Legislative Council: Wednesday, February 05, 2025


Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex

In reply to the Hon. T.A. FRANKS ().12 November 2024).

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, Special Minister of State): The Minister for Planning has advised:

1. The Whalers Way Orbital Launch Complex project was approved by the Minister for Planning having carefully considered the relevant environmental, economic and social factors.

2. The amount of water used for each launch will depend on the size of the rocket, with the largest rockets using up to 50,000 litres (noting that most of this water would be recaptured).

Water demand would be met by a variety of ways, including trucking water to the site, use of available bore water on site and the collection of rainfall run-off.

3. The SA Water network does not extend to the site, so the mains water supply sourced from the Uley Basin, or the River Murray would not directly service the facility.