian Keith
- Adelaide Botanic High School
- Adelaide Crows AFL Women's Team
- Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adelaide Fringe
Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2016
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Arts Funding
- Aspire Program Launch
- Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act Review
- Auditor-General's Report
- Auditor-General's Report: Concessions Review
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Biological Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- 2016-11-17
- Briggs, Prof. Freda
- Bushfire Preparedness
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Review
- Carers Week
Chemotherapy Treatment Error
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Child Protection Department
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Climate Change
- Climate Change Strategy
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department Screening Unit
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Cost of Living Concession
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Cummings, Mr Bart
- Datacom
- Defence SA Chief Executive Appointment
- Dental Services
- Dog and Cat Management
- Dog and Cat Management (Dog Attacks) Amendment Bill
Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Dog Fence (Payments and Rates) Amendment Bill
- 2016-04-12
- Education and Children's Services Bill
- Emergency Departments
- Emergency Warning
- Energy Legislation
Environment Protection (Waste Reform) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
- Evidence (Records and Documents) Amendment Bill
Extreme Weather Conditions
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill
- Firearms Bill
- Flood Relief Operations
- ForestrySA
- Fruit Fly
Gene Technology (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-11-30
- Global Gig City Network
- Grain Harvest
- Greenwood, Dr J.
- Greyhound Racing
Health and Community Services Complaints (Budget Report) Amendment Bill
- 2016-02-11
Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-04
- Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Private Day Procedure Centres) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance) Amendment Bill
Historic Shipwrecks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Homeless Funding Arrangements
- Hospital Management Investigation
- Housing and Homelessness Funding
- Housing Improvement Bill
- Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park
- India Business Mission
- Industry Advocate Bill
Inner City Street Crew
- International Astronautical Congress
- International Education Ministerial Advisory Council
- Investment Attraction Agency
- Jumps Racing
- Khapra Beetle
- Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Land Agents (Registration of Property Managers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
- Land Services SA
- LaunchME
- Le Cornu Site
- Lensink, Hon. J.M.A.
- Lester, Mr Yami
Linear Parks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Boundary Adjustment) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- 2015-06-04
- 2015-12-02
Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
Local Government (Stormwater Management Agreement) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill
- Long Service Leave (Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings) Amendment Bill
- Marine Park Sanctuary Zones
Marriage Equality
- Mental Health Commission
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Housing and Homelessness Agreement
National Parks and Wildlife (Co-Managed Parks) Amendment Bill
- 2016-11-30
- National Partnership Agreement on Remote Housing
- Natural Disaster Recovery Assistance
- Ngarkat Conservation Park
- Northern Adelaide Food Park
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Nuclear Waste
Oakden Mental Health Facility
- Para Wirra Recreation Park
- Patient Records
- Pfizer
Pinery Bushfires
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police (Drug Testing) Amendment Bill
Port Gawler Conservation Park
- Port Pirie Racecourse Site Amendment Bill
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Centre for Excellence
- Prevention and Early Intervention for the Development and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Bill
- Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Queensland Cyclone Recovery Assistance
- Refugee Week
Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- 2016-11-16
Repatriation General Hospital
- Research and Development Corporations
- Retail and Commercial Leases (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Retirement Villages Bill
- Rigney, Dr Alice
- Riverland Storm Damage
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Construction Site Incident
- SA Pathology
- SA Water
- Schools Code of Conduct
- Select Committee on Statutory Child Protection and Care in South Australia
- Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Site Contamination, Thebarton
Sittings and Business
- Small Business Statement
- South Australia's Women's Economic Empowerment Blueprint
- South Australian Tourism Commission
- South East Drainage Network Community Panel
- Southern State Superannuation (Parental Leave) Amendment Bill
- Space Industries
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Court Fees) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Registered Relationships) Bill
- 2017-03-01
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill
- Stormwater Management
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill
- TAFE SA Audit
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (E-Cigarette Regulation) Amendment Bill
- Tour Down Under
Transforming Health
- Veterans' Advisory Council
- Water Allocation Plans
Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Water Pricing
- Water Resources Management
- Whooping Cough Vaccination
- Whyalla Social Housing
- Women's Suffrage Anniversary
- Youth Justice Administration Bill
- Questions
- Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources and Management Board
Adelaide Desalination Plant
- Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary
- Adelaide Gaol
Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
- Adelaide Lightning Women's Basketball Team
Adelaide Parklands
- 2015-06-03
- Adelaide to Zero Carbon Challenge
Air Quality Standards
- Alinta Energy
Allwater Joint Venture
- Almond Industry
- Anglicare Foster Care
- Animal Welfare
- Annual Leave
- Apprentices and Trainees
- APY Lands, Bike SA Program
- APY Lands, Renal Dialysis Units
- Aquaculture Industry
- Arkaroola Protection Area
- Artificial Reefs
Arts Funding
Asbestos Waste Disposal
- Assets Privatisation
- Australian Water Quality Centre
- Automotive Industry
- Barossa Country Cabinet
Barossa Valley
- Barossa Valley Water Infrastructure
- Bird Lake
Body Image Campaign
- Boral Linwood Quarry
Borderline Personality Disorder
Bordertown Community Early Flood Warning System
- 2016-11-15
- Botanic Gardens of South Australia
- Bowering Hill Dam
Broken Hill Water Supply
- Brown
Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project
- Buckland Park Development
- Buffel Grass
Building Upgrade Finance
- Burns Review
- Burra and Moonta Mines
- Bushfire Preparedness
Bushfire Prevention
- Californian Water Delegation
Carbon Neutral Adelaide
Carbon Neutral Cabinet
- 2016-09-20
- Carbon Pricing
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Review
- Cashless Debit Card Trial, Ceduna
- Catchment to Coast Project
Ceduna Waters
- Central Eyre Peninsula Fire Management Plan
Centre for Disability Health
- Child Protection Screening
- China Trade
- Chowilla Flood Plain
Circular Economy
Climate Change
- 2015-02-10
- 2015-03-25
- 2015-07-29
- 2015-09-08
- 2015-10-14
- 2015-12-02
- 2016-07-26
- 2017-05-16
- 2017-06-22
- 2017-10-19
- 2017-11-01
- Climate Change Council
- Co-Management Workshop
- Coal Gasification
Cobbler Creek
Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum
- Commissioner for Children and Young People
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department
Community Engagement
Connecting Residents with Nature
- 2017-02-14
Consultants and Contractors
Container Deposit Scheme
- Cost of Living Concession
- Country Cabinet
Country Shows Funding
- Dam Construction
Departmental Staff
- Direct Action Plan
Disability Equipment
- Disability-Specific Toilet Facilities
- Disaster Waste Management
Dob in a Litterer App
Dog and Cat Management
- Dolphin and Bird Sanctuaries
- Drought Response
- Drug-Related Crime
Duck Hunting Season
Eating Disorders Association of South Australia
- Ediacara Conservation Park
Emergency Services Disaster Planning
- Emissions Reduction Targets
Energy Market
- Energy Prices
Entertainment Centre and Convention Centre Boards
Environment Protection Authority
Environment Protection Authority Air Quality Policy
- Environment Protection Bilateral Agreement
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Chief Executive
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Contractors
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Fire Management
- 2015-09-09
- 2016-03-24
Environmental Degradation
Environmental Liabilities
Environmental Volunteers
- Environmental Water Allocations
- Epilepsy
Extreme Weather Conditions
- Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund
- Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Farm Finance Package
Fire Management Plans
- 2016-04-14
- 2016-09-20
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Flood Relief Operations
- FrogWatch SA
- Fruit Fly
Fur Seals
Gawler River Flooding
Global Warming
- Goyder Institute Climate Projections
Granite Island
- Granite Island Penguin Colony
- Green Industries SA
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets
Greyhound Racing
Greyhounds, Export
Greywater Compliance
- 2015-12-02
- Groundwater Contamination
Hallett Cove Pipeline
- Hanson Bay
- Health and Hospital Care
High Risk Foot
- Hillside Mine
Hive 12-Twenty Five
- Homeless Women
- Housing SA
- Iap2 Core Values Awards
- Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park
- Infant Formula Sales
Inkerman Landfill Facility
Innes National Park
Intensive Home Based Support Service
- International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management
- Kangaroo Creek Dam Upgrade
Kangaroo Island
- Kangaroo Island Middle River Catchment
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources
Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
- KESAB Sustainable Communities Awards
Kingston SE Boat Ramp
- Labour Hire Practices, D'vineripe
Lake Albert-Coorong Connector
- Le Cornu Site
- Levitzke, Mr V.
Limestone Coast
- Long Service Leave
Low Carbon Economy Experts Panel
- Low Carbon Economy Strategy
Low-Flow Bypass Systems
- 2016-12-07
- 2017-02-14
Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan
- 2015-09-10
- 2016-05-26
Mallee Prescribed Wells Area
- Mapland
- Marine Park Sanctuary Zones
Marine Parks
- 2015-06-18
- 2015-09-23
- 2017-08-08
Marryatville High School Library
Martindale Hall
- 2016-11-29
Medical Cannabis
- Medical Students
Metropolitan Parks
- Middle River Reservoir
- Minecraft Competition
Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Ministerial Staff
Ministerial Travel
- Moss Rocks
- Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Poppy Blitz
- Multi-Agency Protection Service
- Murray
Murray River
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- 2015-09-22
- 2017-03-02
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-08-10
- 2017-11-02
Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
- National Carp Control Plan
National Emergency Access Target
National Parks
National Parks and Wildlife
- National Parks Online Booking System
National School Chaplaincy Program
National Water Initiative
Native Vegetation
- Natural Resources Management Boards
Natural Resources Management Levy
- 2015-10-27
- 2016-07-05
- Natural Resources Management Staff
- Nature Play SA
Nature-Based Tourism
- 2016-09-20
- 2017-10-17
- North-East Water Supply
Northern Adelaide Food Park
Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Nuclear Industry
Nuclear Safety
Nuclear Waste
- Nurses Health and Safety Service
Oaklands Estate Groundwater Contamination
- Oil Exploration
- On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program
Open State
Para Wirra Conservation Park
Para Wirra Recreation Park
Paris Climate Change Agreement
- 2016-11-03
Paris Climate Change Conference
- Parks Week
Pastoral Board
- Pastoralists Stewardship Program
Pinery Bushfires
- Port River and Barker Inlet
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Power Outages, SA Water
- Power Supply, Fossil Fuel
Prescribed Burns
Private Hospital Admissions
- Privatisation
Prospect Ambulance Station
- Public Sector Employment
Public Service Employees
Public Service Performance
- 2017-02-14
Public Service Short-Term Contracts, Trainees and Graduates
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Recreational Fishing
- 2017-08-08
- 2017-09-27
- Regional 3r Forum
- Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plans
Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy and Clean Technology
Renewable Energy Initiatives
- Renewable Energy Summit
- Renewable Energy Target
Repatriation General Hospital
- 2015-11-19
Reservoir Management
- Reservoir Recreational Fishing
- Resource Recovery
River Torrens
Riverine Recovery Project
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- S. Kidman & Co.
- SA Health Facilities, Accessibility
- SA Health Staff
SA Pathology
SA Water
- 2015-02-10
- 2015-02-11
- 2016-03-09
- 2016-03-10
- 2016-05-18
- 2016-05-19
- 2016-05-26
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-09-22
- 2016-12-06
- 2017-02-16
- 2017-03-28
- 2017-04-11
- 2017-06-20
- 2017-06-21
- 2017-11-02
SA Water Charges
SA Water Customer Satisfaction Research
SA Water Infrastructure
- 2016-10-20
- 2016-12-06
- 2017-03-01
- 2017-04-11
- 2017-05-11
- 2017-05-18
- 2017-06-20
- 2017-08-10
- SA Water Reconciliation Action Plan
- SA Water, New Technologies and Systems
- Safe Schools Program
Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
Sand Carting
Save the River Murray Fund
Save the River Murray Levy
- School Natural Resources Management Action Grants
- Seal Bay Conservation Park
- Seal Bay Visitor Centre
Seatbelt Buckle Guards
Seaweed Harvesting
Shack Sites
- Shared Services
Shark Cage Diving
- 2015-09-08
- 2016-04-14
Site Contamination, Beverley
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Solar Energy
Solid Waste Levy
- 2016-07-06
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
- South East Drainage Network Community Panel
- South East Natural Resources Management Board
- South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board
South Para Reservoir Public Access
South-East Drainage System
- South-East Forest Water Licensing Program
South-East Water Allocation Plan
Spark Resource Centre
Species Loss
Spinal Cord Injury Service
- State Government Concessions
Stormwater Management
- Street Lighting
- Students, Disability
Sturt Gorge Recreation Park
Suicide Prevention
- 2015-02-12
- 2015-03-26
- Switched on Schools Summit
- Targeted Voluntary Separation Packages
- Teachers Registration Board
Tennyson Dunes
- Threatened Species
Tod Reservoir
- Torrens Island Quarantine Station
- Toxic Waste
- Trade Waste Initiative
- Training Agreements
- Trichloroethylene Exposure
Tunkalilla Beach
- Underground Coal Gasification
Unley Water Contamination
- Veterans' Mental Health Precinct
Victor Harbor Coast Water Quality
Virginia Irrigation Association
- 2017-07-06
Vocational Education and Training
- Walk the Yorke Trail
Waste and Resource Recovery Sector
Waste Management
Waste Recycling
- Waste SA Conference
Wastewater Allocations
Wastewater Discharge
- Watchalunga Nature Reserve
Water Allocation
Water Allocation Plans
- 2016-06-22
Water and Sewerage Charges
- Water and Sewerage Infrastructure
- Water Billing
- Water Diversion Allocations
- Water for Good
- Water Industry Act, Reporting Obligations
- Water Industry Alliance Smart Water Awards
Water Levies
Water Licences
- Water Management
Water Meters
- Water Portfolio Reforms
Water Pricing
Water Quality
- 2017-02-14
Water Security
Water Transportation Scheme
Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide Project
Webster, Mr S.
Weed Control
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Allocation Plan
- Whale Migration
Whale Removal
- Whale Sanctuaries
- White Ribbon Campaign
- Wild Dog Management
Wild Dog Strategic Plan
Wildlife Ethics Committee
Women's Sport
Woodland Birds
- WorkCover
- WorkReady
- World AIDS Day
World Environment Day
- World Environment Day Awards
- World Wetlands Day
Wyndgate Farm
- 2017-03-29
- Yalumba Winery Solar Panel Installation
Yatco Lagoon
- 2015-07-29
- Yorke Peninsula Environment Policy
KANDELAARS, Gerard Anthony
Address in Reply
- Adelaide City Skate Park
- Alliance for Research in Exercise Nutrition and Activity
- Antibiotics Research and Development
- Apiary Industry Fund
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Bickford's Renmark Redevelopment
- Child Protection
- Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Inc.
- Commission of Inquiry on Water Pricing Bill
- Community Organisations
- Compulsory Property Acquisitions
- Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee: Annual Review
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill
- Deer Industry Fund
- Diabetes
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Elder Abuse
- Emergency Services
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Farm Debt Mediation Bill
- Fishcare Australia
- Foodbank SA
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Hutt St Centre
- Indonesian Justice System
Legislative Review Committee
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-03-18
- 2015-03-25
- 2015-05-06
- 2015-05-13
- 2015-06-03
- 2015-06-17
- 2015-07-01
- 2015-07-29
- 2015-09-09
- 2015-09-23
- 2015-10-14
- 2015-12-02
- 2016-02-10
- 2016-02-24
- 2016-03-08
- 2016-03-09
- 2016-03-23
- 2016-04-12
- 2016-04-13
- 2016-05-18
- 2016-05-25
- 2016-06-22
- 2016-07-05
- 2016-07-06
- 2016-07-27
- 2017-02-15
- Legislative Review Committee: Annual Report 2015
Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Legislative Review Committee: Sexual Reassignment Repeal Bill
- LGBTIQ Community
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- Memories of Lemnos
- Motor Vehicles Act
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Natural Resources Committee: Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Region
- Natural Resources Committee: Levy Proposals 2015-16
- Natural Resources Committee: Natural Resources South Australia Business Plans and Regional Levies 2016-17
- Natural Resources Committee: Pinery Fire Fact-Finding Trip
- Natural Resources Committee: Regional Report, March 2014-April 2016
- Natural Resources Committee: Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program
Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Barossa Valley Visit
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Hillgrove Resource Group Mine and Kanmantoo Quarry
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Riverland Visit
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (SACFS Firefighters) Amendment Bill
- Probate Fees
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Road Traffic Act
- Rotary Club of Burnside
- Safe Schools Program
- Skills for All
- Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Comorbidity
- Social Development Committee: Domestic and Family Violence
- Srebrenica Genocide
- Standard Time (Alteration of Standard Time) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Rights of Foster Parents, Guardians and Kinship Carers) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report 2013-14
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Inquiry into the State Procurement Board of South Australia
- Superannuation
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Trade Unions
- Tzu Chi Foundation
- United Nations Anniversary
- Valedictory
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Welcome to Australia
- Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
- Zahra Foundation
- Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
- Adelaide Women's Prison
Apprentices and Trainees
- APY Lands
- APY Lands, Consumer Rights DVD
- Arkaroola Protection Area
- Australian Information Industries Association Awards
- Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Automotive Transformation
Automotive Transformation Scheme
- Bob Such Memorial Scholarships
Business Transformation Voucher Program
- Californian Water Delegation
- Catchment to Coast Project
- Ceduna
- Ceduna Aboriginal Support Services
- Central Eyre Peninsula Fire Management Plan
Climate Change
- Container Deposit Scheme
- Country Women's Association
- Defence Industry
Defence Shipbuilding
- Domestic Violence Serial Offender Database
- Emergency Services
- Energy Market
- Environment Protection Authority
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Fire Management
- Environmental Volunteers
- Fair Trading Act
- Firearms Amnesty
- Gift Cards
- Goyder Institute Climate Projections
- International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management
- International Education
- International Research Grant Program
International Students
- Job Creation
- Labour Hire Workers
- Live Music Industry
- Macular Degeneration
- Manufacturing Industries
- Manufacturing Technology
- MassChallenge
- Medical Device Industry
- Medical Technologies Program
- Micro Finance Fund
- Murray Bridge Employment Opportunities
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Apology Anniversary Breakfast
- National Parks Online Booking System
- Nature-Based Tourism
- Northern Economic Plan
- On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program
- Paddy, Mrs Kunmanara
- Parks Week
- Photonics
- Police Cadet Graduation
- Productivity Commission Report
Renewable Energy
- Research Fellowships
Road Safety
- Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards
- Science Research and Innovation
- Spirit Festival
- Tauondi Aboriginal College
- Tonsley Park Redevelopment
- Tourism
- Understanding Opportunities for Small Business
- University of South Australia
- Vocational Education and Training
- Watchalunga Nature Reserve
- Water Industry Alliance Smart Water Awards
- World Environment Day Awards
- World Wetlands Day
LEE, Jing Shyuan
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Asia in SA
Australia China Friendship Society
- Australia Japan Association of South Australia
- Australia-China Joint Economic Report
- Australian Chinese Medical Association South Australia
Campania Sports and Social Club
Carnevale Italian Festival
Chinese Lunar New Year
- Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Inc.
Dozynki Harvest Festival
- Dutch Community
- Eurovision Song Contest
Filipino Settlement Coordinating Council of South Australia
Flinders University
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
Free Trade Agreements
Hong Kong-Australia Business Association
- Housing Improvement Bill
Hungarian Club of SA
Indian Australian Association of South Australia
- International Women's Day
International Year of Pulses
- Latvian Business Delegation
- LR&M Constructions
- Malaysian-Chinese School Delegation
- Meat and Livestock Australia Advertisement
Memories of Lemnos
Molinara Social and Sports Club
- Nepal Delegation
Overseas Chinese Association of South Australia
- Proclamation of South Australia Anniversary
- Queen Elizabeth Ii
- Radio Adelaide
Road Traffic (Issue of Free Tickets by Parking Ticket-Vending Machines) Amendment Bill
- 2015-12-09
- SA Tourism Awards
- Select Committee on Skills for All Program
- Skills for All
- Social Development Committee: Comorbidity
- Social Development Committee: Domestic and Family Violence
- Social Development Committee: Inquiry into Regional Health Services
Society of Saint Hilarion
- South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
Statutes Amendment (Rights of Foster Parents, Guardians and Kinship Carers) Bill
- 2015-12-09
- Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- The Cedars
United Nations Anniversary
- United Nations Association of Australia Peace Bottle Launch
University of South Australia
- Valedictory
- Vietnamese Veterans Association
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
Women's Legal Service
- Aboriginal Language Interpreters and Translators
Adelaide Desalination Plant
- Adelaide Women's Prison, Firearms Delivery
- Almond Industry
- Apprentices and Trainees
- APY Lands, Consumer Rights DVD
- Bridges
- Building and Construction Industry
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Closures
- Business Confidence
Chemotherapy Treatment Error
- Chowilla Flood Plain
- Cobdogla Irrigation and Steam Museum
- Consumer and Business Services
- Consumer Protection
- Crime Statistics
- Drugs in Prisons
- Elective Surgery
- Electricity Prices
Emergency Services Levy
- 2017-03-30
Extreme Weather Conditions
- 2017-08-03
- Flood Relief Operations
- Fruit Fly
Government Radio Network
Hallett Cove Pipeline
Home Detention
- 2017-02-15
Homeless Women
Ice Taskforce
- Livestock Theft
- Low Carbon Economy Strategy
- Manufacturing Sector
- Mental Health Plan
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Moonta Police Station
National Water Initiative
- Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
Northern Economic Plan
- Police Ombudsman
Prisoner Mail Screening
- 2017-02-14
Prisoner Support and Treatment
Public Sector Employment
- 2017-02-16
- Purchase Card Expenditure
Recreational Fishing
- Red-Light Cameras
Regional Employment
- Renewable Energy Target
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Riverland Career Development Centre
Road Safety Petition
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
SA Water
SA Water Infrastructure
Skill Shortages
- Skills and Employment Websites
- Skills for All
South Australia Police
- South East Natural Resources Management Board
- South-East Roads
STEM Australia Website
- STEM Education
- Tassone, Mr B.
- Training Agreements
- Unemployed Migrants
Unemployment Figures
- Vocational Education and Training
- Water Diversion Allocations
- Water for Good
- Women in Parliament
- Women in Technology
- Women in the Workforce
- Women's Unemployment
- Wyndgate Farm
LENSINK, Jacqueline Michelle Ann
- Address in Reply
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Companion Animals) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Greyhound Training) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Briggs, Prof. Freda
Commission of Inquiry on Water Pricing Bill
- 2015-03-25
- Corcoran, Mr M.
Crown Land Management (Life Lease Sites) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-15
Dailler, Ms G.
- Disability Inclusion Bill
Environment Protection (Waste Reform) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection Authority (Air Quality) Policy
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Biodiversity
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
Female Genital Mutilation
- Greyhound Racing
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Historic Shipwrecks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park
- Joint Committee on Matters Relating to Elder Abuse
- Labor Members of Parliament
- Le Cornu Site
- Linear Parks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Boundary Adjustment) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Fixed Charges) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Illegal Dumping on Construction Sites) Amendment Bill
Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Disability Awards
- National Parks and Wildlife (Co-Managed Parks) Amendment Bill
- National Parks and Wildlife (Life Lease Sites) Amendment Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Natural Resources South Australia Business Plans and Regional Levies 2016-17
- Natural Resources Management (Transparency of Ministers Directions) Amendment
- Palestine
- Passenger Transport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Payne, Hon. R.G.
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Promoting Use of Vacant Land) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Regulated Trees) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Policy) (Biodiversity) Amendment Bill
- Port Gawler Conservation Park
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 3) Amendment Bill
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
Select Committee on Skills for All Program
Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Skills for All
- 2015-05-13
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- 2017-05-30
- 2017-07-05
- Statutes Amendment (Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intensity of Development) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Online Transactions and Other Matters) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Vehicle Inspections and South Eastern Freeway Offences) Bill
- Surveillance Devices (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Waste Management
- Water Industry (Compensation for Loss Or Damage) Amendment Bill
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
- Women's Suffrage Anniversary
- Adelaide Desalination Plant
Alinta Energy
Asbestos Waste Disposal
- Bird Lake
Body Image Campaign
Borderline Personality Disorder
Broken Hill Water Supply
- Brown
Brown Hill Keswick Creek Stormwater Project
- Building Upgrade Finance
- Carbon Pricing
Career and Workforce Development Centre
- Ceduna Waters
- Chemotherapy Treatment Error
Chief Psychiatrist
- Circular Economy
- Climate Change
- Communities and Social Inclusion Department
- Community Engagement
Connecting Residents with Nature
- Constitutional Recognition
Daw Park Site
- Direct Action Plan
- Dog and Cat Management
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
- Emergency Departments
Energy Market
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Contractors
- Extreme Weather Conditions
Federal Budget
Female Genital Mutilation
Fire Management Plans
Firing Range Safety
Flinders Medical Centre Hydrotherapy Services
- Fur Seals
Gawler River Flooding
- Gender Policy
- Government Radio Network
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Greyhound Racing
- 2016-04-12
Greywater Compliance
Home Detention
Hospitality Group Training
Housing Affordability
Hydrotherapy Services
- Ice Taskforce
- Information and Communications Technology
Inkerman Landfill Facility
Innes National Park
- Kangaroo Island
- Kangaroo Island Middle River Catchment
Lake Albert-Coorong Connector
Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan
Mallee Prescribed Wells Area
- Manufacturing Sector
Marine Parks
- 2015-06-18
- 2017-07-04
- Mental Health Audit
Mental Health Services
Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Ministerial Code of Conduct
Modbury Hospital
Morrison, Mr W.
- 2017-05-09
- Moss Rocks
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Murray-Darling Basin Regional Economic Diversification Program
National Parks
- 2015-12-02
National Parks and Wildlife
National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform
- Natural Resources Management Levy
- Natural Resources Management Staff
Northern Economic Plan
- Nuclear Industry
Nuclear Waste
Para Wirra Conservation Park
- Paris Climate Change Agreement
- Power Outages
Power Outages, SA Water
- Raymond, Ms J.
- Recreational Fishing
Regional Employment
Repatriation General Hospital
Reservoir Management
SA Water
SA Water Infrastructure
Save the River Murray Fund
Save the River Murray Levy
Shark Cage Diving
- 2015-09-08
- 2016-04-14
Site Contamination, Beverley
Site Contamination, Clovelly Park and Mitchell Park
- Sittings and Business
Skills for All
Solid Waste Levy
- 2016-07-06
South Australia Police
- 2016-11-01
- South Eastern Water Conservation and Drainage Board
Species Loss
State Major Bank Levy
Stormwater Management
Tennyson Dunes
- Trichloroethylene Exposure
Tunkalilla Beach
Unemployment Figures
Unlocking Capital for Jobs
Vocational Education and Training
- 2015-10-27
- Waste Management
- Water Allocation
Water Allocation Plans
Water Pricing
Water Transportation Scheme
- Whale Sanctuaries
- Women's Sporting Events
Yatco Lagoon
- 2015-07-29
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
LUCAS, Robert Ivan
- Address in Reply
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Appropriation Bill 2016
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Atkinson, Hon. M.J.
- Auditor-General's Report
Auditor-General's Supplementary Reports
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Governance) Amendment Bill
- BankSA State Monitor
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Black, Dr Q.
Budget and Finance Committee
- Budget and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Budget and Finance Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Budget and Finance Committee: Interim Report 2016-17
Budget Measures Bill 2017
- 2017-10-19
- 2017-11-15
- Cabinet Documents
- Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Deadlocks) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Governor's Salary) Amendment Bill
Constitution (One Vote One Value) Amendment Bill
- Cowdrey, Mr Matthew
- Cycling Regulations
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Federal Funding
- Gaming Machines (Prohibition of EFTPOS Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Gillman Land Sale
- Government Appointments
- Government Campaign Spending
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Health Review
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Industry Advocate Bill
- Joint Committee on Findings of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Labor Government
Labor Members of Parliament
Labor Party
Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Entertainment on Licensed Premises) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Liquor Review) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Bill
- Lobbyists Bill
- Long Service Leave (Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- Medical Cannabis
- Member for Mawson
- Millhouse, Hon. R.R.
- Minister for Investment and Trade
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Minister's Remarks
Ministerial Travel
Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Schemes
National Electricity (South Australia) (Australian Energy Regulator - Wholesale Market Monitoring) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) (Pipelines Access-Arbitration) Amendment Bill
- Northern Economic Plan
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Repeal Bill
- Parliamentary Committees (Public Assets Committee) Amendment Bill
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Underground Coal Gasification) Amendment Bill
Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Port Augusta Solar Thermal Storage
- Power Supply
- Privatisation
- Probate Fees
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Public Sector (Functions and Resources Audit) Amendment Bill
- Public Sector Entitlements
- Public Service Appointments
- Radio Adelaide
- Referendum (One Vote One Value) Bill
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work (Weekly Payments Under Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Act
Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Safe Schools Program
- SafeWork SA, Workplace Fatalities
Select Committee on Sale of State Government Owned Land at Gillman
Shop Distributive and Allied Employees' Association
- Social Media
- South Australian Employment Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Southern State Superannuation (Parental Leave) Amendment Bill
- Stamp Duties (Foreign Ownership Surcharge) Amendment Bill
- Stamp Duty
- Standard Time (Alteration of Standard Time) Amendment Bill
- State Budget
State Debt
- State Government Employment
- State Government Expenditure
- Statement of Principles for Members of Parliament
- Statewide Gambling Therapy Service
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gambling Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Prohibitions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Electricity and Gas Laws - Information Collection and Publication) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Sector Audit) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Registered Relationships) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
Steel Industry Protection Bill
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
- Sustainability, Environment and Conservation Minister
- Taxes and Charges
- Valuation of Land (Separate Valuations) Amendment Bill
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Prosecutions Under Repealed Act) Amendment Bill
- Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill
- Worrall, Mr. L.
Aboriginal Affairs
- 2016-04-12
Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Power Cup
Allwater Joint Venture
Annual Leave
- Annual Leave Liability
- Asset Recycling Fund
- Automotive Industry
Automotive Transformation
Automotive Transformation Scheme
Business Grants
- 2016-11-17
Carbon Neutral Adelaide
Carbon Neutral Cabinet
Climate Change
Commissioner of Police
- 2016-07-05
Consultants and Contractors
Correctional Services Department
- Electronic Crime
Employment Figures
- Employment Growth Forecasts
- Employment, Higher Education and Skills Minister
Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Chief Executive
Environmental Liabilities
Fire Management Plans
Goods and Services Tax
Government Radio Network
Hills Limited
Hospitality Group Training
Job Creation
Liquor Licensing
Long Service Leave
- Long Service Leave Liability
Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing Works
Manufacturing Works Review
- Member's Remarks
Micro Finance Fund
Ministerial Code of Conduct
Ministerial Staff
Ministerial Travel
- 2015-10-13
- 2015-11-18
- 2016-11-01
- Murray-Darling Basin
- National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform
Northern Adelaide Food Park
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-11-02
- 2017-03-28
Northern Economic Plan
- 2016-04-12
- 2016-05-26
- 2016-07-27
- 2016-11-03
- 2016-11-17
Nuclear Industry
- Office Upgrade, Department of the Premier and Cabinet
- Police Civilianisation
Police Staffing
Police Workers Compensation
Police Workplace Injury Claims
Port Augusta Prison
Power Outages, Telecommunications
- Prison Violence
Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Entitlements
Public Sector Executive Officers
Public Sector Executive Salaries
Public Service Employees
- Public Service Leave
Public Service Short-Term Contracts, Trainees and Graduates
Red-Light Cameras
- ReturnToWorkSA
Russell, Dr D.
- 2016-12-01
SA Water
SA Water Customer Satisfaction Research
SA Water Infrastructure
Skills for All
Small Business Development Fund
South Australia Police
- State Major Bank Levy
- Tassone
Tassone, Mr B.
Treaty Commissioner
Treaty Negotiations
- Unanswered Questions
Unemployment Figures
Vocational Education and Training
Webster, Mr S.
White Ribbon Campaign
- Work Health and Safety Management Plan
Workers Compensation
Worrall, Mr L.
Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Aged-Care Housing Developments
- Agius, Auntie Josie
- Amy Gillett Foundation
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-07-27
- 2016-08-04
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Suspension of Executive Board) Amendment Bill
- 2017-05-30
- 2017-06-01
ANZAC Day Commemoration (Veterans' Advisory Council) Amendment Bill
- 2017-04-13
Appropriation Bill 2016
Appropriation Bill 2017
- 2017-07-05
- APY Executive
- Asbestos Containing Materials
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Auditor-General's Report
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Governance) Amendment Bill
- Australian Energy Market Operator Final Report
- Australian Energy Market Operator Report
- Australian Energy Market Operator Report Update
- Automotive Workers in Transition Program
- Babcock Australia
- Bail (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Biological Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Bishop, Mrs L.
- Brice, Corporal C.A.
- Budget and Finance Committee
Budget Measures Bill 2017
- 2017-09-26
- Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment (Review) Amendment Bill
- Child Development and Wellbeing Bill
- Child Protection Department
- Child Protection Systems Royal Commission
- Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill
Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
Children's Protection Law Reform (Transitional Arrangements and Related Amendments) Bill
- 2017-11-15
- China Trade and AFL Mission
- China Trade Mission
- China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
- Commissioner for Children and Young People
- Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill
Compulsory Third Party Insurance Regulation Bill
- Constitution (Deadlocks) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Demise of the Crown) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-09-22
- Copper Mining Strategy
- Correctional Services (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Cowper, Mr B.
Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Children and Vulnerable Adults) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill
- 2017-08-02
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
Defence Shipbuilding
- Defence White Paper
- Disability SA
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electricity Prices
- Electronic Transactions (Legal Proceedings) Amendment Bill
Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Energy Security Target
- Europe Defence Mission
- Federal Budget
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill
- Freebairn, Mr J.S.
- French Defence Visit
- Gambling Review
- General Motors Holden
Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Hanson, Hon. J.E.
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- HomeStart Finance
Housing Improvement Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- India Trade
- Industrial Hemp Bill
Industry Advocate Bill
- Integration of Carbon and Energy Policy
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill
- Jobs and Export Program
- Joint Parliamentary Service Committee
- Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) (Qualification for Appointment) Amendment Bill
- Judicial Conduct Commissioner (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill
- Justices of the Peace (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Labour Hire Licensing Bill
Land Agents (Registration of Property Managers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
- Legislative Review Committee
Leigh Creek
- Lewis, Hon. I.P.
- LGBTIQ Law Reform
Liquor Licensing (Liquor Review) Amendment Bill
- 2017-05-18
- Lobbyists Bill
Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Bill
- 2015-09-10
- Local Government (Boundary Adjustment) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
- Loy Yang Power Station
- Lucas, Hon. R.I.
- Member's Leave
- Millhouse, Hon. R.R.
- Mineral and Energy Resources
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Mintabie Township
Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Murray-Darling Basin Royal Commission
National Electricity (South Australia) (Australian Energy Regulator - Wholesale Market Monitoring) Amendment Bill
- 2016-10-20
National Gas (South Australia) (Pipelines Access-Arbitration) Amendment Bill
- 2017-05-30
- Natural Resources Committee
- Northern Connector
- Notaries Public Bill
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Offshore Patrol Vessels
- Our Energy Plan
- Overseas Goods Exports
- Palestine
Parliament (Joint Services) (Staffing) Amendment Bill
- 2017-05-30
- Parliamentary Budget Advisory Service
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police Complaints and Discipline Bill
- Pollock, Mr J.
Power Outages
- Power Plant Purchase
- Printing Committee
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- 2016-10-18
Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- 2016-07-07
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Public Sector Recruitment
- Radio Adelaide
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 2) Amendment Bill
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2015-03-26
Real Property (Priority Notices and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Reclink Australia
- Referendum (Appropriation and Supply) Bill
- Referendum (Deadlocks) Bill
- Regional Development Fund
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
Research, Development and Innovation Bill
- Residential Parks (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Return to Work Scheme
- Rigney, Dr Alice
- SafeWork SA
- Select Committee on Administration of South Australia’s Prisons
- Select Committee on Compulsory Acquisition of Properties for North-South Corridor Upgrade
- Select Committee on Sale of State Government Owned Land at Gillman
- Select Committee on State Government's O-Bahn Access Project
- Senate Vacancy
Sentencing Bill
Sittings and Business
- 2016-02-10
- 2016-02-11
- 2016-02-25
- 2016-03-09
- 2016-03-10
- 2016-03-23
- 2016-03-24
- 2016-07-27
- 2016-11-03
- 2016-11-30
- 2016-12-01
- 2016-12-06
- 2017-02-15
- 2017-03-01
- 2017-03-02
- 2017-05-31
- 2017-06-01
- 2017-06-22
- 2017-07-05
- 2017-10-18
- 2017-10-19
- 2017-11-01
- 2017-11-14
- 2017-11-15
- 2017-11-16
- 2017-11-28
- 2017-11-29
Small Business Roundtable
- Social Development Committee
- South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- South East Forestry Partnerships Program
- South Eastern Freeway
- South-East Asia Trade Mission
Stamp Duties (Foreign Ownership Surcharge) Amendment Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Administration Centre
- State Energy Plan
- State Export Figures
Statement of Principles for Members of Parliament
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio No 3) Bill
- 2017-11-01
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Court Fees) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Courts and Justice Measures) Bill
- 2016-11-03
- 2016-12-06
Statutes Amendment (Electricity and Gas) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Explosives) Bill
- 2017-10-19
Statutes Amendment (Extremist Material) Bill
- 2017-10-18
- Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intensity of Development) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Judicial Registrars) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Leading Practice in Mining) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Electricity and Gas Laws - Information Collection and Publication) Bill
- 2016-10-20
- Statutes Amendment (National Policing Information Systems and Services) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Planning, Development and Infrastructure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Amendment Bill
Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
- 2017-10-18
Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Bill
- 2015-09-23
Statutes Amendment (Transport Online Transactions and Other Matters) Bill
- 2017-06-20
Statutes Amendment (Vehicle Inspections and South Eastern Freeway Offences) Bill
- 2017-10-19
- Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Simplify No 2) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Simplify) Bill
- 2016-12-06
Statutory Authorities Review Committee
- Statutory Officers Committee
- Steel Industry
- Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- 2017-06-20
- Summary Offences (Liquor Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Abolition of Complaints) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Service) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2016
- 2016-04-14
Supply Bill 2017
- 2017-05-11
- Surveillance Devices Bill
- Taxi and Chauffeur Vehicle Industry Review
- Techport Australia
- Time Zones
- Valedictory
- Venture Capital Fund
- Veterans' Advisory Council
- Vulnerable Witness Interviews
- Water Pricing
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
Whyalla Steelworks
- Women's Suffrage Anniversary
- Zema, Mr Matt
- Questions
Aboriginal Affairs
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Agency
- Aboriginal Art and Culture
Aboriginal Artefacts
- 2016-09-20
Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Economic Development
Aboriginal Employment Industry Clusters Program
- Aboriginal Employment Targets
Aboriginal Health
Aboriginal Heritage Act
- Aboriginal Land Rights
Aboriginal Language Interpreters and Translators
Aboriginal Power Cup
- Aboriginal Reconciliation
Aboriginal Regional Authorities
- Aboriginal Regional Authority Policy
- Aboriginal Sports Training Academy
Aboriginal Tourism
Aboriginals Benefit Account
Adelaide Gig City Program
- Aerospace Alliance
Alinta Energy
- Annual Leave
- APY Artists
APY Elections
- 2016-03-22
APY Executive
- 2016-06-08
- 2016-11-01
APY Lands
- 2015-03-24
- 2015-10-29
- 2015-12-08
APY Lands Special General Meeting
APY Lands, Child Ear Health
- APY Lands, Child Protection
APY Lands, Child Safety
- 2016-07-05
APY Lands, Drivers' Licences
- 2015-05-05
- APY Lands, Food Security
APY Lands, Governance
- 2015-02-10
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-02-12
- 2015-02-25
- 2015-09-08
- 2016-03-22
- 2017-11-29
APY Lands, Mental Health
APY Lands, Regional Partnership Agreement
- 2017-02-15
APY Lands, Renal Dialysis Units
APY Lands, Road Infrastructure
- APY Lands, Sport
- APY Lands, Street Naming
- APY Lands, Traineeships
- APY Lands, Watarru Community
APY Tjukurpa Law and Culture Council of Elders
- Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program
- Asset Recycling Fund
Auditor-General's Report
AusBiotech Conference
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
- 2016-09-21
- Australian Information Industries Association Awards
Australian Labor Party Advertising
- Australian Referendum, 1967
Automotive Industry
- 2015-02-11
- 2015-02-12
- 2015-09-10
- 2015-10-15
- 2016-11-29
- 2017-10-18
- 2017-10-19
- 2017-11-02
Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- 2015-09-08
- 2015-09-09
- 2015-09-22
- 2015-12-08
- 2016-03-22
- 2016-04-12
- 2016-04-14
- 2016-05-24
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-11-01
- 2017-05-18
- 2017-11-30
Automotive Transformation
Automotive Transformation Scheme
Automotive Workers Communications Campaign
Automotive Workers in Transition Program
- 2015-07-01
- 2015-07-02
- 2015-12-08
- 2016-03-24
- 2016-06-09
- 2016-10-18
- 2016-12-01
- 2017-02-16
- 2017-03-28
- 2017-04-11
- 2017-05-17
- 2017-05-30
- Base64
- Battery Storage Initiative
Borderline Personality Disorder
Building Family Opportunities
- Business Entrepreneurs
Business Grants
- 2016-11-17
- Business Signage
Business Transformation Voucher Program
Cabinet Meetings
Career and Workforce Development Centre
- 2017-05-16
- 2017-07-06
- Caroma Workers
- Ceduna Aboriginal Support Services
- Centre for Business Growth
Child Protection
- China Trade
- Co-Hab Tonsley
Coca-Cola Amatil
- Commissioner for Children and Young People
Commissioners for Aboriginal Engagement
- Conma Industries
Constitutional Recognition
Consultants and Contractors
Cooperative Research Centres
Cost of Living
Country Cabinet
Country Health
- Cubesat
Cycling Regulations
Cycling Sector
Cycling Strategy
- Davenport Community Council
- Defence Industry
Defence Shipbuilding
Digital Roadmap
- Disability Sector Employment
Early Commercialisation Fund
- Electricity Prices
Employment Figures
Employment Participation Rate
Energy Prices
Entrepreneurs Week
Ethan Automotive
- Far West Mojo
Federal Budget
Federal Funding
Festival Plaza Redevelopment
- Flexibility for the Future Program
Forestry Industry
Free-Range Eggs
- Future Industries Institute
Gawler Business Development
Gig City Network
- Gillman Land Sale
- Global Gig City Network
- GM Holden
- GM Holden Site
GM Holden Workers
- 2017-11-02
Goods and Services Tax
Government Consultants
- Government Procurement
- Greyhound Racing
Health Budget
Hills Limited
- Holden Exhibition
- Homosexual Convictions Apology
- Ice Addiction
Iga Warta
- 2016-09-20
- Indigenous Advancement Strategy
- Indigenous Referendum Council
- Indigenous STEM Education
- Indigenous Tourism
Indigenous Tourism Strategies
Indigenous Women, Incarceration
Industrial Hemp
- 2015-07-01
- 2017-11-15
- Information and Communications Technology
- Ingkatji, Mr K.
- Innovation in South Australia
Innovation Voucher Program
- Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
Inviting the World to Walk Through Our Door
- Jackson, Aunty Elsie
Job Creation
- Kangaroo Island Airport
- Labour Hire Workers
- Lake Bonney
Land Acquisition
- Land Tax
Leigh Creek
- 2015-10-15
- 2015-11-18
- 2016-10-19
- 2016-11-01
- Live Music Industry
Long Service Leave
Low Emission Vehicle Strategy
- Mack, Private Miller
Manufacturing Industries
Manufacturing Sector
- Manufacturing Technology
- Manufacturing Technology Centre
Manufacturing Works
Manufacturing Works Review
- 2017-06-21
- Maralinga Tjarutja Lands
Medical Cannabis
- Medical Device Industry
Medical Technologies Program
Medicinal Cannabis Symposium
Micro Finance Fund
- 2015-03-24
- 2015-05-13
- 2015-05-14
- 2015-10-13
- 2015-12-08
- 2015-12-09
- 2016-03-08
- 2016-05-26
- 2016-09-20
- Mining Employment
Ministerial Code of Conduct
Ministerial Staff
Ministerial Travel
Mobile Black Spot Program
- 2016-12-01
- 2017-05-16
Monarto Transport Hub
- Mount Gambier Ultrafast Internet
Mount Serle Station
Municipal and Essential Services Program
- 2015-03-19
- 2016-10-18
- Music Industry
National Apology Anniversary Breakfast
- National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Reconciliation Week
- Noarlunga Hospital
Northern Adelaide Food Park
- 2016-03-22
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-11-02
- 2017-03-28
Northern Connector
Northern Economic Plan
- 2015-02-26
- 2015-06-30
- 2016-04-12
- 2016-05-26
- 2016-07-06
- 2016-07-26
- 2016-07-27
- 2016-11-17
- 2017-03-01
- 2017-03-30
- Northern Entrepreneur Growth Program
Northern Entrepreneur Growth Scheme
- Northern Sound System
Nu-Rock Technology
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Citizens' Jury
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Nuclear Waste
- 2016-03-08
- 2016-03-10
- 2016-11-03
- 2017-03-28
Nuclear Waste Dump
- O-Bahn
- Oak Valley Aboriginal Community Water Supply
Our Jobs Plan
- Paddy, Mrs Kunmanara
- Palliative Care Services
- Parliamentary Procedure
- Payroll Tax
- Pelican Point Upgrade
- Perfection Fresh
Pinery Bushfires, Council Fees
- Plastics Granulating Services
- Polaris Centre
Population Growth
- Port Augusta
- Port Augusta Country Cabinet
Port Augusta Fly Ash
- Portfolio Responsibilities
Power Infrastructure
- Power Outages
- Premier's Research and Industry Fund
Prisoner Support and Treatment
Public Sector Employment
- 2017-02-16
- Public Sector Entitlements
Public Sector Executive Officers
Public Service Employees
- Public Service Performance
- Public Transport Concessions
- Purchase Card Expenditure
- Regional Business Innovation
- Regional Employment
- Remote Aboriginal Communities, Electricity Infrastructure
- Research Fellowships
Rossi Boots
Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Site Redevelopment
Russell, Dr D.
SA Water Reconciliation Action Plan
- SAGE Automation
- Science Alive
- Simulation Hub
Sittings and Business
Skilled Migrants
Small Business Development Fund
- Solar Thermal Electricity Generation
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Cooperatives
South Australian Economy
- Space Industry Forum
Spencer Gulf
- 2015-06-18
- Spirit Festival
- Staff Misconduct
State Early Commercialisation Fund
State Economy
State Energy Plan
- 2017-04-12
State Major Bank Levy
Stolen Generations Compensation
Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
Suicide Prevention
Sundrop Farms
Supply Chain Workers
Tarnanthi Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
- Tattoo Industry
Time Zones
- 2015-10-27
- Tonsley Entrepreneurs
Tonsley Innovation District
Tonsley Park Redevelopment
Trans-Pacific Partnership
Treaty Commissioner
Treaty Negotiations
- Uluru Statement
- Understanding Opportunities for Small Business
Unemployment Figures
Unlocking Capital for Jobs
- 2017-05-16
- Valuation Program
- Valuer-General
Venture Capital Fund
- Venture Catalyst Awards
Venture Catalyst Program
- Venture Dorm Graduation
- Video Game Industry
- VTT Cellulose Fibre Chain Value Study
Watarru Community
- 2017-02-15
- Waterloo Bay Massacre
West Coast Aboriginal Communities
- White Ribbon Campaign
- Whyalla Property Values
- Whyalla Steelworks
Winnovation Awards
- Women in Innovation Awards
Worrall, Mr L.
Yeend, Mr S.
Youth Mental Health
ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- 2016-06-23
- Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act Review
- Bail (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Child Protection
Child Protection Systems Royal Commission
Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- 2017-04-13
- 2017-06-22
- Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Deadlocks) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Demise of the Crown) Amendment Bill
Constitution (One Vote One Value) Amendment Bill
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
- 2016-05-18
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Crystal Methamphetamine Task Force
- Disability Inclusion Bill
- Disability Reform Council
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Electronic Monitoring Enhancements
Electronic Transactions (Legal Proceedings) Amendment Bill
Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-03-24
Extreme Weather Conditions
- Festival Plaza Redevelopment
Gillman Land Sale
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Remote Area Attendance) Amendment Bill
- Hindley Street Incident
- Income Inequality
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill
Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) (Qualification for Appointment) Amendment Bill
- Justices of the Peace (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-07-06
Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2016-03-24
Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill
- 2016-05-24
- Malinauskas, Hon. Peter
Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
- Mental Health Commissioner
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
Notaries Public Bill
- Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- 2016-03-22
- 2017-11-01
Oakden Mental Health Facility
Occupational Licensing National Law (South Australia) Repeal Bill
- 2016-03-08
- Pinery Bushfires
- Police (Drug Testing) Amendment Bill
- Police Complaints and Discipline Bill
- Principal Community Visitor
- Prison Administration
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 2) Amendment Bill
Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 3) Amendment Bill
- 2017-03-28
Real Property (Electronic Conveyancing) Amendment Bill
- 2016-05-18
- Referendum (Appropriation and Supply) Bill
- Referendum (Deadlocks) Bill
- Referendum (One Vote One Value) Bill
Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Rigney, Mr R.G.
Road Traffic (Roadworks) Amendment Bill
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatient Medical Imaging
- Sentencing Bill
- South Australia Police
- South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
South Australian Employment Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
South Australian Public Health (Immunisation and Early Childhood Services) Amendment Bill
- South Road Tram Overpass
- Southern State Superannuation (Parental Leave) Amendment Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities) Bill
- 2016-05-18
Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill
- 2017-06-22
- 2017-07-06
- Statutes Amendment (Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Judicial Registrars) Bill
Statutes Amendment (National Policing Information Systems and Services) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Planning, Development and Infrastructure) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Possession of Firearms and Prohibited Weapons) Bill
- 2017-06-20
- 2017-06-22
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (South Australian Employment Tribunal) Bill
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Abolition of Complaints) Amendment Bill
Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
Summary Procedure (Service) Amendment Bill
- Taxi and Chauffeur Vehicle Industry Review
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Valedictory
- Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
- Young Offenders Bill
- Questions
Aboriginal Employment Targets
- Aboriginal Reference Group
- Access Cabs
Adelaide Parklands
- Adelaide Pre-Release Centre
- Adelaide Women's Prison
Adelaide Women's Prison, Firearms Delivery
Anaesthetist Services
- Answers to Questions
ANZAC Highway Bus Lanes
APY Lands, Policing
Asylum Seekers
- Auditor-General's Report
- Australia Day Honours
- Australian Football League Assaults
AVL Technology
- Band of SA Police
Blackout Emergency Procedures
- Blue Light
Borderline Personality Disorder
- Bridges
- Broadway, Ms R.a.
Bushfire Action Week
- 2017-03-28
Bushfire Preparedness
C.S. Hare Centre
- Cadell Training Centre
- Cannabis Arrests
CCTV Cameras
- Character Preservation Acts
Chemotherapy Treatment Error
Chief Psychiatrist
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Child Discipline
Clamping and Impounding Laws
Clipsal 500 Tickets for Volunteers
- 2016-04-14
- Colonoscopy Services
Commissioner of Police
- 2016-03-22
- 2016-07-05
- Concordia Development
- Correctional Services Awards
Correctional Services Department
Correctional Services Industrial Dispute
Correctional Services Officers
Correctional Services, Forensic Patients
- Correctional Services, Reoffending Reduction
Correctional Services, Veterans
Country Fire Service
Country Health
Crime Statistics
Crown Solicitor's Office
Cycling Laws
Cycling Regulations
Cycling Safety
- Cyclone Relief Assistance
Daw Park Site
Decriminalisation of Sex Work
- Dementia Care Facilities
Disability Housing
Disability SA
Disabled Drivers
Domestic Violence
Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme
Domestic Violence Serial Offender Database
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Drug Detection Dogs
Drug Driving
- 2016-09-27
- 2017-10-31
- Drug Offender Sentencing
Drug-Related Crime
Drug-Related Sentencing
- 2017-06-01
- Drugs in Prisons
Eating Disorders Association of South Australia
Elective Surgery
- Electronic Crime
Emergency Departments
Emergency Services
Emergency Services Levy
Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment
- Emergency Services, Kingdom of Tonga
Equal Opportunity Commission
- 2017-10-31
Extreme Weather Conditions
Eyre Western Crime Statistics
Female Genital Mutilation
- Fire Danger Ratings
Firearms Amnesty
- Firearms Legislation
Firearms Licences
Firing Range Safety
Flinders Medical Centre
Flinders Medical Centre Hydrotherapy Services
Forensic Mental Health
Forensic Services Review
- 2017-05-11
Fort Largs
- 2016-09-20
- Free-Range Eggs
Frome Street Bikeway
George's Corner
Goods and Services Tax
Government Radio Network
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Haydon, Mr M.R.
Health Portfolios
Henley Beach Police Station
Highgate Park
- Highgate Park Disability Services
Home Detention
- 2016-11-02
- 2017-02-15
- 2017-02-16
- 2017-03-28
- Home Invasions
House Fires
- 2017-08-03
Hydrotherapy Services
Ice Addiction
Ice Taskforce
ID Scanners
Illicit Drugs
Illicit Substance Abuse
Indigenous Incarceration
- Indigenous Youth Incarceration
Indulkana Community Policing
- 2017-02-14
- Jamie Larcombe Centre
- Juvenile Fire Lighters Intervention Program
Lands Titles Office
Liquor Licensing
- Livestock Theft
Lyell McEwin Hospital
- Mad March Late Night Public Transport
- McLaren Vale Police Station
Medical Cannabis
- 2017-05-17
Mental Health Audit
Mental Health Plan
Mental Health Services
Methamphetamine Harm Reduction
Metropolitan Fire Service
- Ministerial Liaison Officers
Mobilong Prison
Modbury Hospital
Modbury Hospital Cardiology Services
- Moonta Police Station
Morrison, Mr W.
Motorcycle Lane Filtering
- 2017-08-02
Mount Gambier Prison
- Municipal and Essential Services Program
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- National Ice Action Strategy Funding
- National Police Remembrance Day
- National Road Safety Week
- Noarlunga Hospital
Northern Adelaide Food Park
Nuclear Waste
- O-Bahn
Oakden Mental Health Facility
Older Persons Mental Health Service
Onkaparinga SES
Pinery Bushfires
- Pinery Bushfires, Council Fees
Police Aerial Operations
Police Cadet Graduation
- 2016-04-14
Police Cadets
Police Civilianisation
Police Corporate Programs
- Police Dog Operations Unit
- Police Foundation Day
Police Holding Facilities
Police Officer of the Year Award
- 2017-08-02
Police Ombudsman
Police Recruitment
Police Response Times
Police Search and Arrest Powers
Police Staffing
- Police Staffing, Riverland
Police Stations
- 2016-03-08
- 2017-08-02
Police Technology Upgrades
- Police Traffic Targets
Police Workers Compensation
Police Workplace Injury Claims
Police, Sexual Harassment
- 2017-08-09
- Port Augusta Country Cabinet
Port Augusta Prison
Power Outages
Power Outages, Telecommunications
Prison Administration
Prison Facilities
- Prison Industries
Prison Violence
- Prisoner Art Exhibition
- Prisoner Drug Rehabilitation
Prisoner Mail Screening
Prisoner Numbers
- 2016-11-30
Prisoner Rehabilitation
Prisoner Reoffending
Prisoner Support and Treatment
- 2016-09-28
- 2016-11-02
- 2017-02-14
- 2017-03-28
- 2017-10-31
Prisoner Transfers
- Productivity Commission Report
Proton Beam Therapy Unit
- Public Service
- Public Transport Concessions
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Queen's Birthday Honours
- Raymond, Ms J.
- Red Balloon Day
Red-Light Cameras
- Regional Capability Community Fund
Repatriation General Hospital
Return to Work Act
- ReturnToWorkSA
Rigney, Mr R.G.
- Road Awareness Program
Road Maintenance
Road Safety
Road Safety Education
Road Safety Petition
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecological Services
Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatient Medical Imaging
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Pain Management Unit
- SAFECOM Staffing Levels
Salisbury Police Station
Sampson Flat Bushfire
- 2016-04-14
- Sleep Clinic
South Australia Police
- 2016-03-22
- 2016-04-14
- 2016-06-21
- 2016-09-20
- 2016-11-02
- 2016-11-16
- 2016-12-01
- 2017-02-15
South Australia Police 801 Group
- 2017-03-29
South Australia Police Corporate Programs
- South Australian Amputee Limb Scheme
South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- South Australian Training Awards
- South-East Roads
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
- Speech Pathology
Speed Safety Cameras
- Speeding Fines
State Ice Taskforce
Strategic Policy Advisory Panel
Suicide Prevention
- 2016-02-10
- 2017-02-15
Suicide Prevention Strategy
- Suicide Registry
- Tassone
Tassone, Mr B.
- Tattoo Industry
Taxi Industry Assistance Package
- Taylor, Mr C.
- Terrorism Screening
- The Boomgate
Transforming Health
Transit Police
Transport Subsidy Scheme
- Transport Transaction Levy
- Trauma Counselling Services
Victims of Crime Fund
- Vinnies CEO Sleepout
- Volunteer Firefighters Memorial
- Wear Orange Wednesday
- Woodsons Lane
Work Related Mental Disorders and Suicide Prevention Inquiry
Workers Compensation
- World Social Work Day
Yatala Labour Prison Incident
MCLACHLAN CSC, Andrew Lockhart
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide Architecture
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Australian Defence Force
- Bail (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Battle of Pozières
- Bicameral Representation
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Change of Name) Amendment Bill
- Boer War
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Children's Protection Law Reform (Transitional Arrangements and Related Amendments) Bill
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Demise of the Crown) Amendment Bill
Constitution (Electoral Redistribution) (Appeals) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-02
- Controlled Substances (Simple Possession Offences) Amendment Bill
- Coronial Inquest
- Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) (Termination Day) Amendment Bill
- Craft Guilds
- Crime and Public Integrity Policy Committee: Annual Review
Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Defences - Domestic Abuse Context) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill
Defence Reserves Support Council (SA)
- Electoral (Candidate Declarations) Amendment Bill
- Electronic Transactions (Legal Proceedings) Amendment Bill
Evidence (Journalists) Amendment Bill
- Evidence (Records and Documents) Amendment Bill
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
- Free Trade Agreements
- Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Hong Kong-Australia Business Association
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- International Centre for Financial Services
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) (Recognition of National Domestic Violence Orders) Amendment Bill
- Judicial Administration (Auxiliary Appointments and Powers) (Qualification for Appointment) Amendment Bill
- Judicial Conduct Commissioner Bill
- Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill
- Justices of the Peace (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Land Agents (Registration of Property Managers and Other Matters) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
- Legacy
- Legal Practitioners (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Legislative Review Committee
- Legislative Review Committee: Amendment to the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations 2011 to Enable the Recognition of De Facto Relationships on the Register Recording the Death of a Person (Death Certificate)
- Legislative Review Committee: Partial Defence of Provocation
- Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill
- Lone Pine
- Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill
- Medical Treatment Consent
- Memories of Lemnos
- Millhouse, Hon. R.R.
- National Servicemen's Association of Australia
- Notaries Public Bill
- Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- Palestine
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police Boards
- Police Complaints and Discipline Bill
- Police Ombudsman
- Port Pirie Regional Council
- Prescribed Scale of Costs
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Radio Adelaide
- Real Property (Electronic Conveyancing) Amendment Bill
- Real Property (Priority Notices and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages Bill
- Returned and Services League Programs
- Royal Air Force Bomber Command
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
Select Committee on Chemotherapy Dosing Errors
- Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Retirement Course
- Sentencing Bill
- Significant Trees
- South Australian Certificate of Education Board
- St John Ambulance SA
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio No 3) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) (No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bullying) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Commonwealth Registered Entities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Court Fees) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Courts and Justice Measures) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Explosives) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Extremist Material) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Home Detention) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Judicial Registrars) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (National Policing Information Systems and Services) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (SACAT No 2) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Sentencing) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terror Suspect Detention) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youth Court) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Simplify) Bill
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Abolition of Complaints) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Service) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2015
Surveillance Devices Bill
- Tattooing Industry Control Bill
- The Jam, the Mix, the Gig
- The Uniting Church in Australia (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Victims of Crime (Compensation) Amendment Bill
- Victims of Crime (Victims Rights) Amendment Bill
- Walk for a Veteran March
- Wind Farm Developments
- Women's Legal Service
- Yellow Ribbon Project
- Youth Justice Administration Bill
- Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Employment Industry Clusters Program
- Aboriginal Reference Group
- Adelaide Gig City Program
Apprentices and Trainees
- 2015-10-28
- Asylum Seekers
- AusBiotech Conference
Automotive Industry
Automotive Supplier Diversification Program
- Automotive Transformation Scheme
Automotive Workers in Transition Program
Body Image Campaign
- 2016-02-23
- 2016-05-17
Building Family Opportunities
- Bushfire Preparedness
Business Transformation Voucher Program
C.S. Hare Centre
- 2016-05-25
Career and Workforce Development Centre
- Clipsal 500 Tickets for Volunteers
Correctional Services, Veterans
Country Fire Service
Cycling Sector
Dob in a Litterer App
Domestic Violence
- Drug Driving
- Drug-Related Crime
Early Commercialisation Fund
- Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Levy
- Employment Figures
- Female Entrepreneurship
Firearms Licences
- Home Detention
- Hospitality Group Training
- Ice Addiction
- Ice Taskforce
Illicit Substance Abuse
- Indigenous STEM Education
Indigenous Women, Incarceration
Innovation Voucher Program
- Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
Manufacturing Sector
Manufacturing Works
- Manufacturing Works Review
Medical Students
- Medical Technologies Program
Micro Finance Fund
Northern Economic Plan
- 2016-07-26
Onkaparinga SES
Our Jobs Plan
- Police Aerial Operations
Police Officer of the Year Award
Police Ombudsman
Police Recruitment
- Police Search and Arrest Powers
- Police, Sexual Harassment
Prison Administration
- Prisoner Reoffending
Prisoner Support and Treatment
Rigney, Mr R.G.
- Rossi Boots
Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards
- 2016-10-19
- SAFECOM Staffing Levels
South Australia Police
Spencer Gulf
- State Ice Taskforce
Strategic Policy Advisory Panel
Sundrop Farms
Tassone, Mr B.
- Taylor, Mr C.
- Teacher Education
- University Enrolment, Males
- University Withdrawal Rates
- Venture Catalyst Program
- Veterans' Graves
- Vocational Education and Training
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
- Answers
NGO, Tung The
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 201617
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide United Football Club
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
AFL National Women's League
- Aged Care
- Agius, Auntie Josie
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Bill
- ANZAC Day Commemoration (Veterans' Advisory Council) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Arts Funding
- Australia China Friendship Society
- Australian Chinese Medical Association South Australia
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Black April
- Business Migration
- Centrelink Debt Recovery System
- Chemotherapy Treatment Error
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Chinese Aged-Care Mission
- Chinese Welfare Services of South Australia Inc.
- Commissioner of Police
Constitution (Council Member Contesting Election) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-01
- Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation) Amendment Bill
- Cowdrey, Mr Matthew
- Criminal Assets Confiscation (Prescribed Drug Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
- Criminal Law (Forensic Procedures) (Blood Testing for Diseases) Amendment Bill
- Davis, Mr Steve
- Defence Industry
- Defence Reserves Support Council (SA)
Defence Shipbuilding
- Dental Services
- Disability and Education
- Dozynki Harvest Festival
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services
Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Biodiversity
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Report 2016-17
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Family Tax Benefits
- Filipino Settlement Coordinating Council of South Australia
- Firearms Bill
- Flinders University
Fraser, Hon. J.M.
- Free Trade Agreements
- Genetically Modified Crops Management Regulations (Postponement of Expiry) Bill
- Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Health Review
- Higher Education
- Hong Kong-Australia Business Association
- Hurn, Mr B.
- Indian Australian Association of South Australia
- Infrastructure Spending
- Juries (Prejudicial Publicity) Amendment Bill
- Land and Business (Sale and Conveyancing) (Beneficial Interest) Amendment Bill
- Legal Assistance Sector
- Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Building Upgrade Agreements) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Illegal Dumping on Construction Sites) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill
- Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill
- Marriage Equality
- MATES in Construction
- Medical Cannabis
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
- Mental Health Commission
- Mental Health Funding Cuts
- Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Schemes
- Neudeck, Dr Rupert
- Newstart Allowance
- Nobel Prize Winners
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Overseas Chinese Association of South Australia
- Paint the Parks and Gardens Read Program
- Passenger Transport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Underground Coal Gasification) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Promoting Use of Vacant Land) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Commission) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Policy) (Biodiversity) Amendment Bill
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Police Ombudsman
- Port Augusta Solar Thermal Storage
- Public Finance and Audit (Treasurer's Instructions) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 3) Amendment Bill
- Real Property (Electronic Conveyancing) Amendment Bill
- Real Property (Priority Notices and Other Measures) Amendment Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Resource Operations Ombudsman Bill
- Retirement Villages Bill
- Return to Work Act
- Right to Farm Bill
Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Road Traffic (Roadworks) Amendment Bill
- SA Dairy Awards
Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Saragarhi Remembrance Day
- Select Committee on Administration of South Australia's Prisons
- Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Sentencing Bill
- South Australian Employment Tribunal (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Industrial Relations Consultative Council) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youth Court) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Simplify) Bill
- Steel Industry Protection Bill
- Suicide Prevention
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Sunday Penalty Rates
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
- Syrian Humanitarian Crisis
Taxi Industry
- Techport Australia
- Thao Nguyen
- The National Indigenous Times
Transforming Health
- Twu Safe Rates Campaign
- University of South Australia
- Uyghur Community
- Valedictory
- Valuation of Land (Separate Valuations) Amendment Bill
- Vietnam Environmental Disaster
- Visitor Visas
- Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
- WOMADelaide
- Work Health and Safety (Industrial Manslaughter) Amendment Bill
World AIDS Day
- Youth Jobs Path
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Domestic Violence
- Aboriginal Economic Development
Aboriginal Employment Industry Clusters Program
- Aboriginal Health
- Aboriginal Power Cup
- Aboriginal Regional Authorities
- Aboriginal Tourism
Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
- Adult Community Education
- Adult Learners' Week
- Aerospace Alliance
- APY Artists
- APY Lands
- Australia Day Honours
- Automotive Industry
Automotive Transformation
- Automotive Transformation Scheme
- Automotive Workers in Transition Program
- Base64
- Botanic Gardens of South Australia
- Building Upgrade Finance
- Bushfire Action Week
- Bushfire Preparedness
- Business Transformation Voucher Program
Carbon Neutral Adelaide
Climate Change
- Co-Hab Tonsley
- Commissioners for Aboriginal Engagement
- Conma Industries
- Consumer and Business Services
- Consumer Protection
- Correctional Services Awards
- Correctional Services Officers
- Davenport Community Council
- Defence Industry Workforce Strategy
- Disaster Waste Management
- Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service
- Emergency Services Volunteer Recruitment
- Employment Figures
- Entrepreneurial Education Initiatives
- Entrepreneurs Week
- Extreme Weather Conditions
- Far West Mojo
- Forced Marriage
- Free-Range Eggs
- Future Industries Institute
- Green Industries SA
- Higher Education
- Holden Exhibition
- Ingkatji, Mr K.
- Innovation Voucher Program
- International Students
- Jackson, Aunty Elsie
- Juvenile Fire Lighters Intervention Program
- Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
- KESAB Sustainable Communities Awards
- Levitzke, Mr V.
- Limestone Coast
- Marine Parks
- MassChallenge
- Methamphetamine Harm Reduction
- Minecraft Competition
- Mining Employment
Mobile Black Spot Program
- Motorcycle Lane Filtering
- National Apology Anniversary Breakfast
- National Reconciliation Week
- Natural Resources Management Boards
- North-East Water Supply
- Northern Connector
- Northern Economic Plan
- Northern Entrepreneur Growth Program
- Para Wirra Conservation Park
Paris Climate Change Agreement
- Photonics
- Pinery Bushfires
- Polaris Centre
- Police Officer of the Year Award
- Premier's Council for Women
- Premier's Research and Industry Fund
- Prison Industries
- Prisoner Support and Treatment
- Product Safety
- Recreational Fishing
- Regional Science Education
- Renewable Energy Initiatives
- Riverland Education and Employment
Road Safety
- Rossi Boots
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water Infrastructure
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Science Research and Innovation
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Seal Bay Visitor Centre
- Simulation Hub
- South Australian Training Awards
- STEM Skills
- Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
Stormwater Management
- Tarnanthi Festival of Contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art
- Trade Support Loans
- Unlicensed Car Dealers
- Venture Catalyst Awards
- Venture Dorm Graduation
Waste Management
- Water Pricing
- Water Security
- Waterloo Bay Massacre
- Wear Orange Wednesday
- Women in Innovation Awards
- Women in Policing
- WorkReady
- World Social Work Day
PARNELL, Mark Charles
- Aboriginal Leadership
- Address in Reply
Adelaide Parklands
- Agius, Auntie Josie
- Agricultural Landscape World Heritage Bid
- ASER (Restructure) (Facilitation of Riverbank Development) Amendment Bill
- Auditor-General's Supplementary Reports
- Bolster, Ms M.c.
- Budget Measures Bill 2017
- Climate Change
- Compulsory Property Acquisitions
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Deadlocks) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (One Vote One Value) Amendment Bill
- Coronial Inquest
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Mandatory Imprisonment for Serious Domestic Violence Offenders) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Assaults Causing Death) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Defences - Domestic Abuse Context) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
- Cycling Regulations
- Development Act
- Electoral (Candidate Declarations) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council Voting) (Voter Choice) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Legislative Council) (Optional Preferential Voting) Amendment Bill
- Electricity (Feed-In Pricing) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Energy Security
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Biodiversity
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Report 2016-17
- Fines Enforcement and Debt Recovery Bill
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
- Fund Our Future
Genetically Modified Crops Management Regulations (Postponement of Expiry) Bill
- Greens' Solar Energy Policy
- Housing Improvement Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- Industrial Hemp Bill
- Joint Committee on Findings of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Le Cornu Site
Legal Aid
- Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Fixed Charges) Amendment Bill
- Local Nuisance and Litter Control (Illegal Dumping on Construction Sites) Amendment Bill
- Millhouse, Hon. R.R.
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Day of Action Against Nuclear Waste Dumps
- National Volunteer Week
- Native Vegetation Act
- Natural Resources Committee: Unconventional Gas (Fracking)
- No Dump Alliance
- Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- 2016-04-12
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Palestine
- Para Wirra Recreation Park
- Park Lands Zone Development Plan Amendment
- Parliamentary Committees (Public Assets Committee) Amendment Bill
Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
- Passenger Transport (Expiry of Point to Point Transport Service Transaction Levy) Amendment Bill
Passenger Transport (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-29
Petroleum and Geothermal Energy (Underground Coal Gasification) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Promoting Use of Vacant Land) Amendment Bill
- 2017-11-15
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (Regulated Trees) Amendment Bill
- Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Commission) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Policy) (Biodiversity) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- 2016-02-25
- 2016-03-24
- Police Complaints and Discipline Bill
- Port Augusta Solar Thermal Storage
- Power Outages
Probate Fees
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Radio Adelaide
- Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy Initiatives
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages
- Return to Work Act
- Ride2work Day
- Sarawak Rainforest
Select Committee on Statewide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages
- Sentencing Bill
Significant Trees
- Solar Citizens
- South-East Wastewater Disposal
- Statement of Principles for Members of Parliament
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Bullying) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Extremist Material) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Intensity of Development) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Planning, Development and Infrastructure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youth Court) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
Steel Industry Protection Bill
- 2016-11-02
- 2016-11-16
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Declared Public Precincts) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2017
- Underground Coal Gasification
- University of Adelaide
- Valedictory
- Valuation of Land (Separate Valuations) Amendment Bill
- Victims of Crime (Victims Rights) Amendment Bill
- Walk Together
- White Ribbon Day
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
- Youth Survey 2016
Aboriginal Heritage Act
- Adelaide Hilton Case
Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary
Adelaide Parklands
Air Quality Standards
- Battery Storage Initiative
- Boral Linwood Quarry
- Clamping and Impounding Laws
Climate Change
- Climate Change Council
- Coal Gasification
Concordia Development
Council Rate Concessions
Crown Solicitor's Office
- Cycling Laws
Cycling Safety
- Cycling Sector
Cycling Strategy
- Dob in a Litterer App
- Drug Driving
Duck Hunting Season
Environment Protection Authority
- Environment Protection Authority Air Quality Policy
- Environmental Degradation
- Environmental Volunteers
Frome Street Bikeway
- Government Procurement
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Targets
- Groundwater Contamination
- Hillside Mine
- Housing SA
Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
- Le Cornu Site
- Limestone Coast
Low Carbon Economy Experts Panel
- Low Emission Vehicle Strategy
- Marine Park Sanctuary Zones
Martindale Hall
Motorcycle Lane Filtering
Native Vegetation
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
Nuclear Safety
Nuclear Waste
- Nuclear Waste Dump
Oaklands Estate Groundwater Contamination
- Oil Exploration
- Pinery Bushfires, Council Fees
- Population Growth
- Power Supply, Fossil Fuel
Public Transport Concessions
- Renewable Energy
- S. Kidman & Co.
- SA Water
Seaweed Harvesting
Skilled Migrants
- Solar Energy
South Australian Strategic Plan Audit Committee
- Street Lighting
Sturt Gorge Recreation Park
- Taxi Industry Assistance Package
- Torrens Island Quarantine Station
- Toxic Waste
Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Transport Transaction Levy
- Underground Coal Gasification
- Wastewater Discharge
- Water Industry Act, Reporting Obligations
Water Quality
- 2017-02-14
Woodland Birds
Wyndgate Farm
RIDGWAY, David Wickham
Address in Reply
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Appropriation Bill 2016
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Arts Funding
- Asia Pacific Whiskies and Spirits Conference
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Biological Control (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Budget and Finance Committee
- Budget Measures Bill 2017
- Chamber Broadcasting
- Clipsal 500
- Compulsory Property Acquisitions
Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation) Amendment Bill
- Cycling Regulations
- Dairy Industry
- Diversity
- Eggs (Display for Retail Sale) Bill
- Elder Electorate
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Emergency Services
- Farm Debt Mediation
Farm Debt Mediation Bill
- 2016-04-13
- 2016-05-18
- Federated Gas Employees Industrial Union
- Financial Technology
- Freebairn, Mr J.S.
- Gene Technology (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Genetically Modified Crops Management Regulations (Postponement of Expiry) Bill
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Horticulture Industry
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- Industrial Hemp Bill
- International Year of Pulses
- Labor Members of Parliament
- Lewis, Hon. I.P.
- Local Government (Accountability and Governance) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Mobile Food Vendors) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Stormwater Management Agreement) Amendment Bill
- Malinauskas, Hon. P
- Marriage Equality
- Member for Elder
- Member for Waite
- Millhouse, Hon. R.R.
- Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles Act
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Natural Gas Authority (Notice of Works) Amendment Bill
- Ngarkat Conservation Park
- O-Bahn Tunnel
Planning, Development and Infrastructure (State Planning Commission) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
Power Outages
- Proclamation of South Australia Anniversary
- Radio Adelaide
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous No 2) Amendment Bill
- Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Regional South Australia
- Resource Operations Ombudsman Bill
- Right to Farm Bill
Road Traffic (Roadworks) Amendment Bill
Road Traffic Act
Select Committee on Compulsory Acquisition of Properties for North-South Corridor Upgrade
- Select Committee on State Government's O-Bahn Access Project
Select Committee on Statewide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages
- Select Committee on Statutory Child Protection and Care in South Australia
- Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Sittings and Business
- State Economy
- Statutes Amendment (Boards and Committees - Abolition and Reform) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Planning, Development and Infrastructure) Bill
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
- Valedictory
- Waste Management
- Wastewater Allocations
- Water Resources Management
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
- Wind Farm Developments
- Adelaide Gig City Program
Alinta Energy
ANZAC Highway Bus Lanes
APY Executive
Auditor-General's Report
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
- 2016-09-21
Australian Labor Party Advertising
- Automotive Industry
Automotive Transformation
Automotive Workers Communications Campaign
Automotive Workers in Transition Program
Bordertown Community Early Flood Warning System
- 2016-11-15
- Business Entrepreneurs
Business Transformation Voucher Program
- 2016-10-19
- Carbon Neutral Adelaide
Career and Workforce Development Centre
- Caroma Workers
Ceduna Waters
Child Protection
China Trade
Climate Change
Coca-Cola Amatil
Correctional Services Officers
Country Women's Association
- Cycling Sector
Departmental Staff
- Dolphin and Bird Sanctuaries
- Domestic Violence Serial Offender Database
Drought Response
Emergency Services Levy
Employment Figures
Energy Prices
Entertainment Centre and Convention Centre Boards
Environment Protection Authority Air Quality Policy
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department Fire Management
Extreme Weather Conditions
- Eyre Peninsula Grain Growers Rail Fund
- Federal Funding
- Fire Management Plans
Forestry Industry
- Free-Range Eggs
Gawler River Flooding
- 2017-03-28
- Gender Policy
- George's Corner
Gig City Network
- Gillman Land Sale
GM Holden Workers
Goods and Services Tax
Government Consultants
Granite Island
- Henley Beach Police Station
Home Detention
Ice Addiction
Industrial Hemp
Inviting the World to Walk Through Our Door
Job Creation
- Kangaroo Island
Kingston SE Boat Ramp
Low Emission Vehicle Strategy
Lower Limestone Coast Water Allocation Plan
- Medical Cannabis
Members' Conduct
- 2015-02-24
- Mental Health Plan
- Metropolitan Parks
Mining Employment
Mobile Black Spot Program
Modbury Hospital Cardiology Services
Mount Gambier Prison
Natural Resources Management Levy
Nature-Based Tourism
Northern Adelaide Food Park
- 2016-02-09
- 2016-03-22
Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme
- 2017-04-11
Northern Economic Plan
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Citizens' Jury
- 2017-03-28
Nuclear Waste
Oakden Mental Health Facility
Paris Climate Change Conference
- Planning Reform
Police Recruitment
Police Staffing
- Police Staffing, Riverland
Police Stations
- Police Traffic Targets
- Population Growth
Power Outages, Telecommunications
Prison Administration
- 2017-08-02
Prison Violence
Prisoner Numbers
Prisoner Rehabilitation
- 2017-08-03
Proton Beam Therapy Unit
Pyle, Ms Jillian
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Regional Development Fund
- Regional Employment
Renewable Energy
Royal Adelaide Beer and Cider Awards
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Russell, Dr D.
SA Water
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
- Sittings and Business
Skills for All
- South Australian Early Commercialisation Fund
South Australian Economy
South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
- South Australian Research and Development Institute
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
- Staff Misconduct
State Early Commercialisation Fund
- State Energy Plan
State Major Bank Levy
Supply Chain Workers
TAFE SA, Director Appointment
Tennyson Dunes
Time Zones
- 2015-10-27
- Tonsley Innovation District
Transforming Health
Transit Police
Unanswered Questions
- Unemployment Figures
Unley Water Contamination
Venture Capital Fund
Victor Harbor Coast Water Quality
Vocational Education and Training
- 2015-03-19
- VTT Cellulose Fibre Chain Value Study
Waste Recycling
Wastewater Allocations
Water Allocation Plans
- 2016-06-22
Water Licences
Whale Removal
Wild Dog Strategic Plan
Women's Sporting Events
- 2015-10-27
Yatala Labour Prison Incident
Yeend, Mr S.
STEPHENS, Terence John
- Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2014-15
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 2015-16
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee: Annual Report 201617
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide City Skate Park
Adelaide United Football Club
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- AFL National Women's League
- Agius, Auntie Josie
Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Land Rights (Suspension of Executive Board) Amendment Bill
- ANZAC Day Commemoration (Veterans' Advisory Council) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill 2015
- Appropriation Bill 2016
- Appropriation Bill 2017
- Asian Cup
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
Budget Measures Bill 2017
- 2017-11-01
- Commissioner of Police
- Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Parole) Amendment Bill
- Cowdrey, Mr Matthew
- Criminal Law (Extended Supervision Orders) Bill
Davis, Mr Steve
Federal Budget
- Federal Election
- Festa
- Firearms Bill
- Greyhound Racing
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Headstone Project
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Jumps Racing
- Legacy
Marriage Equality
- Members Pairing
- Online Betting Tax
- Palestine
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
- Police, Licensing Enforcement Branch
- Port Pirie Racecourse Site Amendment Bill
Prison Administration
- 2016-11-02
- Reclink Australia
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Right on Crime
- Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games
Select Committee on Administration of South Australia's Prisons
- Select Committee on State-Wide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages
- South Australian Economy
- Southern Redbacks
- Stanbury, Mr D.
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Possession of Firearms and Prohibited Weapons) Bill
- Statutory Authorities Review Committee: Inquiry into the State Procurement Board of South Australia
- Supply Bill 2015
- Supply Bill 2016
- Supply Bill 2017
- The National Indigenous Times
- Thoroughbred Racing Industry Awards
- Whyalla Steel Works (Environmental Authorisation) Amendment Bill
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
- Wind Farms
Aboriginal Artefacts
- 2016-09-20
Aboriginal Heritage Act
- Aboriginal Tourism
Aboriginals Benefit Account
- Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources and Management Board
APY Elections
- 2016-03-22
APY Executive
- 2016-06-08
- 2016-11-01
APY Lands
APY Lands Special General Meeting
- APY Lands, Bike SA Program
APY Lands, Drivers' Licences
- 2015-05-05
APY Lands, Governance
- 2015-02-10
- 2015-02-11
- 2016-03-22
- 2017-11-29
APY Lands, Renal Dialysis Units
APY Lands, Road Infrastructure
- APY Lands, Traineeships
- APY Lands, Watarru Community
- Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
Automotive Transformation
- 2016-04-12
- Ceduna Waters
- Climate Change
- Correctional Services Industrial Dispute
Country Cabinet
Digital Roadmap
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Drug Detection Dogs
Drug Driving
- 2016-11-16
- Drug-Related Sentencing
- Duck Hunting Season
- Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
Firearms Amnesty
Firearms Licences
- Flexibility for the Future Program
Fur Seals
- Home Detention
- Ice Addiction
ID Scanners
Iga Warta
- 2016-09-20
- Indigenous Advancement Strategy
Leigh Creek
Liquor Licensing
Medical Technologies Program
- Middle River Reservoir
Mobile Black Spot Program
- National Water Initiative
Northern Adelaide Food Park
- Plastics Granulating Services
Police Cadets
Police Recruitment
- 2017-02-15
Police Response Times
- Police Staffing
Police Stations
- Port Augusta Fly Ash
Prescribed Burns
Prisoner Numbers
- Prisoner Rehabilitation
Riverine Recovery Project
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- SA Water
Skills for Jobs in Regions
South Australia Police
South-East Water Allocation Plan
- Species Loss
- Speeding Fines
Stolen Generations Compensation
Stolen Generations Reparations Scheme
- 2016-06-23
TAFE SA Shearing and Wool Program
- 2015-12-03
Tod Reservoir
- Tonsley Innovation District
Vocational Education and Training
Watarru Community
- 2017-02-15
- Waterproofing Eastern Adelaide Project
- Whyalla Steelworks
- WorkReady
VINCENT, Kelly Leah
- Aboriginal Heritage (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Address in Reply
- Adelaide City Skate Park
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Agius, Auntie Josie
- Animal Welfare (Live Baiting) Amendment Bill
Arts Funding
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Gender Identity) Amendment Bill
- Borderline Personality Disorder
Briggs, Prof. Freda
- Budget Measures Bill 2017
Burke, Mr R.
- Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
- Children with Disabilities
- Close the Gap
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Poppy Cultivation) Amendment Bill
Corcoran, Mr M.
Cowdrey, Mr Matthew
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Mental Impairment) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill
- Cycling Regulations
- Determined2
- Diamond House Clubhouse
Disability Accessibility
Disability and Education
- 2015-05-06
- Disability Awareness
- Disability Housing
- Disability Inclusion Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Elder Abuse
- Electoral (Funding, Expenditure and Disclosure) Amendment Bill
- Electronic Transactions (Legal Proceedings) Amendment Bill
Emergency Management (Australian Sign Language Interpreter) Amendment Bill
- 2015-09-09
- Emergency Management (Electricity Supply Emergencies) Amendment Bill
Emergency Services
- Endometriosis
- Environmental Sensitivities
- Eurovision Song Contest
- Faecal Microbiota Transplant Service
- Family Relationships (Parentage Presumptions) Amendment Bill
- Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Federal Election
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
- Fraser, Hon. J.M.
- Freedom of Information (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Prohibition of EFTPOS Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Government House Precinct Land Dedication Bill
- Greyhound Racing
- Health Review
- Highgate Park Disability Services
- Hong Kong-Australia Business Association
- Housing Improvement Bill
- Independent Commissioner Against Corruption (Serious Or Systemic Misconduct Or Maladministration) Amendment Bill
- Industry Advocate Bill
- International Year of Pulses
Joint Committee on Matters Relating to Elder Abuse
- Jumps Racing
- Juries (Auslan Interpreters) Amendment Bill
Labour Hire Licensing Bill
- Le Cornu Site
- Legal Services Commission (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Prohibition of Certain Liquor) Amendment Bill
- Magistrates Court (Monetary Limits) Amendment Bill
Marriage Equality
Medical Cannabis
Medical Treatment Consent
- Mental Health
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
- Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation
Motivation Australia
- Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injury Schemes
- Motor Vehicles (Demerit Points for Disability Parking Area Offence) Amendment Bill
- Motor Vehicles (Trials of Automotive Technologies) Amendment Bill
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- National Disability Awards
- No Strings Attached Theatre of Disability
- Nuclear Waste
Nuclear Waste Storage Facility (Prohibition) (Public Money) Amendment Bill
- O-Bahn Tunnel
- Palestine
- Parliamentary Remuneration (Determination of Remuneration) Amendment Bill
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
- Police (Drug Testing) Amendment Bill
- Police (Return to Work) Amendment Bill
Positive Life SA
- Prison Administration
Public Interest Disclosure Bill
- Public Sector (Data Sharing) Bill
- Radio Adelaide
- Reclink Australia
- Relationships Register (No 1) Bill
- Residential Tenancies (Domestic Violence Protections) Amendment Bill
- Retirement Villages Bill
- Return to Work Act
Return to Work Corporation of South Australia (Crown Claims Management) Amendment Bill
- Rio Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Road Traffic (Roadworks) Amendment Bill
- Sampson Flat and Tantanoola Bushfires
Select Committee on Access to the South Australian Education System for Students with Disabilities
- Select Committee on Statewide Electricity Blackout and Subsequent Power Outages
- Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Social Development Committee: Comorbidity
- South Australian Public Health (Immunisation and Early Childhood Services) Amendment Bill
- Standard Time (Alteration of Standard Time) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio No 3) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Attorney-General's Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2016) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Child Exploitation and Encrypted Material) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Drink and Drug Driving) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Firearms Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Area Prohibitions and Barring Orders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Prohibitions) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Recidivist and Repeat Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Registered Relationships) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Universities) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Vulnerable Witnesses) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Youths Sentenced As Adults) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Budget 2015) Bill
- Steel Industry Protection Bill
- Suicide Prevention
- Summary Offences (Biometric Identification) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Filming and Sexting Offences) Amendment Bill
- Summary Offences (Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses) Amendment Bill
- Summary Procedure (Indictable Offences) Amendment Bill
- Surveillance Devices (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
Swaffer, Ms K.
- Tattooing Industry Control Bill
- The Jam, the Mix, the Gig
- The National Indigenous Times
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (E-Cigarette Regulation) Amendment Bill
Transforming Health
- United Nations Anniversary
- United Nations Human Rights Council
- Universal Design
- Valedictory
- Water Industry (Third Party Access) Amendment Bill
- Women's Legal Service
- Work Health and Safety (Representative Assistance) Amendment Bill
- World Toilet Day
- Young, Ms Stella
- Youth Justice Administration Bill
Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Health
- Access Cabs
- Anglicare Foster Care
Apprentices and Trainees
- APY Lands, Policing
- Aquaculture Industry
- Arts Funding
- Asbestos Waste Disposal
Auslan Training
Blackout Emergency Procedures
- Body Image Campaign
Borderline Personality Disorder
- Building Upgrade Finance
Bushfire Action Week
- Bushfire Preparedness
C.S. Hare Centre
- Cashless Debit Card Trial, Ceduna
Centre for Disability Health
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Clamping and Impounding Laws
- Clare's Law
- Commissioners for Aboriginal Engagement
- Constitutional Recognition
- Consumer and Business Services
- Correctional Services Department
- Correctional Services, Forensic Patients
Correctional Services, Veterans
- Cost of Living Concession
Cycling Regulations
Cycling Safety
Cycling Sector
- Decriminalisation of Sex Work
Disability Equipment
- Disability Equipment Service
- Disability Funding
- Disability Housing
Disability SA
Disability Sector Employment
- Disability-Specific Toilet Facilities
Disabled Drivers
- 2017-05-11
Domestic Violence
Drug Driving
Eating Disorders Association of South Australia
- Emergency Management
Emergency Services
Emergency Services Disaster Planning
- Employment Figures
- Energy Prices
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Centre
Extreme Weather Conditions
Eyre Western Crime Statistics
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Firing Range Safety
- Flinders Medical Centre
- Greyhounds, Export
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre
- Health and Hospital Care
High Risk Foot
Highgate Park
Highgate Park Disability Services
Hive 12-Twenty Five
Home Detention
- Housing Trust
Hydrotherapy Services
- Ice Addiction
- Illicit Substance Abuse
- Infant Formula Sales
Intensive Home Based Support Service
Macular Degeneration
Marryatville High School Library
Medical Cannabis
- Mental Health Services
National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Northern Economic Plan
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Citizens' Jury
- Nuclear Waste
Open State
- Palliative Care Services
Parliamentary Reform
Pinery Bushfires
- Portfolio Responsibilities
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Powdered Alcohol
Prison Facilities
Prisoner Mail Screening
- 2017-02-14
- Prisoner Numbers
Prisoner Support and Treatment
- 2016-05-26
- 2016-07-06
- 2016-08-04
- 2016-09-28
- 2016-11-02
- 2016-11-15
- 2017-03-28
Private Hospital Admissions
Repatriation General Hospital
Rigney, Mr R.G.
- Riverland Domestic Violence Services
- Road Safety
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- 2017-09-27
- SA Health Facilities, Accessibility
- SA Health Staff
SA Pathology
- SA Water Reconciliation Action Plan
Seatbelt Buckle Guards
South Australia Police
- South Australian Amputee Limb Scheme
- Speech Pathology
Spinal Cord Injury Service
- State Government Concessions
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- Suicide Prevention
- Teachers Registration Board
Transport Subsidy Scheme
- Treaty Commissioner
- Unemployment Figures
Vocational Education and Training
- Women in Sport
- Women in Technology
- Women in the Workforce
- Women on Boards and Committees
Women's Sport
World AIDS Day
- Yatala Labour Prison
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
WADE, Stephen Graham
- Adoption (Review) Amendment Bill
- Auditor-General's Supplementary Reports
- Australian Chinese Medical Association South Australia
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Burke, Mr R.
- Chemotherapy Treatment Error
Child Protection
- Children and Young People (Oversight and Advocacy Bodies) Bill
Children and Young People (Safety) Bill
Children's Protection (Implementation of Coroner's Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Appropriation and Supply) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Criminal Organisations) Amendment Bill
- Dailler, Ms G.
- Diamond House Clubhouse
- Disability and Education
- Dog and Cat Management (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Elder Abuse
- Endometriosis
- Family Relationships (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Flinders University
- Griffin, Hon. K.T.
- Health and Community Services Complaints (Budget Report) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Administration) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Care (Privacy and Confidentiality) Amendment Bill
- Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Health Review
Joint Committee on Matters Relating to Elder Abuse
Marriage Equality
- Medical Cannabis
- Medical Treatment Consent
- Mental Health (Review) Amendment Bill
Modbury Hospital
- Motivation Australia
Oakden Mental Health Facility
- Palestine
- Public Intoxication (Review Recommendations) Amendment Bill
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Radio Adelaide
- Retirement Villages Bill
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Select Committee on Access to the South Australian Education System for Students with Disabilities
Select Committee on Chemotherapy Dosing Errors
- Select Committee on Electoral Matters in South Australia
Select Committee on Skills for All Program
- Select Committee on Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
Select Committee on Statutory Child Protection and Care in South Australia
Select Committee on Transforming Health
- Statutes Amendment (Decriminalisation of Sex Work) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Surrogacy Eligibility) Bill
- Swaffer, Ms K.
- The Jam, the Mix, the Gig
- The Uniting Church in Australia (Membership of Trust) Amendment Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Artistic Performances) Amendment Bill
Transforming Health
- 2017-04-12
- Valedictory
- Whyte, Hon. A.M.
Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Agency
- Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition
Aboriginal Economic Development
- 2016-09-20
Aboriginal Employment Targets
Aboriginal Health
Aboriginal Heritage Act
Aboriginal Language Interpreters and Translators
Anaesthetist Services
- ANZAC Highway Bus Lanes
APY Executive
APY Lands
- 2015-12-08
APY Lands, Child Ear Health
- APY Lands, Child Protection
APY Lands, Child Safety
- 2016-07-05
APY Lands, Governance
- 2015-02-12
APY Lands, Regional Partnership Agreement
- 2017-02-15
- APY Lands, Renal Dialysis Units
- APY Lands, Sport
- APY Lands, Street Naming
APY Tjukurpa Law and Culture Council of Elders
- Automotive Transformation
Automotive Workers in Transition Program
AVL Technology
Body Image Campaign
- Boeing
- Borderline Personality Disorder
- Bowering Hill Dam
- Buckland Park Development
- Burns Review
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Review
Chemotherapy Treatment Error
Chief Psychiatrist
- Colonoscopy Services
- Correctional Services Industrial Dispute
Correctional Services, Forensic Patients
Country Health
- 2017-11-15
- Dementia Care Facilities
Domestic Violence
- 2016-11-15
- Drug and Alcohol Testing
Drug Driving
Elective Surgery
Emergency Departments
Emergency Services
- 2016-09-21
- 2016-11-30
- Employment Figures
Employment Participation Rate
- Environment Protection Bilateral Agreement
- Environment, Water and Natural Resources Department
- Environmental Water Allocations
Equal Opportunity Commission
- 2017-10-31
Extreme Weather Conditions
Fire Management Plans
Firing Range Safety
- Flinders Medical Centre Hydrotherapy Services
Forensic Mental Health
Forensic Services Review
- 2017-05-11
Health Budget
Health Portfolios
- Housing Trust
- Ice Taskforce
Indulkana Community Policing
- 2017-02-14
Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail
Manufacturing Works Review
- Maralinga Tjarutja Lands
Medical Cannabis
Mental Health Audit
Mental Health Plan
Mental Health Services
Methamphetamine Harm Reduction
Mining Employment
Mobilong Prison
Modbury Hospital
- 2017-11-16
- Modbury Hospital Cardiology Services
Municipal and Essential Services Program
- 2016-10-18
- Murray
- Murray River
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
National Partnership Agreement on Skills Reform
National School Chaplaincy Program
- Natural Resources Management Levy
- Nuclear Waste
- Office of the Training Advocate
Older Persons Mental Health Service
Police Civilianisation
Police Holding Facilities
Police Recruitment
Police Search and Arrest Powers
- 2016-11-30
Police Staffing
- Police Stations
Police, Sexual Harassment
- Population Growth
Power Outages
- Prison Administration
Prisoner Mail Screening
Prisoner Numbers
- 2016-11-30
Prisoner Support and Treatment
- 2016-05-25
- 2016-11-15
- 2016-11-30
Prisoner Transfers
- Private Training Providers
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Remote Aboriginal Communities, Electricity Infrastructure
- Renewable Energy
Repatriation General Hospital
Rigney, Mr R.G.
River Torrens
Royal Adelaide Hospital Gynaecological Services
Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatient Medical Imaging
- Royal Adelaide Hospital Pain Management Unit
SA Water
- 2016-03-09
SA Water Infrastructure
Sampson Flat Bushfire
Sand Carting
- Save the River Murray Levy
- Seaweed Harvesting
Skills for All
South Australia Police
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
- Speed Safety Cameras
- State Energy Plan
- 2015-11-18
TAFE SA Leases
Tassone, Mr B.
- 2017-03-01
- Teen Body Image
Transforming Health
- Veterans' Mental Health Precinct
Vocational Education and Training
Water Meters
- 2015-09-22
- Yatala Labour Prison Incident
Medical Records
WORTLEY, Russell Paul
- Address in Reply
- Bannon, Hon. Dr J.C.
- Breastfeeding
Chamber Broadcasting
- Chamber Photography
- Cox, Ms H.J. MP
Legislative Council Vacancy
- Lucas, Hon. R.I.
- Media Chamber Access
Member's Leave
- Members' Behaviour
- Members' Remarks
- Murray-Darling Basin Plan
- Natural Resources Management (Regional NRM Levy) Amendment Bill
- Place, Ms Beverley
- President's Ruling
Senator, Election
- Sittings and Business
- Supplementary Questions
- Bagot, Mr S. and Ms J.
Members' Conduct
- 2015-02-24
Rainbow Flag
- Sittings and Business
Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading (resumed on motion).
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL (19:47): I feel that the last few things I said just before the dinner break may well have been lost with people. We started getting a bit philosophical. I was quoting Professor David Harvey in relation to the rights of the city, and I think that once the clock has ticked over to 6 o'clock it is difficult to keep people's attention. Nevertheless, the relevance of the quote I gave was that it poses the question about whether the objectives or, as we use in legislative parlance, the objects of the bill are the right ones.
In other words, is this bill about promoting healthy communities, good neighbourliness, equity of access to public resources and a culture of sharing? Will it help us live good lives, be nice to each other and tread softly on the planet? Normally, when you talk like that, people roll their eyes and they think, 'Well, Parnell is off with the fairies. He has completely lost it', but think about it. Is our existence in cities purely as consumers and part of the economic cycle or is there more to it? If there is more to it, and this is a bill about planning for cities, then why do we not ensure that the bill has as its objects the things we are really trying to achieve? The bill, according to its objects clause, states:
The primary object of this Act is to support and enhance the State's prosperity…
It then goes on to identify that this will be achieved through a planning system that 'promotes and facilitates development'. It is only as a secondary objective, the creation of a scheme:
…for community participation in relation to the initiation and development of planning policies and strategies.
But if you are looking for more social or environmental objectives, they are much further down the list in subsidiary principles of planning. I made the point before the dinner break, and I will say it again, that development and economic activity is not an end in itself; it is basically a means to an end, and that end is a cohesive community, a coherent and caring society and one that treads more lightly on the planet.
At a technical level, what is unsurprising about the bill and about all predecessor bills is that it has at its heart two main issues: first of all, the writing of planning policy, in other words, writing the rules; and, secondly, making decisions about individual development applications. This bill deals with both those points, as all previous bills have done, and that makes sense. The connection between the two is pretty simple: developments should fit within the planning rules; they should fit within the framework of planning policy. If the development does not fit or it cannot be made to fit, then it should be rejected.
But are they the only issues that the planning system should address? I would say that the planning system has been overly narrow in past years because it has been reluctant to deal with activities and the behaviour of people that also impact on our quality of life. The land use planning system has been very poor at regulating behaviour. Certainly, the planning system can zone land as being suitable for industry, but it does not speak to pollution. The planning system can create buffer zones, but they are often very crude, they are sometimes insufficient, and at other times they are unduly restrictive of other land uses.
We can zone land as suitable for farming, but the planning system is silent as to the impact of farming—for example, chemical use. That raises an interesting issue. The Hon. Robert Brokenshire often comes in here with legislation dealing with the right to farm which, on his interpretation, has included the right of farmers to pollute to the extent required in order to farm. The take-home message from legislation such as that is, 'Don't complain about spray drift or vapour drift; that's just part of farming.'
I think the planning system can be more robust, and I would like to think that in this bill we incorporate some principles that allow planning to go a bit further. I will just give one example that members would not have heard about. It is not earth shattering, but I think it is an important one. Several years ago, the town planner at Mallala had an idea that one way of using the planning system to overcome disputes between farmers and the growing residential population would be to try to zone land for a form of low impact farming. The sort of low impact farming they had in mind was, for example, organic farming that did not use chemicals and therefore was more safely conducted hard up against residential areas because there was no risk of spray drift and chemical contamination.
However, he was very quickly howled down. The people in Planning SA would have no bar of using the land use planning system to determine the type of farming. It was either a farming zone or it was not, and they were not prepared to countenance that you might have a type of farming zone that was low impact farming or, in particular, non-chemical farming. I think we can do better with the way we treat land use planning.
In terms of the problems with the system, whatever you think is wrong with the system will largely be determined by who you are. In other words, the answer to what is wrong with the planning system will differ whether you are the state government, a big developer wanting to build a new housing estate, a small developer wanting to add a swimming pool or a carport or a rumpus room, or whether you are a community group that wants to protect urban character or heritage. I want to go through some of the criticisms that have been made by those different sectors and problems they have identified with the planning system so that we can address the question of whether this new bill is, in fact, an improvement on the old.
That is the question: does the bill improve the status quo? If it does not improve the status quo, we should vote it down and stick with the status quo. f it does or can be made to improve the system, then it deserves support.
As I started to say before, one of the overall issues that we are looking at is: on whose behalf are we planning? Are we planning on behalf of the whole of the community? Are we planning on behalf of big developers? Are we slaves to trickle-down economics, so that we think whatever development people with money choose to undertake will necessarily be good for the rest of society as the benefits trickle down?
We also need to ask ourselves what the balance should be between the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. I make no bones of the fact that I think that the balance is wrong. I think it is too far in favour of the executive and not enough in favour of the legislature and the judiciary. You may well say, 'You would say that', because I am not in the executive.
One of the problems we have got is that, even though in their heart of hearts many members of the opposition know that I am right when I am trying to put the brakes on the executive and the planning system, they tend to squib at the final moment, because they know that one of these decades they will win an election eventually and they will become the executive, and they want the powers that they rail against the government for exercising, but, of course, they will in government exercise them so much more sensibly; so they have never really supported a wholesale attack on the unfettered power of the executive, as I have been trying to do for the last 10 years.
In terms of the overall principles, there is one other one that I just want to touch briefly before I go into a sectorial analysis, and that is one of the points that is at the heart of the government's bill which I think it has got completely wrong and which I will be moving amendments to try to overturn. It relates to the government's assumption that the only proper time for citizens to be engaged in planning is at the front of the process when policy is being determined. The bill makes it very clear that when we get to the pointy end of the system, when individual development applications are being assessed, the role of the community will be severely curtailed.
The reason that I think the government has missed the point is because they have fundamentally failed to understand the way communities work and human nature. If we were living in a science experiment, I would agree with the government that technically, yes, if everyone gets involved in writing the planning policies, when individual developments come along no-one will need to have their say because they have had their say already, and it is very clear what is allowed and what is not, and therefore you do not bother notifying people about developments and you do not bother giving them appeal rights.
However, human nature as we know it and as I have certainly experienced it in the last 20 years is that, try as you may, you will only get a certain proportion of the population to get excited to come along and involve themselves in debates about planning policy. When I spoke at the Burnside Ballroom at the Community Alliance forum, to illustrate this point I put two photos up. Photo one was the meeting hall to discuss strategic planning—it is a room full of empty chairs.
The second photo was the meeting called to discuss the new development at the end of the street—that is full of people. You will fill a hall to talk about real developments happening in real neighbourhoods. You will struggle getting many people along to talk about generic planning policy. It is just the way it is. We can rail against it, we can say that people are stupid and they should get involved earlier, but it is not the way communities work.
Rather than insist on applying this theoretical model that communities should comply with the way the government want to do things, I think the government needs to just get with the project, and understand that people want to be engaged at all levels and not just at the planning policy level. In terms of the problems, the question we have to ask ourselves is: are they real or are they imaginary and to what extent are they addressed in the bill?
If you look at it from the government's perspective, one of the first problems that they have identified is that the quality of developments being approved is inadequate. To a certain extent, that issue is being dealt with in terms of new design processes that large developments have to go through, and those are processes under the existing act; so the new act I do not think will necessarily make much of an improvement there on top of the powers that are already available to government to insist on better design.
Many of the government's other stated problems with the planning system are shared with the development industry. I have talked about some of these already and I will not repeat them, but I think the government and industry have in common, for example, a concern that the level of building activity is too low and that somehow it is the fault of the planning system rather than the fault of the economy or the availability of finance, or anything like that.
As I mentioned, the government's hasty interim rezoning of land in the city was fuelled by a fear of not enough cranes on the skyline. The Mayfield development was the result, as I have explained. The point that I would make in terms of the level of building activity is, yes, we want to see people employed and we want to see a healthy building sector, but there are jobs in good development and there are jobs in bad development. It is not a question of an insistence on good development being bad for jobs. They are just different jobs; they are jobs building good developments.
The government and industry also complain that developments are not being approved either quickly enough or at a sufficient rate. I would disagree with that strongly. I note that on 17 November the annual report 2014-15 on the administration of the Development Act was tabled in the House of Assembly. I think it was probably tabled in this chamber as well, but they have a much better online recording system for tabled papers, so I have the version from the House of Assembly.
When you go through the figures that are in that report, the message that you get from it is that overwhelmingly the answer to development applications is yes. Overwhelmingly, developments are approved. The few that are not approved are either clearly inappropriate—they are people pushing the envelope—or where problems have arisen and the applications have been withdrawn. Overwhelmingly, they are approved.
I will refer to some statistics from one council a bit later on. I asked Norwood, Payneham & St Peters for their detailed development approval statistics. In a nutshell, there were over 1,000 approvals, worth well over $100 million, and they were nearly all approved within the statutory time frames; in terms of the averages and the medians, they were all pretty good. I do not think that is a real problem; I think that is an imaginary problem.
Developers and the government complain that different councils have different approaches to planning. From an industry point of view, they do like the idea of one size fits all and that if a development is good enough for the Barossa, it is good enough for McLaren Vale. If it is good enough for the inner suburbs, it is good enough for the outer suburbs. The result of that approach was this government regulation that I referred to earlier, the $3 million aggregate spending regulation which was used by the On the Run chain to get their developments through in a variety of locations.
They were not prepared to accept that different councils might have different standards and that something appropriate in one area was not appropriate in another. The housing development industry often complains that the different zones for different types of housing should be uniform. We do not live in a uniform society. Different areas have different character; I do not think we should be foisting one size fits all across the whole of Adelaide.
The industry complains about the cost of development, and in particular the cost of infrastructure. Interestingly, there are duelling consultants out there, addressing the question of whether infrastructure is more expensive in an infill situation or whether it is more expensive on the fringe. I must admit that I have always assumed that it was more expensive on the fringe, and there is certainly a government report that indicates that, but the Housing Industry Association is very keen for me to see their report which showed that, in fact, infill development was far more expensive from an infrastructure perspective. Again, there are some issues we have to look at there.
I mentioned that industry complains about delays in development. I do not think the statistics bear that out. Certainly, there is one area of considerable delay and that is in the planning policy area in rezonings in development plan amendments. My understanding is that overwhelmingly the cause of that delay is the state government and state government agencies rather than local councils.
The industry is very worried about the planning system imposing limitations on their future options. That is code for 'they like urban sprawl, they have made their money off urban sprawl, and they want to see more urban sprawl.' We will have that debate when we get to the committee stage next year and we deal with the urban growth boundary question.
The industry wants certainty of outcomes. They do not like appeals, obviously. They like to think that, having gone through an administrative process, whether it is with a council or the Development Assessment Commission, that that is it, and that a yes means a yes and no-one can challenge that.
I think the appeal statistics, as I have seen them, do not indicate a serious problem with third-party appeals. In fact, I have the statistics for probably the last four or five years and what you find is that applicant appeals—that is developer appeals—far outnumber third-party appeals and that the numbers have been fairly constant over the last several years.
For example in 2012-13, there were only 30 third-party appeals lodged. Mind you, seven of those resulted in a reversal of the decision so they were dead right. Most of those third-party appeals were resolved without the need for a hearing, but the third parties won more often than they lost when it actually went to a verdict.
In the year before that, 2011-12, there were 37 third-party appeals and, again, of those, 13 resulted in either a reversal of the original approval or a variation. Only three of those approvals survived intact, and each year the statistics are similar.
If we take the most recent figures, there were more third-party appeals—still less than half the number of applicant appeals—but of the 70 third-party appeals in the year 2014-15, the vast bulk of them (56 of them) were resolved without the need for a hearing. With only two the third party was basically thrown out and they lost, but with six of them it resulted in a reversal of the decision.
The point that you get from these statistics—I could go through more of them—is that third parties do not appeal lightly. They very rarely have the option of appealing; it is in very limited circumstances, and when they do they have more of a chance of winning than losing. I have said that as a fairly bold statement. What is hard to tell is the vast bulk of them that are settled. We do not know on what basis they are settled. Some of them might be settled with the appellant getting nothing. My guess would be that they would probably get something, but the point is that when they go to trial, third parties have a good record of proving their case.
When we look at problems with the planning system from the community perspective, certainly the issue of appeal rights and participation more generally is at the forefront. I mentioned before that the Community Alliance's slogan is 'putting the people back into planning'. If we want to look at the framework for how you do put people into planning, a good place to start is something like the European convention on public participation in environmental decision-making (known as the Aarhus Convention).
Whilst it is a European convention, it has been signed by lots of other countries outside Europe in Central America and Africa. Basically it says that there are three main components to public involvement. The first one is access to information, the second is public participation in decision-making, and the third is access to justice. That is a useful framework to look at this.
When it comes to access to information, my experience over many years is that councils, in particular, vary in the scope of information they provide, and state agencies are similar. It has often been a tortuous task to obtain access to documents involving going to a shopfront at the council or the DAC.
Sometimes, they will take photocopies for you; more often than not, they will not let you. Sometimes, they get very confused about laws of copyright and suggest that, even though something might be a category 3 development where you have a right of appeal, they will still deny you copies of the documents. My advice as a lawyer to people is, if you get any grief in terms of obtaining documents, just appeal. Just lodge an appeal, then they have to give you the documents, and they give them to you for free. That was always the comeback to reluctant planning officers not wanting to hand documents over.
This new planning bill, I think, in the regime of access to information, does hold potential to be a lot better. The planning portal, if used properly, could be a great tool for the community to actually get access to information, but only if the government is truly committed to it and it does it properly; in other words, it puts all the information online, it does not charge people for accessing online material, and it emphasises pushing material out rather than forcing people to make applications to bring material in. If they can get that right, then it could be a good case study.
As I have mentioned, I will be moving to delete the provision that says that the Freedom of Information Act does not apply. The point is, if you understand the Freedom of Information Act, it does not apply anyway if information is published. If an agency routinely publishes information, then the FOI Act is irrelevant but, if the government declines or refuses to publish information, why should the community not be able to go through the FOI system to at least access the umpire—the Ombudsman—in terms of accessing that information?
A blanket prohibition on FOI, coupled with an anal-retentive government that does not put much stuff up on the portal, is a disaster and will send us backwards. There is an element of trust involved, but I will be looking for commitments from the government in relation to what they put on the portal.
I actually mentioned the Mount Barker FOI case. The other one I did not mention was the Festival Plaza, behind Parliament House. I tried to get the documents about what they are proposing for behind Parliament House and, again, they dragged that out in court for over a year with, basically, the objective being to make the documents as stale as possible before I could get my mitts on them, and then they withdrew their appeal. It is a no-cost jurisdiction, so I could not do anything about it.
I eventually got the documents, and that was one of the first disclosures of these multi-storey blocks that were proposed for the Parklands between Parliament House and the Adelaide Festival Centre. As I say again, we are going to be fighting very hard to keep the Freedom of Information Act alive for when the government does not routinely publish planning information.
The second of the Aarhus principles is public participation in decision-making. I have mentioned already that the government says they only really want people to engage in discussion of planning policy. I am saying they need to be engaged at the development application stage as well. It is not either/or, it can be both.
In terms of access to justice, I will be pushing for increased rights for citizens to go to the umpire and get a second opinion on a whole range of planning matters, certainly merits appeals. By a merits appeal, I mean: does the development comply with the planning scheme? That is what merits appeals are about.
The nature of our system is, because so few development applications trigger an appeal right, decision-makers can make the worst decision possible, they can make terrible decisions, they can completely disregard the planning scheme, and they know nobody can do anything about it. It is a recipe for bad decision-making. As I said before, appeal rights are a silent sentinel for good decision-making. The fact that you can go to court, even though you probably will not in 99 per cent of cases, is what provides incentive to decision-makers to make good decisions that are consistent with planning policy.
I mentioned judicial review and civil enforcement as well. We need to remove the barriers to civil enforcement and undertakings as to costs and damages. The number of civil enforcement cases in the last 20 years you could count without taking your socks off. There have been very, very few such cases brought by third parties.
Major projects have been immune from legal challenge for a long time. In fact, worse than just immune from merits appeals, they have been immune from judicial review was well, so we will be having a close look at those provisions to make sure that major projects can be challenged when the government fails to comply with proper processes.
Another concern that the community has is in relation to the extended ministerial power. The minister assured us, as this process was underway in the last couple of years, that he would be giving up some powers and that these new bodies would be created. But one of the questions we have to ask is: how arm's length are these new bodies? I will come shortly to the Planning Commission, which ostensibly is at arm's length but, depending on how the government directs it, it can become a puppet of government.
The community is worried about the corrupting influence of big business and political donations, and I have mentioned that. I alluded to it in passing but said that I would come back to it. I talked about the famous Matt and Dave interview from about 2008. John Blunt, I think his name was, one of the project managers, I think, for the Makris corporation—I think I have got that right—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: No, CEO.
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: The CEO of the Makris corporation: I am indebted to my colleague. He was asked by either Matt or Dave (I cannot remember who), 'Why do you give money to political parties? Why do you make these donations?' The answer was as blunt as the fellow's name. He said, 'We want our projects to happen. That's the way business works here.' It was the bluntest statement I have ever heard from a developer as to why they give money to political parties: they want their projects to happen; it is the way things work here. The community hears those sorts of things, and they have always known it, but here was someone actually saying it, and they want that fixed.
The community also lacks, I think, at a more general level, confidence in the integrity of the planning system, and planning policy in particular. They see the rules being broken with impunity and that raises the question whether, in planning policy, they are rules or guidelines. Most planners would say that they are guidelines but, when they are guidelines that are interpreted in such a loose manner that the final product is unrecognisable from the guidelines, is it any wonder that communities become discouraged and disillusioned?
The best case study I think has to be Unley Road, the increased densification of inner urban transport corridors, where the zone clearly said a five storey maximum—no more than five storeys. The very first application lodged under the new system applied for seven storeys and it got approved. The community looks at that and shake their heads and think. 'Why do we bother? Why do we even bother engaging with government and negotiating on planning policy when, the very first cab off the rank, they push the envelope and get away with it.' That is another one of these own goals. When the community sees that, they lack trust in planning policy and insist on having more of a role in development assessment, so they say, 'Forget planning policy. Give us appeal rights over every development.'
The community I think also is concerned about the impotence of parliament. I referred before to the parliamentary scrutiny provisions of the current Development Act. The new bill provides that parliament can be consulted earlier, but the fundamental problem with the system (the fact that there is a government-controlled gatekeeper between the community and the parliament) makes it unacceptable. In fact, during much of the last eight years, whilst encouraging people to come along to the Environment, Resources and Development Committee, I have spent a lot of time on expectation management.
I have to say to them, 'You get a chance. You get on Hansard. You come along to the committee and have a say, but you know the parliament has never, ever rejected a development plan amendment, whether from a minister or anyone else.' It is disappointing for me to have to say that. I would love to say to people, 'Come along to parliament. You never know your luck. You might, through persuasive argument, convince the committee to recommend either changes or disallowance,' but I cannot do that: I am on expectation management.
When we look at the problems of the planning system through the eyes of local government, we see a few other issues that I have not actually touched on much until now but I think they are fairly critical, and they have certainly flavoured the Local Government Association's input to the bill and those of individual councils and councillors.
Councils do not appreciate being painted as the problem in the planning system. They do not accept that they are the problem. They do not accept that they are too untrustworthy and too incompetent to participate in development assessment. They do not appreciate the fact that their elected members are precluded from being on development assessment panels. In fact, under this bill, there are only two classes of people who are so untrustworthy and so incompetent as to be precluded from being on development assessment panels: elected local councillors is one, and state members of parliament is the other—so, we are in good company.
Local councils do not appreciate that they are often overridden by ministerial prerogative. If I had a dollar for every time, in the Environment, Resources and Development Committee, we have had a local government come along and tell us about the exhaustive process of consultation and research they have done to come up with appropriate planning policy for their area only to have the minister override it on a whim or, more often, override it on the back of lobbying from some big vested interest! They hate that. They know that they are the poor cousins in the system. They want to be treated with more respect.
I think that is at the heart of most of the local government concerns. The Hon. David Ridgway went through some of the submissions that had been received. I am not going to repeat the ones that he outlined, but—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Hear, hear!
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: The Hon. Rob Lucas can see the size of my lever-arch file and he will no doubt urge me to read every submission that I have received, but there are hundreds upon hundreds of pages. I am not going to take the bait, and I will not be reading them all—as much as he would like me to—but I will start with the contribution of the Local Government Association.
I think it is fair to say that they have been very thorough and very diligent in analysing the legislation at the earliest possible opportunity. I have appreciated the time that they have spent with me to try to understand the consequences of the legislation. They came out very early with a spreadsheet showing all the clauses of the bill and all the amendments that they thought were necessary. I was pleased to see that a large chunk of those were accepted by the government in the lower house. Mind you, they plucked the low-hanging fruit. It is pretty simple just to write into the bill, 'And by the way, make sure you don't forget to consult local council.'
That has been incorporated into quite a few provisions, but that is a good thing. I do not want to demean it, but there are some more significant issues that are still outstanding. In fact, if we look at the LGA's formal submission to this bill, the first sentence of the executive summary says it all:
As drafted, the Bill significantly curtails the role of communities in the planning system and will not be supported by the LGA.
So, that is a pretty bald statement at the start of the executive summary—that the bill, as drafted, is unacceptable. I think that is probably similar to the Greens' position, that if the bill is not sufficiently amended we will not be supporting it.
The LGA, in their submission, point out, as I have, that the objects of the act are inadequate because they overemphasise the economic considerations at the expense of social and environmental. To quote the LGA's submission:
The State's environmental and social aspirations do not feature in the objects of the Act, creating the impression that they are not important considerations in the planning processes. The LGA believes that South Australian communities want a system that strikes a balance between competing demands for the use of land and this should be reflected in the objects of the Act.
The submission goes on for another 13 or so pages, and I will not refer anymore to that submission, but I will refer to the campaign that the Local Government Association has undertaken. I think it has been a very professional campaign. They have radio advertisements running on FIVEaa and, under the heading 'Keep planning local: have your say', they are using the slogan, 'No voice, no choice'.
I think they have done an excellent job in drawing attention to the fact that local councils are at the coalface in our cities, towns, suburbs and regions, and that they do need to be involved at a greater level in the planning system. In fact, they have actually gone to the trouble of putting out a myth-busting press release following an interview with minister John Rau on the Leon Byner show on 13 October.
They have put two pages out with what the minister said and what the facts of the situation are. The first myth-bust that they try to do is where the minister says that local councils have a poor track record of consistent decision-making. Again, you have a look at the statistics on a council-by-council basis and I think you will find that councils are not the problem. I will not go through the rest of the myth-busting.
The Hon. David Ridgway referred to two documents which are very recent. One of them is dated today from Wallmans Lawyers, who have been providing advice to the Local Government Association, and the other was some briefing notes from a meeting last Friday which the LGA held with planning minister John Rau. The Hon. David Ridgway read much of this into the Hansard, so I will not do it again, but the point is that as of, hour by hour, last Friday and again today, we still have stakeholders who still have serious concerns about the bill and are still wanting to engage in dialogue with members of parliament.
I say again what I said before: when we get to the end of the second reading of this bill, regardless of whether everyone's amendments are filed or not, I will be moving for the debate to be adjourned and for the committee stage to be undertaken next year. It will not be a question of whether all the amendments are in or not, because having the amendments in does not help with stakeholder consultation. We still have to talk to people in the community.
Just this afternoon, I think it was 4 o'clock (I haven't got the timestamp on it), we finally got the 70-something amendments from the government. Hopefully tomorrow, you will have 100 or more from me. You will have a handful from David Ridgway and, as I have said, I think Kelly Vincent, the Hon. John Darley, Family First—
The Hon. K.L. Vincent: Just a handful.
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: A handful? But there are more to come. My point is, regardless of whether we have all the amendments tabled and filed by this week, it is still inappropriate for us to be dealing with this bill in committee next week. Like I said, I am not lazy: I am happy to come back to work next week. We can do other bills; we should not do this bill.
In terms of other submissions I have received, there is quite a wealth of material from the Local Government Association, but I will skip over that and I will go to just some of the councils, because I do want to also put on the record my thanks to those who have taken the trouble to write to me. These are in no particular order, but a former colleague of mine, Kris Hanna, the Mayor of the City of Marion, has written an extensive submission. Again, the key point they have made is there is a reduction in the role of local government in the planning process, and they are not happy.
It does not take rocket science. All of us have worked with people in local government. The majority of people who put their hand up to serve at the local level do so because they have a passion for their local area, and that includes the future development of their local area. It is the main reason most people get involved in planning. So, to rule these people out or to diminish their role I think is the wrong way to go. The City of Marion points out that there is a reduced role for local government. The council says:
'The Bill' appears to propose a reduction in the role of Councils in both development assessment and planning policy setting. We believe local government and the democratic representation it provides should be central to any new planning system.
They also bat not just for their own elected members; they bat for the community. They say that there will be less community involvement in development assessment. Again, to quote the council's submission:
Council acknowledges that a new Community Engagement Charter may well provide for meaningful engagement at the policy setting stage. However, this appears to be coming at the expense of engagement at the development assessment stage. It is our observation that the broader community does not interact with the planning system until it directly affects them as either an applicant or representor with direct interest in a specific development application.
He said in fewer words what I said in more words: people do not engage in planning policy, but you try to build a block of flats at the end of the street or a crematorium across the suburb or any other form of development and you will fill the town hall, because people will want to have their say. My thanks to the City of Marion.
The City of Onkaparinga have actually sent a very extensive submission, including a clause-by-clause breakdown of the bill. I should say, all of these submissions relate to the bill as introduced into the House of Assembly. Of course, the bill that we finally received (the one that I did not make the Clerk read out) last Friday was different, and I am still not sure whether it was 85 or 90 amendments that were made. So, councils went to a lot of trouble to tell us what was wrong and what we needed to fix. The letter from the Mayor of the City of Onkaparinga, Lorraine Rosenberg, states:
At the heart of our objection is Minister Rau's clear intent to remove local government from the planning system, which in turn denotes a loss of community influence and involvement in the management of their local places.
We believe that local government should be central to the success of a new planning system. We have the proven ability, processes and expertise to achieve this. We are best placed to understand our community and we always ensure that development policy reflects the character and culture of our places.
That is pretty straightforward, and those sentiments are reflected in other submissions. This submission is directed to all members of parliament, not just to me, and their plea with us is as follows, they say to members of parliament:
You are critical to the success of our communities in enabling them to have a voice on development proposals that will affect them. Together we need to stand up for our local communities and ensure that they continue to have the right to have a say on what is happening in their local community…It is essential that we work together on this crucial issue for our communities and we have developed information that will assist you in understanding the effect that this Bill will have on them.
I thank Lorraine Rosenberg and her staff for the comprehensive submission they have put in. I would also like to thank Bill Spragg, the Mayor of Adelaide Hills Council, for their detailed comprehensive submission with a spreadsheet. I will not go through all of the issues, but the themes are much the same: they are railing against what they call the denigration of the role of local government in the development assessment process. They say:
Our Council supports any changes to the planning and development system which will make the system operate simpler, better and faster. However, we have some significant concerns in relation to the essential principles and architecture of the reforms as outlined in the Bill...
Again, primarily the diminution of the local community role. The Barossa Council put in an extensive submission under the hand of the Mayor, Bob Sloane. I will not refer to that in detail, but it is very similar. The Yorke Peninsula Council forwarded to members of parliament their submission to the Local Government Association. Their concern is, as well as the ones raised already, around cost shifting between state and local government.
They also point out that the planning minister is gaining significant extra powers in relation to the planning process, but local councils will carry the burden of administration, finance and enforcement. We will deal with those issues when we come to some of the amendments. So, that is the Yorke Peninsula. The Adelaide City Council has a comprehensive submission. Lord Mayor Martin Haese states:
Council encourages reform that delivers efficiencies and benefits to business and the community but finds the lack of detail on the associated bodies of work and an implementation plan has made it difficult to reach a comprehensive position on the Bill.
This Bill is a significant piece of legislation that warrants careful, thoughtful and detailed consideration. The Council shares the opinion of other stakeholders in that there should be more time to fully consider the Bill before it progresses through parliament.
For this reason, Council calls on the State Government and members of Parliament to provide all stakeholders more time to fully consider the Bill before it progresses through parliament, particularly given the importance of the Bill and the long implementation phase of 3-5 years.
On the basis that the bill is before parliament they have provided some comments, but I think we need to heed their call. They have come to this conclusion a month after the bill was first tabled. What we have to remember is that these councils have access to considerable professional planning staff to provide them with advice. Members of parliament are not so lucky. I know that, certainly, members on the crossbench have struggled with some of the technical aspects of the bill. It is complicated stuff. If our premier local council, the Adelaide City Council, is saying that it is struggling with it, then I think we need to heed that advice and take our time.
The next local council is the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters. Again, it has put in a comprehensive submission. This is the council I mentioned also that had provided me with its statistics in relation to the developments it has approved in its municipality. For example, the number of development applications lodged usually number around the 1,000 mark. The value of those developments was $133.6 million in the last year. The proportion in a typical month is 221 approved, 10 refused. So, the councils are in the business of saying yes to reasonable development applications. The council in its letter to planning minister John Rau says:
The council considered the bill at its meeting on 6 October and generally welcomes the comprehensive review of South Australia's planning system and the overall aims of the bill. However, given that the bill represents the biggest overhaul of the planning system in more than 20 years, it is disappointing that key stakeholders in the planning system were not afforded sufficient time to review, understand and analyse the bill in detail.
The lack of a formal consultation process on the bill does not appear to meet the obligations of the state government's own reforming democracy policy statement released on 13 August 2015, in which the Premier stated, 'Our vision is for the government to make better decisions by bringing the voices of communities and stakeholders into the issues that are related to them.'
The council acknowledges that the bill is reflective of the state government's proposed reform agenda, and that the legislation provides a framework that is intended to provide a planning and development system which is easier to administer than the current system. However, the introduction of the bill into parliament without the supporting regulations and the planning and design code, which are integral to achieving the aims of the bill, means that it's not possible to provide meaningful comments on many aspects of the bill at this time.
I could go on as they have said more about community engagement, but you get the idea. Councils dealing with hundreds of millions of dollars, thousands of development applications, need more time to fully comprehend the provisions of the bill.
Mid Murray council put in a lengthy submission as well, which I will not refer to, but I thank Geoff Parsons, the Manager of Development Services, for sending that through. The City of West Torrens, Declan Moore, Deputy Chief Executive, made a detailed submission, and again very similar issues as raised by other councils, in particular the diminished role of local government. The Limestone Coast Local Government Association has written to us as follows:
The Limestone Coast Local Government Association is concerned that the timing of the debate on the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Bill provides very little opportunity for local government and the community to provide meaningful input into any discussion.
I am labouring the point, I guess, but here we have the biggest bill before parliament this year, the most complex bill, and I hope the government will see reason, but at present they are talking about pushing this through committee in the optional sitting week and, like I said, I will oppose that move, regardless of whether all the amendments have been lodged. In fact, once all the amendments are in, then we can start talking to local councils and other stakeholders about that.
I thank Berri Barmera council for its submission. The District Council of the Copper Coast has put in a submission. Then I come to the submissions that were made by community groups. In particular I have very much appreciated the support and advice I have been given by the Environmental Defenders Office. They have put forward a number of submissions. To declare my interest: as members know, I was the solicitor at the Environmental Defenders Office for 10 years, and I am a life member of the EDO and I value their input.
They are just biding time at the moment until a change of government at the federal level and until Legal Aid funding is reinstated. But they are not going anywhere; they are just doing it all on a shoestring at the moment. They have put quite an extensive submission forward. I will not go through it in detail now because it is largely technical in nature, but I will refer to that material when we do the committee debate in February next year.
I mentioned the Community Alliance, and there were a number of representatives in the gallery earlier today. They have put a detailed submission in and they have engaged the minister with this process the whole way through. They engaged Mr Brian Hayes the whole way through. They cannot be accused of having fudged their engagement, yet very little of what they have said has found its way into the legislation.
So I will be pushing amendments next year that are built around the two or three years that I have been working with this group and the various concerns that are born out of real life experiences such as the ones that I outlined at some length earlier. I will be working with the Community Alliance and I would urge members of the opposition and others to take heed of what they say as well.
One of their member groups, the Prospect Residents Association, have put in a submission, and again they are concerned about elected members being removed from development assessment panels. They are worried about the planning minister having too much control and they are worried about the emphasis on fast tracking approvals, which they say, and I agree, will lead to inappropriate developments being approved. They are concerned about the lack of consideration of social and environmental goals, similar to other groups.
The Friends of the City of Unley Society put a detailed submission in, and they make the point—and I think the Hon. David Ridgway might have made the same point as well—that this bill extends to well beyond the recommendations that were made by the expert panel, gives far more power to the minister than was envisaged and, if this bill passes in its current form, will result in a sense of community disenfranchisement and will not assist in addressing social needs and objectives. The Friends of Willunga Basin have written to me and, like a lot of groups, they are saying that they appreciate that after 22 years it is time to review the planning system but, as they say:
We believe there are elements of the bill which push the envelope too far and which are not favourable or desirable from a community standpoint. They remind us that being a developer per se neither bestows great wisdom in all the circumstances nor guarantees good design or good taste and that the community has to live with the consequences of bad design and bad planning decisions for a generation or more.
They make the point that 'The broader community has a right to be involved in, and have input into, decisions which have long-term effects on matters of local interest and concern'—Geoff Hayter, Chair of Friends of Willunga Basin. I think in terms of the community submissions, that is all I will refer to.
I mentioned earlier that I have spent some time recently with the Urban Development Institute, the Housing Industry Association and the Property Council. I also have a detailed submission from the Master Builders Association, the group that was actively tweeting from the public gallery earlier in the day. Good on them for engaging in parliamentary debate.
The Hon. David Ridgway went through those submissions in some detail so I do not need to, but I just make the point, as I said earlier on: why is the government rushing this bill? Which stakeholders are urging them to rush it through this week or next? None of them. Not these industry groups and developer lobbies; they are not urging the bill to be rushed through. The community groups certainly aren't and local government certainly isn't.
I do not know whether the Hon. David Ridgway has some inside knowledge that the planning minister is not long for his portfolio and needs this chalked on his belt before he retires. It is not a rumour I have heard and the advisers are looking bemused, so they have not heard it either. The government has still not put any justification forward other than they are sick of talking about it and they want it passed. If that is the only justification, it is not good enough and I am not going to accept it.
The final thing that I want to do in the brief time allocated to me is to talk about some of the amendments. I am not in any position to talk about the government amendments that we have had for an hour or so, but I can at least give some indication of the types of amendments that I will be moving. he fact that I have to shuffle so many papers around shows that a forest of trees has gone into this bill and we need to repay the environment by getting a good bill.
Parliamentary counsel is currently working on my table of amendments. I will not go through the 15 pages of the amendments in this spreadsheet, but I will go through some of the key ones that I am keen to see addressed. One of them is perhaps a curious one, but it goes to the heart of the matter in terms of the definition of 'development'. There is a legal dispute underway at the moment between a bricks and mortar greengrocer shop and a so-called farmers' market. The greengrocer says that the farmers' market stalls are all shops and that a collection of farmers' market stalls is a shopping centre and, therefore, they need to get planning approval.
I will declare an interest as a member of the Adelaide Showground Farmers' Market. I am a big fan of farmers' markets. I think anything that can help break the Coles and Woolworths duopoly is a good thing. We need more diversity and we need more competition, but I think we also need to have a good look at the definition of 'development' to make sure that temporary structures such as the farmers' market in the car park of the Old Spot Hotel does not actually infringe the Development Act. That is just a simple one to have a look at.
The bill does recognise, in clause 11, some special legislative schemes. We need to make sure that the Adelaide Park Lands Act is one of those legislative schemes. It was basically a scheme designed to protect the Parklands from the misuse of the Development Act. Back in clause 4, the concept of change of use of land is being modified. We need to make sure that this concept of use class is not used to basically allow significant changes to take place that impact on communities without it having to go back through an assessment process.
The government would say that is exactly what they are trying to achieve, but you only have to think about it. You might have something that is a shop, and there are some shops where you would have hundreds of customers at all hours of the day and night and you have other shops where you get three customers a day. They are all shops, but they have very different impacts. I am concerned that the government tinkering with the change of use rules could result in communities being subjected to significantly different impacts without the development having to go through a proper process.
I mentioned the objects of the act. I want to put the environmental and social considerations back in there. Call me old fashioned, but 'ecologically sustainable development' still works for me. They might be the form of words that we need. The State Planning Commission in clause 17 is supposedly at arm's length from the minister, but there is a curious provision in there which says that the planning commission is obliged to take into account a particular government policy or a particular principle or matter specified by the minister. To me, that says, in the wrong hands, the minister can dictate what they need to do. The minister just needs to develop policy or principles and then oblige the State Planning Commission to take them into account. I do not think they are sufficiently arm's length. No doubt, when I have my briefing with the minister's staff on Friday, they will tell me why I am wrong, but I am not sure I am.
When it comes to the citizens' participation charter, like I said, this has the potential to be quite good, with the main proviso that it is completely inadequate, in that it is focusing on engagement in policy and ignoring engagement in development assessment. However, there are a couple of other principles additional to the ones that are there. It says that 'members of the community should have reasonable, meaningful and ongoing opportunities to participate in relevant planning'. There are some extra principles in there: 'timely' I think is one. Simple word: 'timely'. Think about it. I mentioned the situation with the Mayfield development where the public consultation was two weeks after the final decision had been made. That is hardly timely.
The other thing I would like to incorporate into that is that this idea of participation also needs to incorporate access to information, because there is not much point participating in something if you have been denied key access. There is a range of new principles we could put in there, and one principle that I have always subscribed to is that if you are genuine about community engagement then members of the community should have access to the same information that the decision-maker has.
I do not know about other members of parliament, but I have certainly presented at various bodies and one, I remember, was the Native Vegetation Council. I knew they had a report in front of them but they would not tell me what was in it, and I said, 'Look, my ability to meaningfully participate depends on me knowing what's in that report.' They said, 'No, we're not going to tell you what is in the report. Tell us what you think.' Given that the report was a technical ecologist's report, it was very difficult for me to actually engage. So members of the public should have access to the same information as decision-makers.
I mentioned earlier that the emphasis must be on routine publishing of the information, not requiring people to go to lengths to obtain it for themselves. In other words, put it out there, put it on the portal, put it on the website. In relation to that, I think some legislation, in the earlier days of the interwebs, had this notion that people would be charged for online information. Certainly, particular newspapers—and The Australian springs to mind—like to charge after you have read your first, I think, three articles. We need to make sure that this online planning portal is free; I am happy to accept payment on a cost recovery basis for hard copies or for discs, but online should always be free.
The provision in the Citizen Engagement Charter that talks about community engagement should be weighted towards engagement at an early stage and scaled back when dealing with settled or advanced policy—delete that. Cross that out. It is the wrong policy approach. Similarly, delete the provision in clause 44 that provides that the charter must not relate to the assessment of development applications. I think it should relate to both. In terms of the preparation of the charter, under this new model there are various planning documents that will be subject, notionally, to disallowance by the gatekeeper, being the ERD committee. I want to make sure that the charter is included in those documents and, as I said earlier, I want to bypass the ERD committee as well.
I mentioned the planning portal, and I think that is quite exciting. I like the idea of the routine publishing of planning information. I hate having to front at the counter and argue with counter staff about my right to look at documents; it is almost mediaeval, the way they do that. We need to make sure that provisions that enable the minister to prohibit or restrict information are not abused. Currently, under clause 52 all the minister has to do is put something on the Government Gazette saying that certain information is prohibited, restricted or limited. He does not have to give reasons, and I think that power needs to be constrained. I mentioned that clause 53, the Freedom of Information Act, needs to be written back in rather than removed.
There are a couple of principles that I think are quite important. They are all important, but the one I really want to spend just a bit of time talking about—I have done parliamentary scrutiny, and early commencement, which is the new name for interim operation, I have mentioned already—the one that I think is really fundamental, is clause 95. This goes to the heart of the matter because, as I said before, you have two elements in this planning regime: you have planning policy, and then you have individual development decisions, and the link between them is that the decision about an individual development application should, in some measure, be consistent with the planning policy.
The words that have been used for the last 22 years are that a development should not be approved if it is 'seriously at variance' with the planning scheme. Those have been the words: 'seriously at variance'. Sometimes those words have worked well and sometimes they have been a complete failure. Ask the people of Unley Road whether a seven-storey building is 'seriously at variance' with a maximum of five storeys and they will tell you that it is. Could they do anything about it? No, because they were denied the right to appeal because it was a category 2, which meant no appeals. Let's look at what the government has got in the bill at present. They have done away with the 'seriously at variance' test and the new test is:
…the development is assessed as being appropriate after taking into account—
(i) the relevant provisions of the Planning Rules;
I will just say that again:
…the development is assessed as being appropriate after taking into account—
(i) the relevant provisions of the Planning Rules;
That is far weaker than the 'seriously at variance' test. All the development has to be is 'appropriate'. There is no rigour in that at all and the planning rules just have to be taken into account. They do not have to be followed.
I have to say that whilst there is one part of me which is very sympathetic to a flexible outcome-driven planning system of assessment, performance based, the fact that it has been abused so badly over the years says, 'Bring back black-letter law. Bring back a law that says that five means five, that 10 metres means 10 metres and does not mean 15 metres.'
That is what the community is now clamouring for. They want black-letter law written back into the planning system. The planners do not necessarily like that because they want flexibility to be able to approve innovative solutions to complex problems, but the community has been ripped off so often that they want to go back to black-letter law. We do need to have a look at the language and at whether these planning rules are rules at all, or are they guidelines or are they just vague things to be taken into account and potentially ignored.
My current solution is that the words 'seriously at variance' should be modified and the new words should be 'at variance'. Anything 'at variance' with the planning scheme should not be approved. That is a tougher standard. It means that when you write 'five storeys' into a planning scheme, it damn well means five storeys; it does not mean seven or eight or nine. We know that developers are going to push the envelope.
Maybe—and this is why we need more time to consult on amendments—the deal is that five storeys go through as a complying-type of development and any pushing of the envelope goes to full public consultation and appeal rights. Maybe that is the solution: anything that exceeds the parameters automatically is the equivalent of what is now category 3 appeal rights. Maybe that is the solution. I am happy to talk about that with the government, but at present my current solution is to replace the word 'appropriate', as that is too weak, and go back to the 'seriously at variance' test but drop off the word 'seriously'.
There are various other amendments as well, and I pointed out earlier that I have reprised all the old bills I have introduced over the years and incorporated them as well. I know parliamentary counsel is working hard. They are working into the night on the amendments but, as I say, even if I do manage to get all my amendments finalised by tomorrow or the next day, I am still going to insist on this bill being deferred. I think it is an insult to the Legislative Council.
As I pointed out, every stakeholder is on our side, and if minister Rau wants to have a media war about the upper house obstructing government legislation I can tell him where the hearts and minds are going to be. He is not going to win that one. He has everyone out there against him, not wanting this bill rushed through at this stage. As I have said, it is the most important bill we are dealing with this year, and we have a great opportunity to get a good planning system in place.
I am supportive of rewriting the 22-year-old Development Act, but I do not want to replace it with something worse. I am in the hands of the chamber as to how we proceed. My feeling is that it will be a far more constructive debate if we do it properly next year, and I certainly hope that the government will see reason. I hope that the opposition—who have previously indicated that they were similarly inclined to leave this to next year—stick by their guns as well and that we do not see an unholy rush during this optional sitting week, which is guaranteed to make mistakes and, as I said, guaranteed to not get a final bill anyway because we will be passing amendments, there are potentially going to be deadlocks, and there is no way that this is going to be done and dusted. One final thing I will say is that—
The Hon. R.I. Lucas: Hear, hear!
The Hon. M.C. PARNELL: I can say more if the Hon. Rob Lucas wants. The minister's staffers have sent a note through and pointed out to us that another bill is on its way in the new year. To quote from the email:
For your information please also note that the department continue to compile a set of minor/technical miscellaneous amendments to the bill, which amendments the minister has foreshadowed may be moved during a further necessary implementation bill in the new year.
I am thinking that we had all those amendments in the lower house, we have just had 72 or whatever it is in the upper house and the department is admitting that there are still things that it has not got right and they are going to have to have a further necessary implementation bill in the new year. My invitation to the government is, 'Don't bother with that. Let's get this bill right. Let's get it right over summer and let's come back in February,' and I look forward to the committee stage of the debate then.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT (21:00): I will speak briefly this evening to the second reading of this bill and indicate that I appreciate the government briefing provided to my office on 23 September, I believe it was, and the additional briefing by Mr Chris Kwong and Mr Matthew Loader to my staff last week.
Before I go any further, there are several people I would like to thank. I particularly thank parliamentary counsel for drafting the many amendments we have before us (Dignity for Disability's included, which I will talk about shortly) and all the staff who have worked very hard on this very lengthy and very detailed bill. I would also like to thank the other staff who are assisting not only with this bill but with the general running of parliament. The reason I want to do this is that I was reminded of how we members are not the only ones who make sacrifices by sitting into the evening to discuss these important and lengthy issues.
Of course, we have Hansard here fulfilling a very important role and creating a public record of everything that is said, but the reason I want to mention this specifically is that during the dinner break I wandered into the library, as I am known to do, and got talking to Bianca, one of the research librarians. Tonight is the first night ever that Bianca has not been home to say goodnight to her two and four-year-old children. So I would like to put on the record my thanks to all the staff who have worked very hard on this bill and who keep parliament running to make sure that we can give these important issues the consideration they deserve.
This is certainly the most significant piece of legislation considered by this parliament this year, particularly in terms of length. Although other issues, such as improving the justice system for all people, including people with disabilities, have been a very important priority for Dignity for Disability, we are certainly keen to give this adequate consideration. As the key plank of a year-long process of planning law reform, this bill demands careful and detailed consideration in this place.
It is clear from the number and variety of organisations and interest groups that have lobbied my office, and certainly other offices as well—we have heard a number of them mentioned by the Hon. Mr Parnell—that it has prompted a range of concerns. I would like to place on the record some of the concerned people and organisations who have taken the time to contact me. They include:
Frank and Margaret Hardbottle;
Alex and Kim Paschero;
Jennifer Comley;
Dr Jonathan Deakin;
Kristina Barnett; and
Graham Webster.
Also, the following residents groups:
The Community Alliance South Australia;
Friends of the City of Unley Society;
Prospect Residents Association;
Local government;
The City of Adelaide;
The City of Marion;
The City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters;
The City of Onkaparinga;
The City of West Torrens; and
The Local Government Association of South Australia.
I also thank the property development peak bodies:
Master Builders South Australia;
Property Council of South Australia; and
The Urban Development Institute of Australia SA Branch.
Members of my staff also met with Community Alliance's Carolyn Wigg and Tom Matthews, and a staff member also represented me at the forum organised by Community Alliance, which was held at the Burnside Town Hall on 21 October. I do apologise that I was not able to be there, but I am very thankful to my staff for representing me, so that I could hear about the concerns raised at what I understand was a very active and important meeting.
I understand, of course, that the planning minister and Deputy Premier John Rau, shadow planning minister Griffiths and the Hon. Mr Parnell also spoke at that event. With the exception of the planning minister, I understand that the all of these people and organisations I have mentioned have advised me that they do not support all of this bill or some of it in its current form.
To summarise, community representatives are certainly worried that the effect of the bill would be to exclude residents and councillors from the planning approval process, and developers are worried about limits to urban growth and the impact of the proposed infrastructure delivery scheme. I am certainly carefully considering each of the concerns raised. In addition to acknowledging the range of concerns received, I say that this bill in its current form is missing out on several opportunities, not least of which is the opportunity to give prominence to the principle of universal design, also known as universal accessibility or accessibility for all.
I stressed the importance of universal design in my submission on behalf of Dignity for Disability in our submission to the Expert Panel on Planning Reform in February of this year. In that submission we cited the National Disability Strategy to which South Australia is of course a signatory. It specifically refers to universal design in chapter 1 on inclusive and accessible communities. In addition, as members would know, if not from their own background then from my repeated contributions in this place on the subject, that Australia is also of course party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), which defines universal design as:
…the design of products, environments, programmes and services to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. 'Universal design' shall not exclude assistive devices for particular groups of persons with disabilities where this is needed.
Members may recall that in 2012 I had the great privilege to have the opportunity to visit Norway, where universal design was first introduced as a planning concept, as I understand it, in 1997. For the record, just to be blunt and to illustrate how far behind South Australia is on the topic of universal design, in 1997 I was nine years old; in fact, universal design principles are incorporated into the objects clause and a number of provisions of Norway's Planning and Building Act 2008, as I understand the title is translated.
When I was in Oslo, I visited the Norwegian national parliament, which happened to be undergoing a major building renovation. This may sound familiar to members, because it was around the same time that this same parliament was having some renovations done of its own. However, there was a stark difference in my experience of visiting the Norwegian parliament while it was being renovated. It starkly contrasted to my experience of visiting this very parliament of which I am a member, because, notwithstanding the disruption of the renovations, I and any other wheelchair or mobility aid user, parent with a pram, elderly person on a walker, and so on, entered the building through the same door as everyone else.
When I mentioned to people in that parliament, when I was visiting—either staff members or members of parliament I spoke to, or even just tourists and visitors to the parliament—that currently in my own workplace, the Parliament of South Australia, I was entering through the basement car park, they quite frankly could not believe that to be true and certainly could not believe that they would accept that in their country where universal design is now in legislation as a beneficial planning concept.
Not to minimise the fact that we have come a long way with design in this building—and I certainly do not want to downplay the hard work that has been done there—I think this one relatively simple example shows that still we have a long way to go, not just in this parliament but in the entire state.
I understand that the Norwegian government has an action plan for Norway to be entirely universally designed by 2025, and given that many cities in Norway are some hundreds of years older than our dear old Adelaide, I think it is time that we stopped using the excuse that Adelaide is just an old city and that is the way things are.
Universal design is particularly important not only from a perspective of enabling social inclusion, but also for the economy. Ireland has, in recent years, renewed its entire public bus fleet, making, as I understand it, all buses accessible to mobility aid users, elderly people, parents with prams and so on, by ensuring that all buses have the ability to 'kneel', so to speak, lower to kerb level to allow easier entry as there is no step to get over.
I understand that the nation of Ireland and the government of Ireland underwent this replacement of its entire bus fleet in the midst of the global financial crisis, which is generally a time during which one might not have expected to see these types of large projects undertaken. But Ireland did and they did it because they recognise, as Australia and the state of South Australia should, that universal design is good sense and an investment in the future of the state and the nation.
I understand that it worked out to be cheaper in the long run to replace the entire bus fleet, as I understand it worked out to be less expensive to deal with a single contractor providing all the buses, rather than several contractors providing different buses for different fleets.
By removing environmental barriers such as steps, narrow doorways and so on, universal design makes it easier for people with disabilities to become consumers of goods and services and to find employment opportunities. Of course, it makes sense that if we are able to enter your business or your store, you are more likely to get us as customers and therefore have us spending our money there.
This is certainly one of the reasons that Dignity for Disability was very disheartened and quite vocal about the Adelaide City Council shopfront renewal scheme earlier in the year—I forget the exact title, but I think members know what I am referring to. Although it did have some provisions for accessibility, what was promoted in terms of the glossy brochures and the front pages of the brochure and so on was the ability to give your shop a fresh lick of paint or get some funky and relatively uncomfortable hipster chairs in there.
All these things are very welcome, of course; we want to keep our shops updated and nice looking, but I think there is also a strong argument to make that one can only enjoy that fresh lick of paint if one can actually get in the door. Certainly, when I took that perspective to the media on behalf of Dignity for Disability, I was contacted with supporting comments not only from people with disabilities but also from parents whose young children still use a pram and who said that they felt I was speaking directly for them and about their experience when we took that perspective.
I think that we do need to stop seeing this as something that is an 'us and them' issue. I am very frustrated when in 2015 I still hear disability talked about using the term 'special needs', because 20 per cent of the population currently has a disability, plus those who will acquire it through the ageing process or surviving accident or injury, plus parents with prams, and people with—
The Hon. S.G. Wade: Sports injuries.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: —sports injuries (thank you, Mr Wade), a variety of health conditions, temporary injuries and so on. It becomes less and less 'special' and more about all of us.
I would like to read a short quote from an article entitled 'Should business care about universal design?' which was written by Lee Wilson and published just today, I understand, on architecture, design and construction site, sourceable.net. The quote reads thus:
The Australian Network on Disability (AND) identified the opportunity this emerging market presented. AND believes corporate social responsibility is an important contributor to the success of long-term business, and that it should be viewed in a strategic business sense rather than simply being a 'feel-good' factor.
AND adds that people with disability 'show commitment and loyalty that is unsurpassed,' which surely is a market worth catering for. People with disability represent close to 20 per cent of the Australian population and one in three people either have a disability or are likely to be close to someone with a disability.
In terms of the ageing population, 20 per cent of the population will be over 65 years of age by 2030. This proportion of society could have a significant impact on how successful a business is, both now and into the future. They spend like everyone else, and universal design (or how suitable, adaptable or usable a 'thing' is) will increasingly become a factor in a person's decision making process.
So when we ask 'should businesses care about universal design?' I believe the answer is an unequivocal 'yes, they can't afford not to.'
Dignity for Disability would also argue that there is a strong cost saving to be made in building accessibility for all people into public spaces inherently, that is, during the planning process, rather than as an afterthought. To demonstrate this, I would like to quote from the federal government's. Accessibility Design Guide: Universal design principles for Australia's aid program. This is from section 3.6 of this document, Accessibility Design Guide, titled 'Cost of not incorporating universal design' and the quote reads thus:
The cost of not incorporating universal design can be significant. Inaccessible environments limit economic education, health, social and other opportunities for people with disability, and make them more dependent on others.
It is important to consider the following three components when working with universal design. Each component can affect the economic viability of family units and contribute to a cycle of poverty:
direct costs for people with disability, including access to services such as travel;
indirect costs to support persons and/or family members of people with disability; and
opportunity costs of forgone income for people with disability.
Again, universal design is not only about allowing us to get into businesses and to venues to spend money, but about enabling us to get into the workforce to actually get that money to spend. I believe, certainly, that the inaccessibility of the workforce is a major barrier to people with disabilities entering it. We know that fewer people who are identified as having disabilities are employed in the public sector than there were 20 years ago, and Dignity for Disability certainly believes that the attitudinal barriers which lead to the material barriers are a significant contributor to this.
I am often, if not constantly, frustrated by what I have termed, perhaps not so endearingly, the cycle of inaccessibility where we do not make a business or a venue accessible, so people with those needs do not come. As a result of them not presenting at the venue, we do not see the need to change it, so we do not make it accessible and we go back to the first point in the cycle.
There is also an argument, of course, that building these things into the plan saves money because not only can retrofitting be expensive when access is an afterthought but also it does not necessarily deliver the best results. If members need any further proof of this, I suggest they hop onto Google and enter the search terms 'epic ramp fail' or 'epic accessibility fail', an 'epic fail' of course being the internet term for when someone fails spectacularly badly at something.
There used to be, or they may well still be, an entire blog called 'Epic ramp fail', but I have not been able to drag it up today. Anyway, if you enter those search terms 'epic ramp fail' or 'epic accessibility fail', you will certainly find some doozies. Looking at them, I am never sure whether to laugh or cry. I will just do my best to describe a couple of them. I am not very good at visual description, but bear with me, Hansard.
Just so you get an idea, the examples include, but are sadly not limited to, ramps with two steps leading up to them, or a ramp with three steps at the end of it, or an accessible car park which, while technically is the appropriate width for an accessible car park, has a pillar in the middle of it so that you could probably barely open your car door if you parked there, much less have enough space to get out a walker or a wheelchair.
A personal favourite of mine, which I have had the great misfortune of seeing several times in the flesh, so to speak, rather than just on Google, is a sign out the front of a building reading, quote, 'Wheelchair ramp available: inquire within'. Some members might not get that immediately, but just sit with it for a moment and let it sink in. I am sure the realisation will wash over you shortly.
This is exactly what happens when we do not consider accessibility as an imperative from both a social and economic perspective. As a society, as that earlier quote I read out said, we cannot afford not to do this. We have an ageing population. We have more people surviving accidents, thanks to advancements in medical technology, who are acquiring and living with disabilities long into the future as a result, so we need to get this right and we need to invest in South Australia's social and economic future now. Universal design is one way of doing that very strongly, and the Norwegian experience shows us that it can and must be done.
Moving on for a while, part 2 of the bill relates to its objects, planning principles and general responsibilities. One of the high-quality design principles states, inter alia, that the public realm should be designed to be accessible. Dignity for Disability certainly has no argument with that principle, but we would argue that it does not nearly go far enough, given those arguments I have just made about universal design.
In a bill of some 84,000 words, one mention of accessible public spaces—that is, accessible to all people, not just those who have those needs now but who will in the future—does not give significant weight to this principle and this need and the benefits of it. It is certainly not enough to change the mindset of planners, providers and assessors of our built environment, and this is why Dignity for Disability is working on a small handful of amendments, in comparison to the—are you up to 84, Mr Parnell?
The Hon. M.C. Parnell: I have lost count.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: The Hon. Mr Parnell says he has lost count, and to an extent you can't blame him. We have only a small handful of amendments in comparison to the 70 or 80 that we already have before us, but we think they are, nonetheless, very important in enshrining, in this bill, an opportunity for South Australia to play catch-up and then, hopefully, lead the way for the rest of the nation in the adoption of universal design. I understand that those amendments are still being circulated. We are still reaching some compromise with the wording, so I apologise that we do not have them before members at this stage, but we will very shortly, and I thank them for their patience.
My experience tells me that the current reliance on the minimum requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act, now incorporated into the Building Code of Australia, is not enough to ensure that buildings and public spaces are genuinely and generally accessible to people of all abilities and needs. In conversations with people responsible for a particular building entry or bathroom that is not quite accessible for someone who uses a wheelchair, I and my staff often hear the response (as do many people in the disability community), 'But we have met the requirements of the code.'
In other words, designers and builders are being judged on whether certain parts of their building or infrastructure have certain dimensions rather than whether people with disabilities, older people or parents with strollers, for example, can actually enter and use the shop in an autonomous and dignified self-directed way. The design of accessible buildings, therefore, tends to be done to the lowest common denominator rather than aspiring to excellence.
As another example of this, I will quickly share this story. Many hotels I stay in have accessible rooms and they may well be accessible in terms of handrails and things like that, but there is nothing necessarily in the Building Code that says perhaps if this is a wheelchair-accessible room you should put the control panel for the air conditioner where someone in a seated position can actually reach it, or put the cups so that a person with a disability can get a glass of water without having to go down to the lobby and ask someone to come up to their room and get a glass down for them.
I had a recent experience in Canberra, probably a few months ago now. I tend to think of everything that was not yesterday as last week because the year is slipping away from us. I was presenting at a forum on access to the justice system for people with disabilities and talking about the work that Dignity for Disability and this parliament as a whole has done. Everything was good, and I got on the handrails and jumped in the shower, and then realised that I could not actually reach the tap from the shower bench because it was certainly beyond my arm length. I do not have the longest arms in the world but, certainly, I can imagine it would have been very difficult for anyone, particularly because you cannot necessarily just get up and walk over to the tap because, call me crazy, but I tend not to take my wheelchair into the shower.
The Hon. G.E. Gago: It's hard to ring room service from there, too.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: As the Hon. Ms Gago interjects, it is hard to order room service from there, too.
The Hon. G.E. Gago: From the shower.
The Hon. K.L. VINCENT: From the shower, yes. Fortunately, I did work out a solution, but the point I am making is we should be creating a society where these things are a matter of course. I do not want to hit members over the head with the point but I think that we need to look at this from a tourism perspective as well, and this is certainly something that Dignity for Disability is in conversation with the tourism minister in the other place about, in terms of the economic benefits of promoting South Australia as a tourist destination for all people, particularly people who may be older and travelling post retirement.
Again, it can be done and it does bring results. As I said, when I was travelling in Scandinavia, I visited a particular chain of hotels and chose those hotels because they had a specific disability liaison officer whom you could talk with if you had any concerns. You could certainly tell that that was leading to excellent results because not only was I able to get a glass of water, reach the microwave, get in and out of bed, get in and out of the shower and not have to order my room service from there because I got stuck but they also had things like vibrating alarm clocks for people who had either been deaf all their life or had lost hearing, particularly, I suppose through ageing. There are many examples of where this can be beneficial to many people, rather than those who are crudely and inaccurately termed as having special needs.
Perhaps this legislation offers a chance to introduce a public interest test for genuine accessibility that is integrated into good design of our buildings and the public realm. To this end, accessibility should be given the same prominence in this bill as its existing objects and its planning principles under the headings of: long-term focus; urban renewal; high quality design; activation and liveability; sustainability; investment facilitation; and integrated delivery.
As another example of the need for high quality design and liveability of public spaces—and I did say that I would not hit members over the head, but unfortunately there are many examples I can give as to where South Australia is falling behind on the benefits of accessibility—members may recall that 19 November this year (as it is every year, I understand) was World Toilet Day. Generally, the United Nations uses this designated day to promote the fact that millions, if not billions, of people all over the world do not have adequate access to sanitation facilities, including toilets.
It was wrongly labelled in the media a couple of times as 'public toilet day', which is not accurate, because it is actually trying to promote the fact that many people in many countries do not even have access to a toilet, let alone a public one. But, anyway, on this occasion Dignity for Disability used World Toilet Day in the South Australian context to highlight in the media the needs of the 14,000 South Australian adults who require some form of assistance—be it assistance in a material way through the provision of a larger space, handrails and so on, or assistance from another person, or a mixture of the two—to use the bathroom.
Dignity for Disability promotes the provision of Changing Places, which are bathrooms equipped for adults who need such assistance, as well as younger people. To put it somewhat crudely just to help members to understand, Changing Places are basically a current accessible bathroom, with the handrails and so on, on steroids. So, it has all the same features, such as the extra space and the handrails, but it also has some additional features, including a hoist (so that if somebody needs a hoist to get on and off the toilet, they can use that) but also, I think most interestingly, an adult-sized change table.
I think many people either do not know or forget that there are people who are beyond the age and size of an infant who still require change tables to autonomously and in a dignified manner access the public realm. Currently, none of these Changing Places facilities exist in South Australia, while Victoria has several, and there is even one in Darwin.
As an illustrator of the effect of not having these facilities, Dignity for Disability is in regular contact with constituents who either feel extremely limited in the number of venues they are able to visit and spend their money at, or they are forced to change on the floor of a public toilet. I hope I do not have to explain to members why that is a concern.
I know that the Adelaide City Council in particular is keen to take up Dignity for Disability's proposals in getting a Changing Places—hopefully several—in South Australia, and I certainly thank them for that. But, I raise it again in this place because we still have a long way to go.
Universal design should also be given equal weight as the other considerations for the various planning instruments provided in this bill—in particular, the foreshadowed design quality policy, the planning and design code, and design standards. I note that, within the bill's provisions for the proposed planning and design code, local heritage and significant trees are each considered worthy of a clause. The planning minister and his staff have argued that the objective of universal design does not merit inclusion in this bill as it can be dealt with in one or more subsidiary planning instruments.
I respectfully submit that in promoting universal design—that is, the design of buildings and public spaces to be accessible to all our citizens as well as friends, family—there is evidence to suggest that the average person with a disability travels in a group of between two and eight people, so it is not only about us; it is about our friends, our family and the interstate and perhaps even international visitors we may and will bring with us. I respectfully submit that this group is at least as worthy of consideration as the conservation of our local heritage or the safeguarding of our significant trees.
Call me naive, and tell me I do not understand heritage, but from my perspective, to an extent, providing for greater accessibility is about respecting the heritage of existing venues in the state because it gives them a future and enables more and more people in the future to go into that place, be it a museum, be it Ayers House, or be it this very parliament, which has undergone significant changes in recent times. I like to think that that is a way of honouring this parliament because it has given it a future. It has given it the opportunity to be more diverse and more reflective of South Australia as a result. Call me crazy, but I think that should be the job of this parliament and/or others now and long into the future.
That said, Dignity for Disability will support the second reading of this bill and looks forward to the committee stage of debate. As I indicated earlier, we have drafted some amendments which are still being negotiated upon. We are also currently carefully considering the many amendments we have before us and do hope, as was illustrated by the Hon. Mark Parnell, that this parliament will be given adequate time to give this important issue the consideration it deserves.
Debate adjourned on motion of Hon. G.A. Kandelaars.